academia-lucifer · 2 days
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shisasan · 3 days
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The Letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf (1924-1941)
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shakespearesdaughters · 12 hours
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mahoganyamore · 2 days
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imagine being loved the way you love...
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etherealacademia · 17 hours
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some photos i took this summer
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academic-valentine · 2 days
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𝕬𝖈𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖒𝖎𝖈 𝖁𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖊
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Wednesday • July 24, 2024
Working at a teahouse instead of the library today because sweet treats make studying so much easier, and for some reason (probably the ADHD 😵‍💫) I focus better in crowded areas with people sitting next to and around me.
I think I’ve gotten more done in these 2 hours so far than yesterday’s entire 4 hour session at home. Got some coding done too along with the usual studying for that GE, so that was fun!
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ladysisyphus · 2 days
For the past eight or so years, I've been off and on doing research on a particular group of (mostly) gay men from the '80s. The going has been slow, in part because in all this time, I've never once been working at a job that paid me for my research product. But whatever, you know, we're academics, it's what we do, so I'm knuckling down this summer and getting some work done.
Even though most of the people involved in this group, you will not be surprised to learn, have been dead for decades now, after spending this long with these materials, I feel almost like I know these guys. I recognize their names when they pop up in newsletters and editorials. I even know what some of their voices sound like, thanks to dedicated preservationists and digital archivists. That's part of what keeps me going with it, you know? It feels less like work and like I'm doing a favor for some friends.
Most everybody I'm focusing on, I know a fair bit about them, including where they were born and when they died. But there's still some people on the periphery of the story where I know their names from their interactions with the group, but I don't know much about them otherwise. After reading about a particular event yesterday, I decided to ask Google about one of those men, expecting the search to turn up maybe some newspaper articles and an obituary.
The first hit was a Facebook page. Well, sure, his name's pretty uncommon, but not completely rare, so this could be... No, there were too many very specific clues about his identity to be a coincidence. This man that I 1000% had assumed was dead? Retired and living comfortably several states away, with a Facebook he'd updated five hours ago.
And the thought that burst fully formed from my head like Athena herself was:
So I sent him messages on Facebook and Instagram, and he responded, and now I'm corresponding with Blorbo from my Research to set up a time where I can interview him. And maybe put him in Situations? No, see, I think he put himself in Situations forty years ago, and that's why I've come calling. Anyway, the punchline to this story is that I am not a functioning adult with a doctorate, I am 30-50 feral memes in a trenchcoat.
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namedvesta · 3 days
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— Edvard Munch, The Kiss (𝟣𝟪𝟫𝟩).
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amentainsularis · 2 days
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July was as precarious and as messy as my working desk during field season
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academia-lucifer · 10 hours
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shisasan · 3 days
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Anaïs Nin, Henry and June [originally published 1986]
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weltonboys · 1 day
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staying alive - mary oliver
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mahoganyamore · 3 days
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it has gotten better before, it will get better again
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summa-cum-latte · 3 days
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codicology and paleography were among my favorite classes at CEU—first pic is Black Lake by Björk for a “design your own folio” assignment 🖤
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academic-valentine · 2 days
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