#[ his heart thats what and just   slams fist on floor i am So normal about garp   havent been here in favor of other blogs but just
outrebanx · 4 years
don’t feel
JJ Maybank x female reader
-- // part two // part three // part four
Summary: soulmate au with JJ where they can feel each other’s pain when in close proximity, but with both of them feeling a lot of pain, that connection seems to go almost unnoticed 
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: angsty, abuse, mentions of abuse and injuries, swearing (i think thats it?)
——- I am in no way romanticising abuse if you have any issues with my writing pls message me
A/N: I decided to make this into a mini series as this was already getting pretty wordy and so this is basically the intro?? (not much JJ in it yet) Hope you enjoy and there’s probably some grammar errors so ignore them pls
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(gif by @siriusscratch​ )
The kook life wasn’t all luxury all the time - your family had never been one of the richest and you didn’t exactly have the best home life either. Your parents had basically hated each other for as long as you could remember, always in some sort of argument or another, screaming across the house and shouting at all hours of the day and night.
This was something you had learnt to deal with though, what you still weren’t used to was them being violent - it had started off as a vase or plate thrown across the room around a year ago, but this had soon become fists being thrown instead, not only at each other, but they had turned on you and your younger sister as well.
Normally your escape was going to school, just being away from that toxic atmosphere did you a world of good, and after school you would take Grace, your younger sister, out for ice cream or to the beach. Anything to stay out of the house for a little bit longer.
Unfortunately, the school year was now over and the summer holidays had begun and even if the summer season was your favourite, you had been hating every second of it so far.
You had managed to stay in your bedroom for most of today, but were now beginning to get hungry so you knew you’d soon have to venture downstairs and hope that your parents were in an alright mood.
Your sister heard you begin to move down the stairs, popping her head out of her room she said, “Hey Y/N,”
“Hi Grace, you good?”
“Yeah I’m fine, are you getting some food?”
“I’m going to try to yes, I’m assuming you want some of the spoils?” You raised your eyebrow at her in question.
“Yes please,” she looked towards the floor, “I’m sorry I don’t want to go down there tonight, they were arguing when I got in from Carley’s and-“
You cut her off, stepping toward her and putting a strand of hair behind her ears, “hey don’t be sorry, you know I don’t want to risk you getting hurt, I’ll get you some water as well, okay?”
“Thank you, and Y/N, I don’t want you to get hurt either.”
You stepped away, ready to go back downstairs, “I know but I’m the older one and I will always protect you bub.”
With that you took a deep breath in, and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Luckily it was empty, so you quickly grabbed some bread and began making some sandwiches for you and your sister. Sandwiches were about as complex as you got when it came to making food but it would do.
You were about to head upstairs when your dad walked in, “Why haven’t I seen you all day?”
“Uh I’ve been busy,” you picked up the plates and tried to move past him, only for him to block your path, “excuse me please.”
“Your mother and I want to see you around the house more, you’re either out or in your room, is spending time with us so bad?”
“I don’t spend time with you because I’m busy Dad, don’t get offended.” As soon as the words were out of your mouth you regretted them, your dad’s face morphed into one of anger.
Before you could even react he brought his fist into your stomach, causing you to double over in pain, dropping the plates you were holding in the process.
“Now look what you’ve done!” He shouted at you, waving his hands at the mess on the floor.
Not wanting to upset him anymore you quickly grab a dustpan and brush and bent down to begin clearing it up when he delivers a vicious kick into your chest, you fall to the floor completely, struggling to breath. He kicks you again, this time the strength in his leg slams you into the cabinets behind you, you wince in pain, too winded to even breath properly, you refused to let the tears behind your eyes fall, from past experience you knew that crying in front of your dad was a bad idea as he viewed it as ’weak’ and it only made him angrier.
He stepped away, giving you room to stand back up, you tried not to grab your front in pain, even if it felt like your insides had been ripped apart and you knew the bruises were already forming and by this time tomorrow your stomach would be a pattern of purple and green bruises.
“I’m sorry honey, I don’t know what came over me.” He tried to reach out to you, but you only flinched away, not looking at him.
“I’ll tell you what, I’ll clean this up, you go and have a lie down and I’ll see you later.”
You just nodded, still not wanting to make eye contact with him, and shuffled past him, your body shaking more and more with each step, and once you’d reached the first step, the tears slowly began falling down your face.
Your sister was stood at the top of the stairs, a single tear mark on her cheek as she took in your state, she held out her hand for you, leading you towards your room where you sat on your bed, drained and in pain and not wanting to speak.
Your sister had come back into your room with some cream for your side, but you still didn’t move.
“Y/N,” she moved to grab your hand, “I’m so sorry, I should’ve gone down with you.”
This shook the vacant look out of your eyes, squeezing her hand you said, “Absolutely not, I meant what I said earlier and it is more painful seeing you in pain than what I’m experiencing now.”
You lifted your shirt, revealing the swollen marks that would soon become bruises. Grace’s breath hitched in her throat, “Oh God, this is worse than I thought it was, do you think anything is broken?”
“No, it’s just bruises and anyway he only kicked me a few times today and kind of apologised which is better than most of the time.”
Grace went to say something but you held up your hand to stop her, “I’m not excusing his behaviour don’t worry, I’m just saying it could have been worse.”
“But it shouldn’t have to happen at all!” She had finished applying the cream and began pacing, “I know it happens more to you because you protect me but it disgusts me and I hate how it effects you, you almost become a shell of who you whenever this happens. You’re the best person I know and our fucking parents are destroying you every day!”
“Not so loud Grace.” You try to calm her down, but it only seems to make her angrier, even though she was only thirteen, she had already grown up so much due to what you’d both endured, and it honestly broke your heart.
“I want us to leave this place Y/N.” She turned to you, angry tears now rolling down her face.
You held out your arms for her and she moved over to you, snuggling into your embrace, careful not to hurt you.
“I promise one day we will get out of here but right now we can’t and we’re just going to have to live with it for a little while.”
You could feel her nod against your chest, she moved out of the hug slightly so she could look at you, “Do you want me to stay in here tonight?”
“Maybe, I haven’t decided yet, but first,” you stood up, wincing slightly at the movement, “We still need food, so do you want to sneak out to The Wreck?”
“Only if you’re up for it.”
“Of course I am, any chance to eat those fries I’m taking to be honest.” You smiled at her and luckily she let out a huff of laughter, lightening the mood between you.
“Okay then, which escape are we doing? 1 or 2?” She asked, reaching for a jumper in your wardrobe. Throughout the years, you had both created different codes for around your parents or ways to get out of the house, and at this point it was almost perfected.
You hold you chin in contemplation, “I was thinking one.”
“Interesting,” she clapped her hands together and headed towards your door to go to her room, “Okay I’ll see you at the car in 5 minutes.”
You nodded at her, and turned to the mirror quickly wiping away the mascara stains around your eyes and pulled a jumper on before heading over to your window and pulling it open.
You and Grace both had ways to get out of your bedrooms from your windows - yours was a wooden trellis for the roses and plants to climb up the side of the house, which you had perfected moving up and down on; hers was a small terrace over the outdoor seating area that she could jump to and then jump to the floor on. You never went on each other’s way out as neither of you wanted to risk it not holding both weights and your parents catch you, as this would probably result in at least one of you being sent to the hospital.
You struggled a little today due to your new injuries but still managed and once you had finished climbing down, you wiped your hands on your jeans, and headed to your car on the drive where your sister was already leaning against the passenger door.
You sat behind the wheel, started the engine and slowly pulled out of the drive.
Neither you or your sister spoke for a few minutes, enjoying the fact that you were out of the house and on your way to one of your favourite places on the island. The Wreck was mainly a touron and pogue institution, but you had always enjoyed going there, especially because you and Kiara got along well enough that it wasn’t the normal Kook vs Pogue fight whenever you went.
Grace reached to turn down the radio before looking at you, “Y/N.”
You glanced at her and raised your eyebrows, “Grace.”
“Do you know your soulmate yet?”
You cleared your throat, this topic always made you uncomfortable as the idea there was someone who, if they were near enough to you, could feel the pain you were in, not only made you sad but also anxious because by the time they work out who you are, they could resent you for the pain you had caused them even though it wasn’t your fault.
“No, I’m yet to see someone near me double over in pain when Mum or Dad have used me as a punching bag that day, so I’m starting to think they might not be on this fucking island.” `You didn’t mean for it to come out as bitchy as that and probably should have apologised but it was how you felt.
Your sister had pity in her eyes but didn’t say anything, instead just hummed to the song coming through the car speakers.
You stayed like that, listening to the music and not uttering any other words until you pulled up to the small car park outside the Wreck.
“Right, let’s go and get some food.” You said, opening the door to your car and heading into the restaurant.
