#[ lilith magne ] ── * hc
lollypoppers101 · 2 years
Hellooo, I have a request can you do Lucifer magne x fem reader nsfw alphabet or nsfw and sfw head-canons? Thanksss❤️
Sure can do! :)
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Lucifer Mange nsfw and sfw hc’s!
Gn!reader x Lucifer Mange
(I’m assuming Lilith isn’t in this so I didn’t add her, also keeping it gn since no specific ones were mentioned!)
Now, I know for a fact, Lucifer will definitely walk the castle every morning, arm in arm the whole way, as well as the rare times he does take you into the city.
Lucifer can be, and is a very protective man, he may not be bigger than other demons, but stronger and more violent if he needs to be.
He’s a man that treats you with love, he will pull out your chair for you every time you go to sit down at a table, it’s only right of course, you are the second ruler of hell after all.
Charlie had met you, she just loves you to hell! You two bond easily, and that makes Lucifer love you even more.
Lucifer loves to waltz around in the ball room and gardens, he loves to dance with you, no matter you’re height, size or dancing skills, he will dance with you through the halls as well.
Every morning is woken up with gentle kisses along the face, and your hands, those are his favourite.
Will go all out for you, he’ll buy whatever you want, hell, he’d probably get it for free, after all, who has the guts and nerve to charge the king of hell and his spouse?
Cute nicknames are a must, either they go from corny nicknames, to soul mushing ones.
Lucifer isn’t afraid of holding you close every night and whispering sweet nothings in your ear about how much he worships you and how much he loves you.
I mentioned that Lucifer is possessive, and he’s not afraid to express that what so ever, so If he does see a new demon near you, he will get angry, who does this demon think they are? Standing near your presences like that? Don’t be surprised if that’s the time a gloved hand gets wrapped around your throat and fingers shoved into your mouth.
Lucifer does have a kink for public sex, even if it’s just in the area of the garden of the castle, he’s not afraid to pull up or pull down your clothes then and there, who’s going to stop him besides you?
He has one goal for himself that he keeps every time, to please and satisfy you first, he’s he may be cruel, but if your the Dom in the relationship, Lucifer is willing to beg at your feet in order to make you feel good.
Let’s say your not the Dom type, that’s okay, Lucifer is more than willing to fulfill that role as well, misbehave around him, see where that will get you, bounded and gaged over his lap with you’re red ass in the air.
He also has a primal kink, you’re weak to him, he could easily hunt you down through the palace, it’s a fun game he loves to play with you, he finds you, he’s going to humiliate you, make you beg and cry for his cock.
Now if you win, which is a very low chance, the man has lived in the palace forever, you’re not gonna stand a chance, but lets say if you do, well, the king of hell is sprawled out on the bed just for you’re eyes only, how lucky.
Aftercare with Lucifer is important, he will treat you to a bubble bath, it’s only fit for what’s best of you of course, he’ll get in with you, share some wine, who’s to say he won’t fuck you on his lap while your in there?
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zatyrlucy · 3 years
Hey, considering that the overlords are gonna be main obstacles to the hotel, do you think they have a certain rule about messing with royal demon figures, including the Magne family? I know that this is Hell, where every sinner is to do as they please, but even so, trying to mess with Charlie seems like an extermination sentence, don't you think? I know that Valentino is probably going to be the first antagonist of the series, and that he'll stop at nothing to claim back Angel, but I believe he has to be smart about it, seeing that the hotel is run by the princess of Hell. Plus, Alastor is now working with Charlie, even though he's less powerful than Val, according to sources. I wonder if the same predicament could fall with other overlords, knowing that some of their contracts will seek shelter in the hotel.
You have a good point there. 
I think overlords wont be able to fight Charlie directly, not only because she must be powerful and is not alone anymore, but also because there is a chance for Lucifer and Lilith to appear is something tragic happens (a very minuscular tiny chance but still one). So my HC is that overlords would have to use their brains if they want to get what they want without getting into much trouble. 
With only the pilot I already see some flaws in Charlie that sinners could use in their favor. 
1. Charlie is easy to scare. When Sir Pen showed his new weapon, she totally froze, it was Vaggie the one who actually did something. Same when Alastor attacked Sir Pen, she could have stopped him, but nope, Charlie just stood there with a shocked face. 
2. Charlie is easy to distract. A big mistake she and Vaggie did was to left Angel alone in the hotel when they went to the interview with Katie. Anything could have happened to him while they were far away. If an overlord creates an excuse to make Charlie go to the other side of pentagram city they would have the hotel at the palm of their hand.
