#[ if that is a thing and helps at all kjsdhfjkhSJDKHF ]
daemonusdea · 7 years
Gawain cups the back of her neck and presses his lips upon her own, it is passionate so long and for long as its allowed. Though he might be bracing to get punched.
kiss the girl. – - @loyalbreed​.
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   The hand cupping the nape of her neck has her ready to snap back at whatever came next, her mouth parting to issue one of her scathing barks with ire lapping at the very confines of her skin– but the breath is taken from her as Gawain gives not a moment before catching her in a kiss.
        Her eye widens with a tensing of her shoulders, the only noise she finds she can make is a quiet moan of surprise, but questions filter into her mind at an alarming rate…Most of them being; what the fuck is happening?!
     He’s practiced no doubt, unrestrained in showing her a fiery reverence in the movement of his lips. It’s persuasive, enough to lure her into grasping his collar and rising on her feet to get closer, to slide her mouth firmer upon his in return. Just a few seconds longer before she parts, a lingering moment to softly huff breaths and ghost brushes of her bottom lip against that sensitive skin, a scant minute of peace…before catching his jaw with a swift punch. Well, it was almost romantic…
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