Kie smiled at you in greeting before leading you and Grace over to a table at the back, away from most people.
You hit your hip on the table next to yours by accident, causing pain to flare up over your body, making the injuries you already had somehow feel even worse.
Grace had heard your intake of breath, and as you both sat down she looked at you, “Are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine don’t worry, just being my clumsy self.”
She nodded and looked down at the menu in front of her, you didn’t need to look, you ordered the exact same thing every time, so instead you looked at the people who were sat in the restaurant.
It was past the peak dinnertime service so only a few tourons were in here, and there was Kiara’s little pogue group sat on a table in the opposite corner, all talking in hushed whispers. As you looked at them your head began to pound, like you’d been hit with a baseball bat repeatedly, you couldn’t help but grimace slightly.
You must have hit your head earlier when your dad sent you flying into the cabinets, and this was just a delayed reaction. You kept reassuring yourself this, especially when the blond boy, who you knew was called JJ, turned around, making eye contact with you through his swollen and bruised eyes. He raised his eyebrows quizzically, holding his side slightly, as if in pain.
It was all just a coincidence you thought, you dad had hurt you more than you realised earlier, and you hadn’t taken any painkillers.
You looked down at your menu, trying to escape the gaze of the blond boy, who you could feel was still looking at you.
Yeah it was just a coincidence.
Part two 
Tags: @jiaraendgame ( @teamnick​ i said i’d tag you in my next series hope you dont mind)
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bitway-arts · 6 years
poses here I am writing Asuka/Ren gay kiss fic
@boozunofuusuke, @emypony, @someatsu, @sunshineasuto
Golden eyes lazily gaze over to the other boy in the room. He watches as his guest pushes himself off the couch, getting to his feet. Asuka takes a moment to stretch, lifting his hands high into the air. Arms fall back down to his side afterwards.
A thought crosses his mind, one that he thinks he should follow through on now before he loses his chance. Ren stands and makes his way over to Asuka, arms instantly wrapping around his waist. He tugs the other boy closer to him.
Asuka looks over to him, thinking nothing of this familiar action. It's not the first time he'd spontaneously come to hug him, to trap him in his embrace. Asuka turns in his hold, body facing Ren's as he puts his hands against the taller's chest.
"Ren, come on," Asuka starts, a short laugh escaping him.
A hand presses against his chest, applying enough force that would normally set him free without harming the other. It's strange when it doesn't work. Instead, it seems to have the opposite effect. Asuka found the arms around his waist beginning to squeeze him, a hand even grips at the back of his shirt.
Dark eyes find their way to meet with golden ones. He stares at the other boy, expecting some smug look on his face, a teasing, playful one. One that would just endlessly be mocking him. Yet, he finds himself face to face with a different expression.
The usual playfulness is gone, there's no cruel smile, no mischievous intent to be found. There's an unrelenting stare, lips pressed in a thin line. Ren hadn't even uttered one of his usual lines, a 'trying to escape from me, are you?' or something similar to it.
It's now that he realizes just how close they are, how long that he was being trapped in Ren's hold. He could feel his cheeks begin to heat up, his eyes beginning to glance away, but always finding their way back to him.
"Ren…?" Asuka breathes out his name, finally, as if it had been caught in his throat. He tries to think of more to say, something to do. But what was he supposed to do? It was the first time he's ever seen him like this- it was making his heart race.
"Asuka," he says his name, quietly, tenderly. His eyes had locked onto his, never taking a single look away. His lips part slowly, pausing before he spoke again. "Please, don't move."
Asuka gulps to that request. It hadn't been a demand, that quiet plea had thrown him off. He wasn't even sure if he's ever heard Ren say 'please' to him before.
"Just let me have this moment…"
A hand finds its way to press against Asuka's back as his face leans in, closer and closer. The shorter boy feels himself tense up. A quick and perfectly timed, "relax," comes from Ren to soothe him. Surprisingly, it works. Somewhat. His body slowly eases into this hold, he lets his hands now rest against his chest, cheeks now ablaze with his heart pounding against the walls of his own chest.
Ren brushes their cheeks together, a soft, gentle touch. He swears that he feels his breath against his skin to.
"I hope you don't mind me doing this," Ren breathes out. Lips now brush against his cheek. The action makes Asuka cling onto Ren's shoulders. He's unable to give a clear verbal response. He stutters, quiet words leaving his mouth but its incoherent.
And that's the only response he needed to hear.
A low chuckle escapes, it grows and spills out from Ren right beside Asuka's ear. The sudden laughter brings a chill down his spine along with the feeling that something is wrong.
"What's the matter? Got cold feet all of a sudden, Asuka," Ren chimes with a louder laugh as he pulls his head back.
That serious expression had disappeared, being replaced with that damn mocking look, that high and mighty smirk. He looked as if he had just completely beaten him at his own game.
"Huh?" Is all that can come from Asuka.
"Aw, just look at you!" Ren chirps before gripping onto Asuka's chin. He shakes his head side to side. "You're blushing more than usual. How adorable!"
With another chuckle escaping him, Asuka can only stare at Ren. It didn't take too long for it to all click together. How this had been another game to him, another chance to toy with him and his feelings. He'd fallen for his damn trick so easily, but who could blame him? When he wore that goddamn serious expression, when he had become so soft and gentle, even for a few seconds, how was he supposed to think that was all just for show?
"I-I thought you were serious!" Asuka shouts, eyes narrowing.
God, he was so stupid for thinking it was real. He felt dumb, silly, embarrassed for believing him again. He shouldn't have thought it was real, even for a second. He shouldn't have.
"Hm?" A (not so innocent) blink. Ren shakes his chin once more before releasing it. "Pretty bold of you to assume that I was serious. I mean, come on. Guess I shouldn't be that surprised you fell for that though."
Asuka's teeth clench and he huffs. This time, his fist collides with Ren's chest and he forcefully pushes himself out of his grasp. He keeps his fists by his side, eyes had slammed shut after giving him a harsh and hurt look.
"That's your excuse?" He mutters.
Ren says something along with a laugh, but it doesn't quite register. He knows its something like poking fun at him, calling him an idiot. He's heard it all before. His gaze is cast down, staring angrily at the floor. If he could, he'd be glaring at himself for falling for his trick. All he could think was, he should have known better. This was Ren after all. But, he wanted to believe that maybe, just maybe, just this once it was all for real. That something he was doing was real and not a joke to try and hurt him.
His head lifts slightly, and Asuka catches sight of Ren with that proud grin plastered on his face. It makes him feel even more heated seeing him like this. He was dumb, so dumb. And maybe he was dumb enough to let his body begin to move without thinking clearly.
Asuka takes an angry stomp forward, this manages to snap Ren out of his joyful mood. A curious look is on his face, but it doesn't stop Asuka from moving back towards him.
Warm and rough hands brush past dusty rose hair to cup his face in a gentle hold. Ren's eyes go wide for a moment, only being able to watch as Asuka keeps moving closer, eyes shut and feels the other pull his face forward.
And then he feels their lips meet.
It's a harsh press, not intentional, Ren thinks. He'd seen the anger in his eyes beforehand and his frustration was still clear. With his emotions ablaze, he probably hadn't thought to be gentle with this kiss.
Oh, right.
Asuka was actually kissing him.
It had managed to surprise Ren, catch him off guard. If only for a few seconds. And before he can even do anything to Asuka, he's already pulling their lips apart, hands slowly freeing him from his grip.
Asuka's whole face had been painted red. Anger still lingered on him, but now something else was making its way there to. There was the slow, silent growing realization of what he'd just done coming forth. It's an entertaining sight, to Ren, as he watches Asuka's eyes go wide and a hand clamp over his mouth.
"Were you that angry that I didn't give you what you wanted you just had to take it from me?" Ren asks before licking his lips. Asuka doesn't reply, truthfully, he's not even sure if he could right now.
It wasn't a bad kiss, but not a good one either. Could have been better if he had more practice. But, he can't leave Asuka with this. Oh no, how could he let the shorter kiss him and get away with that?
"You know," Ren starts as his arms find their way around Asuka's waist once more, "if you're going to kiss me, you should do it right."
He sports a dangerous grin as he makes sure his hold is tight, that Asuka would be unable to escape from him. He's grateful the other doesn't realize just what he's about to do. Even if he had, this wouldn't have stopped Ren. Nothing would be able to deter him from this.
Ren leans forward, eyes shut, and head tilts slightly as he captures Asuka's lips with his. It's not sudden or harsh as the other had done to him. Their lips hadn't crashed, but came together. This wasn't forceful, it was more soft and sweet and-
Oh god, Ren was kissing him.
Ren was actually kissing him.
His body went tense, his mind going blank and god knows if his face could get any redder now. He was so in shock, surprised that he was even doing this to him.