3. Charlie is easy to bully. Lets be honest, she is bad at defending herself with words. So an overlord who is very good at insulting women (*ahem*...Valentino) would destroy her self-esteem immediately, which could help in making her unable to defend the hotel.
4. Charlie is very naive. If an overlord pretends to be nice the hotel would be f*cked. The situation that happened with Alastor could happen again, she may give a chance to anyone who smiles and says that wants to help which can be really dangerous. So I suppose overlords can use the Troyan horse strategy with her too. 
With this in mind, I believe Charlie totally depends on her friends. In the past she ignored Vaggie, but now with more people maybe they will help her see the reality of the situations she gets involved. All my bets are on Alastor, he seems to be the salvation of the hotel. He was the one who reacted fast to Sir Pen attack, he is smarter and less naive than Charlie too, and I suppose Charlie will listen to him more than Vaggie, so my prediction is that he will help a lot to defend the hotel until his plan (whatever it is) develops.  
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hazmoonxmuses · 4 years
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I think I might’ve deleted the old HC posts so I’m gonna be quick n swift about it rn BUT!!
Changed her bio a bit to fit the information of Lilith’s punishment given to her by God for not wishing to return to Eden which was to loose her first one hundred children
--- It’s BECAUSE of this Lilith is so much more.. Distant with Charlie. It’s hard for her to get attached after loosing so many children, especially seeing as not all of her children’s death were immediate, but happened over the course of a few days if not weeks, too. Sometimes Lilith even worries if Charlie is to expire one day and that thought fucking makes her so afraid.
-- Lilith is already a very stoic and steeled person, but she has become especially so after so many deaths she’s had to endure. She didn’t even name her children after the first few deaths, not even wanting to look at most of them and handing them off to nannies to take care of.
-- It wasn’t until Charlie’s birth, one of the nannies being bold enough to ask if Lilith can nurse the baby since no matter what they did it wouldn’t stop crying. Lilith, angry at first for asking such a thing was going to decline, but, the sound of Charlie’s cries pulled onto that maternal heart of hers. So she nursed Charlie. And she cried.
-- She named Charlie with Lucifer’s help, naming her Charlotte Magne as a mark of Charlie being the Conquer.
--  Lilith’s curse is ALSO why I imagine Lilith that she is seen as the killer of children because she takes away children who have mothers who do not take proper care of their children. Be it negligence or abuse. Lilith can’t exactly take them and raise them herself, she WILL watch over them on a rare occasion (like in my drabble) but she may slay children to send them to Heaven before they can commit a sin to be taken to hell and have them be watched over and taken care of in heaven.
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lilithmagne · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons for Lilith and the Von Eldritch family ?
// Hm, hm, hm! Hard to say! A few friends and I had some joined HC’s where the Von Eldritch and Magne family created Hell together! In my HC about the Von Eldritch Mother, I decided that she became somewhat entranced by the pre-royal family, particularly Lilith. She was a tiny blob of tar and multiple limbs and toothy mouths when she met Lilith, and shape-shifted herself into an eldritch copy of her because she found the concept of ‘womanhood’ to be very interesting. Lilith isn’t too fond of that and finds the mother really creepy! But! She hangs out with her as a sort of duty rather than friendship. She wasn’t the fondest when Charlie dated the Eldritch son because that meant multiple visits with that weird-ass family. xD So, she breathed in relief after the breakup, and shamelessly used Charlie’s situation as an ex-girlfriend to the son as an excuse to not hang out because THINK OF THE CHILDREN! WE NEED TO GIVE THEM SPACE!
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appldaddy · 3 years
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hi, first of all new OOC FC for this blog, because i love my luffs.             
second, you know what i’ve noticed? Lilith is the public figure out of the two magnes, unless you have family portraits, Lucifer isn’t SEEN.
so my HC that unless you personally know lucifer you won’t be able to tell WHO he is right away (unless you know charlie, it’s kind of obvious then)
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lucifermagne · 6 years
how old do you hc charlie is?
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Honestly, I’m not the right mun (since I just portray her dad and every charlie is allowed to think up an HC of their own until canon tells us different) to personally be asking this, but I do know that she was a young woman in the family portrait of 1871, so I’m assuming she would have been a toddler around the time of her birth, which would explain the pun of her name “Charlie Magne” as “Charlemagne” (Charles the Great), whom was alive around mid-700′s to the early 800′s!
