#[ givin him all da attentions <333 ]
elitaxne · 6 years
Cue sad sick Prime noises across the shared bond. Could he trouble her for some energon?
♔. }
       And just as her mate had done when she was ill, Elita opted to work from home today, and likely over the course of the week. Thankfully, Cygnus, Cephei, and Kaal for that matter, all had gone down for an early afternoon nap with no fuss, and in perfect time to the ailing Prime’s internal request. Acknowledging pulses serve as gentle reply as the femme untangled herself from a particularly large and fuzzy blanket, wincing at the usual pops and creaks of aging joints before heading into the kitchenette.
Only a few moments are spent heating the low-grade ( with a sneaky medication dosage mixed into the brew ), during which time a few other remedies are collected from their shelving units, playing off the hunches plaguing the other side of the bond. At the chime of the warmer the cube is removed and various vials and containers scooped up in one fell swoop, making her way to the closed berthroom door as quietly as possible.
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Tapping the keypad with her elbow joint doors open and the fuchsia form slips silently inside, offering consolation in the form of internal pulses while approaching. Setting the cube on the side table Elita perches on the edge of the berth, lining up the additional items in a row.
❝ I also brought you some things that will help you feel better, Sweetspark, ❞ she murmured, lifting a single digit to silence any protests before they could be voiced. ❝ Relax, you do not have to ingest anything — they are all topical… ❞ her voice trailed off quietly, already plucking the first vial from the table and squeezing out a dollop of clear cream into her palm.
Already the strange simultaneously cool and hot compound tingled in her servo, a good sign that it was WORKING, and she gently kneaded it over top the crimson plating in slow circles, massaging the clear cream until it evenly covered the surface. Slowly, little by little, the cool-hot cream had been applied to stiff shoulder pauldrons, tense cabling, and sore neck joints; relaxing all points of contact with a constant coolness, and setting deeper with a heated counterpart.
Quickly wiping down of her servo with a rag allowed her to move to the next remedy: this time for his helm. A few drops of a sharper and sweeter scented liquid wetted the tips of her digits, then gently massaged into the delicate wiring and crooks of his helm, mainly at the sides and front. This would help alleviate migraines and general aches, loosening the swollen wiring and easing the pain. Slender digits kneaded the droplets with utmost delicacy, and once sure it had been properly applied, pulled away to wipe her servo again.
Cool cerulean fell to simply look over her mate with a soft smile, and with loving pulses leaned forwards to press a featherlight kiss to the Prime’s burning forecrest.
❝ Rest well, my Light. I will come check on you in a little bit, ❞ the Councillor whispered, pressing another kiss to the surface. ❝ Promise, ❞ she reassured, showering him in a few more gentle affections before rising from the berth and slipping back into the hall. About once an hour was what she had thus far managed, each time Optimus had been deep in recharge but no matter, he needed the rest and she was around when he would wake. Always.
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