Maybe if he could think clearly, this was something he should have expected.
And maybe if he was thinking clearly, he would realize what he was about to do.
His body begins to move, arms begin to lift and find their way around Ren's neck, hands gripping onto his own arms as his body presses against him. His eyes shut as he finds himself pressing forward, returning the kiss Ren was giving him.
Ren had felt the others movement, it had startled him for a quick second. The last thing he had expected was Asuka to willingly kiss him back. He should have pulled away, he wanted to, and yet he hadn't. He only pulled the other closer, parting his lips own lips, trying to taste more of him- wanting more of him.
Thats when he thinks this can't go on any longer. So, he pulls back, refusing to allow himself to be wrapped up in this dumb kiss. Their lips slowly part, both taking in the same air. Their still so close to each other and the temptation to do it again is strong, but Ren lets go of him before either could.
It's silent and awkward in the room, both just staring at each other. Asuka's cheeks were still flushing, mind reeling to put together what had just happened while looking to Ren, who was doing the same. This hadn't gone as planned, never did he think it would turn out like…this. A hand runs through his hair while he tries to think of something, anything to say, even if its just pointless teasing. This silent air was beginning to be suffocating.
Asuka is the one to break this awkward silence with eyes going wide, a nearly panicked look appears, once realization hits. It hits hard. How they were both kissing each other, how Ren had kissed him and he kissed back. His mind began to replay that scene over and over, the sensations still fresh on his lips, his chest.
"I-I-I-" Asuka tries to speak, but finds it difficult to grasp at any words. Somehow, something, he's not even sure what, comes out of his mouth. "I gotta go! M-My cat needs me!"
"What?" Ren replies, raising a brow. It was obvious he was spouting out some stupid lie with his nerves right now. "You don't have-"
"Bye, Ren!" Asuka shouts out, unintentionally. His body swirls around at light speed, eyes trying to find an escape. He couldn't find one in this room and he still wasn't that familiar with Ren's home. There wasn't a door in sight, one that would lead him outside and away from this building, from Ren. But, there was another option and he darts towards that without thinking.
Asuka ignores the shout from Ren, the, "hey!" followed by something else, he'd blocked out everything while trying to run off. The next thing he is able to process is the sound of glass shattering, body tumbling outside and meeting with dirt. He lets out a quick, "I'm okay," as he picks himself up off the ground, ignoring any pain, and simply running home; leaving Ren with a broken window to deal with.
"That dumbass." Ren clicks his tongue as he looks at the damage caused by Asuka. He couldn't have just taken the front door. No, he just had to take the window. A sigh escapes him. He shrugs to his sudden departure. At least he hadn't caught himself in the window, he thinks.
Ren goes back to his seat on the couch, letting his body fall onto it, taking up the whole thing now that he was the only one home. He lets out a breath, putting the broken window issue aside as his mind wanders back to their little make out incident. It had been an interesting turn of events, thats for sure. It was fun, he had enjoyed playing with Asuka, watching him become totally pissed off, feeling his soft lips…
Fingers trail over his lips absentmindedly. He could still imagine the feeling of his lips against his. He swears there was a lingering taste left behind as well. It left a strange feeling in his chest, something that was just tempting him, calling for more.
Ren swears that he could feel his heart stop the moment he realizes why that feeling was lasting longer than it should. He had enjoyed that kissed they shared, enjoyed how good it had felt, how good it made him feel. And that was something he was never expecting to feel.
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iamtaekooked · 7 years
Vanilla Rules || Ch3 || pjm
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Genre: Badboy! au, romance, drama, angst
Word count: 3.4k
When everything finally boils over Jimin comforts you in his own weird way but when you get threatened because of him, a misunderstanding ensues leading to a rumour being born.
A/N: Thank you so much you guys for all the love and support you have given this fic. I am immensely grateful for it. Here is chapter 3 for you guys and I hope ya’ll like it. This is possibly my favourite one of all the chapters I have written so far!! I hope you guys enjoy reading it!! ❤️
Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3 || Ch 4 || Ch 5 || Ch 6 || Ch 7 || Ch 8 || Ch 9 || 
You huffed into your pillow for the millionth time, interrupting Taehyung’s breakfast as he finally he slammed a fist on the table. You hadn’t exactly told him about the slapping incident. 
“Something is wrong” he stated matter of factly and you sighed once more. Your slouched posture, messy hair, bags under the eyes all indicated a sleepless night. “Everything is wrong” you breathed out and banged your head on the table. The next time you did the same, your forehead wasn’t met with the cold table but with Taehyung’s hand.
“Jimin again?” he asked leaning in a concerned look on his face. He reached over the table for your hands and you placed them in his larger ones. He had been so used to hearing about incidents with Jimin that he didnt even need to ask anymore whether he was the reason for your despair. Sliding over your adjoined hands closer to yourself, you rested your head on them.
“Something happened between us again and this time I think I might have overreacted. Or I might not have…” your voice faded away. After everything he had done to you a slap was definitely deserved but you weren’t sure if his words were mean enough to warrant such a reaction. It made you feel guilty. It wasn’t the first time you had heard such things from him.
“What? did you slap him or something?” he laughed not aware that you were about to tell him the same. You looked at him straight-faced trying to confirm his statement without saying anything. As he looked at you his laugh started faltering because of your focused gaze.
“You didn’t…” his mouth was wide open, his voice a whisper.
“Yeap. Thats exactly what happened” you slipped out your hands from his and fell limply against the chair.
“What are you going to do?” he asked while gathering his cereal bowl along with the box in his hand and putting everything away in its place.
“Well for one I am skipping classes today” he audibly gasped at your words. You were probably one of the most studious people he had come across and with your grades and sincerity it was hard for him to believe you would skip a whole day worth of classes.
“You do realize you need the attendance to keep your scholarship right? You’ve already taken days off because of work and if you miss without a reason they might just take your scholarship away” he warned turning around to look at you.
You looked at him, nodded in understanding of where he was coming from and he was right. But you couldn’t face Jimin, you couldn’t listen to any more of the same repetitive remarks. You were afraid you might break down and you really didn’t want to give Jimin a 3rd reason in the past week to use against you in some sort of way.
Against your best wishes you did end up going to college all thanks to Taehyung. He really pulled through as a friend when he needed to. But you regretted it immediately when you entered the last class of the day and your professor was smiling at you knowingly. You dragged your feet across the floor, effectively conveying to everyone how drained of energy you were. As you wee about to make your ascent up to your seat a voice interrupted you. You turned around to find your professor looking at you with a glint of amusement in her eyes.
Straightening your back ,heart beating in your chest in anticipation of what she was going to ask you made your way towards her.
Is it about the scholarship? Did I do bad on the last assignment? Am I failing?
She was smiling at you brightly and you had never seen her smile such a way before. 
“I heard from a little birdie that you landed a good one on his cheek” she excitedly whispered the words while pretending to organize the papers on her desk. The fake smile on your face faltered and you choked on your spit because how in the world did she know? Had the gossip already circulated around to everyone?
“Umm Dr Gray how do you know this?” your voice came out a hurried whisper as you joined on the pretend organization of her files and papers, glancing around the class to make sure the situation didnt appear suspicious and attract interest. Thankfully almost everyone was busy either talking to their friends or on their phone. “Its common knowledge around here y/n. Even some of the professors got wind of it. But let me tell you you did all of us a great service by doing that. That boy deserves to be taught some manners” she replied trying to bite back her smile.
You cleared your throat, nodded in recognition of her words along with your fucked up fate and abandoned the stack of papers in your hand as you made your once again towards your seat. You slumped in your seat, sinking into the chair and pulling your hoodie over your head. You were not in the mood to look at anyone, or acknowledge anyone’s presence. It was enough that everyone was talking about you before. But now another thing has been added to the list, possibly worst than the last one.
Plugging your headphones in you closed your eyes and let the sound of music overtake the mumbling and whispering around you.
When you opened your eyes groggily you were surprised to find the class empty and your phone vibrating in your bag. You must have dozed off and given everything that was going on in your life it was a well deserved nap. Quickly rummaging your backpack for your phone you fished it out and with fumbling hands put it towards your ear. 
“Hello?” You voice came out hoarse and cracked so you cleared your throat before repeating the greeting again, but this time in a clear voice.
“Y/n its me. Mr Santiago” a deep voice came through the other end of the line. Mr Santiago was a man in his 60’s with grey hair and perfectly fake white teeth who was the manager of the restaurant you worked at. Why was he he calling you at this time of the day when you wrest even scheduled to work?
“Umm.. uhhh I don’t know to tell you this so I will be very straight with you” he cleared his throat and paused before speaking once again. “ We will have to lay you off y/n. Its not your work ethic. The health ministry is closing the place down” he sighed into the phone.
