#[ eiji.. will break an arm for you and your muses uvu
solivcgant · 1 year
       SMALL  LIBERO  to  put  herself  between  ,  so  easily  willing  to  throw  herself  in  the  line  of  danger  between  eiji  and  BOY'S  TEAM  captain  (  mr  .  charisma  .  lover  boy  .  OIKAWA  .  )  ,  "  look  at  me  ,  "  she  says  gently  ,  golden  eyes  begging  for  his  gaze  so  it  doesn't  linger  on  her  superior  ,  "  it's  ---  it's  FINE  ,  "  body  blocking  him  ,  refusing  to  let  eiji  pass  her  by  ,  "  calm  down  .  i  ...  i  got  you  .  it's  okay  .  just  ...  just  let  it  go  .  "  small  ,  calloused  hands  grip  his  wrists  ,  almost  impassible  grip  .  @knifvd
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on most days he was able to ignore what the team captain had to say regarding things OFF the court. especially the comments regarding their relationship. after all, they weren't very different from what his stepfather had to say about him being the team's ALTERNATE-- or as he liked to put it the BENCHWARMER. not that it bothered him too much. volleyball was just something he enjoyed, it wasn't something he could see himself pursuing after high school.
he HOPED the same could be said about aiko. but maybe he was worried for nothing. she barely reacted to the provoking comments other teams made about her height before the matches. then again why would she? when she could respond with her skills that PROMPTLY shut them up.
and those moments were always the most satisfying when he watched her play.
he stole a brief glance toward her, expecting to see her stare straight ahead like the famous ice girl she was known for. but instead, he was greeted with her looking UNCOMFORTABLE. almost as if she wanted to speak up but didn't want to go against their superior. normally he could control himself better, but now that it directly involved her something inside him SNAPPED. before he could think it through, he lunged forward intending to punch his captain -- or future ex-captain -- squarely on the jaw.
at least, that was his plan until her voice CUT through his thoughts and pulled him back to the present. it was only then did he realize how STUPID he was to act on impulse. he hated how the strong but TREMBLING grip on his wrists gave him comfort but also made him feel ashamed. why.. did she put herself in the middle? in his blinded rage, he could have knocked her over. or worse-- he could have INJURED her and completely ruined her season stats.
he inhaled deeply, eyes reluctantly pulling away from her golden gaze as he slowly closed them in an attempt to regain his usual calm composure. but he was filled with so much frustration and shame at himself that it wasn't doing very much. thankfully his captain was able to read the room, for ONCE, and left them alone. with a sigh, he slumped forward and gently rested his forehead on her shoulder, "you shouldn't have jumped in like that.. i could have hurt you.." he mumbled, too ASHAMED to lift his head and look her in the eyes. "i don't care what he says about me.. but i don't want you or your name getting dragged into things like this because of me."
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