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celestialblaze ยท 6 months
@helldrip Starter for Alastor
He was gone - dead. Broadcast over.
Alastor had died at the hands of Adam and no one missed him more than she did.
It was a surprise to her that Husk and Niffty had stayed despite his death but it seemed they had come to love this hotel beyond whom had brought them here to help with it. Charlie wasn't sure about Niffty but she knew Husk didn't have a choice. So when all was said and done - it was nice to know he cared enough to stay.
But that only made Charlie miss Alastor more. Sir Pentious was another she missed. Another soul whom had died when he could have done good. She was kicking herself for the both of them even if Alastor had no intentions of being redeemed. He just opted to help with the hotel but they had grown so close since he first arrived.
A soft sigh left her lips, she stood outside on the balcony of the newly rebuilt hotel, the night air blew her hair wildly about her and Charlie's gaze remained off in the distance.
She had been lost in thought when something strange happened.
The sound of a radio having static suddenly drew her attention causing the blonde to turn and look inside at the radio that sat on the table near the door. It was on when she knew it hadn't been when she came out here and she furrowed her brows as she watched the needle of it moving back and forth as if trying to tune into a station.
Slow and careful steps, she made her way towards it, gently reaching out to pick it up once she got near enough.
Suddenly the needle stopped and a few words came through. "We're all alone, no chaperon," then it cut off. Static again. Followed by the song continuing, "There's something wild about you, child, that's so contagious," more static.
"What? What's going on?" a rhetorical question.
"When Adam won Eve's hand, he wouldn't stand for teasin'," it continued - another shift of static, this time lasting a bit longer but she didn't bother to wait for it to continue the song. Instead she spoke to it - hoping, wondering if maybe it was him!
"Alastor? Is that you? Are you-can you hear me?" her tone almost sounded desperate - eager to know if he was alive. She had no other explanation otherwise on how the radio could just turn on by itself. It had to be him, it had to Alastor. And if it was him, she'd be damned if she lost him again!
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celestialblaze ยท 4 months
Hey sooooo little note to everyone, please if you have an issue with one of the things I ship - please bring it to my attention first so I can list you the appropriate tags to block it rather than soft blocking me.
I don't like losing potential writing partners, wasting starters, and I don't like being judged for my ships as I don't judge others for theirs. It's just fiction. No one is going to like everything, people are naturally opinionated but rather than hurting someone's feelings, there are nicer routes to take before opting to soft block/hard block someone.
Sorry if this comes off bitchy but things like this can cause me to not want to interact with someone in the forseeable future.
P.S. If a tag doesn't work, feel free to message me and let me know so that I can figure something out to fix the situation going forward.
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celestialblaze ยท 4 months
May add Lute as a muse. Just saying....we don't ask questions.
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celestialblaze ยท 6 months
[x] - Explanation linked from a previous post for the poll below. Help me decide pleasies?
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celestialblaze ยท 6 months
@heartsofhell Starter for Vincent
She was having a rough day. Nothing was going right~!
Velvette tried and tried and tried and yet no matter what she fixed, something bloody new went wrong! It was getting to a point that she was frustrated and wanted to give up on her latest fashion line. And her frustrations hadn't gone unnoticed by Vox.
Every tantrum, every time she broke something or yelled, he had paid attention. But usually it tended to pass. Usually she fixed the issues and managed to push through. This time though, it was a whole new level she had unlocked. To the point his precious Velvette was about to give up. That wasn't like her.
So he did what he had to do. "Vincent!" he called his assistant, glancing over at the man once he had his attention. "Help Velvet today, I have the other things covered," he told the other male. Though he knew Vincent might need a little push. When it came to Velvette - most men tended to back off. If it wasn't her sass, it was her strong will or bitchiness that tended to make them too afraid to go anywhere near her. But he was sure his assistant would survive her.
"No arguments, I expect you to stop her from her break down," and without another word, Vox walked off leaving Vincent to his new fate - for the day.
Another growl and she was throwing a vase at one of the models. Her anger bubbling to the surface. "CAN NONE OF YOU DO ANY BLOODY THING RIGHT?! If I have to fucking rip you in half myself, I bloody will!" she shouted, her temper only seeming to rise more. Unaware that Vox had sent reinforcements her way.
This day was shaping up to be quite the nightmare for her.
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celestialblaze ยท 6 months
@faithcorrupted Starter for Val & Vox
"Alright, everything set?" Velvette walked around the studio looking over the equipment, light, the models. Every little detail she was double checking wanting to make sure it was perfect.
Being in hell didn't mean she couldn't still live and enjoy what she did when she had once been alive. Fashion was her thing - it was her life and she was good at it. That was why she was the one most went to down here. One of a kind clothing for anyone that wanted to be stylish. And while more often than not, Velvette could set up her own fashion shoots - once in awhile she used her boys to her advantage.
