#┕━ ❛ ❀. post tce2 »» ʀʏᴜᴛᴏ〡𝗶 𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲 𝗶 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗱𝗱𝘆 𝗲𝘅𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿.
causalitylinked · 1 year
@badheart​​ — continued from here ;;
    When she finally turns, regarding him with what appeared to be a flabbergasted expression, his eyes would only widen just the subtlest bit; after all, Ryuto didn’t believe he said anything to potentially set Fang off. Why, as far as he was concerned, he had been perfectly civil with her, which made her reaction all the more unfathomable to him.
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    “...Not particularly? After spotting you, my curiosity was simply piqued,” Ryuto then answers truthfully, because in all truthfulness, he simply felt like talking to her once he notices her checking out Yoshitoki Oima’s latest work. Of course, most would probably assume he would be snobby enough to believe manga wasn’t true literature, but contrary to popular belief, even he would resort to flipping through a Shonen Jump magazine every once in a while. “That was the intention, yes,” Ryuto soon goes on to nonchalantly nod.
    “I wanted to hear your thoughts regarding that manga; after all, it’s not often I would encounter women who seemingly like that particular genre,” he adds while failing to mention he did actually remember what happened between them. Ryuto just chooses not to hold a grudge over what happened because he figured the heat only served to exacerbate her mood back then... and though he did imply Fang lacked the intelligence he sought in his ideal girl, he still manages to entertain the notion he might have potentially judged her far too soon.
    Why, if nothing else, it wasn’t like he knew her all that well yet, so on the off chance she turns out to be way smarter than he had initially given her credit for, he was willing enough to apologize despite how shallow her attraction towards him was.
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causalitylinked · 9 months
ryuto, do you have anything you like most about hana?
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            unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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    "...Her taste in sweets," Ryuto easily answers. Of course, one would assume he'd have difficulty really responding to such a question, but surprisingly enough, it didn't even take him a moment's deliberation to indulge the stranger's curiosity. "As disagreeable as I might personally find her, I could at least always count on her to have a refined enough palate for pastries."
anonymous ( in regards to @mugunghwc )
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causalitylinked · 11 months
"Happy Birthday, Birthdayboy," Fang basically greeted him with wide spread arms, before slowly lowering them, realizing he would not get the message and extra bow down to her for an embrace. Worth a try. "Ah, anyway... I got you something, no take-backs." Reaching behind herself for her bag to pull a letter out, in which he found a hand-painted piece in the size of a postcard. When painting it, it had been another reminder that she still does not know him at all, so she went the safe way and simply tried to mimic her favorite style and drew a clearing, which could be possibly mistaken for a scene in almost any ghibli movie. Perhaps he liked the feeling of real paint on his fingers and would appreciate her craftsmanship, even if small. "Maybe you got a pinboard," she suggested. "Or the bin." Keeping her smile, considering she would never find out anyway.
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            it's ryuto's birthday » always accepting!
    "Ah... thank you very much," Ryuto politely remarks before initiating a half bow. Of course, he had an inkling Kobato probably told her beforehand, hence why he doesn't question how Fang knows. Still, upon seeing her spreading her arms further out towards the sides, he's quick to raise a brow, for it wasn't as if he understood such subtle social cues to be able to deduce what particular meaning was behind it, but regardless, he soon finds himself shaking his head, as if in complete disbelief over the fact she went this far... for him, no less.
    "That truly wasn't necessary, Gao-san... but since you came all this way, I suppose I shall indulge you by seeing this gift you so kindly procured for me. Now, what was it?" Ryuto states before watching her pull out what looked to be a small, hand painted piece of a clearing, which immediately has his gaze soften... and slowly, he'll extend a gloved hand to gently pluck it up from her hands while letting his gaze roam across it.
    "Interesting. Did you paint this yourself? It's certainly not bad; in fact, this scenery reminds me quite a bit of Hayazaki Miyao's cinematic pieces... and if nothing else, would serve as suitable placeholder on my desk," Ryuto finally remarks, and sure enough, he'll lift his other palm to rest idly along his cheek as his gaze shifts down towards Fang once more.
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    "...Well, at any rate, I don't hate it," came his eventual admittance, which for once, sounded rather sheepish coming from his lips. "Where do you live, Gao-san? Perhaps I can escort you back home... without Kobato being around to hassle us."
