#[ but there's no changing the fact ryuto truly appreciates it ]
causalitylinked · 1 year
"Happy Birthday, Birthdayboy," Fang basically greeted him with wide spread arms, before slowly lowering them, realizing he would not get the message and extra bow down to her for an embrace. Worth a try. "Ah, anyway... I got you something, no take-backs." Reaching behind herself for her bag to pull a letter out, in which he found a hand-painted piece in the size of a postcard. When painting it, it had been another reminder that she still does not know him at all, so she went the safe way and simply tried to mimic her favorite style and drew a clearing, which could be possibly mistaken for a scene in almost any ghibli movie. Perhaps he liked the feeling of real paint on his fingers and would appreciate her craftsmanship, even if small. "Maybe you got a pinboard," she suggested. "Or the bin." Keeping her smile, considering she would never find out anyway.
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            it's ryuto's birthday » always accepting!
    "Ah... thank you very much," Ryuto politely remarks before initiating a half bow. Of course, he had an inkling Kobato probably told her beforehand, hence why he doesn't question how Fang knows. Still, upon seeing her spreading her arms further out towards the sides, he's quick to raise a brow, for it wasn't as if he understood such subtle social cues to be able to deduce what particular meaning was behind it, but regardless, he soon finds himself shaking his head, as if in complete disbelief over the fact she went this far... for him, no less.
    "That truly wasn't necessary, Gao-san... but since you came all this way, I suppose I shall indulge you by seeing this gift you so kindly procured for me. Now, what was it?" Ryuto states before watching her pull out what looked to be a small, hand painted piece of a clearing, which immediately has his gaze soften... and slowly, he'll extend a gloved hand to gently pluck it up from her hands while letting his gaze roam across it.
    "Interesting. Did you paint this yourself? It's certainly not bad; in fact, this scenery reminds me quite a bit of Hayazaki Miyao's cinematic pieces... and if nothing else, would serve as suitable placeholder on my desk," Ryuto finally remarks, and sure enough, he'll lift his other palm to rest idly along his cheek as his gaze shifts down towards Fang once more.
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    "...Well, at any rate, I don't hate it," came his eventual admittance, which for once, sounded rather sheepish coming from his lips. "Where do you live, Gao-san? Perhaps I can escort you back home... without Kobato being around to hassle us."
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