Smirking as she watched Val, he was having the cameras handled for her. Set up and prepared - focused on the catwalk. She came to stand beside him with a hand on her hip. "What do you think, darling? I do enjoy the pink lighting but perhaps I should change it?" she asked before her gaze shifted to Vox when she heard him enter the room.
When he wasn't hellbent on Alastor - oh that man could do things to her. They both could but they had a tendency to get wrapped up in certain males that honestly, Velvette wanted to smack them both over. But today was about her so she expected no mention of Alastor or Angel Dust. Not until they were through with everything here anyway.
"Voxy~ are we ready for the broadcast? By the way what do you think? Keep the pink lighting or go with a different color? Blue maybe purple?" she asked, wanting his opinion as well.
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celestialblaze ยท 6 months
@infernalight Starter for Vox & Val
It was over and now was the time to party!
Velvette thought it was rather ironic the way things had gone down. Carmilla had refused to acknowledge her idea of fighting back and yet lo and behold, the princess and her little hotel crew had done exactly that.
The angels met head on and quite a good number of them slaughtered. Casualties existed on both sides but oddly enough the Princess had won and with the First Man and his little extermination period out of the way, it gave way for the Vees to finally rise to their rightful places as they knew they deserved.
They were already overlords, they just needed to step up their game.
But tonight wasn't about that. Tonight was about a fabulous party the likes of which hell had never seen and the Vees were the ones throwing it.
Velvette was already dressed and ready to go, waiting for her boys to join her. They could be fashionably late to their own party but she wasn't going to make an entrance without them.
The best part about all of this? She looked forward to the fun they'd have together throughout the night and there'd be no idiots to take their attention away. No Angel Dust, no Alastor, no Princess - none of them were on the guest list. She could have a nice night enjoying herself by getting wasted and fucked. And damn it if she didn't deserve the attention for a change as it had been awhile since they focused on her. Not that she didn't know she was special to Val and Vox, she was well aware and had enough spine to never worry about her relevance to them. But it didn't mean she didn't have her moments of being needy. Much like tonight.
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celestialblaze ยท 6 months
General Tag Dump
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#โ‹† หš๏ฝก โ‹†โฅPromo โ™กโ‹† หš๏ฝก โ‹†#[ ooc ] โธบ โ‹† หš๏ฝก ๐‘‡๐˜ฉ๐œ„๐‘  ๐ป๐œŽ๐œ๐œ€๐‘™ ๐œ„๐‘  ๐‘€๐œ‘ ๐›ฅ๐œ๐‘™๐›ผ๐œ‹๐œ๐œ„๐‘  หš๏ฝก โ‹†#[ queued ] โธบ โ‹† หš๏ฝก ๐‘€๐›ผ๐œ…๐œ€ ๐‘‡๐˜ฉ๐œ€ ๐‘Š๐‘Ÿ๐œ€๐œ๐‘๐˜ฉ๐œ€๐œ• ๐‘†๐œ‡๐‘“๐‘“๐œ€๐‘Ÿ หš๏ฝก โ‹†#[ memes ] โธบ โ‹† หš๏ฝก ๐ผ ๐พ๐œ‹๐œŽ๐œ” ๐›น๐œŽ๐œ‡'๐‘Ÿ๐œ€ ๐‘ƒ๐œŽ๐œ„๐‘ ๐œŽ๐œ‹ หš๏ฝก โ‹†#[ dash games ] โธบ โ‹† หš๏ฝก๐ผ'๐‘š ๐›ฅ๐œ•๐œ•๐œ„๐‘๐œ๐œ€๐œ• ๐‘‡๐œŽ ๐‘‡๐˜ฉ๐œ€ ๐‘€๐›ผ๐œ•๐œ‹๐œ€๐‘ ๐‘  หš๏ฝก โ‹†#[ share out ] โธบ โ‹† หš๏ฝก ๐‘†๐œŽ ๐‘€๐›ผ๐œ‹๐œ‘ ๐‘†๐œŽ๐œ‡๐‘™๐‘  ๐›น๐œŽ๐œ‡'๐œˆ๐œ€ ๐‘‡๐œŽ๐œ‡๐‘๐˜ฉ๐œ€๐œ• หš๏ฝก โ‹†#[ writing prompt ] โธบ โ‹† หš๏ฝก ๐ฟ๐œ€๐œ'๐‘  ๐‘€๐›ผ๐œ…๐œ€ ๐›ผ ๐ท๐œ€๐›ผ๐‘™ หš๏ฝก โ‹†#[ starter call ] โธบ โ‹† หš๏ฝก๐ท๐‘Ÿ๐œ€๐›ผ๐‘š๐‘  ๐ถ๐›ผ๐œ‹ ๐ต๐œ€ ๐‘Š๐œŽ๐‘Ÿ๐œ๐˜ฉ ๐น๐œ„๐‘”๐˜ฉ๐œ๐œ„๐œ‹๐‘” ๐น๐œŽ๐‘Ÿ หš๏ฝก โ‹†
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