Your phone dropped from your grip and landed with a cracking thud on the carpeted floor. This could not be happening to you. Your life could not keep taking a turn for the worse. This wasn’t a fucking move. This was your life.
As if all sense of conscious awareness and strength had been forsaken by your body, you gathered your belongings in a lifeless manner. You stumbled out of the class, bumping into people in the hallway and not even apologizing. Your eyes held a distant look and sounds refused to register in your ears. Finding a secluded bench in the college grounds you flopped down, the words of your manager still ringing in your ears.
You still had Jimin breathing down your throat, a pile of assignments back at your dorm that you hadn’t touched, a scholarship to maintain, and now to top it all off no job. It was finally too much for you. So hugging your knees to your chest you buried your face in your lap and the next thing you knew you were sobbing against the fabric of your jeans.
Tears fell one after another as all the bad things in your life resurfaced in your head and each memory stabbed you just a little, prompting more sobs to wrack your body.
“Are you seriously crying when I didn’t even do anything?” you were interrupted because of Jimin’s arrogant voice.
You refused to look up at him or acknowledge he was there. That wasn’t the only reason though. You actually couldn’t face him because of the slight guilt you carried around about slapping him just because you didn’t think he deserved it.
“Not now Jimin. Just go away” you wiped your nose against your sleeve, still hiding your head in your lap.
“I will. But I just came to return this to you” you finally looked up and through your tears you saw your phone in his hands. He was holding it towards you and with shaky hands you took it from him. You must have forgotten to pick it up from the floor after hearing the news about your job. The thought itself triggered more tears to pool in your eyes.
“Has anyone told you, you look even uglier when you cry?” He chuckled, but it wasn’t accompanied by its usual bitterness or arrogance. It was almost comforting, like he was trying to make you feel better and for the life of you, you couldn’t understand why.
“Has anyone told you that you are the biggest prick on the face of this earth?” you sniffled and wiped the dried tear marks from your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“You have. Multiple times but not that I give shit about what you say” he took a seat next to you and your automatic response was to shuffle away. You were having a hard time believing that you were actually having a somewhat normal conversation with Jimin. This was probably as civilized a conversation you two could carry on with each other.
“Why are you here?” you chose to looks straight ahead instead of him.
“I am hiding from this desperate newbie” he lit a cigarette a blew a puff of smoke towards you.
“You? Hiding? From a desperate newbie? Since when?” You paused for effect after each word, and tried hard not to cough because if you did he would blow the vapours more towards you just to piss you off.
“ She’s too needy. I need someone more feisty” he looked at you and tried to bite back a small smile as he saw you rubbing your already red nose. You caught him staring and wondered whether that comment was directed towards you and maybe it was.
“ I told you. I wouldn’t fuck you even if you were the last man on this earth”
“I wouldn’t fuck you if you were the first girl on this planet” he laughed as your mouth fell wide open. He always knew how to get to you.
“Whatever Jimin. I am leaving” you scoffed before gathering your stuff once more and after ensuring you weren’t leaving anything behind you began to walk away from him.
“ Go ahead” you heard his voice. Turning around you sent a glare his way, which was only met with an amused cocking up of his eyebrows.
“Sorry I slapped you” you looked behind him as you said the words and retracted your eyes back to your shoes, not being able to say it while looking at him. It was enough you were apologizing. You didnt need to see the cocky look on his face while doing so. Without waiting around for his response you pivoted on your heels and walked away.
Jimin couldn’t help but smile as he watched you. He wasn’t in his wildest dreams expecting you to apologize but now that you had even he felt a little guilty for treating you so bad all the time. Not that he was going to stop but your apology did momentarily make him see the error of his ways. It was probably the most normal conversation he ever had with you and he couldn’t help but bite back a smile that once again threatened to make its way onto his lips.
Jimin didn’t know why but he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about his conversation with you the day he found you crying. He wasn’t really affected by your crying, as much as he was with the normality of the conversation. Yes the both of you still didn’t back away from berating each other but neither of you was explicitly rude with one another as you usually were It might not have been a friendly conversation per se but it was the closest thing to friendly you two could manage without one of you getting slapped and the other getting humiliated.
Your apology kept replaying in his mind and he felt weird about it. Not to mention the thought of being friends with you crossed his mind right after and he wanted to slap himself for thinking like that. He couldn’t point his finger at the particular emotion but he felt as if the apology really wasn’t needed. Neither was the slap, but to be fair he had hurt you way too many times to count and never had you ever reacted that way before. The conflict he was facing with himself had led him to be lost in his thoughts, cigarette forgotten in his fingers.
“So Jeongguk what do you think of y/n?” he asked absentmindedly taking a drag of his cigarette. Jeongguk raised his eyebrows in amusement as he studied Jimin’s lost form. Chuckling to himself, he took a drag of the joint himself before answering.
“Why ?Do I have to think something of her?” he nudged Jimin.
Instead of replying Jimin took another drag before blowing the smoke out.
“She apologized for slapping me” he turned his head away being unable to look at Jeongguk for he feared the reaction he would find himself faced with.
For a few seconds Jeongguk didnt reply and then Jimin heard the sounds of his laughter. Turning towards the younger boy he was surprised to find him red in face,and clutching his stomach. Jimin looked at him and tried to hold back the laughter bubbling in his throat and then with a final snort he let it out. The both of them sat on the hood of Jimin’s car laughing for a good few minutes until Jimin finally gained enough composure to speak.
“It really hurt tho” Jimin chuckled and Jeongguk patted his chest.
“It was the ring” he looked at Jeongguk and a look passed between the both of them before they burst out in laughter again.
“You legit got slapped by a girl tho” and they continued laughing. 
For once you were glad to be in college because rumours weren’t as damaging as they could be in high school. Yet they still created problems although not as much as they would have, had you been 15 years old.
“People actually fucking thing we’re dating. I mean Jimin and I dating. Has everyone’s collective consciousness gone to shit or something?” You wildly gestured your hands trying to explain to Taehyung how ridiculous it was.
It all started when one of Jimin’s so called fangirl’s shoved you against a wall while you were getting out of your morning class. The corridor was empty and you assumed she seized her chance. Placing her forearm on your neck she pushed you further into the wall.
“Stay away from Jimin. Everyone knows he hates you, so stop being so desperate you bitch” she looked at fiercely.
Finding yourself choking against her hold you had pushed her frail body away from yourself.
“I.. have.. no interest.. in….that… asshole…” you choked out the words, hyperventilating due lack of oxygen. Thankfully for you the hall was silent enough to make the sound of footsteps echo down the hall and hearing them the girl fled in the opposite direction.
You slid against the wall until your butt touching the ground. Your lungs were burning your throat felt tight. You massaged your neck and found it emitting heat and you were sure you had been bruised.
“Why do I always have to find you in the most weirdest situations possible” you heard Jimin’s usual deep voice.
Not again. Please.
Still gasping for air you glared at him, choosing not to indulge in a conversation. Jimin crouched down in front of you and inspected your hunched figure. Clearing your throat you looked up at him.
“Maybe next time tell your fangirls to chill. Fuck” you groaned as sharp pain rose in your throat.
“Ah so it was her” Jimin nodded in recognition of who it could have been.
Her? Her who? Did he send her?
“You really took it far this time. I could have fucking died. I know you hate me. Thats very clear but seriously sending one of those desperate bitches to attack me? Thats low even for you” with stumbling steps you stood up.
Jimin chuckled in disbelief before his expression turned thunderous. Sure he indulged in all the wrong things but he would never sink so low as to physically cause you harm no matter how much he disliked you.
“Listen here. I didn’t send her. Why the fuck would I? ” he glared down at you.
“Oh I dont know maybe because you DONT LIKE ME” you screamed at him, immediately regretting it because now your throat was beginning to hurt.
“That may be true but I would never go to that extent” he roared equally loud, maybe more so and you slightly flinched back because of it.
Regaining your defensive stance you scoffed and crossed you arms over your chest. You couldn’t understand why he couldn’t admit it. He was obviously using her for sex and obviously much more.
“Its not secret Jimin that you have been fucking her. Everyone knows”
“So what? What the fuck does that even prove? Are you seriously implying that just because we fuck I would use her to hurt you?” he clenched his jaw as he glared at you furiously.
“Screw it. I’ve had it with you” you turned on your heels and were about to walk away when he roughly pulled you back again by the arm.
“Don’t fucking walk away. Don’t you fucking dare y/n” his hands tightened their hold on your upper arm, effectively leaving red marks on your bare skin.
“Yea? And what does it matter if I walk away? Why the fuck do you give a shit what I do or don’t think?” you yelled at him, and in the back of your mind you couldn’t help but wonder how strange it was that no one passed by.
