#[ Midnight Scout: Minchan ]
warsinmyhead · 10 months
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"I thought you were focused on your group! Why are you thinking about me?!"
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warsinmyhead · 9 months
I can help with that (jimin and minchan)
x | meme status: accepting!
Jimin's pretty sure his ears are still red after today's mission. Normally he leaves the seduction to Agent Chonggak, but the latter needed some back-up as getting the information from their target was not as easy. The target's colleague, a fellow dancer, had taken a strong interest in him and he barely managed to make it out of there without a boner.
"It's always the ones you least expect to have the good stuff," the dancer's words swimming in his head.
He made a face as he made it inside his apartment and closed the door a bit louder than he should have.
"What's the matter? Rough day at work? Are you getting sick?" Minchan asked as he rose from his stool at the counter, one hand quickly closing his laptop with the scheduling program up.
"Work was...interesting," Jimin managed to get out with a wince. "Remind me to avoid strip clubs in the future. One dancer kept trying to get me in a chair and well..." He shook his head and groaned.
Minchan slowly approached the quartermaster and hooked his fingers into the other's belt loops to tug him closer. "Well, I can't dance like that, but you want any help with that *problem*?"
"I–wait, you sure?"
"You're not the only one who could use something to help unwind," Minchan confessed. "So, couch? Bed? Shower?"
"Bed would be better."
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warsinmyhead · 10 months
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"so you finally make it home. I feel like I have been in this position for an eternity" Minchan said as Jimin walked in. "Also guess who has some Extended time off?"
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"Work is unpredictable - I warned you that before we got serious," Jimin reminded him. He shook his head at the other male's position and put his bag down.
"I'm guessing you do?"
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warsinmyhead · 10 months
Minchan smiled he was glad the flowers had made it. He looked at his watch then thought. "I mean i can cook for us not as well as you but I can. Or if you want we can do a restaurant"
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"I'm not picky – I can also pick-up something and bring it to your company's building," Jimin responded. "There's a place that keeps bragging they make New York pizza but I wasn't sure if that's hype or if they were serious. I almost took my American colleague, but decided against it."
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warsinmyhead · 10 months
*flower with a note arrived*
Jimin so sorry I have been so busy. Dinner tonight?
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The vase at his doorstep caught him by surprise and he can't help but do a quick scan with his Kingsman-issued glasses to make sure everything checks out as safe.
Satisfied that the vase and the beautiful arrangement were safe to handle and enjoy, he picked up the vase and read the card that came with them.
He straightened up and shook his head with a smile as he used his keys to unlock his apartment with one hand and the other carried the vase inside.
He placed the vase on the kitchen counter and his phone buzzed in his pocket.
"Did it come yet, or is the tracking off again?" Minchan asked.
"The flowers? Yes thank you," Jimin replied as he put his keys on the counter by the vase. "When you say 'dinner', do you want me cook and bring it to you, or should we find a restaurant?"
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warsinmyhead · 11 months
Belated Birthday Gift for his Clueless Boyfriend
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warsinmyhead · 1 year
Jimin Tag Dump
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warsinmyhead · 10 months
"Are you in there?"
x | meme status: accepting!
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Was this all going to work? Briggs told him he needed to be a little selfish and find happiness, whatever that meant, but their work isn't the safest profession in the world. Hell, he's not sure how his aunt and uncle would react if a colleague knocked on their door and delivered the bad news about their nephew being killed in action. But a little optimistic side of Jimin was thinking about Minchan, maybe this could all work out.
"Are you in there?" a familiar voice asked.
Jimin blinked and saw Minchan was leaning in his direction, looking for a sign that Jimin was paying attention.
"I'm so sorry about that," Jimin apologized as he shook it off.
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warsinmyhead · 5 years
@seoulxsinners​ | continued from x
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This guy...
Jimin took a deep breath as he resumed making dinner for them, shaking his head. Sometimes he had to wonder everyone was trying to get him bedded before he reached his thirties. 
“Why is it that you’re so eager to bed me?”
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warsinmyhead · 5 years
yowza from minchan to jimin
x | meme status: accepting!
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“You sure it’s not the temperature outside?”
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warsinmyhead · 5 years
🗻 to jimin
x | meme status: accepting!
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His head whipped toward the other male at the mention of vacation. Surprised was an understatement – he has forgotten how long ago it was since he last took vacation. Merlin hinted he should look into taking a day or two for a few weeks as his limit was approaching. 
“Are you speaking with my superior in the UK now?” he asked Minchan. “A few weeks ago, he said I was getting close to the limit of max time I can accrue.” 
He leaned back in his seat and looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well it would be nice to get away from the pollution and madness here in Seoul. Where are we going?”
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warsinmyhead · 6 years
CLOSED for @seoulxsinners
[ SMS: Minchan ] I’m so sorry for dragging you into my life. [ SMS: Minchan ] You deserve better than a guy who could be dead the next day. 
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warsinmyhead · 5 years
Headcanons” + Jimin
x | meme status: accepting!
Both worry a bit about each other. For Minchan, it’s the question of Jimin coming home safely in one piece, as well as the quartermaster still caring about him. Jimin’s concern is making sure Minchan is getting enough sleep and food in a packed schedule where he’s managing tons of idols and scouting new talent. 
Sometimes Jimin will bring dinner to Minchan, along with some for the band members. A few may have jokingly considered him their mom, since he takes care of everyone.