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causalitylinked · 11 months
Ryuto, do you feel at fault for making people feel upset or mad at you, or are they at fault? ( is it something he thinks about during the day?)
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            unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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    "...I suppose it depends on what they were initially upset about," Ryuto answers after a few seconds had managed to pass. "If it's simply a matter of me telling a teacher their answer to a question was incorrect, then no, I do not believe myself to be at fault, for being content with mediocrity is a privilege only the willfully ignorant can have; however, there are admittedly instances where I'm baffled when others react with animosity towards me... and in that sense, I may question whether or not what I said was truly cause for them to be so angry."
    Why, frankly speaking, he knows that compared to everyone else, he wasn't exactly all that emotional, meaning he would mostly conduct himself in a calm, rational manner. Of course, when it came to Hana, he rarely ever felt guilt for making her upset since it was about high time someone from her social standing would be equally unpleasant to her as she was to those she ended up belittling, but when it came to Fang who he never meant to hurt by rejecting her... he did admittedly feel at fault.
    "Then again, I am also aware I can be unintentionally insensitive; therefore, I am attempting to communicate better without resorting to being a disingenuous version of myself," Ryuto finally adds. Granted, it might be better to just mask his autism and pretend to be pleasant in order to avoid problems right from the very get go, but alas, consistently doing that all the time proved exhausting, to the point where even he couldn't manage it.
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causalitylinked · 1 year
“Maybe this to-do list will fix me.” / dyn for ryuto!
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        text post starters iv. » still accepting!
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    "...Or perhaps what you need instead is to take a break," Ryuto bluntly cuts in before casting a judgmental glance at the to-do list Dyn'lo ended up jotting down. "Surely, you don't intend on spending the whole rest of your day, doing menial chores?" came his deadpan query. Honestly, the servants might be overjoyed at having an extra helping hand, but considering Dyn'lo already did more than enough around the mansion, Ryuto couldn't help scrutinizing him a bit. Why, at this rate, he might even end up falling asleep, washing the windows.
    "If you are in need of something better to do, then come play shogi with me," he then states. Naturally, Ryuto words it less like a request and more like a demand... making it rather apparent he didn't quite approve of Dyn'lo's 'to-do' list.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
STARTER CALL » @hyggeligte​​ — 𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕦 𝕚𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕣𝕪𝕦𝕥𝕠.
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     “Mitsuru… I assure you I’m perfectly fine,” Ryuto sighs. Of course, he had expected others back in the real world to worry after he unexpectedly collapsed and fell into a coma, but as soon as she caught wind of the news he had recently awoken, Mitsuru seemed to rush towards the hospital with such immediate haste, he could detect the sweat lining her brow.
     Still, considering he had divulged regretting his choice in school and expressed how terrified he was when it came to entering the next phase of his life with the knowledge that choosing one path would eliminate all other possibilities, perhaps their last conversation together ended up haunting her? After all, Ryuto recalls he was far from being happy, to the point where it may have left a lasting impression on Mitsuru.
     “The doctors are only keeping me here to run a final blood test on me, but once that’s done, I will officially be allowed to return home. Fortunately, though, my muscles haven’t atrophied yet, so physically speaking, I’m no less for wear,” he then goes on to explain while hoping it would at least assuage her concerns.
    “But more importantly, I finally know what it is I want to do. Not only is my mind clear, I am certain I won’t regret the path I have now chosen for myself.”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
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Maybe she should've been fazed, or at least humbled a bit, by the sprawling mansion and the staff that had taken her silk wrap and the gifts in her hand: a small stack of books published by Novosonian professors and physicians on their contributions to medicine for Ryuto and an artfully arranged bouquet of flowers for his family, tied together with a hunter green bow with an accompanying card on the Princess of Novoselic's personal stationery.
But Sonia simply wasn't: instead, it felt oddly familiar. Comforting, maybe, by the sense of normalcy she had when shown into an elegant room filled with equally elegantly-dressed people. Though unlike at home, they didn't attempt to hide their stares, their whispers, their judgment of the newcomer: what was impolite at home wasn't always impolite in Japan. Something Sonia had to remember as she kept her head high, striding carefully over in her Marchesa midi-length gown and Roger Vivier satin heels, their bejeweled buckles catching the light as she walked over to Ryuto.
"Happy Birthday, Tsukishima-san," She gave him a smile, nodding to both him and his parents. "Thank you so much for inviting me. I'm honored to have been asked to attend today."