“I don’t-” he paused as he inhaled a deep breath. His chest was rising and falling rapidly. He couldn’t point to a particular emotion he was feeling at the time but he could feel the anger amongst all of it.
He shoved you hard against the wall, your head hitting the back with a thud. You hissed and bit your lip to hold back the pain from making its way onto your lips.
“I don’t care what you think of me. But don’t blame me for the shit you bring upon yourself” his face was inches away from yours , breath fanning your face as he gritted the words out. You hadn’t realized when both his arms had caged you in. His eyes flickered to your lips in an instant your heart dropped. His gaze lingered on your lips as he moved in just a little bit closer, his lips grazing yours. As an instinctive response your eyes closed in anticipation of a kiss.
In a flash you opened your eyes, meeting his with a fierce gaze.
“Is Park Jimin really going to kiss me?”
“No. I am just going to let everyone think I did” he whispered tauntingly against your lips. He slowly stepped away from you mocking eyes never leaving yours and without another word he turned on his heels and disappeared behind the small crowd that had gathered around you. 
“Oh my god he kissed her?” You heard someone say. You wanted to refute it but after this incident you didn’t have the energy to try and explain your side of the story to anyone.
You let out a shaky breath you didn’t even realize you had been holding in. With trembling legs you made your way out of the corridor wondering just what the hell happened?
Was he seriously going to kiss me? Was I going to kiss him?
At the thought you slapped yourself on the head forgetting that it was probably bruised, thanks to Jimin. No you would never kiss him. You hated his guts.
And that was how the rumour was born.
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kpurereactions · 7 years
She Boss | 5
Summery: She’s her own boss and theres nothing that can’t stop her from ruling the world. Except for the soft heart she sprouts from the young, handsome Korean Leader. Pairing: Kwon Jiyong x Reader Rating: Drama, Angst, Smut, Fluff WARNINGS: Language, light|heavy Violence, light|heavy Smut
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Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
The small village that you were taken to after leaving the Kwon’s house wasn't anything to sneeze at, since a small village was exactly what it was. Decent sized town houses lined a long drive way that sat just out of town. At the very end of the was your place. A house so big you couldn't help but smile smugly as it. But the closer to the house you got the deeper a feeling you never liked started to set into the put of your stomach. There was something off as the car rolled around the fountain the controlled the traffic of the front. You were thankful that it seemed like Carlo did too as he looked over his shoulder and told you to wait. 
You watched as your bother and a few others made their way up to the front door, their hands hovering over their holsters as they filed into the house slowly. You were on high alert, even if there was actually nothing that seemed to be happening. But all it took was one shot from in side of the house for you to exchange a glance with Ule and jumping out of the car before he could say anything to you. 
You walked quickly, your hips swaying and your heels clapping against the asphalt of the stairs as you readied yourself to make an entrance. The moment the door opened you were able to fully get a grasp of what was going on. Carlo had a man cornered who had obviously dropped his gun while Dino and Martin fought two more. 
Anger rushed through your body as you held your gun up to the ceiling and pulled the trigger making all the mens faces snap towards you, allowing everyone there who wasn't one of yours to be brought to their knees with guns pointed towards their heads in threats to not move. You looked to the side and flicked your finger, motioning for Vince to get you a chair that was in the open sitting room to the right. 
You let the tension build as you slowly took your seat, crossed your legs and opened your bag to pull out a cigarette. You took a second to look at the now bruised covered men, who looked at you with pure terror in their eyes. You lent towards Vince, who brought his lips to your ear, your eyes never leaving the mens in front of you. 
“Do you want me to call GD?” He asked softly making you scoff a little. 
“When have I ever needed a mans help.” You said flicking ash in his directions. 
You reconnected you eyes with the men and flicked your still lit bud towards one of their faces, smiling as the lit end hit one of their cheeks. You sat there and evaluated there faces and you decided. One was obviously the wink link, that was easy to tell since he was practically in tears and his eyes were flicking all over like he didnt know what to do. The two in the middle were more stubborn, fighting agains the hands of your men that were now holding them down in place, they were probably the don't ask don't tellers. Their only purpose in life was to do as they were told and not ask any questions. And the last one, though it was obvious he wasn't a leader, he had to be close to one.
So you took him out first. 
“Jesus Fuck Val! You couldn't have warmed me!” Ule then yelled at you, his hand rubbing against his heart before he started to wipe the blood that had splattered across his cheek. 
You rose your eyebrows and all but rolled your eyes at him, there was no need for him to act like such a kid when something this serious was happening. 
“Do you guys know how tired i am?” You asked standing up slowly while twirling your gun in circular motions in almost a bored way.
“Just today,” You continued as you began to march slowly back and forth in front of them. “Ive already shot two people. And its not even 1 yet.” YoU continued stopping in front of the two hit men. 
You crouched down and got a good look at both of them, your brain working to figure out which one probably had the most informations. And once you decided you stood up and looked to Ule. 
“Ule, hunny cover your ears I'm about to shoot someone.” You said in a very playful way, chuckling lightly before holding your gun out and shooting the bigger one. 
“So. Which one of you is going to squeal?” You said with a smile, bending down in front of them and hugging your knees. 
But your smile dropped with the more confident one spit in your face. You wiped your cheek and bit your bottom lip trying to calm yourself down but you could only do so much before your anger got the better of you and you were slamming the butt of your gun on the soft spot of his head causing him to fall forward groaning. 
“Don't you think thats rude?” You said through teeth, your anger now getting the better of you.
You took your heel and put it agains this head, digging into the soft flesh of his cheek till he was yelling louder. You bent over once there was enough of a gash from your digging and grabbed his hair to pull it back. You forced him to look up at you and when he continued to advert his eyes you lost it. 
“Look at me!” You screamed pulling his hair harder up towards you. 
When he didn’t again you lifted his head higher only to drop it into your knee, breaking his nose and making him fall to the floor again. You looked over to the terrified looking one, who was also looking down at the ground, his shoulders shaking in fear as you stepped closer to him. 
“Look at me.” You barked as Dino and Ule started to drag the other body away. The man in front of you took no time in letting his eyes snap up to you, his bottom lip trembling.
“What are you doing here.” You asked in a deadly tone.
“Don't tell her anything!” The other man yelled from where he was still tied up in a chair. 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, your anger rising even more. You couldn't control your anger though. Usually your anger was something that you could deal with, but there was just something about this situation that made you so mad. Something like this never would have happened if you were still in italy. 
You opened your eyes and walked back over to the guy, punching him square in the face. Hard. He coughed, spitting up blood and for what ever reason his spit up hitting the gorgeous white floor made you even more mad. You hit him again. And again until he was slumped in the chair. He was still breathing though, so you kept hitting him. 
“Val I think thats enough.” You heard from Ule next to you, but you continued. 
“Val! I mean it!” Ule said trying to step in but you rose your gun and pointed it at him. 
“Ule shut the fuck up!” You yelled, actually starting to scare yourself a little bit.
You turned back to the unconscious man and started to raise your arm again to hit him once more with the butt of you gun when suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a body. You turned quickly and pushed the body off of yours, immediately calming down when you realized it was Jiyong you had shoved. 
“Let me finish here.” He whispered walking up to you more. He looked down and waited till you nodded before looking over to where Ule stood with Yongbae and Seunghyun and nodding again. “They'll help you settle in.” He said quietly before kissing your cheek and letting go to roll his sleeves up. 
You waited with crossed arms as your men and the rest of Jiyongs moved the other two men down to the cellar of the house before you stormed up the grand staircase. You were absolutely embarrassed by how you lost yourself, the blood on your knuckles would be enough to terrify anyone, but you were different. It shouldn't effect you. But the moment your eyes met the blood your hands started to shake and you crossed your arms across your chest once again before walking quickly up the stairs and into the biggest bedroom you could find. 
You paced around, not quite sure what to do with yourself, your heart not slowing at all making you feel almost a little dizzy. Just as you were about to bust through the door to make your way back down you were stopped by the sound of your name followed by three short knocks. 
Seunghyun was on the other side of the door with a smug smile and three of your bags, waiting politely to be let in. You rolled your eyes slightly and stepped away from the door to let him make his way into the room. You turned and watched as he set his things down, the smug grin still on his face. 
“You're my kind girl.” He mocks, holding to hands up as if to protect his face from punches. 
“Mine too” 
You looked behind him and almost half smiled at Jiyong who also held up some fists before walking your way, turning to playfully throw a few at Seunghyun and walk to wrap his arms around your neck as he hugged you from behind. 
“You can leave those here, go help down stairs and then come back up. We need to have a meeting.” He said before putting his lips on your jaw just to make Seunghyun walk a little faster out of the room. 
“Those men were instructed by Luca to come here and take you out. Since he's dead those didnt have much to live for anyways and from what it looked like they didnt even know he was dead.” He said in a low tone. He pulled away and rubbed your arms before circling around to the front of you, a soft smile being held on his lips. 
