#[ cries i might work on this tmrw but for now this is what ur getting ]
spiral-p1lled · 11 months
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rin chan. woah 🤯
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
yea probably itto would mindlessly introduce u to ayato cuz 🤩 you're best bros alright 🤝🤝🤝 on your way to be best bros with ayato 😤😤
No hold on bc why are you so funny- 🤧🤧🤧
And now if u gon fight me u have a ball now??? Not a sword?? 🧐🧐🧐 Is this bc of the vyn volleyball card????? 👀 📸💥 I opened it to see the comments and you're all the comments 📸📸📸 Down bad, down bad😌😏🤨📸🚓 you liking some guy who plays with balls ?? 🤨🤔😭 /j
yes ur hot ein 🥴🥴🥴 gotta get that high damage elemental reactions🤩💥💥💥
u thought ur fighting with me???🤯🤯🤯 You're saying that as if you didn't have a crisis with yourself on some asks 🥰😘💞 i wounded u dearly? No problem i have jean to heal u 😌💞💞💞 then u can take that back😘
Ayato might be the payment for you being funny 👀🤭🤔😌 who knows?? 🥴😳
Ein are you possibly plotting a crime of arson and kidnapping??!?!?! 🤭😳🧐😰🥴
"Kamisato Estate burned to ashes with Kamisato Ayato left inside, claimed to be spraying the fire 🔥💦😩 with his hydro 💦vision😘💦✨ but still ended up burned and also buried🤩 mysteriously. 🧐🤔🤔 Not only that, Kamisato Ayaka is also found to be missing 😱 from the estate with no traces of being burned🔥⁉️ to ashes— like La Signora💃🔥— and is suspected to be kidnapped 😌by the culprit 👀 the fire is allegedly been started💥💥 using those who wield pyro visions 🔥✨ The allegedly culprit behind this terrible event😔😩 is pointed out to be the Kamisato housekeeper, Thoma. 🤭🤔🤸‍♂️ There are no traces of solid evidences yet😩🤧, but the presence of a pyro vision's effect is evident.🤯😱😳 "
i also have heard abt the mistranslation 🤧 it really depends on the direction of the voice director 💀
i'm tryna learn your humor so i could match the vibe and i aint just a dry ass person like albedo 🙄🙄 one of my kins 😌
Keep simping, ein. 😘 🥰🥰
Goodluck to us tmrw on Ayato banner 😩💞
— 🍰.
uh but being bro with him is not my intention tho😳🕶️🤏 its more than that
oh god ikr😍 i am so funny💅 if only being like this is a job then i would be a millionaire rn🙄🙄🙄
and what's the problem with balls🧐 before you can slash me im already throwing balls at you 😍💅 wait i answered your ask before i saw that vyn card but i mean *tucks hair* i wouldn't mind him being the reason ehehe👉👈 caught in 4k i see🤔 made sure i looked gorgeous in those okay🧐 you have one job and that is to make sure you photographed me right🙄
ikr🙄 i am scorchingly hot 💅 wait is this a sign to hell😃 oh nah im quitting
uh huh really? where are your receipts that i am fighting myself in some ask?🧐🧐 this gorgeous human is found innocent until proven guilty 🤾🤾🤾
i dont need your billie jean, i need hu tao to burry me alive🥳
AYO ANON I LIKE WHAT YOU'RE THINKING 😏😏 but no❤️ i need money and its always me before hoes💔 i can lure them with my miney u know 🤤 so its like two birds with one stone, i am rich and i get to have them #smart #girlboss #influencer #ubettercomehomeayato
oh, abt that crime👉👈
I RAISED YOU RIGHT MY DEAR ANON, LOOK AT YOU NOW😍 HAVING A TOP TIER HUMOR LIKE ME 😤😏 i feel like a mother watching her child perform effortless *cries dramatically* my little love has grown up *sobs as i hug taroumaru*
wdym my dear albedo is dry? excuse me? that boy is perfectly fine🤨 he have everything except me💔 *sheds a tear* its your fault albedo, when i asked you to come back home u left me like a fool and gave me another one to replace your absence *looks at him and see him dgaf* its your lost *walks away with c1 mona*
i will, after all someone said thats the content of this blog🙄 i wonder who🧐
let him chase us if he doesn't come home, it's his lost💅
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Mirrors - Tyrus
I wrote a story about self acceptance may have been like for TJ, because he is a stereotypical masculine guy. This is the first chapter the rest is linked.
