#[ husk ] ── v. voktek family angel
gambling-bartender · 4 months
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Husk felt like a fool. He had spent every waking moment for the past few weeks looking for Angel that he hadn't considered that he might have to keep an eye out for anything else.
He opened the doors to the hotel and took a deep breath, quickly spotting the nervous Charlie sitting on one of the couches in the lobby.
"Charlie." He says not quite softly but not quite as his full volume, "I found him."
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Ozzie, were there any other civilian injuries? I know the Vees and most of their colleagues deserved it, but there were others like Angel and Husk there too...
Ozzie: Uh…I mean, there weren’t many innocent people. I mean I feel bad for the kids and babies but everyone else were there for bad reasons.
666 News Plays on the TV…
Katie Killjoy: Good evening, Hell! I'm Katie Killjoy, and tonight we bring you shocking news from the Pride Ring. Earlier today, tragedy struck at the highly anticipated birthday celebration for Verena, daughter of VoxTek Founder and CEO, Vox. The grand event, attended by Hell’s royalty, the sins, and many Overlords, was ruthlessly attacked and completely destroyed by the Sin of Lust, Asmodeus.
Tom Trench: That’s right, Katie. The V Tower, known for its state-of-the-art design and lavish accommodations, now lies in ruins. What was supposed to be a joyous occasion has turned into a scene of chaos and devastation. We’ve received reports that dozens of people are dead or injured, and rescue efforts are ongoing.
Katie Killjoy: Among the missing is the birthday girl herself, one year old Verena. VokTek employees are working tirelessly to locate her amidst the debris. The question on everyone’s mind is: why would Asmodeus target such an event? What motive could he have had to inflict such destruction on a one-year-old’s birthday party?
Tom Trench: Witnesses describe a sudden, violent incursion by Asmodeus and his forces, leaving little time for guests to react. Many high-profile figures, including the King of Hell, Lucifer, and his family, were in attendance. The immediate aftermath saw a frantic search for survivors, with emergency services and demonic first responders working through the night.
Katie Killjoy: Vox has yet to make a public statement, but sources close to him say he is devastated and is personally involved in the search for Verena.
Tom Trench: Security footage and eyewitness accounts are being reviewed to piece together the sequence of events. Asmodeus, already a notorious figure, now faces even greater infamy and potential retribution for this heinous act.
Katie Killjoy: Stay tuned to 666 News for the latest updates on this developing story.
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