#[ this was a doodle on a riliane canvas ]
spiral-p1lled · 1 year
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may i offer you a lilith in these trying times
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okurimono-dono · 4 years
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Here’s a quick little art dump at the end of the year! I got a tablet last month so in that time I’ve been slowly practicing drawing. Hopefully I’ve improved somewhat over these weeks. I’m thinking of maybe changing this into an Evillious art blog, but we’ll see how I do when school starts back up again.
Thank you for your support these past few years! I hope 2020 is another productive time here.
Click each for full sized image, concepts for each drawing under the cut.
(From top, left to right.)
First doodle, testing out pen pressure and the new art program I switched to. Kayo thinking about takoyaki.
A more ambitious version doodle, trying to see if I could apply my old coloring technique in the new program. Still figuring out how to deal with lineart.
Modern AU!Gumilia. A lot of these are modern AU because I just like drawing modern clothes. The idea is she’s some sort of young professor, maybe.
Ney somehow Queen of Lucifenia, contracted with Conchita. Most of the elements were thrown in for esthetic value, so there wasn’t much of a coherent concept behind this one.
A simple test of FireAlpaca’s animation capabilities.
Modern AU!Three Heroes, with all three a little older than when they died in canon, because they deserve long, fulfilling lives. Of course, Elluka really doesn’t show it as much.
Modern AU!Kokutan-douji, Saruteito, and Inukichi. Made since the Tailor novel will finally be properly translated soon, and also because I’ve just always liked this trio. The idea is they’re playing some sort of video game (I was thinking of MarioKart?) in Kokutan’s room, but I’ve clearly little grasp on how anatomy works, still.
Modern AU!Kokutan-douji, Saruteito, and Inukichi being friend goals again, with Modern AU!Ney and Riliane looking on, all five in front of what’s supposed to be a school. Clearly I have to work on my backgrounds.
Ney as the Empress Joséphine de Beauharnais of France. A little less ambitious, but hopefully better executed. The idea came from the fact that Riliane was based on Marie Antoinette, so I thought it’d be fun to do something vaguely historical by modeling Ney after another famous monarch of France. I’ve simplified her dress somewhat and gone for a more painterly-looking shading than in the other drawings.  Here’s the original portrait, for reference. https://cdn.britannica.com/71/185771-050-2C1BC529/Josephine-oil-canvas-Francois-Gerard.jpg
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