#[ me: ok im gonna make this starter like a paragraph nothin too lofty
fellegend · 8 years
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SILENCE permeates nothing, a wall of no color which divides him from another & he is its creator. The very holder of own crooked solitude, the very loneliness that creeps through door’s crack when you say just enough, but it is not enough. DO NOT TROUBLE THEM -- he thinks, they do not deserve it. Yet, who is he but a mortal man to claim these truths ? Not a hero, not a legend, but an average child who has suffered at the hands of fate & breaks beneath its weight when it becomes too much to hold. 
There is no view but that of a dimly lantern which burns against the swallowing darkness, kept in tent’s corner as his father sleeps & as his mother has become preoccupied with own uncle’s nightly ventures. Fear tugs at the soles of his boots & climbs its way to his vision, it is dark. He is groggy. 
Woken so suddenly, breath hitched & throat parched, heart beating at a tempo which only his worst fears recognize. A nightmare-- how common place. Yet, still, how very, very frightening. The daunting dreams that drown him in a reality of which he knows, a reality in which he has LIVED & they grasp at him, giving sight only to which he has experienced & forcing  him to see such tragedy befall him, befall them, over & over & over again. How cruel it is, the way the human mind works.
Still, he finds himself awoken, last dream deeming itself worse than the others... such events held only in his worst of nights & he craves the reassurance that his father still breathes beside him. That his heart still beats & that he has not left not once, but twice. Quiet, quiet, he hushes himself, controlling every movement as to not disturb the peace that greets own blood’s slumber. He wishes not to wake him, yet he cannot bear the isolation of his mind, so he would whisper so barely audible, laced with a sliver of hope that he would not hear him. 
              “ Father... ”
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