#[ about. ]
armorangels · 3 months
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sochapeu · 1 month
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Atenção, atenção, quem vem lá? Ah, é SOPHIE HATTER, da história HOWL’s CASTLE! Todo mundo conhece… Como não conhecer?! Se gostam, aí é outra coisa! Vamos meter um papo reto aqui: as coisas complicaram para você, né? Você estava vivendo tranquilamente (eu acho…) depois do seu felizes para sempre, você tinha até começado uma FLORICULTURA… E aí, do nada, um monte de gente estranha caiu do céu para atrapalhar a sua vida! Olha, eu espero que nada de ruim aconteça, porque por mais que você seja EMPÁTICA, você é SENSÍVEL, e é o que Merlin diz por aí: precisamos manter a integridade da SUA história! Pelo menos, você pode aproveitar a sua estadia no Reino dos Perdidos fazendo o que você gosta: FAZENDO CHAPÉUS E ARRANJOS DE FLORES.
⠀⠀⠀𝐌 𝐔 𝐒 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆 𝐒 ₊
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⠀⠀⠀𐬹    ࣪  ⠀#.  🍜⠀₊ .
⠀⠀⠀🕊﹕─ 𓈒 𝐑 𝐄 𝐒 𝐔 𝐌 𝐎 ♡ ˚ .
⠀⠀⠀Howl's castle . . .
⠀⠀⠀Agora, com seu quase felizes para sempre sendo tirado de si, mais uma vez, era impossível não pensar que estava fadada ao fracasso. Que qualquer mínima chance de felicidade, na verdade, não passasse de uma ilusão.
Sophie costumava ser bem positiva, sempre altruísta e pronta para levantar assim que caísse... Entretanto, quem é o santo que consegue permanecer dócil depois de tantas quedas, perdas e decepções?
Simplesmente não existe.
E mesmo que estivesse lutando para se recuperar e seguir em frente, novamente, dessa vez as coisas pareciam diferentes. Seus sorrisos eram majoritariamente falsos e seu bom humor, uma capa que vestia para esconder o quanto estava com medo do que o futuro trazia consigo.
Sophie sabe melhor do que ninguém, que com ela, não há final feliz. Não quando se assemelhava a um amuleto amaldiçoado.
Além de que possui uma personalidade... Peculiar. Ninguém sabe se é por ter sido amaldiçoada e se tornar uma velhinha uma vez, ou se ela faz de proposito. Mas vez ou outra é pega agindo como uma vovó; seja resmungando/falando sozinha, reclamando das dores nas costas ou simplesmente falando como se fosse mais velha que todo mundo.
⠀⠀⠀🕊﹕─ 𓈒 𝐇 𝐄 𝐀 𝐃 𝐂 𝐀 𝐍 𝐎 𝐍 𝐬 ( ꭼх​ꭲꭱꭺ ) ♡ ˚ .
Flowtter é um pequeno estabelecimento, pouco convencional que, a primeira vista, parece bagunçado e estranho. Afinal, conta com a divisão entre uma chapelaria e uma floricultura. Não parece lá muito atraente, mas isso porque você não sabe a melhor parte! Os chapéus feitos pelas mãos de Sophie são capazes de realizar desejos, claro que, apenas um por vez, mas o que seria de uma empreendedora sem sua estratégia para manter a clientela...? Dito isso, que tal sorte para achar o amor da sua vida? Ou para conseguir fugir com êxito de alguém? Ou então para encontrar um elefante cor de rosa dançando balé? Isso ainda parece pouco, eu entendo, mas são essas pequenas coisas que fazem a diferença. Você não vai apenas estar usando um chapéu bonito por estilo, mas pela magia de boa sorte que nele há! Ah, quase ia me esquecendo, os arranjos de flores também tem o mesmo poder, já que todas foram cultivadas pelas mãos mágicas da Sophie.
template on deviantart.
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gilledman · 17 days
gillman would call ke$ha ke - dollarsign - ha and pronounce m3gan like m'threegan.
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sirserpentine · 2 months
Call Me By Your Name Aesthetics
Bold all that apply.
