#[ since he & i are seniors of of the tumblr rpc ]
hiisheart · 1 year
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𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴: noah
𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙽𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚂: he/him or they/them!
𝙿𝚁𝙴𝙵𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 𝙾𝙵 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙼𝚄𝙽𝙸𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽: probably discord, it works much easier on all devices for me much more than things like ims lol
𝙼𝙾𝚂𝚃 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴: probably mike right now, but i do still have some muse for my obey me muses over at @sinfvlwishs !!
𝙴𝚇𝙿𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 / 𝙷𝙾𝚆 𝙼𝙰𝙽𝚈 𝚈𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂: i wanna say around 9ish years, i started doing some rp stuff on deviantart when i first started navigating the internet by myself when i was like 12-13 lol. probably was a bad idea but i was a hardhead anyway. on tumblr it's been probably like 5ish years now, i started my first rp blog in october 2018 when i was a senior in high school.
𝙱𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙴𝚇𝙿𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴: i'm one of the lucky ones in which i've never really had any bad shipping experiences, so every time i get to ship with someone else's muse it just. warms my heart uwu. all my ship partners have been so lovely and sweet and their muses have been wonderful and i end up falling down rabbit holes so quickly and imo i consider enjoyable ships a kind of rpc love language at this point 😭
𝚁𝙿 𝙿𝙴𝚃 𝙿𝙴𝙴𝚅𝙴: when folks rb my personal posts. thank god for the new turn off reblog setting. let's hope in the future they add a setting where you can select who can reblog a specific post 👀
𝙿𝙻𝙾𝚃𝚂 𝙾𝚁 𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙴𝚂: memes all the way!! i've always been a sucker for memes. i just enjoy answering asks too in general so seeing that i have a notif for my inbox makes me weirdly giddy lol. i'm happy to plot whenever a partner wants to, but my preference will always be memes!
𝙻𝙾𝙽𝙶 𝙾𝚁 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚁𝚃 𝚁𝙴𝙿𝙻𝙸𝙴𝚂: probably short replies. long replies on occasion are great, but as of late i've only had the energy for shorter ones since they keep me engaged and are a lot easier to respond to especially on the go.
𝙰𝚁𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙻𝙸𝙺𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄𝚁 𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴𝚂: i think i'm a bit more like mike than i think at times lmao. we're both kind and patient with our friends and can be pushy at times, and we're also both fairly sociable, but i think i can get a lot more easily overstimulated than he gets, and he comes off as much more determined than me. i also think i'm more practical and logical than he is just in general.
tagged by: stole it from the dash lmao tagging: anyone who wants to steal it from me in turn!!!
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thetruthaboutnolan · 8 months
So I see and hear my name being brought up A LOT recently. I also see that people have been witching hunting for me on a lot of blogs. You people are worse than you claim I was haha. Deranged Obsessive Stalker Fans is like the tip of that iceberg.
Any who, decided to make my first non RPC related blog just so you people have somewhere to stalk and direct all your hate to. Granted, I'm really only going to log on to laugh and keep track of nonsense and yes anons are turned off. So either block this blog or stop being cowards but I suppose only one of us can be brave. In the meantime let me answer a few questions that I've seen recently. Are you INSERT BLOG HERE?
Nope, none of them. As I've stated multiple times, I don't have a personal blog or do any RPT, RPH-style stuff. I actively avoid all those tags given how toxic and apeshit they are which is proven when my name was so much as uttered. Haven't thought about you all in years and now I feel power, I feel above all these 40+-year-old trolls, well I am above them let's be honest I can run two groups both passing their two year mark in a couple of months, work a demanding job, have a fiancee, run classes (more on that later), and take part in AW tournaments out of state, and be dog dad without turning bitter and ugly.
Did I attempt S██████?
Yes, thank you guys for that. Yes, both attempts were because of the RPC HERE and that alone. It is well known I'm bipolar and even now I'll skip the meds here and there when I feel fine and know I'll just take them tomorrow. That is why it kind of makes me laugh that there was Nolan trigger warning. Was that for you or me? I love the talk of caring about mental health and positivity but then when you get told someone you don't like actually almost ends it all because of your actions and lies it's basically THIS.
