#[ husk ] ── v. the new toy in the toy box
gambling-bartender · 7 months
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a closed starter for @likeamothtofame
This was it.
Husk was going to keep his soul, he was going to get back enough souls to keep the casino running, he was going to get one up on this smug bitch of a moth.
Four of a kind. Four fucking aces.
The chances were astronomically small that he even got this good a hand and he hadn't even used any of his powers to manipulate the deck -- a stipulation of the deal made to get him this game in the first place.
The literal only way that Val would be able to beat him would be if he had a royal flush and both a four of aces and a royal flush in one game? Fucking impossible.
Husk laughed as he slammed down his cards, grinning nearly ear to ear, "Read them and fucking weep Val, I fucking win."
And then he saw Val's face.
Val did not have a poker face. Val, notoriously, did not have a poker face.
And he did not look upset. He did not look like a man who had just lost a sizable portion of his staff and wealth.
He was smiling, and smugly at that. He looked like a cat who had just caught a mouse and had decided it wanted to play with its food.
"Lo siento, gatito," He said with a little flourish of his cards as he flipped them over, his smile widening to a grin as he saw the look on Husk's face fall.
A royal flush.
Valentino had a royal flush.
The dealer pushed the pot over to Valentino and Husk could almost feel it, feel the sudden loss of a soul, feel the sudden loss of agency.
It was over.
He was over.
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gambling-bartender · 7 months
Blog Arc: The New Toy In The Toy Box
Major Players:
Husk - @suchaficklething
Valentino - @likeamothtofame
Minor Players:
Angel - @tangledfate
When Husk loses his soul to Valentino in a game of poker, a whole new game with a whole new set of rules begins and Husk scrambles to learn his place in Valentino's toy box. Navigating new friends and new challenges, will Husk be able to remain the man he is or will he lose him entirely?
Trauma, Abuse, Toxic vs Healthy Relationships, Drama, Addiction, Personhood, Autonomy, Learning How to Cope in the Face of it All
Plotted/Discussed Threads:
Lady Luck Turns Her Back
Side Threads:
Related Asks:
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