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lounging by the pool, poetry readings,  plucking fresh fruit from trees,  fitful sleep,  deep discussions,  nighttime swim,  fruit juices running down your chin,  long moments of silence,  long bike rides,  lazy summer mornings,  lunch with friends,  shame,  erotic fantasies,  red swim trunks,  a blanket on the grass,  wheat coloured skin, wistful gazes,  well-loved books,  morning jogs,  creating music,  bathing under the sun,  sticky summer heat, regret, unreadable looks, double meanings,  wasted time,  shared faith,  sleeping naked, late night poker games, ice cream,  walking your bicycle down cobble roads,  overthinking,  childish love confessions,  warm embraces,  bare feet,  the dull slap of espadrilles at night,  shyness,  restraint,  kisses in the grass,  endless pools of their eyes, the moon sparkling on the calm sea,  the threat of autumn in a raindrop,  beads of sweat pooling on your skin,  lighting a lover’s cigarette,  a little too much wine,  strumming a guitar,  the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the house, notes slipped under the door,  leisurely swims, calling ‘later’ as you leave,  washing your face in a fountain,  fevered kisses,  the comfort of nostalgia,  tall cypresses,  glaring mid-afternoon sea,  rehearse the pain to dull it,  a billowy shirt,  warm benches,  longing phonecalls,  framed antique postcards,  citronella candles in the garden,  memories of lovers like ghosts in the window,  held gazes,  hesitating on the other side of the bedroom door,  playing music to say what you cannot 
Tagged by: @dark-ambition thank you!!
Tagging: @hellpride @hazbinned @radioiaci @radiiosugars
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syunkiss · 2 days
I might probably start smoking or drinking sooner or later. Or maybe both
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riderheart · 9 days
after her first year, violet likes to show off her relic when she can. by that point hiding who she is for the sake of safety has been overtaken by her pride. she's proud of what she's managed to accomplish and of her body's strength, but mostly she's proud of tairn and andarna.
the shame of being recognised as a sorrengail is nothing compared to the sheer joy and fulfilment she gets from being recognised as their rider.
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bhaskarah · 15 days
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ANA DE ARMAS? não! é apenas BHASKARA “KARA” VERONIKA ALDANA, ela é filha de ZEUS do chalé UM e tem VINTE E NOVE anos. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há DEZOITO ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, KARA é bastante ENTUSIASTA, mas também dizem que ela é EGOCÊNTRICA. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
não se sabe ao certo o que fez com que zeus se interessasse por aster. fosse a inteligência absurda, a beleza que não deixava a desejar ou o quê de insanidade, algo despertou atenção do deus para o pequeno romance de outono que tiveram. professora e acadêmica de biologia molecular, aventurava-se em férias fora do país quando conheceu um homem particularmente interessante. o final da história… bem, se chama bhaskara. 
o período após isso pode começar sendo definido assim: o amor  consumiu aster. não é difícil de se apaixonar por zeus, afinal, este se trata do deus-rei, imperial, belo, brilhante, colossal. cada palavra vinha com um sorriso galante, ela até ganhara um poema com seu nome. como não amar? a mulher nunca tinha tido muita sorte no amor, achava que aquela era sua vez. fora para casa naquelas férias com uma promessa do deus para ela, de que voltaria a vê-la. e ela contou todos os dias até então. é por isso que kara já ouvia sobre ele antes mesmo de propriamente compreender palavras e seus significados. pouco depois de descobrir a gravidez, aster vendeu sua casa, demitiu-se de seu emprego e procurou a residência mais próxima da praia que conseguia pagar com as suas economias (que não eram muitas). 
acabaram num chalé, longe da cidade, bem na beira da praia. aprendera pequenininha a fazer o pequeno entalhe na parede da casa, todo dia, marcando a passagem dos dias religiosamente. sempre que o sol se escondia no horizonte, sua mãe chorava, e assim passava as noites. até o dia em que ela não marcou mais as paredes. aster não a acordara de propósito, mas kara sabia que ela tinha saído durante a noite pelo fraco balançar dos sinos da porta. ela espiara, pela janela, e vira sua mãe conversar com alguém, antes de voltar a dormir. e ainda em seu sono, lembra-se da sensação de um beijo em sua bochecha, o sussurrar de mais uma promessa; ele voltaria. 
