#[ good because if you didn't then i would disown you saku ]
Echoes and Experiments : Chapter 14
Mieko stood over her uncle with a deadly look in her eyes. “If you continue to force the issue in front of me, Uncle, I can guarantee that I will absolutely not hold back.” she stated. “You are NOT the head of the family, and therefore you are in no position to ‘force’ any marriage contracts.” She added, tilting her head to the side. Klee and the other children had been taken outside by Traveler well before this started. “And how dare you insult me by saying I'm no longer the first daughter. My parents never disowned me.” She added, Amane sitting on the side, eyes wide in surprise. “Another thing. Stop grasping at straws. Calx owes you nothing.” she added. 
“Mie, dear, calm.” her aunt said, pouring tea for her niece and the others. “He's been drinking. It was a slip of the tongue.”
“Are you condoning him trying to force all 3 of your daughters to marry? And his attempt at swindling my darling out of mora?” Mieko asked, the woman looking up at her. 
“No. But you're clearly upset.”
“Azusa is 16, Aunt Saku. Emiko is only 13. Amane may be 24, but she's also busy working. Are you saying a woman's worth is only in the worth of the husband she marries? And are you saying that we owe you anything?” She asked, tilting her head. “Because if you are, you're just as bad.”
“Now, now.” The woman chuckled. “Calm down before you ruin your kimono. Your partner bought it for you.” She said, Mieko stopping instantly. 
“I honestly don't mind if she does ruin it, but I find it highly inappropriate for a child not much older than my own sister to be propositioned for marriage.” Albedo stated, Ayato smiling at the answer. 
“Agreed. Ayaka is only 19, but I would never force her to marry.” he added, causing the house patriarch to freeze. “Do watch your words, Akazawa-san. You might offend our very special guest.” he chuckled. 
“M-My apologies, Kamisato-sama.”
“Very good. Mie. I think you should go.”
“Gladly.” She said, offering her hand to Albedo before heading for the door with Ayato. Albedo had never seen Mieko get so upset before, but he supposed she had good reason. He walked out with her, telling Traveler to get Klee back safely before walking with Mieko in the opposite direction of the place they were staying, to allow her to calm down. Finally, when her anger settled after they had walked for a while, he turned her to face him. “Forgive me, Albedo… I didn't mean to-”
“It's alright.” he kissed her cheek. “I agreed with you fully, a child of 13 should never have to start accepting proposals of marriage candidacy.” he stated. “Your Aunt just wanted to keep the peace.”
“Still…” she leaned her forehead against his. “I snapped at Uncle… I caused a fuss infront of Ayato…” she sighed. “What's wrong with me?”
“You're irritable from your insomnia and your exhaustion is causing your temper to have a short fuse.” he said honestly. “But you notice… It's only in the heat of the moment that you have trouble controlling it.” he kissed her cheeks more, lifting her face with one hand. “It's alright.”
“It's not…” she replied, letting him move in and kiss her lips slowly, leaning into him. “I'm a mess…”
“You're beautiful, even if you think you're a mess.” he smiled, cradling her cheek. “Once I'm done with work, let's go on a date around the festival, okay?” he smiled. “I want you to try and rest in the mean time.”
“I… I'll try, for you…” she replied, Albedo nuzzling her and allowing her to relax. She really was falling apart in his hands, but all he could do was comfort her. The potions and remedies only did so much. He hoped a date and lots of affection might mitigate the issue, but he also knew she was burning out. There was only so much he could do for her there. 
“Once we go back on the way to Mondstadt, would you like to do me a favor?”
“A favor?”
“Let me work on a business plan with you, for Echoes.” He stated. “I want to help, even if you won't accept my financing.”
“Albedo…” She stared at him, biting her lip. “You… Would do that for me?”
“Of course I would.” He smiled. “And if it fails, then you don't have to shoulder the burden alone.”
“You spoil me.” She smiled, tears flooding her eyes. “Ah, look at this, I’m such a crybaby…” she closed her eyes, laughing a little.
“You're fine, Mie.” Albedo leaned in and kissed the tears away. “Everything will be okay.”
