#[ You'll be in my Heart Always || Akira x Dez ]
galaxybeginnings · 2 years
❝  i see you’re not getting much sleep either.  should i make us both some tea,  then?  ❞ dez -Akira
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He was stressing over an upcoming check on a hotel he had not too long ago bought. There had been a lot of challenges that they had encountered when starting to do the rooms to staffing. Usually he didn't worry over these things but it seemed as if the universe wanted this project to fail.
"That might be a good idea... though you need your rest too." He cupped her face and lightly rubbed her own dark circles that showed under her eyes. "What's keeping you up? You seemed to have been getting better sleep recently so I was hoping this would be a new change for you..." His wife had always had sleep issues due to her past but he had noticed it had been getting better especially since Yukiko had joined their little family. This worried him that maybe something triggered her insomnia or night terrors that he could have been sleeping or working through to notice.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Starter for @lachrymosestorm​
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Akira was staying quiet as he silently watched his wife napping on the couch. He had been in his office almost all day dealing with various meetings that needed his attendance so he had decided for joining virtually. Having finally finished up he had come out to find her sound asleep sitting by the coffee table in their room. Seemed she had dozed off while sketching. She had mentioned something about wanting to add some of her own artwork in the nursery which he assumes she was working on.
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Having draped a blanket over her he made himself a hot cup of coffee. Now sipping it he allowed his mind to wander off work. There was so much that was going to change. He had taken the time to ask a few business partners around his age that do have families about how much the change was once a child entered the picture and, it was all a bit much. Things were already very different just being married to someone he cared for. 
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galaxybeginnings · 3 years
What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature? // "His abs." Akira, please say you understand that Dez is kidding. Please say you understand your wife's sense of humor now. She's just being a pest again.
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"I swear you choose the hardest route ever regarding these situations...." A long sigh escaped him as he gave a small smirk. "Honestly, always a little trouble maker to stir the pot. Though I will say that you do know I can turn the tables easily on you so, how far are you willing to push this?"
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galaxybeginnings · 3 years
“Just kiss me.” // Akira
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"Oh? Is that a demand? Are you commanding me to kiss you now?" He hummed as he looked down at her stubborn expression. It was always adorable to him when she got this way. Her attempts to get him to budge with her tiny frame verses his sturdy build.
"And what will you do if I don't do so right away? Maybe I want to play with you a bit more~." He chuckled at her as he kissed the palm of her hand he had captured, burning steel eyes gazing down at her.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
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Send me ❄💋 for our muses to kiss in the snow.
Akira had been absorbed in his work missing the message he had received from his wife that she would be waiting for him. She was going to be in the park that was a few blocks from Natsume Industries. With how crazy things had gotten with making sure the Christmas bonuses were in proper order for the individuals with the best performances within each department. Last thing he needed was their excellent reputation to fall short while he was preparing for his family. It was on him to make sure not to overwhelm Koraku with everything meaning having to come into the office everyday the last week. He had even lost the weekend too but it was all so that till after new years, he could stay at home.
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Dusting off the snow on his shoulders he looked for the stubborn woman who hadn’t just gone home or come to the office. It wasn’t as if she couldn’t come up and just wait inside with him as he finished. She was in no condition to tough out the cold. Finally spotting her he swiftly made his way to her, grabbing the small hands she was breathing into most likely to warm up. Indeed they were cold. Holding onto her hands he began to warm them up within his own. She just smiled up at him warmly with a pink nose. Tightening her scarf around her he placed a soft kiss to her forehead before placing one onto her lips.
“Honestly... Why are you such a stubborn woman?” Wrapping her scarf one more time to cover her face he grabbed her hand again and began pulling her along towards his car that Koraku had brought around for them. It will be nice and warm once they get inside. She has given him enough small heart attacks at this point in their relationship. What was one more to that every growing tally of hers.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
“I love you, I love you more than anything.”
