#[ lifted in concept and inspo from a few posts i've seen on the dash ]
avalior · 2 years
I. MEET ME ON THE BATTLEFIELD. | We carry on through the storm / tired soldiers in this war / remember what we're fighting for. / Meet me on the battlefield / even on the darkest night / I will be your sword and shield [...] echoes and the shots ring out / We may be first to fall / Everything can stay the same or we can change it all.
II. HEROES. | I see the fear rising / Yeah, but my hope is burning / The shadows are calling us out / We are heroes, heroes in the darkest times / when there is no light! / We are heroes, heroes in the darkest times / who will rise above!
III. CHANGE THE WORLD. | I want to change the world / Piercing through the gales, unafraid of anything, / Now I hold my courage and pieces of my smile / Change my mind / If we reach out to the soaring future / without losing our passion, we'll be able to shine [...] / I want to change the world / I won't hesitate again. If I can shape a future with you, / then I can fly anywhere. / Change my mind / I can spread my wings and fly towards the unknown future / without losing my passion.
IV. HEY BROTHER. | Hey, brother! / There's an endless road to rediscover. / Hey, sister! / Know that water's sweet but blood runs thicker. / Oh, if the sky comes falling down / for you / there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do.
V. GILDED LILY. | Haven't I given enough, given enough? / Haven't I given enough, given enough? / Haven't I given enough, given enough? / Haven't I given enough, given enough?
VI. VOGEL IM KÄFIG. | Alles Lebendige stirbt eines Tages / Ob wir zum Sterben bereit sind oder nicht / Der Tag kommt sicher / Ist das der Engel, der vom dämmernden Himmel hinunter flog? / Ist das der Teufel, der aus der Felsenspalte heraus kroch? / Tränen, Ärger, Mitleid, Grausamkeit / Frieden, Chaos, Glaube, Verrat / Wir werden gegen unser Schicksal ankämpfen / Wir dürfen uns nicht in unser Schicksal ergeben. / Mit Trauer und Entscheidung im Herzen / Zeigen wir den Willen weiterzugehen / Niemand darf eigensinnig seines Lebens beraubt werden.
Every living being dies someday / Whether we are ready to die or not / That day will surely come. / Is that an angel, flying down from the twilight sky? / Is that the devil, crawling out of the crevice? / Tears, anger, pity, cruelty / Peace, chaos, faith, betrayal / We will fight against our fate / We must not give in to our fate. / With sorrow and confidence in our hearts / We show the will to move on / No one shall be willfully deprived of their life.
VII. SEND ME AN ANGEL. | Wise man said, 'Just find your place / In the eye of the storm / Seek the roses along the way / Just beware of the thorns.' / Here I am! (Here I am!) / Will you send me an angel? / Here I am! (Here I am!) / In the land of the morning star. / [...] Hear this voice from deep inside / It's the call of your heart / Close your eyes and you will find / The way out of the dark. / Here I am! (Here I am!) / Will you send me an angel?
VIII. ENDLESS WAR. | You feel broken up / And the weight that you feel pulls you down / You can't let go! / You keep crawling on / Don't wanna let it go / So you keep holding on / To feel whole / 'Cause you're fighting an endless war / Hunting a miracle / And when you reach out for the stars / They just cut you down.
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