“Well at lease the house is sound proof.” You said, your heart finally calming down. 
“I don't think so. Seunghyun got to use his new knife today, no guns.” He said with a light chuckle. 
You smiled up at him as he walked closer to you, his arms snaking around your waist. Your heart immediately slowing down to its normal rate. You let him pull you into his chest and hold you close, his warm touch causing a smile to break on your face. 
“I know you are a tough girl, and I know you don't need my help but... It would just make me feel a lot better if you let the guys and I stay with you.” He said, pulling back slightly so he could see you just enough to read your emotions.  But there wasnt anything that made you feel like you needed his help about the situation. 
“I am a tough girl...” You said pulling back so you could look up at him. “But I wouldn't mind spending an extra few nights with you.” You said smiling and hooking your arms tighter around his neck. 
“Good.” He said smiling as he retightened his grip around your waist. “I was also thinking maybe tomorrow night we could have a little date night. Nothing special, just you and I alone.”
“Wow, two dates in under a week? Your on a roll.” You said making him giggle. 
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
Nani the heck is this? Read here!
Chapter 18: Bitch Me Too, the Fuck
I woke up to a panic alarm, taking no risks, I got my holsters with my guns and one stun device. My door was blocked from the outside so I just teleported outside of it with my gun cocked and ready for action. I look around me and all the men were still in sleepwear and two of them were barricading my door. I put two and two together and saw that it was just a prank and I breathed out.
“Oh boys! y’all got me all trigger happy” I laughed “I thought we were in danger or a drill.”
“What the fuck was that!” said one of the men that barricaded my door “you just poofed outside the door! That was at least a 5 second reaction time!”
“Well if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.” I unloaded my gun and put it back in my holster.
“That was super cool!” it was the jorts man “how you just jump into action and use your quirk so confidently” he walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, he’s not that tall and a bit younger than the others “you have to sit with us at breakfast!”
I get an idea “Well! aren’t you a sweetie?!” I touch his face to give him a cheek pinch “I’d love to sit next to you, let me just put my guns away and dress out.” I walk toward my room and the other two step aside to let me in. I lock my room and activate the copy, I feel my skin get tingly and my arms start to take shape of hammers. I get giddy, new quirk acquired! I got dressed and teleported to the dining area. I sit with jorts man and others that were nicer to me, I tell them the surface facts about me and they get astounded by all the things I can do. I find out that jorts man is a newly recruited sidekick and is still 18 years old and that his name is Beizu Iwa, hero name Tools. 
“Miss Palma, good morning” it was Jinko “I heard about your little display earlier, are you alright?”
“Good Morning! and yes, it was harmless and nothing I wasn’t used to.”
“We have a zero tolerance for harassment here so the persons involved will be punished” he gave me a strange look “are you drinking straight coffee?”
“Yes, why? is there a problem?”
“No it’s just that how can you stomach something so bitter” he shuddered “well anyways, Best Jeanist would like to arrange some meeting time for today. I’ll let you know when as I’m not sure either.”
“Ok, got it, thank you.” I go to a training session with the agents and, while I didn’t learn anything new, I liked their teamwork. The agent team was only 5 people but they all went to the same school but at different times. They asked me about UA and I said it was cool but the hero program kids are annoying and not that hot. After lunch, I got summoned to Best Jeanist’s office. I was super nervous, I know how he looks like but the experience Bakugo described wasn’t the best to go off of. I entered his office and I see him, and all his denim glory, so tall with only his eye peeking from his high neck (what I’m assuming) jean jacket. 
“So you’re the fabled Miss Palma, Double wielding prodigy from America” he walked up to me “Welcome to my agency! I hope you settled in well and made yourself acquainted by the others?”
“Oh you talk so highly of me! I’m just a foreigner that barely made it in” I trembled in his shadow “but yes I got to know the other agents and some of the side-kicks, quite the bunch!”
“Please have a seat! I want to know more about you” he said gesturing to the 4 chairs facing a coffee table, I take a seat and he sits across from me “I heard that you had quite the journey to end up here.”
“Yes, it was quite the journey”
“And I heard about these 2 powerful quirks of yours” he crossed his legs “I am very interested on how your copy works.”
I get sweaty as I had no idea where this conversation is going to go. I explained it to him and he looked interested but it was hard to tell with his face covered “...with that said, I wanted to be a doctor in quirk medicine for the quirkless.”
“Thats the reason why I gave you the offer” he un-crossed his legs and sat up straight “there’s not many people like you in the world, with a power like yours, all they want to be is a hero or fight against evil. But you, you want to help the unfortunate and contribute to a cause that will benefit no matter what you do. The other agencies, they just want you for their own protection and lock you in when you should spread your wings and discover the cure.”
“I’d heard about the other agencies and their corruptness of trapping in double wielding agents. I understand that you saw greatness in me to follow my dream of being a doctor, but its all just a pipe dream” I sighed and looked at my hands “I left home to hide here and become somebody that will protect the families and homes of those who fight for us. My life has changed so much that I really think that this is it for me, I will never reach where I wanted to go.”
“Look at me” I looked at him, scared of what he was going to say “I know what happened in America and why you’re in the intelligence program. I want you to know that under my guidance and blessing, you will never degrade yourself and your dreams. You aren’t stuck, this isn’t it for you, I want you to explore my agency like a doctor would. Copy their quirks, find something new about them, see how they respond to you. And ,if you get lucky, unlock potential.”
I try not to cry, its the first time in months that somebody has faith in me to be who I want to be and do what I please to feed my curiosity that I’ve had to suppress to seem normal “You mean it? I don’t think my heart can take another empty promise. I’ve had to sneak face touches to feed my curiosity for all these people I meet. I want to be happy again.”
“Thats why I fulfilled all your requests. I can’t offer you what you already know as an agent, but I can offer you freedom to feed your curiosity and study what you want to study.” He stands up and pulls down his neck pants “here, start with me.”
I gently placed my hands on his face, from what I felt, he wasn’t doing so well. “Oh my, you’re still hurt from your near death with All for One huh?”
“How did you know I was near death?”
“I felt it in my body too and you’re hurting yourself trying to play it off like you’re okay when you aren’t okay and you need another month to recover fully.”
“I didn’t want to seem decommissioned to the world” he covered up “I’m too high up the ladder to take that much time off my duties. But do you really think I should recover longer?”
“Just like I’m sure I have mastery in your quirk” the cockiness in my voice changed the mood in the room.
“Oh yea? Show me something” he said walking over to his shelves of fabric “make me something pretty.” He threw me a bolt of textured fabric and I activated his quirk to make him an evening gown in a matter of minutes on his body.
“There! what a fancy lady you make!” I said as he turned to the mirror on his right.
“Oh my goodness! Its nearly flawless! Like something I would make” He felt my hem work and how I shaped it to his shoulders “how are you at mastery?”
“This quirk runs in my family, in fact, I have family on my mother’s side that started a denim company decades ago and they still run it. All because they have some variation of the Master Thread quirk, when some of my cousins come to visit, I’d copy their quirk and we’d make dresses for our dolls or remake our clothes into different ones.” I walk up to the mirror and look at myself and him “Do you wonder if we’re related? Like a common ancestral family where a brother crossed the sea to the west and ended up lost in the south. And the other brother wandered in the east to find the sea and made it here?”
He looks at me, then at himself “I believe it, who knows? I don’t have an explanation for that.” he ponders a bit “you’re much more curious than I thought, it was nice talking to you” he looks at the time “why don’t you take a peek at what the side-kicks are doing? Jinko will walk you over.”
I thank him for the one on one time and headed to the hallway I came from to find Jinko. He was more than happy to show me over to where the side-kicks trained and did paperwork. I was observing out of the way of everyone to see all the quirks I didn’t recognize and wanted to copy at some point. 
“Hey agent!” yelled a man in denim chaps. I looked around and to see if he was referring to some other agent “yes I’m talking to you little lady, come here and spar with us!”
“Oh um okay” I walked over meekly “whats the haps fellas?”
“Show us how you use your quirk in battle!” yelled a man in jeans “I heard about your fighting style from Jinko, so powerful that you hardly use your quirk!”
“Oh yea?! Fight me then!” jean chaps man gets in position “first one to get pinned, loses.” Everyone gets out of way to give us space to spar. I feel all the eyes on me as I get in my position.
“I accept this challenge chaps man” the others murmur and stop what they’re doing “please don’t go easy on me, I won’t hold back either!” He starts his attack and I narrowly dodge it. I saw that he has a strength quirk, with enough force, I can get him in a pile-driver and end it. I get lucky and low sweep him to quick touch his face, everyone gasped at the move.