It wasn't an official royal event, but it may as well have been: every movement, every word, was carefully monitored. Never mention that one brought gifts and where they were being kept. Never show too much enthusiasm. Only shake hands if the royal in question offered and it was acceptable for the culture at hand: in this case, a very short bow would suffice. Short enough to be deemed polite but not too low, as if to keep her station in mind. Always in mind.
If this was to be anything like her own past birthdays, Ryuto would likely be  less than content unless he managed to liven it up a bit or make his own fun. For her, that was always easy now: a masquerade ball with macabre theming in October? Sonia could simply relish in deciphering the identities of others behind their masks and indulge in the decor that, for once, felt fitting for her. It was a more difficult task to figure out what would put Ryuto's nerves at ease, but she was more than up for the challenge.
               birthday asks for ryuto. » always accepting!
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      As far as parties went, this one was so irksome and tedious, Ryuto could only hope it would end sooner. Honestly, having to remain civil with all his guests while his parents constantly stood by was dreadfully difficult, for not only did he have to pretend he liked them, he also had to force a smile each time he was greeted by some snooty millionaire who wanted to shake his hand. Granted, a few were at least tolerable and expressed what seemed like genuine relief he had finally awoken from that awful coma a while back, but most liked to either gossip about trifling matters or complain about the poor servants who were only doing their jobs.
    Seriously, how anyone could have fun, socializing with these clowns was beyond Ryuto’s understanding... but alas, he was stuck in a gathering full of mostly obnoxious upper class folks while wearing a curduroy-hued tuxedo that was especially tailored for him, alongside a white dress shirt, black bowtie, and black denim pants fitted with a bronze belt. Truth be told, they weren’t even clothes he wanted to wear, yet nevertheless, he could hardly bring himself to break protocol by donning just his school uniform; after all, he had an image to uphold as the handsome heir of the Tsukishima family.
     Fortunately, though, the next guest to amble over wasn’t yet another unpleasant rich lady, but Sonia - someone he had been patiently waiting for the whole entire time. Of course, no sooner had he noticed her, he’ll manage a broad smile... one that wasn’t forced this time around, because her presence was frankly the only thing he had been looking forward to this entire evening. Still, even though she looked breathtakingly beautiful, he couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty Sonia had put that much effort into her appearance, especially since it was for his sake. Why, if nothing else, he could only hope she was comfortable in those shoes and that dress.
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    “Not at all, Sonia-san! I’m just pleased you were able to make it... and thank you. You being here is the best present I could possibly ask for,” Ryuto finally tells her, using that same charming, courteous tone he was accustomed to. By that point, a small smile would meander across his mother’s lips as his father grinned back at Sonia. “Ah... welcome! You have our gratitude for coming all this way and celebrating Ryuto’s birthday with us,” Daiju Tsukishima states.
     “Sonia-chan, right? I think the last time we saw you was at Kyoto... either way, I can’t thank you enough for being such a good friend to my darling son. Not only is Ryu-kun our pride and joy, he’s also a very sweet boy, so it would make us happy if you can keep getting along with him,” Akane Tsukishima then adds with a nod, prompting Ryuto to inwardly let out an exasperated sigh... for if it was one thing he didn’t appreciate, it’s his mother gushing about him, which was almost as annoying as her insistence he could only associate with girls who carried themselves ‘like a proper lady’. Unfortunately, though, expecting her to not embarass him was too tall an order.
     “Mother, please... I would prefer if you didn’t call me ‘Ryu-kun’ around my peers,” he’ll gently chide as his brows twitched and his smile became more strained.
    “Sorry, dear. I suppose I simply couldn’t help it,” his mother would giggle and sure enough, Daiju barks out a laugh while reaching a hand over to fondly ruffle Ryuto’s hair. “As you can see, we adore him a little too much! But yeah, please be nice to Ryuto, Sonia-kun.”
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causalitylinked · 1 year
[FOOD] + dyn @ ryuto
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                         simple actions. » still accepting!
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    "Ah... thank you. I take it you have been making good use of the kitchen during my absence?" For once, a soft smile plays along his lips while he grips the fork Dyn'lo had so graciously set aside for him. Honestly enough, Ryuto hadn't expected to be handed a snack this soon after returning home from a long day at school, but either way, it was much appreciated, considering it felt like he had spent the whole afternoon, dealing with one idiot after another.