As of now, that’s my HC since it would make sense that Lilith/Satan would make that pun in context to her name! It’s funny because the Magne is basically them being like “Charlie Great,” “Lucifer Great,” and “Lilith Great”! BUT ANYWAY! That’s just my take on it, but I conform usually to the HCs of others when it comes to other muses!
So if we do the math (aside from the statement I heard about her mental age being that of an early 20′s (22) young woman): 2019 - 800 (estimation since that’s when it says Charles the Great became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire) = 1219 years old?
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infernalight · 5 months
Tagging: @diresang @tangledfate @defiedfate @faithcorrupted
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why. If tagged, copy and paste into a new post – DO NOT REBLOG!
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise)
Softest muse? That would probably be a tie between Emily and Vortex. Emily is an angel, despite everything she learned from the court trial, she still has a warm heart and can and will be easily fooled. She is very naïve and sees the best in people at all times which sometimes gets her in trouble. She'll only really lash out if she feels like she's not being heard. As for Vortex, he's not really mean or tough unless he's defending Verosika and has to be for his job. He doesn't like when people fight, especially if it involves his girlfriend. Toughest muse would have to be a tie between Blitzø and Striker. Neither of them take shit from anyone, they both have killed and will kill without remorse. Striker rarely likes anyone and Blitzø only really cares about his employees, his family, and Stolas.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly?
If it's in the human world, Moxxie easily! Especially if he thinks his wife would enjoy it. If it's in Hell, probably Fizzie or Angel. Fizzie is reckless and would easily blow through that much without even thinking and Angel would splurge if he knew he had the money to spend.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them?
Apart from the obvious ones, no. Fizzie answers to Froggie, but only from Ozzie. Kitty for Husk, but only from Angel. Daddy for Val. Ozzie also found out recently he enjoys being called Good Boy and Daddy.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
Verosika, Fizzie, and Angel Dust all like to be in the known. Whether or not they follow them is another thing. Verosika definitely does, Fizzarolli definitely tries, but if he finds a style he likes, he will stick with it for a while, and Angel Dust would like to, but it's not like he has any choice on what he wears as long as Val is around. Husk and Alastor both could care less. Alastor for sure sticks to what he knows and Husk just could care less.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings?
Molly and Angel Dust for sure have the best relationship. With their other siblings, maybe not so much, but with each other? They are inseparable. They share their clothes with each other, tell each other almost all their secrets, and do just about everything together,
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune?
Angel Dust or Charlie for sure. Charlie loves to sing and is always breaking out into song, meanwhile Angel Dust has grown up on musicals. He looooves musicals and will gladly be right up there alongside Charlie easily.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model?
Alastor, Husk, and Satan all don't really care when it comes to beauty pageants or anything. Alastor finds them dumb, Husk would rather go to support Angel Dust, and Satan just doesn't have time or care too much for all of that.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? 
Most muses would go unfazed, having seen a bunch of shit in their lives. Moxxie, Emily, and Charlie would probably be the easiest to scare if caught off guard.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation?
Not all take transportation, some prefer other uncommon methods of getting around. Alastor uses shadows to get around, Ozzie prefers to be driven around, Fizzie likes to rollerblade or get driven around, Lilith prefers to swim, and Adam, Emily, and Lute prefer flying.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse.
Husk won't admit it, but he enjoys getting his wings preened, touched, and played with though only be a select few people that he can trust.
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infernalight · 6 months
what specifically named color do you embody?
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you will do everything and anything to not think about the past days. how many you're trying to forget, it doesn't matter, but you will do anything, everything, all the things you can in order to not have to focus on the fact that you made a mistake. the world is full of life and vibrancy, and you don't want to be that dark spot in it that you believe yourself to be. so you fight it with everything you've got, pushing away people in fear of them making you darker, fighting those who oppress you without questioning their motives. fearful. regretful. uncertain. you dance to a tune only you hear in this world, and you know it's going to kill you one day. you hope it's soon.
tagged by: @littlebadger tagging: @tangledfate @defiedfate @madefate @gambling-bartender @jizzlords @likeamothtofame & anyone else who wants to do this :)
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infernalight · 7 months
[ lilith magne ] ── * vis
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[ lilith magne ] ── * hc
[ lilith magne ] ── * study
[ lucifer morningstar ] ── * vis
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[ lucifer morningstar ] ── * hc
[ lucifer morningstar ] ── * study
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