“I see what they mean by hardly uses their quirk” he stands up quickly and faces me “but victory favors the strong!” he activates his quirk, muscles bulk and he flexes them.
“Oh you mean like this?” I taunt as I activate my copy, the other men look in disbelief “foolish man! you accidentally gave me the upper hand” I do a wrestlers pose “say your prayers.” I bolt toward him to do close range, he has a hard time dodging. With a double fisted uppercut, I launch him up for the pile driver. I put him in position and slam him on the floor, I won and everyone had horror written on their faces.
“Wha-WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?” said the man as he stood up “that quirk, how?!” I explained my copy and everyone understood now why I was offered the internship. “Telekinesis and Copy huh? what a power combo but you became an agent?”
“Yea, I don’t like being restricted” I said as I deflated back to my normal shape “I also HATE authority, so intel was the way to go. Fuck big hero!”
“I love her! Can we keep her?!” said the man in denim leg warmers “we need more of that attitude around here.” The other men agreed and asked me to copy their quirks so I can test it out. I was happy again and everyone was much nicer to me the following days. Fast forward 4 days, things were getting exciting.
“Ok agents, time for some civilian clothing scouting” the agent lead announced in our practice room, he faces me with some concern on his face “now, 19, I know you’ve been trained to do plain clothes work but since you’re a young lady, your appearance might out us.”
I get an idea “Okay, chaotic idea, I packed my boy alter-ego. If you give me 30 mins to do my full transformation, I can save this whole debacle.”
“You know what, thats not a bad idea 19″ he looked to the others “you heard her, 30 mins until we head out.”
I teleport to my room and get to work on binding my chest and contouring my face. And just on time, I came out of my room as Takeshi T’Boone.
“Hello fellas” I said while doing finger guns “goes this shirt make me look gay?”
The agents started cackling and fully believed I was a biological boy for a second. We go on our scouting and nothing serious happened, just some information gathering and reporting suspicious activity to nearby side-kicks.
“Say, Takeshi” asked one of the agents “are you a drinker?”
“Yup, but I’m not trashy” I put my phone in my pocket “I know my limit.”
“Cool, the fellas were going to get drinks and grilled meat at around dinner time” said the leader “wanna come with as Takeshi?”
“Oh hell yea!” I tried to contain my ‘feminine’ excitement “I haven’t flaunted Takeshi in public like that, this’ll be fun!”
We get back to the agency to fill out paperwork until dinner time. I had to put my weapons away in my room and really didn’t feel like teleporting, so I walked, forgetting I was in boy drag. I get there and I un-strap all my concealed weapons to put away, check my phone to reply to Mimi and Jin and walked out to use the bathroom.
“HEY YOU! FREEZE!” yelled the jean vest man, I looked up in confusion “you’re in an unauthorized area!”
I realized that I was in boy drag and tried to talk myself out of this one “No wait! It’s me! Agent 19 I-”
“BULLSHIT! agent 19 is a soft and curly haired girl” he was getting closer “and you’re a dirty blonde boy. You’re coming with me!” He grabbed my arm and I was freaking out.
“Let go of me! I am agent 19, in disguise” he tightened his grip and I panicked some more “where are you taking me?”
“To the boss, he deals with small fry villains like you all the time!” He tosses me in Best Jeanist’s office, I stand up and see his confused face “I found this villain sneaking out of agent 19′s room and he claims to be her.”
“Because I am! Look!” I take off my wig, revealing my black curls “I was doing undercover work and was going to change out when he accused me of being a villain.”
Jeanist looked at me and looked impressed “I was fully convinced that you were a boy! That voice changer is a nice touch to your disguise. I’ll call the lead agent to come and escort you.” He made the call and turned to the man in the vest “remember that we can’t get in without a barcode ID, the alarms would ring if there was an intruder.”
I get escorted and the leader assures me that I made a convincing boy so I shouldn’t be surprised that I was confused for one. He takes the liberty to present me to the others, they didn’t take the news well. It didn’t matter to me as I just wanted to go out to drink with my fellow agents. Dinner time came and I was gathering my phone and wallet to head out, I get a knock on my door
“Who is it?”
“It’s Iwa”
Tools? what does he want? “come in!”
“Oh, hey, Takeshi was it?”
“hehe yea, whats up?”
“I was going to ask if you, er Palma-san, wanted to spend some time with me and some of the others for game night.”
“Oh thats nice of you to include me” I stood up “but the agents already invited me to drinks and grilled meat. Maybe tomorrow?”
“I didn’t know you were a drinker?”
“Oof have you ever been at an agent kick back? All we do is drink and get stupid, crazy part is that we don’t get in trouble for it because we don’t have rules to follow.”
“Sounds like fun” he turned to leave my room “we’ll spend time tomorrow then?”
“Yep, tomorrow!”
I head out with the rest of the agents and we have a great time! We bar hopped, respected women and I played the part so well that it was just accepted that I was one of the boys. We drank way too much and got stumbled our way back to the agency for the night.
“Aw shit yall, its fawkin almost 4am” I slurred to say as we walked in.
“shhh! you don’t wanna wake up the bitch boys” harshly whispered the leader “they get all pissy when we disrupt their sleep.”
“Damn, well, drink water and rest yall” I stumble to the living quarters “see yall when I decide to.” I get too tired to walk and I teleported to my room, I missed my room entirely and just splat in front of my room passed out. In the morning I opened my eyes and saw that I was on the floor in front of my door. “Aw fuck I missed my room, what time is it?”
“It’s 9am” said a voice behind me.
I bolted up and saw Jinko, Tools, vest man and Best Jeanist. F U C K “Oh hello, good morning!” I stood up and tried to play it cool “I was just-”
“I can’t believe it! An underage girl getting so drunk that they couldn’t make it to bed!” scolded vest man “What would your mother think of you?”
“As far as she’s concerned” I get bold “she thinks I’m a child of God!”
“Stop both of you!” Jinko turns to vest man “look she’s allowed to do all that, as an agent, rules don’t apply to her as we law enforcers do.”
“But that doesn’t excuse her misconduct!” retorted vest man “she threw up in my shoes!”
“Oh I don’t throw up after drinking” I get cocky “I ain’t no bitch, it was probably a different agent, the one with the brown hair and scar on his shoulder.”
Turns out, it was him. I join my fellow agents in the dining hall after a quick shower and re-feminizing. It was our day off and I was going to explore the shops I passed on our scouting. Everyone found out of my little drunk adventures with the agents as Takeshi, they treated me like an equal when they saw that I can hold my liquor and defend myself. After some recouping, I get dolled up to head out to shop, makeup and everything. 
“Hey Palma-san!” Tools ran up to me as I was turning to the hallway “where are you headed?”
“I’m going to the union square, I want to go to the shops”
“May I join? I’d hate to see you go by yourself.”
“Um sure, I could use some company in case I get lost.”
He joins me and its a nice time, I lose track of time and it’s sundown. Things got serious.
“I really enjoy your company Palma-san” he said as he turned to me “I bet you have a macho boyfriend back at school.”
Oh jeez where is this going? “Nah, my last boyfriend tried to convert me to be a hero because he was becoming one too. After that mess I just decided to focus on school work more and put boys on the back burner.”
“That does sound like a mess, sorry that I brought up a bad memory”
“It’s fine, don’t feel bad!” I sighed “though, I wish could just be done with school already and work in an agency.”
“Why? what’s the rush?”
“I just don’t want to dorm or deal with those annoying ass hero students, no offense but yall just wanna compete and cry over shit that doesn’t matter.”
“None taken...can you keep a secret?”
“Um sure, what is it?”
“Okay so I didn’t want to be a hero, I actually wanted to be an engineer for robots or machinery.”
“NO WAY! is it because of your quirk?”
“Yea and I love technology, but my dad didn’t approve and said that I either work in construction with him or he pays for hero school. So I went into hero studies and did well enough to get into the number 4 hero’s agency.” he gets a sad look on his face “I’m not happy were I am, in secret I tinker with broken appliances to make them into short functioning robots but I want to work with them all the time. I wish I was as free as you are, not caring about the rules and free to go into whatever field of intelligence.”
I put my hand on his and sigh “Can you keep a secret?” I tell him the short hand of my situation “...cut to now, I’m nearing a year since I left. I didn’t want to be an agent, I wanted to be a doctor.”
He looked at me with wide eyes and mouth agape “You poor girl! Thats a lot to go through so young. I have a new found respect for you Palma-san, you are more than just a smart and pretty face, you are braver than the number one hero! Braver than me!” he holds my hand properly “thank you for sharing that with me.”
“Did you just call me pretty?”
“Yeah, and what of it?” he gets smug “it’s true, I have no reason to lie to you.”
I get bold “I guess I’ll take your word for it, usually if a boy calls me pretty and holds my hand like this, he shows me.”
