#[ thread: son ahreum ]
rvsetum · 5 years
under the mistletoe; continued from here
“there are kids around, mister!” ahreum chastised though there really wasn’t any heat behind her words. her class of preschoolers were busy frolicking in the snow outside so no one would probably notice if they shared another kiss but she still didn’t want to risk it too much. “i’ll give you another one but the rest will have to wait ‘til we get home, okay?” with a playful wink, she stood up on her tip toes and pecked his lips once more. ( for @butlersrus )
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rvsetum · 5 years
we meet again; a starter for @lcvewhispxr​
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parent-teacher conferences always ended late, that much ahreum expected, but today’s session extended well into the late hours of the night after a number of the other teachers decided to go out for barbecue and karaoke to celebrate. ahreum definitely enjoyed the festivities but it left her feel exhausted. she was practically dead on her feet so when a group of drunk ahjussis suddenly crowded her in out of nowhere. her body tensed as she took a step back in shock and fear though she tried to put a brave face on, not wanting them to use her emotions against her. “please leave me alone!” she shouted at them. this was obviously not going to end well.
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rvsetum · 5 years
softening edges; a starter for @virgohqs
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“oh, mr. lee! you’re back early!!” ahreum was sure that she must have looked quite hilarious as she struggled to crawl out of the makeshift fort she and anakin built in the living room. she really hoped that he wouldn’t see her in such a state but she had always been helpless against little anakin. the soft spot she had for him was hard to hide in situations like this one but it had never really been difficult for her the child to worm his way into her heart with his adorable antics, wit, and charm. therefore, ahreum never said no to babysitting opportunities even if that meant losing some of her dignity in front of anakin’s dad to make the kid happy. “how did your meetings go? have you eaten yet? there’s some leftovers in the kitchen that i can reheat for you.”
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rvsetum · 5 years
an angel feather for @irregulcrs
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“you know, we can’t keep meeting like this.” the familiar head of hair was easy to spot even in the line leading up to the cashier after all the times ahreum had seen in it in the neighbourhood supermarket. they had run into each other numerous times in the past - passing by each other in the frozen section or reaching for the same thing at the snack aisle - but they’ve never really spoken to each other apart from the polite greetings. “do you wanna grab coffee after this or something?”
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