TJ realized that he liked Cyrus right before costume day. He realized this because of Kira. “Have fun with that.” Those words echoed in his head as he walked home from school. When he got home, he was alone. His older brother got out of school later and both of his parents worked.
           He went up to his room and just stared at himself in the mirror. He laughed a little. He couldn’t actually like like Cyrus. He was the captain of the basketball team. He didn’t actually like boys. That was a ridiculous thing to think. Of course, Kira was wrong. Just then his phone went off.
Cy: Cant wait 4 tmrw! :))))
           His heart fluttered at the text. Crap. Yup, he definitely did like Cyrus. He looked back at himself in the mirror. He stared at himself again this time feeling the burning sensation of tears behind his eyes. He couldn’t like Cyrus that way. Reed and Lester always talked about how wrong it was. Boys couldn’t like other boys. It was gross.
           TJ threw himself on his bed and put his head in his pillow. He must have fallen asleep at some point, because he was woken up by his mom yelling for him to come down for dinner. TJ looked down at his pillow, there were very obvious wet marks from where he had been crying. He let out a sigh and walked downstairs.
           His parents talked about their days, and then asked his older brother, Kurt, about his. Finally, the conversation circled around to TJ. “How was your day sweetie?” His mom smiled at him.
           He shrugged, “It was alright, I guess.” His mom and dad looked at each other. This was not normal behavior for their son. Usually TJ oozed confidence and happiness.
           “Ok, well costume day is tomorrow, right? What are you doing for it?” At this point he was just pushing the food around his plate.
           He looked up at his mom, and then back down to his plate. “Um, Cyrus and I are doing a costume together.” He heard his dad laugh. He looked up at him.
           His mom shot his dad a death glare and then turned back to TJ. “That’s nice honey, what are you doing for it?”
           TJ trained his eyes back on his food, “We are um doing somersault. I’m gonna dress up in a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses, so I’m summer. Cyrus is gonna wear a salt costume.” He whispered his answer, almost like he didn’t want his family to hear him.
           He heard his dad scoff lightly. “I don’t think you should be doing that kind of stuff with another boy TJ. People might get the…wrong impression.” His mom once again shot him a glare.
TJ nodded, “Yeah, you’re probably right.” He knew his dad was right. After dinner he went back upstairs and texted Kira.
TJ: hey I thought about it and I wanna do ur costume
Kira: Gr8! I’ll bring it 4 u tmrw.
           TJ sat down on his bed. He knew he should tell Cyrus he wasn’t doing their costume anymore, but he couldn’t bring him to do it. He just stared at his contact for what felt like forever. There was a knock on his door. “Come in,” Kurt walked into the room. He closed the door and leaned against it.
           “Hey, you good? You seemed kinda off at dinner?” TJ nodded.
           “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired. I had a math test today…you know how that goes for me.” It was a good excuse, because it was true; he was always sad after a math test. Even though he was doing better, he still felt crappy after taking one.
           His brother nodded at him, “Alright bud.” He turned and opened the door. Before he exited the room; he looked TJ over his shoulder. “You know Teej if you ever wanna talk to me about something you’re scared to talk about with mom or dad; you can talk to me.” TJ looked down at his hands and nodded. His brother left the room and closed the door.
           He went to bed early that night. He just wanted to escape his thoughts. Sleep wasn’t coming easy though. He kept hearing his dad’s words from dinner, “People might get the wrong impression.” But what if the “wrong impression,” was the right impression? TJ stood up in the darkness of the room.
           He walked over to his mirror once again. The only light in the room was coming through the window; illuminating him just enough so he could see himself in the mirror. “You don’t like Cyrus. You don’t like Cyrus.” He kept saying it over and over to himself, but the more he said it the more realized it wasn’t true. He hung his head as tears began to build in his eyes.
           He looked back up at himself. “You like Cyrus and it’s disgusting.” He spit at his reflection. “You can’t like boys, it’s wrong.” The tears began falling down his face. He began to quietly sob, so no one else in the house would hear him. “But I do like Cyrus.” He hung his head again.
           He was taking ragged breaths. “I’m…I’m…” he couldn’t bring himself to say the word. He thinks he always knew. He remembers looking at boys when the other boys started looking at girls. Once he heard the word used as an insult though and knew what it meant. He realized he could never ever be that. Even if it broke him.