Have you seen the recent stuff?
I have and again 98% of it is stuff I've never heard of, don't know these people, never knew these groups existed. Even showed it to my fiancee and even he laughed while saying I've been a busy boy. There is one person I wanna call out though because even without the posts I can link to and the screencaps I have saved which they provided ZERO PROOF OF THEMSELVES, I can discredit their ass with Google.
@katherine-mcnamara Like ........................ ahhhhhhh I'm going to be nice, my therapist has been helping me with my tendency to destroy someone that comes at me in general, let alone with obvious lies. I could go into how you are more emotionally unstable off meds than I am and how you don't have a single thought inside your head that a friend didn't give you and the chronic 'freshmen trying to make the seniors think she's cool' vibes. Or even the other dramas buried in the tags about you. But I won't since I still have an atom of respect for you.
Now, I didn't know anything about this Gonzo person you claim is me. I had people on another blog reveal it to me that he was the creepy pedophile you and your friends sicced on a poor girl back in 2012. How the screencaps about it were on a TUMBLR RP but your claiming it was Jcink now. There was talk of him coming back over and over but never that he was using my alias. You also say you know it was me from OOC discord interactions (this is what gotcha). Then you kind of bounce the timeline saying it was before I came to tumblr (early 2014 by the way) so I'll be generous and say 2013 - 2014. You also stated in a now deleted post that I 'was known for being in many jcink and discord servers even before coming to tumblr' bare in mind that was early 2014.
NOOOWWWWW for those of you who have my discord username the one I stopped using for RP back in 2020 I now have a discord specifically for tumblr RPs. Actually sold it to a guy I met on DBD for 20 bucks like a month or two ago. I ask you to check the creation date of that account which you can do simply by right clicking my name and click on Profile. *dramatic drum roll*................. that's right!!! March, 2017. Now please, open any search engine webpage and type in 'When was Discord made.' I'll wait.......................................what?!?!?! May 13, 2015.................. Something about these dates .... the math ain't mathing.
I'll do you better. Now please all you 30+ year-old RPC members recall with me. It's 2014 til let's say, randomly, May 12th 2015. If your group had an OOC space of any kind. What were the two most popular and used ones. If you said OOC side blogs off of the main or Skype groups, Venmo request me for your ten US dollars.
Now lets cover the gap between when discord was made and when the ONLY account ya'll can even remotely link to me was made. so 2015 til 2017. I had my first ALT+DELETE attempt after leaving WOTNA which according to their blog looking through the archive for it, was AUG 27 2015. Now at this time I'm completely unknown only had drama on this site and can only find my alias mentioned on any group back then being WOTNA and ALR where I was right before here. Now, I completely disappear for most of this year. I wonder why ....yeah.... that. When I do come back the first mention of me is on Mount Prospect, no drama and I was only there for like 3 weeks. Jo did steal my characters by keeping them as skeletons after I asked they be deleted, just saying. Then Raven's RP. I tried to join it she being the horrible person that she is cusses me out for semicolons and lets someone use my bio to make my character with a different name and very slight edits. Then silence for 6 months and .....I moved sequence from its 2013-2014 jcink forum to here and for like 3 years it was impossible to be anywhere else for more than a week beforing getting kicked out an a rather uncomfortable message that basically was 'you didn't do anything HERE.... but....". I do wonder based on what you can see..... how interesting that the original home for Sequence has similarities to what was 'stolen' from Raven but you know I stole everything for it and not had something that actually predates the creation of their so-called stolen materials. Its truly a mystery only forces we can't begin to comprehend can truly solve.
Do you hate women?