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He gently pulled her onto him. There was no way to allow this little tempting wife, no matter how large her stomach had gotten, to get away with saying such words without his response. Kissing her he felt her instantly respond to him, little slim fingers caressing his cheek. She was a wonderful woman and the center of his world. Winning him like she had, even with how strange their relationship was in the beginning. Neither would have thought it would lead to this. To a future becoming fuller for them both.
“Aishiteru...” He whispered back to her. It was one of those rare times he would say this. His belief was always to show with actions and not words since in his life, that was said to him by his mother as she allowed scars to be carved into him by raging beasts she called her lovers.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Sends her husband a nude
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Why was he not surprised that his little mouse was starting to get antsy. He was luckily in his home office when he received this making it so that there was no chance of prying eyes. Such things like this were for his eyes, and his eyes only. Even with her round belly she still looked stunning, though she may not feel like it often. In his eyes, she was always beautiful. Her charm was more than the exterior beauty. She had a spirit that put up with him which could only meant she was the most compassionate and loving woman on the planet. He loved her more than anyone currently on the Earth.
Smirking now he decided to reply to her. He was still on the clock so stepping away from his desk was not currently possible until he finished editing the contract on his screen. It was the last part of it though so he was basically already finished at this point.
✉🐭: My beautiful little mouse better not be risking the chance of getting a cold to send me such an alluringly stunning photo.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Akira, Dez is definitely in a far lower class than you. Aren't you worried she's just gold digging?
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“If you are going to spew shit, do so to someone else.” He didn’t have time to deal with idiots who clearly have nothing better to do than badmouth his wife. She practically needs to be forced to spend any money on herself to begin with so if she was a gold digger - she must be the worst one in existence. || @lachrymosestorm
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
"Can't sleep?"
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Send me “Can’t sleep?” to have a tired conversation with my muse in the middle of the night.
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“I will in a bit. There are a couple of last minute changes to this contract I need to have done before tomorrow.” A light chuckle sounded as he caressed her cheek. Being able to stay home with her was nice. Caring for her when he had his small breaks but also having her pop in to just ask for small amounts of attention. It was extremely cute. His cute little mousey wife. “Would you like to wait for me to finish and then we both can go to bed together?”
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
“Even covered in snow the gardens are beautiful.”
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Winter Ball Starter
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He chuckled slightly as he placed his blazer onto her small shoulder. “And next you are going to say that it’s even more perfect with the light of the moon making the snow glow. Honestly, it’s too cold for you to be out here admiring the scenery. But, as long as you wish I will keep you warm so that you can enjoy it.” They had been invited to a winter event. Initially he was going to say no but his bother had mentioned the gardens here which caused her face to light up. There was no way he could say no to her about this so here they were. After an hour of greetings to the various guests they had finally been able to sneak away to see the rumored garden.
“I guess it is beautiful in a way... I think women seem to find the beauty in things quicker than men. Or at least it’s so in my case. I just see a snow covered garden without flowers. As long as you are happy that’s enough for me.” Heating his hands with his breath he placed them to her cheeks. She could enjoy the views as he kept her warm. It was quiet in the little nook they found and, Koraku would run interference if needed. This was her first time out anyway since their marriage and her pregnancy so she should enjoy these little moments when they came.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
It was the dead of night when once again one of her nightmares hit. It was a bad one that caused her to scream and shriek. Her body writhed as she tried to fight off that invisible attacker. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt.
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Akira stirred as she tossed and turned so by the time her verbal distress was sounded he had awoken. It was clear what she was dealing with for the most part as he turned on his bedside light showing the anguish that gripped her face. Gentle strong arms pulled the small woman towards him as he started to call her name. Beckoning her to come to his voice. If he forced her awake that could only cause more harm to her mentally. Gentle coaxing was what he wished to try this time.
“Dez... I’m here. Just follow my voice. Nothing will harm you I promise. No one can touch my little mouse and get away with it so come here where it’s warm. That’s it... My little mouse that hides my secret siren.” His voice was even as he spoke these words to her while his large arms held her securely and safe. She was safe physically with him. The tortures of her mind was harder to face since it was an unseen force. He could only give her support and comfort to a degree since everyone’s personal demons were their own force to face.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
“ they were flirting with you ”
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Jealousy meme (I couldn’t find it for some reason lol)
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He looked at her a bit surprised. Yes, the women who had approached him while he was looking for some rugs for the nursery. Not minding them he answered some of their questions and got one item down for one of the women. Finally getting away with telling them that his wife was waiting of him he returned to Dez. Seems he should have ignored the women. Cupping her cheek he smiled. 