sempre ouvira histórias sobre seu pai. como ele era incrível, e encantador. na época, não compreendera que o homem na janela se tratava dele. juntara as peças quando mais velha, e principalmente porque aquela noite marcara o declínio da condição mental de sua mãe. daquele dia em diante, aster nunca mais falou de zeus. e continuava chorando, pelas noites, mas agora o fazia também de dia. a tristeza foi progressivamente se transformando em frustração, raiva, que ela procurou descontar na única pessoa que ainda lhe restava. 
tw: sangue, suicídio, negligência infantil.
o caminhar da situação tornava previsível o final. claro que não para uma criança, e especialmente kara. conforme crescia, a semelhança com seu pai fazia com que sua mãe a odiasse, e que tentasse a esquecer; o que significava, muitas vezes, ser trancada em seus aposentos para que “estudasse” por muitas horas seguidas, privada de diversas necessidades básicas. a educação domiciliar funcionava daquela maneira torpe, e sem outro modelo de vida, cabia à criança aceitar. 
um dia fora trancada, como de costume, com grossos volumes de biologia celular para que lesse do começo ao fim. seguira para sua rotina como de habitual, e já era noite quando pediu para sair. as batidas na porta não foram respondidas, mas isso não era incomum. depois de cansar de esperar, resolvera dormir sem comer (o que também não era incomum), e amanhecera no dia seguinte com água recobrindo o chão de madeira. nenhuma resposta era ouvida do outro lado da porta, mesmo que insistisse. 
lembrava-se de desistir e chorar. deixar as costas encostarem na parede enquanto o tempo lá fora só parecia piorar e piorar. a chuva piorava, era como se pedras caíssem sobre o telhado velho. o céu não dava trégua, revoltado, e ela pensou que fosse sua imaginação quando viu o vento quase que se materializar. o ar agitando a poeira em padrões uniformes, desenhando punhos de ar que estilhaçaram o vidro e escancararam a porta. caminhou, descalça, os pés ignorando o vidro enquanto tentava entender se a água que recobria o assoalho vinha da chuva ou… do banheiro. entreaberto. ouvia ainda o barulho da torneira quando seu peito apertou, os olhos identificando o corpo inchado da mãe em um banho de sangue e água. os trovões, piores, a chuva ameaçando desmoronar a casa. ela viu um clarão, de um raio que parecia ter sido bem diante de si, e apagou. 
quando abriu os olhos, já não estava mais no chalé, ou na praia. acordara  na porta do acampamento, com um pendente estranho em seu pescoço. a mancha de sangue em sua blusa foi o único indício de que o que vira realmente tinha acontecido, pois a pele intacta lhe fez questionar a veracidade de suas próprias memórias. nas primeiras semanas, kara achava que tinha morrido e agora sonhava. que tudo aquilo, a fartura, as pessoas, se tratava daquele paraíso que tinha lido uma vez sobre. era uma criança estranha, para uma filha de zeus, com os olhos muito arregalados e uma ansiedade que lhe engolia. demorara meses para se desprender da grave despersonalização, e anos para conseguir falar sobre o que acontecera.
todos os traumas do passado tinham sido canalizados quase que completamente em suas tarefas no acampamento. suas habilidades, que se faziam presentes antes e passavam despercebidas ao olhar da criança, foram evoluindo progressivamente. especialmente no que se referia sua capacidade de de liderança, o que lhe rendeu um espaço na equipe de patrulha. fora reclamada não muitos meses depois, embora não houvessem dúvidas sobre seu parente divino. quando tinha raiva, o céu fechava, com risco iminente de campistas serem acertados por raios… e já quando estava feliz, poderia ser vista flutuando em pleno ar, carregada por ventos fora de época. 
apesar de gostar do acampamento, o medo de ficar refém de um lugar novamente fez com que abraçasse todas as raras oportunidades de sair, e, as vezes, de fugir. sempre volta, porque é seu lar, e pelo seu cheiro, mas gosta da possibilidade de sair. sua personalidade se desenvolveu para alguém que é um tanto quanto desgostoso da vida de semideus. preza sempre pela sua liberdade, e a ideia de viver eternamente naquele acampamento ou servindo aos deuses lhe embrulha o estômago. sua maneira de escapar de seu destino é utilizando do máximo de distrações possíveis, seja agindo competitivamente, trabalhando excessivamente, perdendo a sobriedade ou se apaixonando por alguém novo.
