#[ i am still waiting for you to ignite me. — loveshot : hades. ]
fatalled · 10 months
[ answered. ] @fiiregaze -> WEARY :  for one muse to wake up after falling asleep on the other.
you just left us there. kyungseok startles awake. his heart practically climbing out of his chest, slamming against his rib-cage. the edges of the nightmare still sharp, still haunting. they cut into the night, shaping a figure out of the overlapping shades in the dark. the voice was a soft darker whisper in his ear and the dripping shadows felt like fingertips, dead fingers unable to grab him, trap him, rip him to pieces. you just — you — you just left us there. he shoves back, pushing away from this — this — thing and his head smacking against the hand of another. the shade's hand? & he snatches it by the wrist before it can reach him. he's never been able to actually touch him and they have only ever show themselves in the fading delirium between waking and sleep. this one, however, is solid in his grip and he squeezes. the goal is to snap the wrist, break the bone, and — "kyungseok!" the world slowly puts itself back together and then snaps into reality with a sharp pain suddenly twisting through his own wrist. kyungseok gasps — and looks up. not a shade, not a nightmare, only seongyeol's features etched in worry. the night has still draped itself around them, the evening falling exhausted onto the couch. he hadn't meant to fall asleep, he hadn't meant to lose control. "i — i'm sorry." it's a ragged, hoarse sound. half a sob, half a gasp. the world clicks back together, piece by piece. "i'm ... i — i just ... i'm sorry. i didn't know it was you, i thought — i'm so sorry." & that shattered peace is brought back together with warm hands, solid and withstanding. seongyeol doesn't say anything as he pulls kyungseok back. a warmth seeps through those cracks, spilling through his temple, his cheek as he lets himself relax against him. kyungseok squeezes his eyes shut and turns his face into the long line of seongyeol's neck and inhales. the ghosts can't reach him here, the nightmares wobble against the heat, he's — okay, he's okay, he's okay. he does not believe it but right here, held between warm hands that press him close and refuse to let go, he almost could.
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