Nope, 90% of my posting partners identify as female. This started because after Raven's assault on me I called them a bitch. I also was using she/her pronouns for them as that's what they used and allowed me to use when cussing me out over grammar for my app on their site. Didn't know what RPH blogs were back then or that they had one with they/them as their pronouns. But those two things combine got one of the 'he's called them a bitch, he hates women!!' narrative going. If ya'll remember that actual origin how many of you would flip that it wasn't sexist today? After that it just got added to when I'd join a group, someone handed the link to Raven's post and they'd kick me then claim 'he was sexist to us women'. Even today If I join another group and they eventually see that crap, most don't care but toxic ones do. I can't not wanna plot or ship with the first female character that comes to me without an 'oh you do hate women then' comment. And I thought I was the one forcing plots on people?
Are you RPing on Discord?
Yes and no. I have joined Zero group RPs. people that have apologised to me privately while having gone apeshit on me publically have opened 'indie servers' for us to post on together. And yes, I let the narrative I roleplay on discord go without it specifically being indie with those that asked if I would for a reason. to see you crazy fans do your crazy fan thing, and it worked. I do run two classes though on my business discord. One for webdesign an another teaching the use of the Midjourney bot both basic and detailed prompt formatting and for getting a consistent character and using it to create art for our characters along with face swapping and even getting vids/gifs from other AI with those images.
Do you use They/Them Pronouns?
I do actually. At first it was simply because I like the 'Nolan who are they' vibe. But then started to correct everyone in real life with them and now everyone uses them for me and I do as well. So yeah, all you who have been using He/Him since 2020 are hatefully misgendering bigot monsters. And I am waiting for the apologies to rain in. I apologized for misgendering Raven all those years ago but you all ignore it to this day but I won't ignore yours and like with anyone else it is owed.
How many accounts do you have?
Like............ 50+ on here. I make a new email and blog for every RP I join and I've been on a lot and only had 'drama on four, three made up drama after I left. Apparently, that count is higher. active accounts though...... well 6 for one of my groups, 4 for the other, and 1 for the three groups that aren't mine that I'm in so 13 total I believe.
The Nolanverse?
Honestly this makes me laugh. None of the people who actually know me and actually have interacted with me made that up. This comes from this new guard of players who created it and its funny especially since back in 2013 not wanting to use my real name I thought of one I could use and the Christopher Nolanverse for batman was a thing and where it came from.
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bxstiae · 4 years
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SPEED: fluctuates on my mood. I’m relatively fast? like usually same day reply fast. sometimes it takes me a few days. know that the long it stays in my drafts, the longer i will take on it. my all time record is about 3 years. while granted it doesn’t take that long, don’t be surprised about it. best case scenario, it takes me a couple of weeks, i dont like having things fester. i also sometimes forget too! you are more than welcome to remind me if it seems like i have but please don’t make it a habit. in regards to response time on pms/discord -- short turnover rate. I usually respond to it within the hour. usually within seconds/minutes actually. if i am awake that is. unless im offline and in my happy place, i tend to log out of discord to get away from people when im overwhelmed. blog wise, i dont have him on my app. so messages are only when im on my laptop or have time to check on chrome mobile.  
REPLIES: i dont like drafting them. my dash is slow enough that i can scroll down to it. i will draft it though if i need to. length wise, im an avid writer. i write A LOT. they can get very lengthy at times. i write with a bit of prose -- that prose can get very HEAVY depending on my partners as well. i also format as well. i like heavier formatting without losing the quality of the writing. i dont like one-liners. you will see me with at least two paras or more. please know that i am dyslexic though when it comes to writing, and i have a bad habit of rereading my stuff after i post. so mistakes && errors are a thing for me. i try to catch it when i am rereading as im going through to format the posts. but sometimes things get missed. you are more than welcome to fix some if it is a bad spelling mistake ( better to ask first tho cause i spell with a brit keyboard -- and i specifically choose certain words to be spelt a specific way. )
STARTERS: when i post the starter call, any mutual ( && i really mean ANY of you ) can like it. this goes for if you follow me on multiple blogs. we interact already on one blog? by all means we can interact with one another on your other blog. but if you do, it gives me free reign to do whatever i want. look for my tags to see what i say too. they usually are a key factor in regards to my thought process. i try to get everybody done within reasonable time. dont worry i will never not make a mutual a starter if they like the call. i usually go for the first interaction/meeting with the muse though. if that doesn’t float your boat then you can message me about it. i normally don’t message people in regards to starters because A) im tired, B) i expect you to come to me.
