#[ YOU DON'T HAVE TO REPLY TO THIS RAE... i just felt like responding so sonia can plan what she's gonna wear ahead of time ]
causalitylinked · 2 years
@more-than-a-princess​ — continued from here ;;
     Honestly, her words came as such a relief, his brows would no longer remain drooped and sooner rather than later, he finally lets out the breath he was holding the whole entire time he awaited her answer. Thank goodness she said yes... though Ryuto had a feeling Sonia would be able to relate to his situation, it still never ceased to amaze him he had befriended someone who was not only in a similar station as him, but had a personality that didn’t drive him up the wall.
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     “No, thank you for accepting my invitation,” he finally brings himself to shake his head. Sure enough, Ryuto then sighs once.Sonia goes on to add she knew what it was like having demanding parents. “I figured you of all people would understand... honestly, as much as I may not dislike my parents, it’s exhausting, constantly having to be their perfect, amicable son with both them and everyone else,” he later goes on to add. Frankly speaking, he rarely even had the opportunity to complain, for the adults in his life keep expecting him to always suck things up and do whatever it took to please them.
     “I’ll text you the address later, but you are expected to arrive by 4 PM while wearing a knee-high length dress and a pair of fancy footwear. Mind you, I would rather you put on whatever makes you most comfortable; only, that is sadly not my call to make, as my mother specifically forbade any ladiies from wearing skirts and as she likes to put it... ‘improper shoes’.” By that point, he couldn’t resist the urge to roll his eyes while telling her this. Granted, Ryuto himself was never a fashionable person, but still, he failed to fathom why it’s so important the people attending his party had to be dressed to the nines when it was something he himself never cared much about.
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