           He got back into bed, and silently cried himself to sleep. He was thinking about what Cyrus’ face was gonna look like when he realized he bailed on the costume. He also thought about how everyone would think he and Kira were dating now. He shuddered at the thought. He didn’t want that, but it was safer than the alternative. He finally drifted off to sleep around 2am.
           He went to school the next day and waited by the tree that Kira told him to meet her at. She walked up to him wearing a shirt that read “dribble.” He reached into her bag and handed one that also said “dribble.” He looked up at her confused. “We’re double dribble, get it?” TJ let out a weak laugh.
           “Yeah, that’s funny.” It wasn’t. He liked his and Cyrus’s costume idea better, but here we were. He slipped on the shirt over his existing shirt. He walked over to where Cyrus was. His stomach dropped as he saw Cyrus see him. His face instantly fell. “Hey guys.” He tried to sound a little bit happy.
           Cyrus looked him up and down, “what happened to somersault?” TJ gulped.
           “Um, Kira needed a partner for her costume, and I figured Buffy and Andi would let you tag along with theirs.” Buffy and Andi glared at him.
           “What are you supposed to be anyway?” Buffy had sharp tone to her voice, which he knew he deserved.
           “Kira has one that says dribble too…it’s double dribble, haha.” His laugh was not real at all, and the other three could tell.
           Andi shook her head at TJ and turned to Cyrus, “you can be in ours, ok?” Cyrus nodded.
           “Well…bye.” TJ walked away with a little wave.
           He felt horrible the entire day. He knew what he did was wrong. He hadn’t even told him. He just bombarded him with it. He embarrassed him. He hurt Cyrus. He walked home from school, ignoring the texts from Kira. He walked up to his room and tried to text Cyrus.
TJ: Cyrus I’m sorry I should have told you.
           No response, but he did get a text from Buffy.
Buffy: Honestly Kippen, that was low, even for you. You hurt him so badly, and you don’t even care. TJ, I thought you were becoming a better person, turns out I was wrong.
           He didn’t respond to her; he knew she didn’t want a response from him. He ripped off the stupid T-shirt and threw it at the wall. He flopped onto his bed and put his hands over his face. He began to cry for what felt like the millionth time that week.
           He hated what he did, he couldn’t believe he did it. He was disgusted with himself. He was disgusted because he hurt Cyrus but also because he cared so much that he hurt Cyrus. He began to sob into his hands. He felt there was nothing he could do to fix this. Just then someone walked into his room.
           He shot up and began wiping his eyes. It was Kurt, he looked concerned. “Hey bud you ok?”
           TJ nodded his head, “yeah just um…” Kurt looked at him skeptically. TJ began to shake his head, the tears started flowing again. “No,” he let out barely above a whisper.
           Kurt closed the door and sat next to TJ on his bed. “Do you wanna tell me what’s wrong?” He shook his head, because he didn’t. He couldn’t handle the rejection from his own family, not after today. “Ok, but, you know you can right?” TJ looked up at the 18-year old for any signs of doubt, or sarcasm.
           He found none. “I um I hurt Cyrus. I didn’t do his costume. I did a costume with a girl named Kira.” He lowered his head into his hands. “Now he hates me, they all do.” He looked at his brother again. “They all do, I don’t have anyone.” He brother put an arm around him.
           “Hey Teej, I’m sure they don’t hate you. You just need to give them time, and apologize…maybe a lot.” TJ looked back down at his lap and nodded. “Why…why didn’t you do the costume with Cyrus?” He looked back into his brother’s eyes.
           He didn’t he didn’t know if he could tell him. Kurt gave him a kind, little smile. TJ began wringing his hands, “at dinner um…dad said how people might get the ‘wrong impression’…” He looked to see if there was any change in his brother’s face. There wasn’t, still just a smile with kind eyes, Kurt definitely had their mom’s eyes. He looked back down at his hands, “but I think…maybe the ‘wrong impression’…” He took a deep breath, “I think it might be the right impression.”
           TJ began sobbing again. He put his head in his lap. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Kurt. He knew he was going to hate him. He felt like he couldn’t breathe. Suddenly he heard Kurt. He was squatted down in front of him. He put his hands on TJ’s knees to steady himself.
           “Hey TJ, come on, look at me.” TJ couldn’t do it; he couldn’t face the disappointment. He shook his head. “TJ, seriously look at me.” His brother had a stern tone of voice. TJ looked up slowly. When he met the 18-year old’s eyes he didn’t see any sign of anger, or disappointment. “TJ, it’s ok, if you’re…if you like Cyrus. You’re allowed to do that.” TJ stopped sobbing.
