#[ Yes that dialogue is mostly lifted out of the 2019 Shazam movie ]
[now I’m picturing Q saving Lois from Intergang and she goes home later and asks Supes if he know a “faceless guy in a cheap trench coat” and just sighs in exhaustion because now he has to introduce them properly]
[ …I’m very tempted to make that canon. Like, actually make that how Lois and Q first met in this continuity. 
She just happened to get a little too close to her story - as she so often does - and he just happened to be around to save her when one of Bruno Mannheim’s goons pulled a gun on her.
Naturally, she gets curious and asks Supes about him, and Supes spends a couple moments massaging his temples before telling her, look, I’ll take you to the watchtower so you can meet my work friends, just don’t make a big deal out of it. 
And when he decides to follow up on that promise, he tells all the members of the League - Q especially - to make Lois feel at home and not say anything too weird. Q nods, greets Ms. Lane courteously and then promptly adds, “Oh, one weird thing is, did you know that the Girl Scouts are responsible for crop circles?” 
Cue Lois shooting Clark a look that reads okay, I’ve had enough, take me home, please. ]
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