atmocinese. kara possui a capacidade de manipular, em certos aspectos, o clima. antigamente, quando não passava de uma criança, sua emoção estava diretamente ligada à manifestação de seu poder. embora ainda não tenha uma boa especificidade no tipo de produto gerado, a morena conseguiu fazer com que suas emoções fossem menos óbvias, menos denunciadas pelo clima atual. sentimentos intensos ainda fazem com que seja mais fácil de fazer chover, nevar, ventar, provocar raios e neblina ou até fazer com que a temperatura despenque. 
sentidos aguçados e fator de cura acima do normal.
estranhamente, possui mais habilidade com a foice do que propriamente com outras armas (embora não deixe a desejar). quando completou dezoito anos, foi presenteada pelo seu pai com altheia, sua foice de ouro imperial. 
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gviral · 2 months
so obviously i don't want to be divulging too much into this topic because i don't plan on writing any William Birkin Epic Ableism Moments, but i did want to touch on something i think is pretty important to his character and the way i portray him
william is autistic (because i'm incapable of writing characters that aren't), but i don't think he would actively recognize or accept that fact due to the way autism was viewed back in the 60's and 70's, the period in which he grew up in. the term he'd be most familiar with that accurately describes his "condition" would be aspergers, or "high-functioning" autistic- both terms that are now heavily outdated.
he has the capacity to learn otherwise, of course. william is a smart man, and he doesn't like to be viewed as wrong (or god forbid, ignorant). it's just a lot of internalized ableism on his part.
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armorangels · 3 months
25% of the way through the secret history and i’m NOT vibing with this julian & henry dynamic
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anquenin · 21 days
its so funny to me that when astarion lies to you and you catch him he's like aren't i a sneaky lil guy hahha you got me hehehe like...he doesn't even try to save his ass
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drgnbld · 2 months
1, 2, and 3 for the meme!
1. what is their sexuality/sexual preference?
2. what is their romantic preference or inclination?
killing two birds with one stone here, but Lance identifies as a biromantic and bisexusal man with not so much of a lean towards any type of gender. if he looked into it more, he'd probably wager himself as a somewhere on the demi spectrum. he's enjoyed one night stands in the past, and has a relatively high libido, but to actually be attracted to someone takes a lot of time on his end to figure out.
3. what are some features of others that attract them from the outset?
honestly? he's not entirely sure. he's never really sat down and thought 'what draws me into people specifically?' so pinpointing something he'd like as a general attraction is difficult. very much a 'once he's attracted to you, everything is attractive in his eyes but only on that person' kinda guy. he does, however, love getting lost into deep eyes which hold a lot of story behind them.
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gilledman · 17 days
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i'm passing out but compilation of the most gill to ever gill doodles by varnie.vamp on instagram. ☝️🐟
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cambius · 6 months
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you think i’m dressed up for your messed up, predatory games. but i assure you, this isn’t for you— i always look this way. i’ll take a drink if you play, but you better run away, i’m a monster with a pretty face . ——
this is an independent & selective roleplay blog for nepharia graylock, an original character loosely based around the ‘tav’ player character in baldur’s gate 3 ( but is mostly played as a companion character ). cambion, half tiefling / half succubus. chaotic evil. multi - classed as a rogue warlock. this blog will contain a multitude of triggering and mature content ( mentions of sexual violence & trauma, heavy violence, gore, sexual content, strong language ), so please be at least twenty - one before interacting, preferably twenty - five. more information beneath the cut. fervently adored by nyx, 30.
