#[ also me: /lists all his positive traits and incentivises people to wanna ship their female muses with him ]
causalitylinked · 2 years
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He actually cares. Sure, Kobato might not always do the right thing, but he does worry about others and is the sort of friend who would find you and drive you home should you get lost. He’ll also offer to buy you food, especially if you happen to be younger/an underclassman of his or a cute girl.
Will whisper sweet nothings to you and unlike most Japanese men, has no trouble saying ‘I love you’. Of course, this only applies to female aligned muses, because again, he’s very obnoxiously hetero, even in The Caligula Effect 2.
Doesn’t discriminate. Seriously, Kobato doesn’t give a shit if someone is a man or a woman, because if they’re an asshole, they’re an asshole. Honestly, he would even hit a girl should they... like, not back off or are causing real, actual harm to someone he is friends with.
Not a guy who subscribes to toxic masculinity, even if he does like to tease Ryuto for liking sweets so much despite being very mature for his age. Why, he doesn’t actually repress his emotions and will even cry/let himself be vulnerable around you, which happens to be rare, because it’s actually quite common for Japanese men to be more emotionally inhibited and find discomfort in expressing their emotions through words.
Will be transparent with you and will tell you things exactly how it is. Like, while the rest of the Go-Home Club members had been hesitant to tell Marie about what they found out about her, Kobato had no qualms telling her she was actually a paraplegic in real life and that if she ever returned back to reality, she will have a shorter life expectancy compared to the average person and will live out the rest of her life, confined to a hospital bed, because she can’t move a single muscle and Redo, the world they were all stuck in, was basically supposed to be her safe haven from all that. But yeah, even if it’s painful, he won’t bother withholding information from you, especially should it concern you in particular.
In his Post-TCE2 verse, he’s really trying his best to be a function-able adult despite having apathy and just lacking passion when it comes to a lot of things. Honestly, driving might be something that he doesn’t find annoying (like manual labour), but it’s nothing he’s particularly passionate about to the point where he would be devastated he can no longer do it anymore, so he won’t be able to relate to, say... Sonia Nevermind’s love for the occult. Like, he doesn’t mind driving and is even used to doing it, but I feel as if ‘enjoy’ would be too strong a word, due to the fact his apathy prevents him from feeling much happiness/interest in things that don’t revolve around the opposite sex. Why, Kobato doesn’t even choose his clothes or appearance based on his own personal aesthetic anymore but what he thinks girls actually like, so despite being someone who is unable to derive meaning from living for himself rather than for others, he still chooses to cling onto life, no matter how empty he feels on the inside... so for as pathetic as he is, he still chooses to move on and exist rather than continue to mope about things he can no longer control.
When it comes to any interests other girls might have, he can be open-minded. Like, if you’re into, say... a video game, he would probably start playing it, because he wants to be able to relate to you and get closer to you. Granted, it’s not like Kobato wouldn’t have ulterior motives by doing so, but he really does try his best to the kind of guy any girl would like.
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