INBOX: inbox is absolutely open to anybody! in fact, if i post a prompt, i ask that you send something in. even if we never interacted! im more versed into throwing the muse into a pre-established relationship. with the inbox, i will sometimes go to you because of that. i really do love to write, && the inbox is a perfect way to send something in without having any strings attached in regards to replies. like i said im an avid writer. i always want to write. sometimes people are slow and i get that. since im faster, i have no problem in doing inbox stuff for you to develop interaction ( aside from plotting ). best way to actually enjoy character interaction for me tbh. cause sometimes threading be hard okay?
SELECTIVITY: i am biased, i will say it now. i have preference over people i talk to ( who i consider my friends ), or people that i like. but that doesnt mean i will blatantly ignore you. people should know that if you talk to me, then the chances are i will give you more attention. sometimes i just click or vibe with people okay? in regards to following. i am on the heavy side of mutuals only and i prefer a slower dash. i give about a week for people to follow back, or ample enough time for them to follow. there will be some people that i will be fine if they arent mutuals though as i like their content. that being said, i try to be super fair to everybody. i give people an equal chance. if i follow you it means i want to interact with you ( there are super rare exceptions ). but go too long without interacting, then i will unfollow/softblock. im not a number for you. i have feelings. and, yes, i will, at random, unfollow those who either dont make me comfortable anymore, or i need time away from them. or im just not getting that vibe anymore. 
WISHLIST: see here && here for some stuff i want. i love his pokemon verse i have. i also love his FE verse i have as well. i have a FE3H AU as well but i will naturally throw him into FEH or FE3H for that verse. i have plotted with a friend in regards to an echoes verse as well. honestly. i just want a lot of stuff for him. i want more wolf interactions. i kinda favour his beast forme anyway. but i also want interactions with the language differences. there is a language barrier with him! but i want those interactions cause he understands you! i have that hc somewhere dug in my blog. gotta find it. other interactions? i want a midna to interact with. link && the links AU?? also what does a man gotta do around here to get people to discuss plots.
HONEST NOTE: if you think im an elitist, then find your way out of the door -- youre probably right and i dont want you here. ive been here for a really long time && i know what i want. all jokes aside though, im tired of people being intimidated by me for different reasons. some people think its my aesthetic ( when really im not that bad ). others are intimidated by the sheer amount of writing i do? like okay?? kindly fuck off please. i write for stress relief. i write to have fun. my idea of fun is writing a lot. if you have a problem with that then sorry but i dont want you here. i have a passion for my muses and if you dont want to hear it, then i dont have time for your complaining. theres an unfollow button. i have a journalism degree so... yea. but really. im just really tired okay. im actually a very sweet person and i wear my heart on my sleeve. anybody who knows me well enough can tell you that. i hate being ignored tbh, so if i find energy && time to like talk to you, at least acknowledge me by saying thank you. btw im not really that much of an an elitist -- i just LOOK like i have a hard shell, but im actually super soft and squishy.
Tagged by: nobody I stole from @pristinette​ Tagging: you do you fam. just @ me as per usual cause pretend i tagged you.
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ohfiendangelical · 5 years
first of all, i want to clarify that this is not a callout post. it’s more of a personal catharsis thing — i don’t really have any ‘receipts’, though i do have numerous other witnesses and victims. ive been intentionally vague about this for about 5 years now, trying to keep the peace and avoid any unnecessary drama.
the story i originally gave when miranda and i parted ways was that we were simply incompatible; i implied that we were both good people who ultimately brought out the worst in each other. that is partially true — we were incompatible, and we did bring out the worst in each other. however, there’s a bit more to it than that.
i met miranda through the tumblr rpc in the early days of this particular blog. i was a young teenager. miranda was older than me, though also a teenager at the time; either a junior or senior in high school. she seemed sweet at the time, though shy and insecure. she also seemed sad a lot. we bonded over a love of the film moulin rouge and writing dark subject matter. we had our characters interact, and she quickly grew attached to both zero and i.