* dossier . name. nepharia graylock. nicknames. if she had friends, they’d probably call her neph. species. cambion. half tiefling / half succubus. class & specialization. warlock ( the fiend ) / rouge ( criminal ). age. 45 ( baby demon owo ). gender & pronouns. cis female ( though, succubi can change their sexual organs at will ) / she, her. orientation. pansexual ( with a sexual preference for men. she is mostly attracted to men, even though she can’t fucking stand them. with women, she tends to be more attracted to a woman who carries herself with confidence and power, basically if they don’t match her level on the bad bitch scale in her opinion, she tends to overlook them lol ) height in tiefling form. 5’6”. height in demon form. 5’10”. hair. slightly wavy, light gray & silver, just below her shoulders. eyes. light gray - blue, almost white. complexion. her skin is almost colorless, a pale, gray color. she has a few patches of light freckles speckled upon her nose, shoulders, back, and hips. distinguishing features. she is marked in abyssal language upon the left side of her face, given to her by her patron as a symbol of ownership over her. demon form. in her succubus form, she stands a bit taller at 5’10”, and her claws grow longer and sharper. the whites of her eyes turn black, and the pupils become a bright, glowing white. her teeth come to a sharper point, and of course, she sprouts dark, veiny, fleshy wings with a span of four feet in each direction. her claws are nearly unbreakable, and can penetrate and slice through thin metal. her bite force is also incredibly strong, matching that of a displacer beast. piercings. her septum. alignment. chaotic evil. alt. faceclaim. samara weaving.
cambion / succubus abilities. as a succubus, nepharia can kill with sexual intercourse, but she can also choose not to if she is so inclined— but nepharia sustains herself on mostly mortal souls, and her favorite prey are those of the male persuasion. most cambions are capable of soul absorption in some way, and this is nepharia’s way. souls make her stronger, even without killing her prey, a portion of their essence is enough to get her higher than any drug known to man, and she is quite addicted to it. enhanced empathy. nepharia is able to sense heightened emotions in the mortals around her, fear, lust, anger, sadness. regardless of this, she still has trouble actually empathizing, especially with people she perceives as prey, and she very much enjoys being feared, as much as she enjoys being desired— she feeds off of the lust as much as the souls themselves. energy manipulation. nepharia can quite literally cause a shift in the atmosphere, releasing natural pheromones that make her more difficult to resist, more powerful than your basic charm spells. she can also shift from tiefling form to her demon form at will. inter-dimensional travel. nepharia can travel to and from the hells through a portal she has the capability of opening, but it takes a lot of power and energy and mental focus, and she can’t do it more than once per day without a full rest. telekinesis.
* backstory . nepharia was born into an extremely poor family, and her mother died giving birth to her. her father always hated her for this, and eventually sold nepharia to a rich and powerful man who owned a tiefling brothel at the age of only fifteen. she also was born a pale, gray color, whereas both her mother and her father have crimson colored skin, her father always assumed her mother had been unfaithful to him, and also resented nepharia for this. unbeknownst to nepharia for many more years, or her father, she did not in fact come from his seed— but an incubus, one nepharia never meets. nepharia was never shown parental love, or love at all, for that matter. she was never shown guidance, and the more her fiendish and wicked qualities began to blossom, the more her father despised her. he thought she was evil, a curse on his miserable life. he sold her off easily.
nepharia spent another decade under the abusive ownership of theodor, the owner of the illegal brothel tailored to the elite, forced to be with countless clients though never touching any of the coin made from her labor herself. eventually, people started to complain about feeling abnormally sluggish and weak after buying an evening with nepharia, and she was even the reason many warriors fell in battle -- after a single night with the succubus, the strongest of warriors could meet a bloody end. before too long, after enough complaints, nepharia was punished by being offered to the more -- rough -- clients of theodor, clients he always promised she wouldn’t have to deal with. over the years, nepharia got smarter. she betrayed other girls to get closer to theodor, slowly but surely building his trust.
nepharia started to get visited by a regular client at least once every week. this customer never wanted sex, in fact, he only ever talked to her during their sessions, telling her that she was far more than just a tiefling to be beaten, used and discarded, but mostly speaking in riddles the first few weeks. this client eventually revealed himself to be a devil, residing in the depths of the nine hells deep in the abyss, and he craved the lifeforce of rich and powerful men in the mortal realm to ascend, but retrieving their souls was difficult. but it wouldn’t be for nepharia, all she had to do was what she’s been doing since she was a young teenage girl.