    On top of that, Kobato wouldn't stop complaining about how finding a parking space proved so damn difficult, due to how everyone and their mother showed up for the swim meet that took place at Kitaouji Academy, so he's really quite thankful to have something sweet to replenish his energy.
    "Regardless, I am pleased to learn you are a talented baker. Tell me, Dyn'lo... did the servants teach you how to make this or were you always adept in making such delectable treats?" came Ryuto's eventual inquiry as he pushes his fork through a thin slice of tiramisu cake.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
‘  i  feel  as  though  we  were  never  strangers ,  you  and  i ,  not  even  for  a  moment .  ’ OH!!! OH!! OH!! RYUTO!!
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                     miscellaneous asks. » still accepting!
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     “I can comprehend, of course. For me, conversing with you always felt natural somehow,” Ryuto admits, allowing his gaze to momentarily grow soft as he lowers his vintage mug filled with rich, creamy hot cocoa. At this point, they were currently seated across from each other inside the high glass ceiling dining room of a private luxury suite he had reserved with not a single person in sight, except for the staff members scurrying around. Thanks to his influence, though, they were assured absolute secrecy, meaning they could enjoy their morning, completely undisturbed if they so wished.
    “Around you... I’m comfortable, just being myself; in fact, I do not even have to pretend I like you,” Ryuto then goes on to add,allowing the corners of his lips to widen a tad smidgen. Why, unlike the vast majority of ladies from society, he actually enjoyed spending his precious time with Yuno. Due to this being the case, Ryuto endeavours to treat her kindly; after all, their relationship was one he intended on keeping and so, he’ll continue treating her kindly.
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causalitylinked · 11 months
Ryuto, do you think hana has a good future ahead, or will she possibly struggle as model with her type of personality? Do you ever worry about her?
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            unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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    "For as wise as I am, even I cannot predict the future, so it is difficult to say whether she would ultimately thrive or not; however, I do know modelling isn't a career one can hope to continue long after old age, which leads me to believe she would inevitably have to quit at some point." Sure enough, Ryuto then shrugs.
    "But Hana is still young, so perhaps, through some sort of miracle, she would finally do enough growing up to the point where she can stand on her own two feet. Still, considering she lacks many talents outside of modelling, one would hope she doesn't get fired or at least have something else to fall back on if worse comes to worse."
    In all honesty, though, he wasn't the least bit confident Hana managed to plan that far ahead when it came to her future, so by the time she started getting wrinkles, she might possibly have to look into other careers. Regardless, a long pause would subsequently follow as Ryuto proceeds to mull hover how best to answer the stranger's last question before finally managing a sigh.
    "...Since she likes to roam Shinjuku quite often, it's difficult not to worry about her. Honestly, with how frequently she manages to slip out of his sight like some wayward mouse, Koji-san must have his work cut out for him, looking after her."
anonymous ( in regards to @mugunghwc )
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causalitylinked · 1 year
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❛ do you believe in magic? ❜ @ ryuto!
               little misfortune. » still accepting!
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     "No... rationally speaking, I find magic to be too fantastical a concept to serve as a suitable explanation for why 'miracles' supposedly happen. In regards to magic tricks, however, it's possible to discern the method used to perform them if you are observant enough, but overall, there is no scientific proof to back it's existence," Ryuto dryly remarks before eyeing her rather judgmentally.
   "What about you, Athena-san? Do you think it plausible for magic to operate alongside the force of gravity?" Naturally, depending on her answer, he may or may not conclude she was childish, but for now, he'll proceed to play along; after all, he had no reason to really shoo her away... yet.
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causalitylinked · 1 year
🤚 for ryuto!
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                  misc action memes. » still accepting!
    Truth be told, he'd really rather be studying... but alas, Ryuto somehow finds himself miles away from Japan in some obnoxiously large Italian mansion, surrounded by baronesses, counts, and socialites. Apparently, this was a party celebrating the fiftieth birthday of a wealthy architect, and considering the host was the one who incidentally constructed the Tsukishima residence, he was naturally expected to be of attendance.
    Due to this being the case, he finds himself exchanging pleasantries with an over friendly old man and his daughter for a good hour or two before finally slinking over to refill his glass with expensive cider all while soft, classical music continues to play in the background. Of course, now that he had a proper moment to himself, Ryuto began brainstorming ways to possibly escape without anybody noticing; only, his pensive contemplation was soon disrupted by a young woman who requested his hand in dance around thirty minutes later.