Occasionally on the odd time Minchan has free, he’s paid a visit to the Seoul Kingsman shop to say hi or drop off something to eat for Jimin.
The Hallyu news media almost exposed Jimin’s relationship with Minchan. Unbeknownst to Minchan, Jimin caught the photographer and reporter in question and was able to utilize the Amnesia function on his watch in time. He doesn’t want to worry the manager with a situation that has already been diffused.
Albeit if Minchan learned what the Kingsman-issued watches could do, he’d try to beg Jimin to borrow one to use in case of any damage control he would need to undertake for the band’s image. “Minchan, it’s not a proper use of the device!”“But you saw how vicious these people are! They’ll never leave the band alone,” the half demon moaned. 
Somehow Jimin ends up as the little spoon in cuddles, unless he comes home later than Minchan. 
In terms of seducing the quartermaster, Minchan has learned to be direct with what he wants. Ji’s a clueless person unless you make it clear that you wanna bang. 
The half demon has witnessed Jimin working out, sometimes he’ll ignore doing his own exercise in favor of watching Jimin flex muscles and perform squats to focus on different parts of his body. “Minchan, why are you here if you’re not going to work out?”“Ah...moral support,” he teased. “Maybe I need motivation? Maybe I prefer doing a different type of workout.”
Despite the flirting and light teasing, there are some incredibly soft, sweet moments with these two. Ji’s always a gentleman and Minchan finds that good (when the former isn’t being so dense) because it’s nice to have someone find old school courting important.
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warsinmyhead · 6 years
CLOSED for @seoulxsinners
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“So I’m a bit of a workaholic,” Jimin confessed as he returned from the office. The other male AKA his boyfriend, had noticed it was getting quite late when Jimin came over for dinner as promised. Ji hadn’t meant to be late, but the office was swamped after Richmond Valentine attempted a mass genocide a few months ago. 
He had been putting in a lot of extra hours and time to cover as a handler for missions, all while trying to write more on his graduate thesis. For the most part, he felt confident about keeping a decent balance between work and school. Now with the recent relationship, it was hard, as Jimin was sworn to secrecy about the organization. No one, not even his aunt or uncle, were allowed to know. Telling Minchan was also off limits. 
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warsinmyhead · 6 years
[Musing] Take Time for a Bite
Minchan sighed as he watched the members run through their dance routine one last time. He wanted to let them off early for Valentine’s Day, but one of the members reminded him of their appearance this weekend at the awards show. That reminder was enough to make the others agree to an additional practice, just to ensure they were hitting their marks and delivering a solid performance at the show. 
Their logic made perfect sense, but the young man wished the practice would end already. Not that he made plans to spend time with Jimin, but lowkey he wanted to enjoy just a little time with him. He crossed his arms as he watched on the other side of the window to the practice room, eyes moving from one member to the next. He was so engrossed in the session that he didn’t notice the reflection of the quartermaster approaching him. 
His nose caught a whiff of something delicious, accompanied by the young man clearing his throat. 
“Jimin – I mean, hi!” Minchan said as he tore his gaze from the practice room. “I’m sorry – they’re almost done.”
Jimin nodded to show he understood, lifting up several bags of food. 
“I think I made enough for everyone?” Jimin mused. “Also a dish for you, but it didn’t seem right to bring something for you and nothing for the band.”
Minchan blinked as he took the bags, not paying attention to the band members emerging from the practice room.
“Ah Jimin-ssi brought dinner!” one declared as he grabbed a bag. He quickly thanked the other male, while the others took bags and scattered to eat. 
Minchan sighed as he called after them to clean up and get to bed at a decent hour. He looked back at his boyfriend and smiled softly. 
“Thank you Jimin,” he murmured. “I’m sorry I didn’t plan anything for Valentine’s Day.”
“Don’t apologize,” Jimin insisted as he rubbed his wrists, now lighter after dispensing all the food. “We’re supposed to be taking care of each other on and off. Who cares if it’s a holiday or not? I’m hoping you like it. Do you want me to meet you later?”
Minchan shook his head and turned off the lights in the practice room, closing the door behind him. He reached for the other male’s hand and took it, giving it a squeeze.
“Let’s go home now.”
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warsinmyhead · 6 years
x | meme status: accepting!
As delicious as the cakes have been, I think I understand your message loud and clear. This is probably a bit stupid to write you a letter with my feelings, but I think this might be clearer and less muddled than me trying to explain it in person. 
I’m amused by how you’ve implied how you felt about me (ex. Cakes with icing messages, claiming possession of me, etc.) – I guess I’m flattered that you like me, inside and out? 
I can assure you that I’ll keep your secret. Yes, it was a bit surprising to hear that a half-demon had any interest in a masters student trying to juggle a secret quartermaster spy gig, but maybe the universe had a weird way of pushing two different individuals together? (That was terrible – sorry.) I guess I mean to say that both of us have our skeletons that we keep from the world to protect the people we care about most. But we don’t wallow in self pity – instead, we strive to move ahead and do good things with our talents. (Somehow this got worse…)
Bad analogies and cheesy sentences aside, I care about you. I know you’ve looked out for me a lot and please know I will do the same for you.
P.S. If you are trying to be subtle with the eye-fucking, it’s not working. I’m guessing it’s due to what my colleague calls “suit porn” which is essentially what it sounds like. Looks like you’ll be seeing me in a lot of suits then. 
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