when the devil offered her great power to slay her captors, nepharia was so desperate and broken that she didn’t even hesitate to agree. the devil laid his hand upon nepharia’s face, and she winced and yelped at the searing pain burning into her. as the devil pulls his hand away, she’s left with a mark in abyssal, saying that she is the property of ‘zymimor’ for the rest of eternity. after that moment, it was as if the fires of the hells coursed through nepharia’s veins, triggering her true form. she stood taller, her fangs and claws grew slightly longer, and wide, pale wings sprouted from her shoulder blades. she never knew she could do that, just as she never knew she was a cambion to begin with. for the first time in her entire life, she had power. but the devil made it a point not to tell nepharia about this until after she agreed to the deal, for she had the power to escape all along.
she hid within the wingless form she was used to until she could get theodor alone. she seduced him, almost eagerly, and now she knows what she could do. using an abundance of charm magic, she managed to convince theodor to take her out, away from the brothel, just the two of them. he of course brought a few guards along, but agreeing to it in the first place was everything she needed. he took her to an nice inn. and as she gave him her body, she drained every ounce of energy from his, absorbing his lifeforce into her until there was nothing left, and he was just a corpse beneath her. she escaped through the window afterwards, taking flight into the night, never to return.
for about a decade after escaping theodor and the brothel, nepharia enjoyed the power and the freedom. no one could fuck with her, she felt invincible -- like a god. but she was feral, and terrified of the men around her. in order to feel less afraid, she would make them afraid. zymimor, her patron, always had work for her, and in return made sure that she was well paid. there are few empires who know of the true nature of what nepharia is, and in those areas, she’s already assassinated many a king and dictator, emperor and ruler, with her abyssal body alone and her fiendish, deadly charm. zymimor eventually taught her how to travel to the abyss, where she is to bring back the souls of the men she kills for her patron to absorb.
recently, though, nepharia is getting... depressed. she fell in love with a man by the name of tomas, and that ended in brutal heartache and she hasn’t really been herself since. he was kind, and gentle, and he trusted her. her patron order her to kill him because he didn’t want her getting distracted, but also she thinks he was testing her, to see if she would obey him regardless of how difficult it might be. he called her feelings for him a weakness. she’s deeply sad, deeply broken, deeply conflicted and lost. she craves love, something she’s never felt once in her entire life, but she’s convinced that she doesn’t deserve it. not after everything she’s done. not when she kills the people she loves. she wants to believe she’s “free”, trying to convince herself every day that she’s not still a slave, afraid of the person who commands her. she knows love is something someone like her gets to feel. so she secludes herself, not allowing herself to get close to anyone, and just doing her job -- and doing it well -- it’s all she’s ever known.
then, after years of her only regular social interations being when she’s trying to seduce her prey, the nautiloid wreaks havoc outside of baldur’s gate where she is abducted in the middle of a hunt for her patron, a hunt to seduce and kill a man by the name of enver gortash. nepharia hides the fact that she’s a cambion from everyone in the party, as she needs these people to trust her so that she has a chance of surviving the tadpole, which makes her feel far less capable in combat in the beginning.
* companion character information .
neph’s whole thing is that she has to fuck and kill powerful people for their souls and deliver those souls to her patron ( this crazy old, super powerful incubus ). her patron promises to free her soul if she fulfills their deal and hunts for him, never failing until the day she dies ( and she can’t kill herself to try and get out of it that way ). she is unaware that her patron is actually her birth father, an incubus who has been conceiving cambion children all over the realms for centuries to locate them at their lowest points, convince them to sell their souls, and then make them deliver souls to him in mass. he wants to use this mass of raw power to ascend to some sort of godhood. her quest in the very beginning is to locate, hunt and kill gortash on her patron’s orders, and she’s abducted by the nautiloid close to baldur’s gate.
neph still meets at the very least lae’zel on the nautiloid and gets the daunting information that she’s gonna be turned into a mind flayer in a matter of days, so obviously she’s fucking freaked. after the crash, she just assumes she flies to safety ( she can shift from her tiefling from to her winged cambion form ) and couldn’t remember doing so. she doesn’t know where she is or what to do, the only thing she can think to do in her panic is to try and complete her quest within the days she has left and deliver the soul to her patron so that he might help her. so, she flies away from the crash site and gets out of range of the artefact and falls under the influence of the absolute.
