#[[ Eloise's ex 💅 ]]
itsagraywcrld · 3 years
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Stephen Dixon is a serious man. He worked his way up through the ranks at one of the local news stations to broadcast manager for the daily news itself. He handles all the behind the scenes set up, determining what gets aired and what doesn't. He takes his job seriously and doesn't leave much room for any sort of slack. When he met Eloise, he had been scoping out the college for future graduates for their internship, helping them jump start their futures.
They hit it off and got along well. Eloise was actually the one to ask Stephen out for an official date, which he said yes to. They dated for 6 months before he convinced her to move in with him when she graduated.
Working together started off well. Eloise was eager to please as she learned the ins and outs of the business and the field. Stephen helped her get the job so she could support herself and better her craft. His philosophy, which he never told her, was tough love. He cared about her, never gave her too much praise or affection. He wanted her to be more independent than that, at the cost of their relationship.
Stephen was mostly disconnected from her during the day, only really spending time with her when they would go out for lunch. Even then, it was mostly work talk. When they were home is when they would relax and he would mostly listen to whatever Eloise told him. He has told her on several occasions that she talks too much sometimes, but tried to frame it in a way that wasn't serious. Which he isn't good at. Eloise would just brush it off anyway and continue to talk.
On their 3 year anniversary, Eloise questioned him if he had thought about the future for them. Stephen had, at his own pace. He'd played around with the idea of asking her to marry him, but naturally Eloise beat him to the punch on it. There was no official proposal, just a discussion of where they wanted to go with their future. Stephen had it planned well in advance, but tried to make adjustments on the fly to match up to the unpredictable nature of Eloise.
It was always so sudden, her ideas. He wondered if she was trying to divert his attention from something. That suspicion didn't bother him until she brought up that she thought she could be bisexual, talking about a woman she had been in love with. Stephen didn't know what to say, he pushed the situation away and just tried to play it off like it hadn't happened. But, Eloise was upset by that. By that point, as Eloise was avoiding him and even staying out and coming home later from work, he figured that was it. She was cheating on him with a woman. It was unacceptable, on every level. She was talking about their future together, there was no need to play with this notion of sexuality. Not unless she was unhappy with him.
It was confirmed for him when she didn't come home one night. And even more so when he confronted her and told her to either focus on him alone or leave, and she left.
Stephen still works at the news station, but as far as anyone is concerned, he and Eloise had never been together. He chose to not acknowledge her, ignoring her very existence.
He is a very controlling, and stern man. He cares deeply for Eloise, but the appearance they uphold is more important to him than their relationship. He is also extremely passive aggressive, silently fuming until he comes to explode about whatever is bothering him.
Name: Stephen Peter Dixon
Face claim: Eric Dane
Age: 43 (38 when he and Eloise broke up)
Height: 6'2"
Sexuality: hetero
Occupation: Broadcast manager
Eye color: blue-gray
Hair: short, dark brown, mostly gray
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