#[& deadass i will pick up a billy i will ignore his death and i will write a redemption arc]
vigil4nted · 2 years
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Lemme cut it to you straight. If you hate B.illy from Stranger Things, then you hate me. If you watched Season 3 like I did, then you would have seen it was a.buse & t.rauma that fucked him up the way he was. The same thing happened with me.  So if you’re going to hold the ideaology the a.buse victims can’t become the a.buser after get the fuck out of my blog and out of my life.  I am fucking recovering from being a.busive. I am doing everything I can to be better. I am trying to heal. And you motherfuckers out here saying that there’s no redemption for those types of people, that y’know we deserve to die for it, then, y’know. Fucking leave. I don’t need people who think that way here.  And I’m going to outright say it; at the end of S3 B.illy fucking saw everything. El brought it to his attention and he acknowledged it. I had the same thing happen to me - someone has to knock the sense into you. And if you have a fucking heart, then you start to recover and do the right thing. If he really was this piece of shit; he would have fucking let El die. I’m fucking sorry but you didn’t watch the same show I did. You clearly don’t understand the fucking hard as hell road you follow when you have that kind of life.  Let me put it to you this way; it’s the same as S.tarscream. S.tarscream knew nothing but a.buse from M.egatron - and what did S.tarscream end up doing in P.rime? Oh right. Reenacting that a.buse on someone that was seen as lesser than him. Hm. Couldn’t be learned behaviors can be repeated. And once again if you’re a shithead who genuinely believes a.buse victims can’t become the a.buser then kindly get the fuck off my blog and crawl back under that rock you came from.  I’m not going to play nice because I am so tired of the mentality of if you a.bused once you deserve to basically fucking die. No. Not everyone does. People can change. People can redeem. If you don’t believe that; then fuck off. Because I don’t need people who believe that I shouldn’t be alive right now because in the past I was a manipulative, a.busive piece of shit.  Thank you.
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