she quickly began to exibhit strange behavior. she would pressure me to do plots i wasn’t keen on and get extremely upset if i was hesitant. she was fiercely jealous and she would use her character, abra, to vent her personal grudges and vendettas against other writers and characters i interacted with. she accused a great deal of people in our circles of plagiarism (admittedly, there were a few cases of her suspicions proving to be true) and would bully them relentlessly, sometimes to the point of chasing them off the platform. she decided she didn’t like people seemingly at random and became hostile if i continued to speak to them.
she began to refer to me as her best friend within a few months of our knowing each other. i was not comfortable with this. i didn’t think i wanted to get very close to her, even if i had fun writing with her. however, she persisted relentlessly and pressured me into saying it back, and eventually i trained myself into believing it was true.
she forced the zero and abra ship. that may come as a surprise to people who knew us back then. i didn’t want to do it, but she would have a full-blown breakdown any time i said i didn’t see the two characters ending up together — so eventually i caved and engaged fully. this was another thing i had to learn to enjoy.
any time i made a decision for myself, she would be unhappy with me. this started out as rp- and character-based decisions only, but soon upgraded to any decision regarding real life as well. she didn’t like it when i came up with my own plot ideas and would fight with me. she didn’t like it if i talked to other writers, save for the few she deemed acceptable (until she inevitably had a falling out with them and i was not allowed to speak to them anymore). she didn’t like it if i wasn’t accessable 24/7. she became hostile if she found out i had plans or was not at my computer. she would become irritated if i talked about people in my life that she didn’t already know.
eventually, it got to the point where i rarely ever left my house, afraid of the reaction i would get. due to my mental health, i began to do homeschooling in the middle of my teen years (this was not related to her), which gave her unreserved access to me. i ended up losing contact with more than half my real-life friends. this lasted about 3 or 4 years — most of my formative teen years.
where i wasn’t allowed to have other friends, engage with other writers, have other ships, leave my house, or generally have any life experience, she was. if i brought up this contradiction i would be shamed and berated for being a bad friend. if i was worried about any of the decisions she was making — self-destructive habits, engaging with dangerous people in her real life, handling her money recklessly — i would be even further shamed. she kept me from her other friends, refusing to let me speak to any of them. she publicly played up her popularity with these friends, as well as her “fans” on her personal blog, while rarely ever mentioning me. if she wanted to prove a point, she would ignore me entirely to keep me in my place while championing and publicly lauding these other people. of course, if i spoke to almost anyone other than my few rp friends (which, again, were mostly selected by her whims), there would be absolute hell to pay.
she was fairly popular on her personal blog, and became regarded as an authority and critic on social issues. a great deal of her “hot takes” were extremely damaging, or not thoroughly researched. half the time she did not know what she was talking about. if anyone disagreed with her on anything — even mundane, small things that had nothing to do with social issues — they were deemed either racist or misogynistic or both. (miranda is a latinx woman, so she has had to deal with institutional racism. i want to make it clear she wasn’t a white girl crying racism — all of this is bad enough without misleading claims.) if she were informed she could not be an authority on the plight of demographics she did not fit into, she would throw a fit and talk in circles until she came up with something to make the other person, sometimes a member of the demographic she was representing falsely, appear in the wrong.
she had a great deal of internalized homophobia that offended me (i’m bisexual), and when i called her out on it, she grew highly emotional and guilted me relentlessly. i never brought it up again. after we parted ways, she came out as a lesbian. this was after years of her throwing a fit if i so much as said i’d kiss her in a playful context — though she sexted me once. she became distressed or annoyed if i ever mentioned it, which left me feeling rather dirty and used, especially since i was 17.
the body positively movement was gaining traction around this time, so she latched onto that, “reclaiming thickness”. the problem with that is that she was rather thin with slight curves. i, however, am heavyset — and was made to feel ugly by her for it while she also talked over me about thickness, fatphobia, and body shaming to further her own personal agenda. 