and it’s as though she just knew what she needed to do. she found herself at the goblin camp, completely forgoing her patron’s quest. in her mind, it didn’t matter anymore. she was perfect. she was needed now for far more important things, things that would make her far more powerful within the embrace of the absolute. nepharia can be found by the others here, as just another true soul boss, and she probably wouldn’t be hiding her demon form. i imagine she would be helping minthara try to get information about the grove, torturing that one guy way better than the goblins were ( dude wasn’t even missing any body parts lmao ).
however, when the others do come and she is in range of the artefact again, she is going to immediately have questions for whoever questions her. she would have learned at this point that she can use the tadpoles to poke into other peoples’ heads and man does she use that a lot. it’s a thing she practically abuses and doesn’t get better about for a long time. she would probably immediately do just that with the group, probing them for anything they might know. she would recognize immediately that her insane devotion to the absolute wasn’t of her own volition, she’s never worshiped anything but herself. she would never forsake her life, or her eternal soul, for some god. i guess it would be up to the player to decide whether or not they trust a devil to join them ( but she’s hella powerful as a cambion, and her demon form shreds lol ), and she would no doubt demonstrate just how useful she can be, helping them fight their way through goblins and true souls to free halsin for answers.
her main goal throughout the game is to get to baldur’s gate, because she still has a quest to complete for her patron, but that changes later once she finds out the truth about her patron. i mean, she’ll still kill gortash and the others, but not for her patron. she could go one of two ways, though:
there’s the evil path. she takes the stones for herself, dominates the elder brain and takes over the world with enough power to kill her patron and free herself. i’ve done this way and can do this way, for sure, but as much as it fits her chaotic evil vibe, i want the best for my demon baby <3
i like the idea of neph slowly developing her mortal empathy throughout the events of the game as she develops a bond with the people around her. this would be the first time she’s ever allowed herself to become close to other people, and she would be reluctant to let herself see them as people at first. normally, neph only sees mortals as things to play with, use, and discard when she’s finished, but she also never really was shown any other way to be. she was raised with any sort of love, guidance or support. speaking of, her other in-game quests even if she doesn’t go the evil route would be to 1. kill her father ( the man who sold her to a brothel when she was 15 ) and 2. kill her father ( her patron xD ). mad daddy issues all around over here. but eventually, especially if she has the support of other people obtaining her own freedom, i think neph could be a pretty decent person and break out of that cycle of abuse.
* verses .
au verse: au where nepharia’s mother never died in child birth, and so she was raised by her mortal mother and was never sold to the brothel and never sold her soul. in this verse she is chaotic neutral instead of chaotic evil and it gives me a chance to explore her softer side easier.
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sirserpentine · 2 months
On Pentious' backstory.
//Hi lovelies! I've been thinking and developing Pentious for a short while now, and while I will likely accept whatever canon history we'll get for him in the future, I have a few current POSSIBLE ideas for what may have led him to Hell in life. This is one of such possibilities:
Short version: Pentious was a rich inventor in Victorian England. He served portions of time as an engineer in the army, working in the British Empire's colonies in Africa and Asia. (Hardcore colonialist. Very nasty, as they were.)
He had an amicable relationship with his wife who had been chosen by his parents. They wanted to have children very badly, but suffered from infertility for years with no improvement. Pentious grew bitter over his work overseas as well as depressed and hot-tempered from his repeated grief and disappointment when his family wouldn't grow.
Eventually, desperate Pentious decided to research dark magic and ask for the help from demons, as angels wouldn't answer his prayers. A deal was offered by a demon he managed to summon, a potion that would guarantee healthy children to its drinker. The catch? Pentious would automatically descend into Hell upon death. When promised his wife and future children would be safe from such a fate, Pentious took the leap and drank the potion at once.
But coming home that day, nobody answered his calls.
What followed was a grief-induced rampage, a desperate attempt to create an antidote, a bitter attempt to create poison, plans of calamity, plans to burn down the world that had forsaken him, toxic fumes spilling over his body by accident, red, red marks all over his skin, a study that burnt down in flames.