After the whole fiasco of the missing books, Mieko was better rested. Thankfully her family had left her alone the entire time, she assumed Ayato gave an order, considering he had come by to see her twice. She thought, at one point, she had seen her parents while outside with Albedo as he worked. However, she hid behind his canvas, and he didn't say anything. She had also been experiencing dizzy spells when she moved too fast, but she hoped that was just the exhaustion catching up with her. She got herself ready in the outfit Albedo had purchased for her, sighing as she did her best to replicate Albedo's hairstyle, a little embarrassed by the thought. He had taken to, while they were here, doing her hair for her in the morning. So she hoped this would be a nice surprise for him. She took a deep breath, checking herself in the mirror. She had put on the nice set of lingerie underneath this, since she knew Albedo would appreciate it, even if he hadn't been doing much to her because Klee was around. Albedo was waiting, so she took her pouch and headed to meet him outside. When she arrived, he was talking to someone from the publishing house, so she waited for a moment. The publishing house worker noticed her and smiled, motioning to Mieko and had Albedo turn around to see her.  His eyes went wide and he walked right to her, taking her hand and lifting it to his lips. “My Mie… You look stunning.”
“Do I?” She smiled. “I'm glad you think so…” she held his hand after he squeezed it, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “I'm looking forward to spending time with you properly.” 
“Oh… I look forward to it as well.” He replied, staring at her for a moment, in mild awe. She seemed more confident, like how he wished she could feel all the time. But the feeling she was giving off also made his heart race so intensely that his legs felt weak for a moment. Albedo lead her down to the festival area, but once there Mieko took the lead. They enjoyed the night together, soon coming across a little booth. 
“Care to tie your string of fate tonight, young ones?” An elderly woman asked, smiling at them. 
“Oh? String of fate?” Mieko asked, smiling. “Now there's something I haven't heard since I was young.”
“Oh? What is it?” Albedo asked. 
“The red string of fate is one that ties you to your destined, your soul mate.” The old woman smiled at them. “You two look like good candidates.”
“Do we?” Albedo chuckled. “I do recall hearing about this during one of my previous trips, however… The version I heard was more… Intimate.”
“Ah, so you have heard the version the younguns started telling more recently in their novels.” The old woman chuckled. “A very superficial version.”
“Yes, I recall.” Albedo smiled, Mieko tilting her head at him. “I think I would like to try anyway.”
“Very good. Your hands, dearies.” The woman said, tying their hands with a special know together, Mieko smiling. “If you two can manage to not break the string until morning, then you two will be bound together until death do you part.” The elderly woman said, smiling. Albedo handed her some Mora and Mieko bowed to her before they went off, walking hand in hand. 
“I didn't think people did this anymore.” Mieko said, cheeks pink but a smile still on her face. “Most people see the red string as just a fairy tale.”
“It's a very interesting story. The original was a little more harsh, but…” Albedo squeezed her hand as they headed back to their lodgings. “I think… We should try the more… Superficial version for ourselves.” He chuckled, pulling Mieko against one of the walls outside of the building and holding her against him. “You really are stunning in that outfit…”
“Oh… But my dear, wait till you see…” she chuckled, leaning against him and pressing their hips together, Albedo's cheeks coloring at the sudden show of initiative from his partner. “What I'm wearing underneath.”
“Oh?” Albedo smiled. “Then let's go.” He lead her inside and right to their room, pinning her to the wall upon entering the bedroom. “Mie…”
“Yes, Albedo?”
“You're beautiful.” He said, holding her hand tight before kissing her, helping her slowly out of her outfit with one hand. Albedo felt her tangling her fingers in his hair, gladly leaning further into their kiss while undressing her. 
The next morning, Mieko was still asleep when Albedo awoke, the ashy blonde smiling as he noticed a few marks he had left on her. “Sorry, Mie… I didn't realize how badly I wanted you.” He said, petting her head with one hand. He glanced down at their hands, which were still tied with the red string, his heart feeling lighter than air again. “Ah… It stayed intact.” he smiled, playing with her hair as she slept, admiring her sleeping face. “Does that mean you're mine, forever?” he asked. “Or at least until death comes for one of us?”
“Yes, Mie?”
“Nnn, you're up early.” she rubbed her eyes, blushing as she realized they were still tied together. “Oh…? It's still tied…”
“It's not a bad thing, is it?”