i underwent extreme personality changes with miranda controlling my life. i was an outgoing and confident teenager, if not a bit obnoxious, before i met her; now, to this day, i am rather reserved and shy. i have trouble befriending people. certain typing patterns make me anxious (miranda had a distinct textual tone when she was upset). my self esteem isn’t what it used to be. i have to triple check my own perceptions of things — even now, writing this, i have to wonder if everything really happened the way i remember it, or if i am just melodramatic and oversensitive.
i have countless horror stories, fragmented anecdotes. examples of her behavior.
she once claimed to have taken a bunch of pills in a suicide attempt, then immediately backtracked when i, worried sick, was preparing to call someone, saying that she threw them all up and was fine. she went to bed immediately after, making it clear she was irritated at me for responding to what i can only assume now were theatrics.
when the older boy i thought i was in love with molested me, and i — young, confused, and upset, with only a few hours having passed — considered speaking to him again, she berated me and threatened to cut all contact, saying that she “didn’t think she could be friends with someone who would do that”. (she also berated me when i expressed concern that she was still in contact with someone who abused her.)
a few months after my brother, who i loved more than anyone in the world, died unexpectedly, she expressed the news had upset her because she “knew it would change things between us” — in her mind, my grief took a backseat to the inconvenience of my attention being elsewhere.
when one of my friends expressed interest in one of my characters she was especially attached to, she came at me in violent hysterics, saying “HE’S MINE”, as though he were a real person. this fight escalated to literal life threatening perportions when my friend became hospitalized, the violent bullying and gaslighting from miranda being a factor.
when i began to hang out with my real life friends again once a week after years of isolation, she claimed that i didn’t care about our relationship and that we weren’t “working out”, and she may not want to be friends with me anymore.
i have a lot more, but i think we’ve gone dark enough for now.
i also want to bring up the way i behaved. the relationship did bring out the worst in me. i began to think like her in a lot of ways. there were times when i was cruel and manipulative and selfish. there were times when i was mean to other people. there were times when i would react to something in a melodramatic, irrational way when it didn’t have to be that way. i think that i became a really bad person for a while. there are still some habits that i’m trying to unlearn — like not saying what i mean and then getting upset with people for not knowing anyway, or being harshly critical and judgmental of those undeserving, or seeking out affection through ridiculously convoluted ways. i’m working on it. (honestly, i’m deathly afraid of turning into her.) a lot of it has been worked out of my system after five years, but there are relapses from time to time.
when i began to tell one of my friends about what i was experiencing, i slowly came to realize it wasn’t normal. i came to terms that it was abusive. eventually, i reached a point where i felt brave enough to disconnect. i told her that i couldn’t do it anymore, and then said goodbye. she tried every trick in the book into getting me to stay, but i managed.
i will still get the occasional message from her every six or so months that proves she hasn’t changed and has no intention of changing. the messages range from hostile to desperate to sad and asking for forgiveness.
based on what ive heard from other people, she’s only gotten worse.
there are currently 6 other people i can think of off the top of my head who also had traumatic experiences with miranda. and that’s just the few i know of.
so, there you go — that person i wrote with for years and years and seemed so happy with was basically keeping me hostage. i know that may come as a shock to some, and not to others. i hope anyone else who has been hurt by her is also brought some relief by the truth finally coming out: no, you weren’t crazy!
if anyone else would like to come forward, too, i’m always listening. it may help to talk about it.
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heardrpc-blog · 7 years
this guide will teach you the ins and outs of realistic gangs, roleplaying gang members, and how all of that works. almost all gang roleplays i’ve seen are so inaccurate, glamorized and romanticized. movies are not realistic. even if it isn’t a gang rp - a gang related character could be interesting in any sort of character development plot. so here we go --
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all of this is written under the assumption that you’re making up fictional gangs. do not use gangs like crips, bloods, LK, etc for your gangs. the destruction and damage they’ve done is real. make new ones up.
although i doubt this will effect who people use - it could be relevant to know this. 