           He sniffled, “it…I am?” Kurt nodded with a smile.
           “Of course buddy. Did you think I was gonna be mad?” TJ nodded. It wasn’t just him; it was their entire family. “Teej, I love you so much. You’re my little brother, nothing could ever change that…even if you do like boys.” Kurt stood up and sat next to him again.
           “But, dad seemed so…so…disappointed. He’s gonna be mad Kurt.” He looked up at his brother. His bottom lip was trembling.
           “It’s gonna be ok. He just…he doesn’t understand it. He’s never…he grew up when that wasn’t ok. But mom won’t care at all. She will help make dad understand, ok?” TJ smiled up at him. Kurt side hugged TJ and stood up to leave the room.
           With the acceptance of his brother TJ felt like he finally had the confidence to say it. “Wait, Kurt…” he turned back around. “I’m…I…I’m gay.” He said quietly, because he had never heard himself say it out loud. He felt proud of himself, as a smile grew onto his face.
           Kurt smiled back down at him, “I’m so proud of you Thelonious Jagger.” Kurt smirked and then dodged the pillow TJ threw at him.
           “I hate you,” TJ laughed as he was wiping tear marks from his face. “But, um…thanks.” Kurt nodded and left the room.
           After many, many weeks trying to reform he and Cyrus’s friendship, and they were finally back to somewhat normal. TJ hadn’t told anyone else that he was gay. He kept hanging out with Kira to make sure no one found out. He didn’t want Cyrus to know, because that could ruin their friendship again, because he might feel weird about TJ being gay.
           Tonight, was Andi’s party and he was having a really good time with his friends. He loved the goofy way Cyrus was dancing. It was so cute…no not cute. He had to get over his crush on him. Just then Kira walked over and began actually laughing. “Look at Cyrus that’s hilarious.”
           TJ turned to her “you can’t do that.”
           “Do what?” She returned.
           “Laugh at someone for the way they dance.” He was getting heated.
           “You did it too.” He sassed back at him
           “No, I didn’t, I thought it was fun, not funny.” He crossed his arms
           She rolled her eyes, “Why don’t you just admit what this is really about?” he looked at her confused. “If I asked you to pick between me or Cyrus; you’d pick Cyrus.” He looked over at Cyrus dancing on the floor. He felt a smile tug at his lips, but then fall, because he remembered the situation. He looked at the ground. “Exactly. Goodbye TJ.” She stomped away.
           TJ was just gonna try and have fun for the rest of the night; ignoring the fact that Kira was probably gonna out him tomorrow to the whole school. They sang and danced until about 9:30. His parents were picking him up at 10. He went outside to sit on a bench around the fire.
           “Mind if I join you?” He looked up and saw Cyrus. He nodded. Cyrus looked around. “Where did Kira go?”
           TJ smirked, “probably back to her cave.”
           Cyrus laughed lightly, “I would believe that.” They laughed. “You know, I had no idea you played piano.”
           TJ turned toward his friend, “Well, my mom is a piano teacher.”
           Cyrus looked shocked, “I didn’t know that either.”
           TJ laughed, “I’m not secretive, you can ask me anything.”
           Cyrus thought for a moment and then asked, “What does TJ stand for?”
           TJ’s face dropped, “except that.” Cyrus frowned.
           “Please TJ pretty please. I thought you weren’t secretive.” Cyrus crossed his arms but had a smile on his face.
           TJ smiled at him, “Fine, but you can’t tell anyone, you can’t laugh at it, and you can NEVER use it.” Cyrus nodded. “Ok… TJ stands for…Thelonious Jagger…” He looked at Cyrus’ smile. “You said you wouldn’t laugh.”
           Cyrus didn’t laugh, “that is a great name! Seriously I love that name.”
           TJ smiled shyly, “um thanks…my grandparents didn’t, they started calling me TJ and it stuck.” They laughed. Their smiles faded into serious faces. “Is…there anything else you want to know?”  TJ began moving his hand toward Cyrus’ that was resting on the bench.
           Cyrus looked down at his moving hand and then back up. “Is there anything else you want to tell me?”
           TJ let out a deep breath, “yeah.” He sounded unsure. “Is there…anything you want to tell me?” He moved his hand closer.
           Cyrus’ smile grew into a nervous smile, “yes.” TJ let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding in. TJ smiled and connected their hands. They both sat and smiled at each other for a bit. “So…you like me too?”