“No, not at all.” She smiled at him. “It's… Nice…”
“You don't sound too pleased.” he clung to her hand a little. “Are you still tired? You should try and get more sleep.”
“I'll try.” They took their time getting up, finally undoing the string and packing it away to take home with them. Albedo made sure they took their time, and tied up her hair once she got dressed. They spent the morning with Klee, then handed her off to be watched over by traveler at their insistence after lunch. 
“You two need to spend more time alone.” Traveler said simply, giving them a sly smile. “Go have fun. Go on a walk or something, away from all the crowds, since there’s no Dragonspine for you two to go escaping to.” They took the opportunity after thanking Traveler and telling Klee they would be back, walking hand in hand towards the main island of Inazuma. They chatted about small things, mostly enjoying one another’s company and the chance to have some quiet time alone. They stopped a few times on their walk to take in the view and sketch, or just to sit with one another. 
“We should get something for Traveler, to thank them.” Mieko said as they began getting closer to the city.
“Yes, we should. Perhaps we'll find something in Inazuma city?” He lead her on the path over to the City, but along the way they encountered a situation. A group of ronin were bothering an elderly couple, but not just any couple. They both had some traits that made Albedo stare a bit. The woman had purple eyes, and though her hair was blackish-blue, it was strangely familiar. And the elderly man, though his hair was greying, had a familiar gradient to his hair and a disposition of protectiveness that Albedo recognized even at this distance. “Are those perhaps…?”
“My parents.” Mieko said as she began walking over, drawing out her weapon. “Don't interfere, Albedo.”
“Whatever you say, darling.” He smiled, watching her walk right up behind one of the ronin, slamming her weapon into the back of his knees. When they turned to confront her, she slashed at them and took them all down quicker than Albedo had ever seen her go after any other enemy. 
“Mie?” The woman asked, Mieko taking a deep breath before turning to look at them with a small smile. 
“Hello, Mother. Father.”
“You were here. I assumed you would be, if your favorite artist was here.” Her mother smiled kindly, reminding Albedo of his darling when she was happy. Her father's face was stern, and he could see where Mieko got her usual expression from. He walked over, clapping. 
“A stunning job, Mie. I don't think I've ever seen you fight so well.” He smiled. “6 ronin all at once is quite a feat.”
“Please, it wasn't…”
“Oh? Isn't this Calx, Mie?” Her mother pointed out, chatting with Albedo a bit as Mieko stood on the side. 
“What took you so long to come home?” Her father asked.
“Why were you out here with mother with no escorts?” She retorted. “You aren't young anymore… Stop trying to show off.” She added, her father not replying to her. Albedo noticed and moved to take Mieko's hand, making her cheeks burn. 
“I think we should tell them properly, don't you?” he smiled, Mieko staring at him, biting her lip. He turned to her parents and explained that they were dating, giving them his name rather than his alias and thanking them for allowing her to stay in Mondstadt after everything that she had gone through. “If she hadn't stayed, I wouldn't have met her.” He smiled. 
“Oh, no need to thank us for that.” Mieko's mother chuckled. “Mie would have run away if we had tried to bring her home. She loves Mondstadt.” They talked while walking towards Ritou, Mieko hanging back and keeping an eye out on the surroundings. She was tuning out most of the talk, just chiming in when addressed by Albedo or her mother. But when they arrived, they said something to Albedo that made Mieko freeze in place. 
“Please take care of our daughter.” 
“Of course.” Albedo smiled, waving them off. Mieko just stood stunned until they walked away. “Something wrong, darling?”
“Ugh…” Mieko held her face in her hands. “I can't believe them…”
“What's wrong?”
“That's essentially them asking you to take care of me for the rest of our lives…”
“Meaning they want us to get married.”
“Oh?” Albedo took her hand. “Does that trouble you?”
“It does… I can't burden you like that.” she shook her head. Albedo just held her hand and let her grumble to herself. “What are they thinking?”
“Perhaps… They're just worrying about you in a way that doesn't impede your personal goals?”
“Is… That what it seemed like to you, Albedo?”
“I cannot say for certain. But it is clear that your mother, at least, just wants you to be happy and write to her more.” He smiled. “You weren't paying attention during the conversation, shall I fill you in over some dessert? Or are you not hungry?”
“I… I'll eat if you do.”
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