#[ my opposite and my role model all in one forthehonorandtheglory]
ducknotinarow · 1 year
# ( Mikey & Leo - same from before :3 )
| send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including:
*gonna do like raphs both 03/7 -12 verses for the answers
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"Man again? why ya keep going through my phone?"
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone      
Mikey fidgets with his mask tails a little now "eh see when we were tots I uh sorta had trouble saying my bros names even the short versions and well it was easier to call them Lele, Ra and Dee." He offers a faint smile "so yeah I put Leo, as Lele I still call him it sometimes. Mostly in private between us what can I saw always baby bro at heart."                 
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone        [image description] Leo, after his shell got damaged when he was still working through the near death experience they had fighting shredder as he standing up on a roof lookong over the city. His expression is hard to read but stern and held firm like he's worried to lose focus
"When I got challenged for the nexus title, only Leo offered to help me. Ya, he just wanted mkre training. I know that. Sadly the training didn't pay off in the end....and well I just." Mikey pauses a moment "outta all my brothers Leo is the one I look up to the most he's my hero. The reason I love heros! And I just wanna one day be half as good as him I just lack the focus and drive."
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone      
Superheroes by the script
Now she's stronger than you know
A heart of steel starts to grow
All his life he's been told
He'll be nothing when he's old
All the kicks and all the blows
He won't ever let it show
"I know we all sort add to Leo's pressure, but guy really carries a lot on his shoulders for us and well I know it can't be easy for him to have to be that for us."
 - my muse’s last text to your muse
[ text ] Lele!!! I scored the good pizza tonight but I don't wanna share with the others meet me at 6th street!
"What? Raph was being a dick and Don took his side so none for them." Turning up his beak as he crossed his arms over his plastron.
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"Dude yo let's go I ain't got nothing to hide"
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone    
          "captian serious"
"Cause he likes Captian Ryan and man he's always so damn serious all the time" quick to cover his mouth looking around to make sure Leo isn't around to catch that slip of the tounge.    
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone          [image description] Leo sat up against a billboard it's clear it was taken up close as Leo smiles for the camera
 " Its nice to see Leo sort of just chill and relax and enjoy himself I like when we get to team up cause we talk about our favorite shows together. He'll go on about space heros and he let's me talk about cronarge the barbarian...it's nice." Smiling to himself "thus is from one of the times we were teamed up together and we just chatted the whole time he's kind if the only one who will let me maybe cause I let him do it too but I dunno it's nice is all."
- what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
     Hero Too          
Hero too, I am a hero too
My heart is set (my heart is set) and I won't back down
Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero
True heroes (true heroes) stand up for what they believe
"Okay yeah I like and love hazing Leo as much as Raph and Donnie do. Cause yeah Leo needs to chill out sometimes he can be so uptight but...I'm kind if glad Leo is the way he is. He's always someone dependable and able to count on. Leo just wants to do what's right and I think that's I dunno pretty cool?"
 - my muse’s last text to your muse
[ text ] "duuuuuude you gotta check out what I found just now!" Imagaed attached of a captian Ryan action figure "imma break in and get it for you! Don't worry casey keeps giving me cash I git enough to leave behind to pay for it!"
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
( Imma send more later, but - ) His secret had been long out, concerning his little blossoming crush. It's a wonder he hadn't been questioned by Mikey yet about it. "Let me guess, you hate me now, too?" Arms are folded against his plastron, but he looks calm. For the moment at least. ( 2003 verse for the bab. :3 )
| Muse interaction
It never took long for any thing to slip and make the rounds when any of them had a secret. Though Mikey had to admit even this was a bit well out there. Seemed nearly everyone had made their opinions made on the matter of Leo having a crush at least it seemed to only be a crush. On one of their biggest, nastiest foes ever. Like this guy was up on the list a lunatic cosplayer with quite the sick and twisted mind. He had overheard Leo and Raph's talk hard not to with Raph's big mouth after all. Mikey just wasn't sure what to make of it at the time he had been lying low in all truth keeping to himself. Buried away in a reread of the Justice Force. He was trying to sort of just leave his mind blank and empty over the matter. Not that he wasn't aware of others all starting to state what they thought about all of this towards Leo themselves. Funnily enough they were a very opinionated family. Hidden behind the paper boxes he used to store and organize his comics like a nice little reading nook. Everyone seemed pretty focused and busy with what was going on with Leo to even pay a second towards Mikey. Of course, their leader in Blue however would eventually sniff him out and find him. Mikey's noticed their feet when he lowered his eyes over the panels of his comic. Slowly lifting his eyes up and lowering his comic when he came to see it was Leo. He offered them a smile and set the comic to his lap as he went and idly rubbed the back of his neck. "aw man is training back on now? Thought we all were getting a nice long break since ya know everyone's pissed and we might kill each other." He joked a little trying to get a feel for his brothers mood in the moment.
"Let me guess, you hate me now, too?"
"wha!?" the word falls out of his beak before he can turly have a chance to process that idea.