“Oh I see, sorry I’m not very good at talking to pretty girls” he looks around to see who’s watching “not very many cross my path for me to do this” he pulls me in for the kiss, I get the sickest satisfaction in getting that kiss. It’s not like I was cheating on Tokoyami, we agreed that we aren’t dating nor putting labels on each other because we just crave the intimacy, not the person. This kiss escalated so quick, I teleported us to my room to have some privacy. I’ve know this guy for 5 days and here I am, getting hot and heavy in my room. He took control so quick that I didn’t realize he took off my shirt, I knew because he asked me about my tattoos. It felt like hours we shared passion, no sex, just rubbing up against each other. I checked the time, it was 8:44pm, we’ve been in my room for 3 hours!
“Oh my, time really flies when you’re making out” I panted “Everyone is probably wondering where we are.”
“Yea, you want to teleport to the main street and stroll in or..”
“Well before we do that, why don’t you give me a nice love mark on my neck?” I said laying down on my bed, exposing my neck “I want to show the squad back at the dorms that I got to kiss a side-kick.”
“Anything for you darling” he goes in and gave me a couple of hickeys “there, I know you wouldn’t let them know who gave you these, love marks.”
“As long as I have another session before I leave.”
“Deal!” he gets up and tosses me my shirt “come on and get dressed, we gotta make it look like we aren’t tongue wrestling.” We do the plan and nobody’s the wiser. In the morning, the other agents took notice and they wanted details. I told them what happened but not with whom and they pat me on the back for being that bitch.
“Hey Tools, check the marks on the girl” nudged the man with the chaps to Tools “who do you think did it? I think its that agent that gives her coffee every morning.”
Tools starts to sweat a little “Maybe, I don’t see her getting close with anybody else.”
“Wonder how she did it, I bet she smells like a meadow” said another side kick “good for her though! At least one of us isn’t gay.” The other men at that tabled agreed and Tools hid his inner panic that everyone just assumes the other is gay because of the all male environment.
I shadowed the lead agent for the day, mainly because they didn’t have a plan for me for the whole 2 weeks. It was pretty standard and it was pretty much just avoiding the side-kicks until they have to relay information to them. Fast forward to day 11, interesting information comes in.
“Look alive agents!” alerted the lead “we found a lead on a league of villains look out spot, right here in our city” he shows us on an overhead a map of the city “here, a mile and a half outside the business district. We’re raiding tonight, the goal is to gain intel on who’s the scouts and why here, defeating them would be a plus.”
“Sir, is this a just agent mission?” asked one of the older agents.
“Yes, now that we have 19 in our team, we insure success and cut out those pesky side-kicks.”
“Are these missions not successful because of them?” I asked curiously.
“Yes, they’re always announcing themselves before attacking and it gives the perpetrator time to flee” the lead rolled his eyes and sighed “now that you’re here, you can do rescue, stealth and attack...almost like a 5 for 1 deal.”
“I like the sound of a no side-kick mission” I nod “Ok so when do we head out?”
“At midnight, they’re usually hanging around at around that time. Everyone is to suit up and strap in, we’re building hopping there.”
Night comes and I suit up and walk out my room, I get seen by Tools
“Hey where are you going?”
“Night patrol” I lied the best I could “Be back at sun up.”
“Wait, it’s a mission isn’t it?” he grabbed my hand “please be careful, I want to see you come back in one piece okay?”
I couldn’t look him in the eye “It’s not a big deal, I’ll be fine” I see the other agents run down the hall and I break out of his grip “see you later.” I get nervous, what if I do get injured? What if I do die, for real this time? So many what ifs that I tried not to think about as I had to get my mind in the mission. We get to the spot and see that it’s an alleyway and there was 2 scouts.
“Okay, we have 2 confirmed targets” said the brown haired agent, he had heat seeking quirk “from what I can tell, a male in his 20′s and a girl in her mid-teens.”
“Wait, let me see” I flip my visor down to activate the enhance feature, I see the two people “Yo, not to be that bitch again, but the male is kinda sexy” I enhance the image more to see his black hair, blue eyes, with what looks like patches of his skin stapled in a stylistic pattern “oh yea~ sexy villain alert, he won’t be hard to spot again if he runs.”
“Great work 19, do you think you can be part of the info team and eavesdrop on them?” the lead asked “We got your backs.”
I head with 2 others to snoop in, one of the agents had a camouflage quirk and the other had telepath. I copy the camouflage and slink our way down in the alleyway as the telepath stayed out of sight at the nearest rooftop.
“Dabi-kun! Can’t I just stabby stab the next one? Come on pleaseeee!?”
“Shut up Toga!” growled the male “it’s bad enough that we’re scouting and not in the hide out, its fuckin freezing out here!”
“Humph! Spinner lets me stab the ones that aren’t serious.”
Dabi and Toga huh? Interesting, there seems to be more of them in rotation. I remember that they kidnapped Bakugo but they don’t seem like the ones that are up the chain. Then the girl pulls out a fucking 4 inch knife and I don’t get scared but concerned for this girl’s mental health.
‘19, disarm the girl with your telekinesis’ said the telepath. I expose my armpits to wiggle the knife out of her hand. As I did, the girl freaks out, getting the attention of the male.
“What the fuck Toga?!”
“It’s not me! I swear! Something is controlling my knifey!”
“You fucking psycho bitch! Can’t fucking control your blood lust for like 5 minutes, I’m calling Kurogiri to get me the fuck out of here” he reaches into his pocket to take out a cell phone “maybe your lizard boyfriend will get switched in!” 
‘19! get the cellphone! and teleport it to me!’
I then wrestle the cellphone out of his hand, he doesn’t have a tight grip on it and I zipped it over to me and teleported it to the telepath. But to the 2 scouts, it looked like the cell phone disappeared into thin air. 
“Oh no! the alley is haunted!” screamed the girl “Dabi-kun I’m scared!”
“Great! Toga that was our only form of contact with the others” the male was losing his sanity “HEY GHOST BITCH! COME OUT AND FIGHT ME! or kill the girl, she’s super annoying.”
“HEY thats not nice Dabi-kun!” said the girl as she fought with her knife “once I get control of my knife, its over for you bitches!”
“I’ve had enough of this!” blue flames rise from his fists. I get kicked into high alert, time to fight sexy man and knife girl.
‘19! fight them off as 44 escapes to the others, I will let you know when they’re at the safe zone.’
Go time for me, without deactivating the camouflage, I levitate the two to distract them from the footsteps of the other agent as they fled.
“WAH! please don’t hurt me ghost-sama!” sobbed the girl. I tossed her in the dumpster and tossed the sexy man against the wall. No signal on the safety of my fellow agent, time to have some fun. I switch the voice changer on in my mouth to distortion.
“Wow, so this is one of the mighty league of villains? Don’t seem so tough or scary” I taunted as I picked him up and pinned him to the wall “and such a pretty one like you! What are you doing here all by yourself on such a cold night?” I touch his face for the copy, dropping the camouflage. He was taken back when he saw my covered face.
“W-who are you?!” he stammered in fear.
“I’ll save you Dabi-kun!” cried out the girl as she jumped out of the dumpster.
“Quiet little girl” I said as I blasted a wall of blue flame, blocking her from coming any closer to us “can’t you see the adults are talking?”
“What do you want from us? Are you one of those stupid renegades!”
“HA! renegades?! Don’t you dare call me one of those hero rejects!” I make a flame out of my free hand “call me that again and I’ll defile that pretty face of yours.” He stares at my blue flame, like I took it away from him “oh? impressed by my skill?”
“Look, I don’t know who you are or what you want. But we’re just here to scout so if-”
“Didn’t anybody tell you boy, this here city, its MINE!” I then get the update.
‘44 is in the safe zone, 19 teleport me out!’
“If I catch you here or your little club of little bitches around these parts, I’ll kill them and take your skulls as my trophies.” I let him go as I walk away.
“Who are you?” asked the male “I haven’t seen you around the scene.”
“They call me, the Black Phantom. Bye bye my raven haired beauty~” I teleported out to the telepath and then to the others.
“What in the actual fuck 19!?” said the lead when we got back to the agency.
“Am-am I in trouble?” I asked meekly because I did get carried away with my distraction.
“No, but that was the most AMAZING display of theatrics I’ve ever seen! Not to mention that you got evidence that we traced to their base while you were distracting them.” he got so giddy that it made me feel like I finally did something right “for once the agents have a successful mission in the books, boss will be so pleased with us. Rest up agents! We celebrate in the morning when we give the full report to Jinko.”
“Thank you sir!” we chanted as dismissal. Everyone pat me on the back for coming in clutch with the copy and the one liners. I get to my room and nobody noticed me walking in, I undress and sleep in peace. I wonder what the others have done?
-End Chapter 18-
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