    Considering he couldn't very well refuse, however, he'll flash the most princely smile he could manage before setting his half empty glass down.
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    "Yes, I'd be honoured to share a dance with you, miss," Ryuto ends up lying in fluent English, but upon figuring he should keep up appearances, he'll graciously take her by the hand. Afterwards, he then leads her out towards the dance floor, settling his other palm over the small of her back. "By the way, I'm Ryuto. If it isn't too much trouble, may I ask for the name of the lovely woman I'm dancing with?" came his query as he proceeds to gently move to the rhythm of the music alongside her.
    Naturally, his charming persona was a mere front to mask his true self, but at the very least, he did genuinely think she's beautiful. Ryuto just wasn't as captivated by her as he made it appear.
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causalitylinked · 1 year
‘ you know me and i know you. ’ / and dyn for ryuto
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                      the inside outtakes. » still accepting!
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    “There is a mutual understanding and a shared familiarity between us, yes,” Ryuto nods, allowing his gaze to soften considerably as he speaks. “While I do not believe in the concept of destiny or fate, I wouldn’t be so opposed as to calling us ‘kindred spirits’; after all, there can be mistaking how compatible we are, personality-wise.”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
‘  will  i  be  forgiven  for  the  sins  i  did  not  commit ,  but  created ?  ’ for ryuto!
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                     miscellaneous asks. » still accepting!
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     “...Elaborate concisely on what you mean by ‘sins’,” was what he merely says. Despite his words, however, it’s clear as day Ryuto was now paying attention judging from the way his eyes would soon flick over from the book he was reading to meet her gaze.
     “Otherwise, I may not be able to give you a suitable answer in response.” ...Why, for as intelligent as he was, even he couldn’t read minds, let alone Yuno’s; furthermore, he didn’t wish to assume, so if she wanted his opinion, it was far better for her to be less vague about the so called sins she had created. That way, he will know how best to phrase his potential opinion.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
‘  do  we  simply  stare  at  what’s  horrible  and  forgive  it ?  ’ OHH... for ryuto!! perhaps they're talking about things that have been bothering them both..
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                     miscellaneous asks. » still accepting!
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     “In my case, being non-confrontational is a necessity; however... I do not easily forgive nor do I forget,” Ryuto finally answers. Honestly, it has happened before where he will maliciously comply to orders or behave pettily enough that people will have no choice but to swallow their pride and admit they were being unreasonable all along.
      “Depending on how I’m treated, I may react out of sheer spite; after all, who am I to interfere if they deem my presence unneeded? Should their foolishness end up being their ultimate undoing, then it certainly no longer becomes my problem.” Soon, Ryuto proceeds to shrug, for as harsh as it sounds, he was tired of contemptible fools refusing to hear him out. Sure, he may be generous enough with his time and effort, but he does not care for close-minded folks who would only prioritize trying to prove him wrong than doing their job competently. 
     “Personally, Yuno-san, I believe you are valid for not wanting to forgive those who have slighted you,” Ryuto then adds. “...Besides, it’s not wrong to desire retribution.”
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causalitylinked · 2 years
STARTER CALL » @hhemeraa​​ — 𝕞𝕪𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕓𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕗𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕒 𝕓𝕠𝕪 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕚𝕤𝕟'𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕖𝕞𝕤.
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   At first, he’ll pause, allowing his astute eyes to study Myles, for something about him just seemed so familiar; in fact, Ryuto could’ve sworn he looked just like Adrianna, the socialite his parents were friends with... however, from what he recalled, the only son he really knew of was Jayson, so he couldn’t help being intrigued. Were they somehow related? Or was it just a coincidence they shared a resemblance?
    ...Either way, the moment their gaze met, he’s quick to force an affable enough smile along his lips to at least prevent Myles from figuring out he suspected anything. “Ah, my apologies for staring, sir. It’s just that I rarely get to see foreigners here, so I was merely curious to know where you were from,” Ryuto states in fluent English. Of course, he already guesses he was from America, but at the same time, he doesn’t tell him that.
     “If you have the time, could you please indulge me with a conversation? You see, I would very much appreciate the opportunity to practice more of my English around someone that looks so well-learned like you.”
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