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Comic soon closed, and tossed off with no care where it landed in the moment. As Mikey went and made his way out from his little make shift box book nook as he went to stand up watching how Leo was keeping himself closed off by crossing his arms over his plastron. But that didn't stop the look on Mikey's face how could leo ever think that? "Leo I could never hate you, you're my big brother I look up to the most ya know? I don't take the ninja stuff seriously but your like my role model when it comes to it and-" He slowly closes his beak a bit and lowers his gaze taking a moment to think. In truth he was trying not to think about this all. Trying to avoid it if he could and guess his time sort of ran out on that. "Honest Lee? I dunno what to think if I'm honest. Heh I'm used to not ever thinking I guess."
Mikey jokes a bit as he looks back to Leo now, letting his usual smile weigh down. He starts to play with the end of his mask feeling over the strands as he dose try and think about it. He just felt like he owned it to Leo in the moment his big brother, the one often most on his side. Seemed to least think he had some worth. The one he wish he could be like more if he bothered to ever try. But, Leo also somehow manged to like someone like Bishop? That was hard to process he had to admit. "Lee I don't get it I guess, ya always all about honor and doing the right thing. Wanting to save and help others. If it's out fight or not. You're like the heroes in my comics..the ones I wanna be like." he slight confesses because he wants to be like Leo too. "But the hearts a weird thing. Sometimes the string on it get tug by someone you don't expect. I mean heck if batman can love cat women and she turned out to be good in the end" he rambles a little comic's were all he really knew after all. "I don't trust Bishop Leo but i have always believed in you. So I may not get this crush of yours you got going don't mean I could ever hate you. I trust you. I know you know hes nuts but well." he trails off once again. "I'll trust you know what you're doing." Moving to hug them anyway not care how Leo had his arms crossed in the moment. "I think you're nut too but I could never ever hate you Lee."
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
Michelangelo, why did you leave your brothers for the Foot Clan? What would possess you to hurt them like that?
| Anon asks @aflockoffeathers
For someone who loved to be around other so much, Michelangelo had to admit he never saw how nice some quite and along time seemed to be a nice benefit as well. Closely looking over one of his plants leave's where some where starting to brown he quirked his beak a little and gentle set the Pruning Scissors over to the stem. So he could cut it off letting the leaf fall down as he went to cut the next. Humming softly to himself. He had to admit though this green house still could be far too quite for his own liking as he went about his care, giving this flower just a tad more extra care than he did any of the rest. One of few gifted to him from Ariel. Currently he was tending too the Lily of the valley she got for him. He was curious where she got her hands on the flowers. Not to mentions he was curious for the reason on the flowers she did bring to him. Sure it was a gift for Mikey a way to say sorry.
Not that Michelangelo felt she had a reason to be sorry for a thing that happened. Mikey had been a bit of an unaware idiot. How could he not have thought what he did would effect those around him?
No these flowers must hold a meaning she was Donatello's and Yvonne's kid after all. There was always just a bit more behind what they did. Mikey always knew that half pipe back in the lair was more than a spur of the moment gift. He always knew Von offered to partake in nail painting and giving make over in favor of answering question about being a mutant or well mostly Donatello for a reason as well. Ariel was very much like the two of them, there was just a hidden layer to their actions. Don didn't just make it cause he had the spare stuff laying around. Don would have found use for the stuff, he did it for Mikey when he was feeling down about his self worth. A way to show how much he meant to the team and more his family. Von could just ask about Don. Mikey likes giving the dirt on his brothers always has, so he figured she picked up on his struggle at the time.
it's why He looked at what the flowers gifted to him meant. Smiling as he got the last leaf cut off. He just wanted them to get a tad bit of extra set of care. Though he loved the flowers and they were a great addition to his little green house, it did carry quite whispers from the back of his mind. Why she got so upset with him. Why her emotions got the better of her. Why he has never once blamed her for how she acted or even felt at the time. If anything she was the only one to treat him in away he should for what he did.
Michelangelo, why did you leave your brothers for the Foot Clan? What would possess you to hurt them like that?
When didn't he think about this, how many times did he wait and expect one of them to say it. Left in the back of his mind to be haunted by. setting his scissors down as he resting his hands down to the surface of table he kept the potted flowers. Not quite ready to transfer them out.
"I felt so sure of myself at the time." he admits to the voice, aware the words were not just his thoughts airing out. But one of those grey faced being speaking them into exsitance. "They were all going places, doing things, starting news lives. And I felt stuck." He admits, eyes closing shut feeling himself back in that same place he was in years ago.
"I didn't...want to be left behind. I don't want be all by myself." He confesses. "Karia she was so convincing when she talked to me. Said how useful I would be. We weren't fighting them so I thought it would be fine I even made friends among them." They weren't really his friend in the end, though were they. "But the worst thing? None of them hate me for it and they should. Eve Splinter."
Setting his hands over his face rubbing the heel of his plam against his eyes. "They shouldn't have forgave me they shouldn't have let me back home. I betrayed them but they act like I didn't? Not one of them yelled or got angry for what I did. But I know I caused harm and worse they won't tell?" Mikey wasn't stupid he knew. He was so aware. He might not know the details but knowing excatly how Donatello reacted over what he did?
"Dosent matter why I did it." Because how could he ever properly express the why. It would be like he was trying to defend what he did. How can one defend such a action. Face lifting to look at the flowers before him. He loves them he dose. He knows why they were gifted and the intention. But it wasn't why he cared for them as he did.
They severed as reminders.
Remember what he did, the harm he caused. To those so close to him. That he knows he couldn't go on with if they were all suddenly gone.
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