AGE: the majority of gang members are above the age of eighteen. this varies slightly. the bigger the city - the more likely they are an adult. when it comes to smaller cities and rural areas - minors tend to be in gangs a little it more.
GENDER: most gang members are male. it is honestly unrealistic to have a female gang leader. i’m sure they’ve existed, but the VAST majority of gang members are male. this honestly hasn’t changed much since 1998. only 10% of members are female. again - this goes up slightly in smaller cities and rural areas. 
RACE: the most recent figures provided by law enforcement are 46 percent hispanic/latino gang members, 35 percent african-Aamerican/black gang members, more than 11 percent white gang members, and 7 percent other race/ethnicity of gang members. while hispanic/latino and african american rates have stayed (around) the same - increase of white and other races have (mostly) increased since  2011.
it depends on the gang. smaller gangs in smaller areas tend not to do major crimes.  people keep treating street gangs like they are organized criminal gangs - they are not. you’re giving them too much credit. sure - sometimes, some gangs, etc - but KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. gangs are not ultra powerful terrorist groups with unlimited resources. a lot of the time they’re people built on poverty and intimidation. even street and prison gangs are much different.
but to actually answer the question - it depends. some gangs deal drugs and guns. some gangs are simply there and fighting their rivals. gang members aren’t always doing “gang things” when violence breaks out. your best bet with “what should the gangs on my rp do?” - probably deal guns or drugs.
gangs probably aren’t nearly as intricate, thought out, or detailed as you’re making them.
this one can be kinda iffy cause some people use affiliated in place of member. but for the sake of realistic roleplays - i’ll try to keep them separate. there are some people who are ‘involved’, ‘have known affiliation’, etc as gang members. 
this could be being the sibling/cousin/gf of a gang member. this could be hanging out with gang members occasionally. this could even be running errands  for them, but you’ve never been initiated in and have no plans to be. you still can kind of get in trouble. you can get mostly accomplice charges, or even caught along with them. they could assume you’re a member.
so your rp could even have people that aren’t technically members.
this is probably the most important roleplay wise. cause 99% of gang rps i’ve seen have the same plot: they were the same gang, but split. gang rivals are mostly because of one thing - land and space. some rivals have been going on so long that it happened for years and years before your character was even born. there could have even been an accidental killing between gangs that were formerly fine, but now aren’t.
what gang rivals are really like is hard to say. violence doesn’t always break out in a “lets meet in the parking lot” way. a lot of gang members could be at a damn local picnic, and violence could break out.
its very hard for people to go through different gang territories. if they have to - they should keep it low key to avoid issues.
some of this stuff in this section in particular may come off as offensive. remember - i do not know every gang member or know people who know every gang member. take some of this with a grain of salt.
the majority of gang members live in poverty ridden areas.
a lot of people want to play the “nice” gang member, but try to find ridic ways that a nice person could be in a gang. it really isn’t that complicated  - however. if you live in an areas that is very, very gang ridden. a lot of the times (particularly with young males) there will be a giant pressure to join the gang. even to the point of forced entry.
i personally know someone whose brother was shot because he continued to refuse to join a street gang of his area.
(for the record there is a character in the movie ‘city of god’ that is amazing inspo for this!)
as far as young gang members - say their older brother/sister/uncle/etc was in the gang. that is the most realistic way because if a 13 year old approaches gang members who are 20+ with no connections- they’re gonna be laughed out the door.
to a point gang members are normal people. however - a lot of them are very uneducated. a lot of them are VERY strict about respect, and get very upset if you’re not showing respect. however - a lot of the time it is ridiculous rules of ‘respect’. like you looked them in the eyes (aggression), or not acknowledging them (disrespectful). 
there are wonderful, nice gang members who are decent people who are stuck in a bad situation. that is possible. it does happen, but don’t make every gang member this innocent sweet baby who did nothing wrong.
but however - it is important to know that people don’t join gangs because their lives are wonderful.
but again like i said at the start -i do not know all of them. i would say your best bet to realistisoc gang members is aggressive, strict about respect, and reckless. 
in all honesty - women have always been in gangs, but lately they’ve had more involvement in activities than they have before. however - women are rarely treated equally in gangs. where as males may join gangs out of social obligation - women have reported that they join more to fill a void for socialization, a “replacement family”, or physical protection in violence ridden areas. although girls may participate in violent activities, some researchers have found that much of the violence they claim to participate in is exaggerated in order to bolster their reputations. So  -iit depends. Females are being more participating in gangs, but guys are still considered more valuable in gangs.