           TJ let out a laugh and looked down at their hands. “More than anything.” Cyrus smiled big. “Do you maybe…wanna like…give this a try?”
           Cyrus looked down at their hands and then back up. “More than anything.” TJ smiled at him.
           When his dad texted him that he was outside. He and Cyrus stood up. They hugged for what felt like forever. “I’ll text you later…ok?” TJ asked. Cyrus nodded. They hugged quick again, and TJ left.
           He got into the passenger seat of his dad’s car. “So how was the party?” TJ smiled down at the hand that had been holding Cyrus’ not 5 minutes earlier.
           “It was…it was really good.” He smiled up at his dad. His dad just grunted and nodded.
           When they got home his mom was in the living room. “Hi honey, how was it?”
           He walked over and gave her a hug, “it was really good mom.” She smiled. His brother appeared from the kitchen and sat in the recliner. His dad was about to walk upstairs.
           TJ made a split-second decision that he might regret later, but he was too high up right now; and he needed to do this now or he might never. “Wait.” His dad stopped and turned back around. His mom and brother both looked over at him. “I wanna…I need to talk to you guys.” His dad descended the stairs and sat next to his wife on the couch. TJ sat down on the loveseat.
           His mom looked concerned, “is everything alright baby? Is it your grades?”
           TJ shook his head and looked at Kurt, he gave him a small smile and a knowing look. “No, my grades are fine. It’s um something else.” His parents both nodded. “So…” he began to rub his palms together. His parents were looking more concerned by the minute. “It’s not a bad thing…at least I don’t think it is…” Kurt turned to his parents and nodded.
           “Wait you know?” Their mom gave almost a look of betrayal that he knew before she did. Kurt nodded, and turned back to his phone.
           “Um…I…tonight…this is really hard for me.” His mom went to stand up to sit by him. “No!” She seemed stunned. “Please, it’ll be easier if you’re…if you stay there.” She sat back down. “I think…well no. I know…I just…I…I have a boyfriend.” He immediately looked at his hands. There was silence. Kurt seemed a little shocked about the recent development but, was looking at their parents too.
           Hi dad finally spoke, “…who is it?” TJ looked up at them. They both had expressions that were unreadable by TJ, but didn’t seem to be for Kurt. He looked angry at their parents, but stayed quiet.  
           He looked down at his feet. He was pretty sure his dad already knew what the answer was going to be. “It’s…um…Cyrus.” His dad slammed his hand down onto the arm of the couch. TJ flinched.
           He stood up from where he was sitting. “So, you’re gay then. Is that it?” He had a harsh tone to his voice. TJ didn’t even get to respond before his dad spoke again. “You know what. I don’t want to know.”
           He began walking up the stairs, his mom called after him. “Marty come on.”
           He turned around, “I don’t want to know. I don’t want to hear about it.” He had anger in his voice, but he was whispering. He disappeared up the stairs.
           His mom turned back to TJ who now had tears steadily streaming down his face. Kurt walked over at sat by him. He pulled him into a hug. “He…he hates me…” He whispered into Kurt’s shirt.
           Kurt looked at their mom, he gave her a look that seemed to get her attention. She rushed to the side of her sons. “He doesn’t hate you honey. He just…he doesn’t understand it. You’re on the basketball team, you’ve always been athletic, you-“ TJ cut her off.
           “What does any of that have to do with this? I’m…I can still be athletic and…and gay.” Kurt still holding him in the hug. He shot his mom a disappointed look. “I’m sorry that you guys are disappointed. I tried to change mom. I really did.” He began crying harder. “But…but it hurts. I can’t do it anymore. I’m sorry.” His mom sat on the ground speechless.
           “Honey. I am not disappointed in you. I am sorry if I made you feel like that. Your dad will come around. I’ll talk to him, I promise.” His mom began tearing up. “I’m so sorry baby. I’m sorry you felt like you had to hide this from us.” TJ looked up at his mom.
           She opened her arms for him, and he flung himself into them. He was sobbing into his mom’s shirt. Kurt ruffled TJ’s hair and got up to leave the two of them alone. “I’m so sorry mom. I…I’m sorry. I didn’t want to like boys…but…” She began shushing him.
           “Baby, it’s ok. I promise. I’ll love you forever. You know I love Cyrus too. You got a good one honey.” He pulled away and smiled at his mom.
           He nodded, “yeah I really do. He’s great.” His mom held and “rocked” him (even though he was about as tall as her now) until he stopped crying.
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