#[ WISHLIST: Really doesn't need a lot - AJM ]
warsinmyhead · 9 months
Jimin Tag Dump
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warsinmyhead · 4 years
HIT PAUSE: Calling all vampire and demon characters! I have a thread idea I’d like to try out with Seb, Jimin, or Briggs. 
Your muse has been wrongly accused of murdering people in their sleep, based on the physical evidence that indicates someone of your muse’s race is the culprit. One of my three would believe otherwise and despite the police’s attempts to keep them out of the official investigation, they decide to help your muse prove their innocence with their own investigation. I was thinking it could be a bit of comical mystery thread as our muses work together and throw some light banter at each other. 
IM or Message me if you’re interested!
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warsinmyhead · 5 years
Wishlist for All Muses
people try to push us together romantically, but we end up connecting platonically and truly appreciate each other’s company.
repeat run-ins at work or in public lead one of us to say something, with the hope that perhaps a friendship or maybe a romance could come out of it.
you don’t know me, but I lied to a creepy person at the establishment we’re both at that I’m with you. You do whatever you can to help sell this, whether it’s pretending to be my loud BFF or significant other.
you gave me a nickname by mistake and it sort of...I don’t know? Does something to me?
we have a candid conversation about sex and laugh about the stereotypes and quirks related to sexual behaviors. Taboo? Nah, not this talk when we can act like adults who step back and think about things.
why are you calling me oppa/hyung/noona/unnie? Um, I’m not from around here and I think we can be equals? Oh, you don’t? Uh well now...
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warsinmyhead · 6 years
Supernatural Being x Human Plots
Muse A is a skeptic and Muse B is a supernatural creature. Lured by Muse A’s scent, Muse B tries to approach the former on a night out, only to rebuffed. Muse B is confused – maybe they’re not trying hard enough? Why is Muse A immune to their charms and whims? Eventually with much convincing, Muse A realizes the other is telling the truth, but simply shrugs it off as if it were normal.
“You’re sort of a rookie to all this, aren’t you?” “SHHH! Not so loud!” Muse A is a newbie supernatural being that doesn’t have the greatest control on their abilities. Somehow they bumped into Muse B while trying to find someone else/get somewhere important, revealing how green they are. Realizing that Muse B is their elder (despite the difference in species), Muse A is drawn to the former and makes a point of visiting Muse B as much as they can after their duties are done for the day/week/etc. To Muse B, they didn’t know they’d consider someone like Muse A their friend or like a younger sibling until seeing them around so much.
Muse A is turned against their will into a supernatural being and struggles to cope with the changes. Eventually they confide in their best friend, Muse B, who is conflicted about the situation. They care deeply about their best friend, but what Muse A has been doing lately is against their shared moral code. (Slightly inspired by Jennifer’s Body)
[TW: Dub con] Muse A has been sneaking into Muse B’s room for several days/weeks/etc. to feed on them. They never take too much to kill Muse B, only enough to sustain them until the next time. Sure Muse A could have their pick of any human, but for some reason they find Muse B to be their perfect taste. Every morning, Muse B wakes up groggy, thinking that they had a vivid wet dream about Muse A. Muse A wishes they could work up the courage to tell the truth to Muse B, but they feel nervous about sharing how they’re not human.
Muse A is a well-liked person at work/school and they think their life is pretty mundane. When Muse B joins the office/school, they are considered an outcast, due to their unusual habits (partly due to their supernatural abilities they’re trying to hide). Instead of standing up for themselves, Muse B tends to take the bullying, hoping it will stop once they become acclimated. Muse A notices this and goes full on protection squad for Muse B. Muse B is grateful and eventually the pair bond, with Muse B sharing the truth about their abilities.  “I feel bad – I should be protecting you, not the other way around.” “Hey, I actually like being a bit scary to your bullies – who cares if you don’t use your powers or whatever to stop them.”
NSFW – Muse A is disinterested in having a real partner take care of their needs and prefers to use toys and other methods to get off. Muse B is a supernatural creature who can get any human they desire with a bit of smooth talking and the right look. Based on a tip off from a colleague/friend, Muse B purposely walks in on Muse A pleasuring themselves. “Want help?” Muse B hums. “I’d rather have the toy, thanks.” Muse B is flabbergasted – surely Muse A must be joking about wanting a toy rather than a real person. Determined to convince Muse A that having a partner can be a good thing, Muse B begins to focus their energy on offering advice (plus dropping hints) to Muse A. Unfortunately Muse A proves to be incredibly stubborn, giving them a run for their money. 
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warsinmyhead · 6 years
Friend/Lover/Acquaintance/Roommate learns about his job and wants in
Male x Male (friendship and romantic)
Undergraduate years of college 
Strangers/Wary Rivals being forced to work together
NSFW threads (these are only if you are of age and your Muse is too – they would be light since Jimin is exploring his desires and kinks)
Handler on a mission: Jimin acts as the handler or “eyes” for an agent/spy on a mission and has to walk them through it carefully without being caught.
Mentor relationships (work or school)
Coming out threads (Jimin eventually realizes he’s bisexual)
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