“Little mouse, you know that there isn’t anyone who would grab my attention other than you. Don’t worry so much about others because you’re it for me.” He kissed her forehead lightly before moving the cart next to them. “Now then, which rug or rugs do you want for the nursery?”
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
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You two are so stressful... @lachrymosestorm​ Gunna be the death of me when you both don’t communicate to one another.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Send in ⁇ for my muse’s reaction to walking in on yours while bathing // on purpose
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The NSFW Meme List 
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He looked down at her slightly irritated. This had nothing to do with seeing her bathing or that his own restraint was at its wits end. She had started this bath an hour ago and from hearing the amount of times it was refilled meant she was putting more hot water into the tub. Grabbing a towel he knelt next to the tub she sat in. 
“You shouldn’t be taking a hot bath especially for this long. It can cause complications.” He had been doing late night reading while she slept. From the many books he has read it was highly advised to manage time properly in baths, and that showers were a better idea. He had even gotten a seat placed in there so that if she needed to sit, she could. “The last thing I need is to have to rush you to the hospital...” His gaze dipped causing a slow breath as his adam’s apple bobbed. Patience and resolve were two of the hardest things with her being so tempting.
“If you come out now... I’ll listen to two requests.” He knew this was going to be difficult but it was like he was being asked to climb a cliff barehanded.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬) //Akira
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For every (¬‿¬) I get my muse will remove a piece of clothing (he is annoyed that she outsmarted him this time)
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He glared at his wife. She was seriously pushing things today. His patience was ready to snap at this point. Till now he was giving her the space she had asked for yet now seemed to be rethinking this. So the myth that pregnant women had harsher hormone highs and lows was correct, and knowing Dez who had a high drive she was all over the map at this point. She even made it clear that his reluctance to even participate in this game when she started to try and undress him herself. Grabbing her wrists he glared now at her. “Enough. I get the point so stop that. I’ll do it myself.”
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Letting her go he grumbled. Ten items. Fine. Removing his watch and then emptying his pockets he pulled off his shirt. He was going to count the watch as one of the items but left his wallet and phones off the list because she would throw a fit. Next was his belt that she had already unbuckles. Seriously, her hands were too quick when she was not watched. He set that beside his watch and shirt. Looking at her for a second he then added his socks. “That’s four. Anymore and there is no promise I will be able to hold back.” He was serious. Staving off his urges to hold her was making the beast in him restless. It was why he had started smoking again.
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Seeing that she wasn’t budging on this a sigh sounded. “Don’t expect I’ll go easy on you after this. There are plenty of ways I know to make you squirm.” She was in for a long couple hours of his hand picked torment. Want to play? Find he’ll play but she may not be getting everything she wants. He started to strip more, all the while going over every little way he was going to make his wife moan.
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galaxybeginnings · 4 years
Dez is just going to find herself between her husband's legs. Shes feeling frisky too so she wants to blow him.
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He looked down at her surprised. She had come out of nowhere, but he must have been a little too absorbed with reading a recently acquired asset status report to have seen her come in. At this point there was no room in the home that she was forbidden to enter, which now included his office. He did come in here from time to time to unsatisfactory twiddle a cigarette between his teeth. Without being able to touch his wife as he liked had caused him to store a pack in his desk drawer... which he kept locked to prevent a nosy woman’s certain snooping.
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“What are you doing? I left you resting in the room for a reason...” He sighed leaning back now that he was caught. There was no way he could deny her this anyway since he himself has been struggling with keeping hands off. “I swear woman... I can’t deny you anything...” She was too good at this bending him to her desires. Any man would be wrapped around her finger once she get the hold she had on him. A small shiver rippled up his spine and over his shoulders feeling her hands already being mischievous.
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