One survey found that 2% of all gangs in the US contain only female members. If I’m being honest - I hate this trend of ‘omg girl gangs!’ Girls in gangs and female gangs are not cute. They’re not girls in cute cheerleader skirts who pop their gum and bat their eyelashes while wearing red lipstick. They’re violent. Shut the fuck up about your ‘aesthetic’. Its not cute with guys - its not cute with girls, either. They’re not “oh my god cute girls wearing patchwork on leather jackets!”. They’re girls often raised with little education in poverty with lives full of sexual and physical abuse who turned towards gangs for some type of acceptance. Like I said - fuck your aesthetic. Its disgusting how much tumblr and the rpc has romanced female/girl gangs.
Literally the tag ‘girl gang aesthetic’ is gross as fuck. Its full of people thinking girl gangs are just females in leather jackets with omg floral guns!!! Girl gangs are not feminist fucking icons.
But I’ll continue assuming that you’re going to drop the disgusting aesthetic and do a genuine girl gang.
often living with a false air of supremacy  
there is always someone wanting to take your place - so a little bit of paranoia
often harsh 
some resentment and jealousy from gang members who want that place
but often feeling very respected which can go to your head
i’d suggest having your gang leader not be 18-21. i guess it probably has happened, but assuming we’re talking about ‘big’ gangs - maybe 24+ would be best.  stop trying to play gang leaders as these people who care about everyone's opinions and are so nice and sweet. yes, some are more considerate than others. but just like a ‘boss’ in any situation - it can’t always be nice.
obviously generally a diverse-personality group. everyone is different.
if i had to make generalizations a lot have an earning to be accepted.
some are on the extreme side as far as being violent and sociopaths.
others are just there out of social obligation or feeling like they could get hurt if they’re not (or had parents in gangs and got sucked in)
some are smart, but most aren’t well educated. there are those ‘special’ cases where they’re geniuses.
want to realistically play a character who was gang involved very, very young? its possible! it is definitely a touch-y subject. but in my opinion it is fine to roleplay out as a history if you do it in a tasteful way. people roleplay murder in their characters past - and nobody blinks an eye. so this is fine imo.
have them have some connection. they’re not going to randomly bring in some child. (they might, but you know). they know someone. their parents, cousins, brother, etc. that will be the easiest route.
keep in mind with young characters in gangs - their characters have nothing to compare it to. gang culture is likely all they know. so the activity that is happening is not any type of culture shock.
eh this one is really debatable. some gangs have very structured roles, and others not so much. i’d say a fair route to go is: gang leader, his second in command, seniors (older people who have been in the gang longer), juniors (people who have been in for a while, but not a super long time), and it would likely go down from age/involvement/and time in the gang.
some gangs have a blood in blood out mentality. this causes some ex gang members to leave and not go home. i found this quote which could also help:
Several of the gang members I interviewed left their gangs through a process of growing older, getting married, and/or finding legitimate employment. "Aging out" of a gang, getting a job, and "fading away", have been suggested by other researchers as reasons why gang members may leave their gang.
there are a lot of stereotypical ones. these could involve: getting jumped in, fucked in (with women), pull off a robbery, etc. 
this really depends on the status of the gang. bigger more violent gangs it will be harder than lower gangs. one thing that should be noted about leaving a gang is that even if your gang lets you leave - a rival gang might not care. 
this is a rough subject- so deal with it with respect and with out glamorization or romancing it into this cute thing.  gangs are scary, and although rp is for fun stuff - don’t be unrealistic! 
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