And a snake who entered Hell alone.
In detail:
He was born into a rich, aristocratic family in the late 1840s and had the privilege to study to his heart's content in London, his busy birth town. Being an engineer or an inventor was something he wanted to do since he was very young and his family accepted this, though a bit reluctantly. Following a degree in the university, he was engaged and married to a bride of his family's preference but didn't hate or outwardly disagree with the arrangement.
He and his gentle wife found common ground when it came to the enjoyment of music, art and the scoffed-upon, silly preference to usher house-intruding rats and mice outside without excessive violence. They also doted on all the children of their friends and relatives and eventually desired a big family of their own.
With no upcoming patent for an invention in sight, young Pentious instead found a job as an engineer for the army and travelled to the empire's faraway colonies in India and Africa to oversee and assist in the construction of windmills, vehicles and the maintenance of weaponry. Pentious received elementary level soldier training at this point and for the first time learned how to hold a firearm. He also got to enjoy the life in a true colonizer fashion; feel a false sense of superiority towards those their troops supervised and bossed around, eat exotic treats and send gifts back to his wife. Snakeskin purses, spices, jewellery, everything that could be ripped from their place of origin. He paid money for them, surely it couldn't count as stealing? They made his wife so happy, surely he wasn't greedy for hogging so much? He was a Britt, a civilised chap, certainly he was deserving of his share?
Though the reunion at home after his travels was a warm one, Pentious and his wife grew agitated when they weren't blessed with children after years of trying. They did their best, employing each home remedy, prayer and doctor's order they could afford, but the situation never improved. Pentious had to leave for more job contracts to fulfil and each time he returned to his grieving wife and empty nursery, the less he resembled the man he had been in the past. The idealistic, kind gentleman had become entitled and stressed, his smiles had turned into frowns, his passions into a hot temper.
And when he started shooting at the intruding rodents that disturbed his precious work in the study or tea in the parlour, his wife grew even more concerned. And when she mentioned this and all he could offer as consolation and apology was a concoction of rat poison to get rid of the problem instead, she wasn't sure if she even knew him anymore.
Pentious grew desperate enough to turn to dark magic to have his dreams come true. If Angels wouldn't listen to his wails, maybe demons would? Though doubting it would work until the very end, Pentious managed to summon a demon who offered him a deal; A potion that, once consumed, would guarantee him the conception and birth of healthy children. The catch? He would automatically descend into Hell at the moment of his death.
When promised his wife and future children would be spared from such a fate, Pentious wasted no time in swigging down the potion. Despite the prize he knew he would be paying, he felt more lighthearted than ever as he ran back home, desperate to tell his wife they could still try, they could fix things up, there was still time.
But once he was home, all that greeted him was silence.
The vial of rat poison was empty.
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xhideyourfires · 1 month
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aura: orange - shows confidence and excitement, as well as one who takes the lead in relationships song: "save me" globus - the lyrics in this song just resonate okay flower: amaryllis - strength, pride, determination
tagged by: @caracarnn . @xradiant
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sunhated-a · 6 months
Muzan has a special reserve in one of his brains that is dedicated exclusively to remembering people's fits with photographic memory.
But, joking aside. Muzan always had a near photographic memory, even as a human it was extremely easy for him to recall names and faces with an almost startling precision. And, as a human that would be fated to die, such a thing could certainly be considered a boon. But to a nigh immortal? A few centuries in, and he could begin to feel the effects of his mind being overloaded.
He was bogged down under the weight of hundreds of years of needless information. And, he quickly began to "remove" what he no longer needed. It was a inelegant solution, but it would have to do.
Of course, memories do not work like that. Nor do they truly go away, even if he is able to brute-force himself into "forgetting", the best he can do is assign the memories into an inactive part of his minds. But they can be made to resurface.
For this reason, one of his brains is wholly dedicated to holding repressed memories, there he has consigned most of his human life and all that it entails.
That is also why Muzan refuses to sleep, he doesn't need to. But he dreams very, very frequently, and very likely they are extremely vivid dreams, mostly reliving repressed experiences.
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