#ᗷᒪᑌeᒪiᑎe ¶ ch. study
itsagraywcrld · 2 years
Character/Blog Association
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ANIMAL :    cat
COLOR ( S ) :  olive green
MONTH : April, it's when she found Cody and also she just loves the spring
SONG :  Confident by Demi Lovato
NUMBER : 7. She's pretty superstitious a lot of the time, so the whole lucky number 7 thing is definitely her  
PLANT : Daisies
SMELL : French vanilla coffee, light perfume that is typically fruity, cheap laundry detergent (usually floral or lavender scented), newspaper
GEMSTONE :  Emerald
SEASON : summer
PLACE : coffee shop, news station, crime scene, city park
FOOD :  Fruit salads,
ELEMENT :  Water
DRINK : Coffee with vanilla creamer, white wine
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ANIMAL :    rattlesnake
COLOR ( S ) :  Lilac
MONTH : June, the start of the summer when it things heat up and more events take place outside
SONG : Like Real People Do by Hozier
NUMBER :  1. She wants to be on top, after all. Being number 1 and all that
PLANT : venus flytrap
SMELL : cinnamon, incense (usually lavender or dragons blood), sandalwood, lavender
GEMSTONE :  tigers eye
SEASON : summer
PLACE : underground tunnels, a parking garage overlooking a drive in movie field, auto garages, cafes
FOOD :  sorbet (orange in particular), potato chips
DRINK : iced coffee, limeade, orange smoothie
TAGGED BY @notsoinnocentlittleangel ❤️
TAGGING: @wynterlanding @lavishbylaw @frigid-vitality @anderson-residence & everyone else if you wanna~
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itsagraywcrld · 2 years
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Eloise spoils Cody as much as she possibly can, especially for the holidays. Taking out loans to get as many things as she can for him to go under the tree for Christmas? You better believe it. Luckily she has help since between herself, her friends, And her parents, they all want this kid to have as many great Christmases as he can get. Of course after he starts school and actually gains hobbies, the gifts become more and more specific. But he always gets what he wants.
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itsagraywcrld · 1 year
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What color is your love language?
Key words: fun, youthful, exciting. For you, love is fun, bright, and exciting! When you're in love, you feel young and on top of the world. You'd much rather a trip to the beach or an amusement park than a regular old dinner date, and you're likely to want to travel to exciting places with the people you love the most. Your ideal lover is someone who can keep up with you and knows how to have an exciting time. Best matched with: Cerulean, Canary, Fern
Tagged by @wynterlanding ❤️
Steal it if you wish uwu
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itsagraywcrld · 2 years
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Angélica has, at the moment anyway, 3 tattoos. The first she snuck and got as a teenager is a simple little halo and angel wings, placed at the back of her neck.
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The next was one she got after she graduated her trade school to be a mechanic. It was a gift from her parents. It's a heartbeat in the shape of the gear shift of a car on her left inner wrist.
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Later on down the line she looks into getting some sort of sugar skull designs she likes, something traditionally Mexican, and ends up settling on something like this, a thin lined, simple design, on the back of her right calf.
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itsagraywcrld · 2 years
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Because Cody was born in a sterile environment and wasn't exposed to any of the outside world for roughly 13 years, he tends to get sick much more often. For the first year especially he was sick all the time which scared Eloise because he would seem so weak. But, once his immune system has gone to build a bit, he was sick less often.
It picked up again when he started school, of course, so he misses classes because of that from time to time. But, otherwise, he's a healthy teen.
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itsagraywcrld · 2 years
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This is a comprehensive and detailed timeline of the relationships between the muses on my blogs (the adults, not Eloise's future daughters). This is the main default canon of my blog. Some things will change depending on plots and verses, specifically when it pertains to how Landon Wynter ( @wynterlanding ) is involved. The timeline goes by Eloise's age since she is the main focus muse.
Junior-senior year of high school - Nathan transfers to the same high school in Detroit. He endures some teasing and light bullying from other students before Eloise steps in and takes him under her wing with Landon. The three of them become fast friends.
After graduation - Eloise takes a few years off to help her mom as well as save for college. Nathan joins the military as soon as he turns 18. He keeps in touch with Eloise and Landon
College - Early 20s, Eloise attends college with Landon for a degree in journalism. There she meets Jack who is between majors trying to find where he fits in himself, while also trying to get a date with Eloise. She declines every time, but they become good friends anyway.
Around 25, Eloise meets an older man who offers her an opportunity to work for a news network where he was the broadcast manager. Stephen Dixon made her a lot of promises, most of which included a relationship and a chance for her to move in with him. They started dating not too long after they met
College graduation - with a degree under her belt, Eloise finally takes Stephen up on his offer. She moves in with him and they start working together.
Around 26 - Nathan returns from his time in the military to pursue a degree in business. He meets Jack after reconnecting with Eloise and Landon, both in the business classes together. They become good friends as well, and graduate together with their business degrees.
Around 28 - Eloise breaks up with Stephen and flees from his home, staying with Jack since his home had the most space. She calls on him, as well as Nathan and Landon to get the rest of her things from Stephens house. That's the last she sees or speaks of him.
Within a couple years, Nathan opens his bar and Jack becomes a partner of his father's company. While Eloise and Landon further their own journalism careers.
Around 30 - Eloise finds Cody in the street. With the help of her friends, she tries to figure out where he came from and if someone was missing a child. Jack couldn’t find any records and Nathan kept an ear out with the people who came into his bar. Nothing really came back conclusive, so Eloise just settled on figuring it out later while she cared for the boy. 
Trying to adopt him officially is a challenge, but once she’s able to do that she could actually enroll him in school.
Present day - Jack and Nathan live their own lives, but are more than happy to help whenever Eloise needs someone to keep an eye on Cody, while also keeping an ear to the ground for any information about him. 
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itsagraywcrld · 2 years
Rules: you can only say “guilty” or “innocent”. You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages or asks you. Repost, don’t Reblog!
Tagged By: @anderson-residence ❤️
Muse: Eloise
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Asked someone to marry you? —  guilty
Kissed one of your friends?  —  innocent
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — guilty
Ever told a lie? — guilty
Had feelings for someone you can’t have? —  guilty
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? —  innocent
Kissed a picture? — guilty
Slept until 5pm? — guilty
Fallen asleep at work / school? — guilty
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? — innocent
Stolen something? — innocent
Been fired from a job? — innocent
Done something you regret? — guilty
Laughed until something you were drinking Came out of your nose? — guilty
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? — guilty
Kissed in the rain? — innocent
Sat on a roof top? — guilty
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — innocent
Sang in the shower? — guilty
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — guilty
Shaved your head? — innocent
Slept naked? — guilty
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — innocent
Shot a gun? — innocent
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? — guilty
Have / had a tattoo? — guilty
Liked someone, but will never tell who? — guilty
Been too honest? —  innocent
Ruined a surprise? — innocent
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — guilty
Stalked someone? — guilty
Thoughts about murder? — guilty
How about mass murder? — guilty
Cheated on someone? —  innocent
Gotten so angry that you cried? — guilty
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — innocent
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? —  guilty
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? —guilty
Muse: Cody
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Asked someone to marry you? —  innocent
Kissed one of your friends?  —  guilty
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? — innocent
Ever told a lie? — guilty
Had feelings for someone you can’t have? —  guilty
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? —  guilty
Kissed a picture? — innocent
Slept until 5pm? — innocent
Fallen asleep at work / school? — innocent
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant? — innocent
Stolen something? — innocent
Been fired from a job? — innocent
Done something you regret? — innocent
Laughed until something you were drinking Came out of your nose? — innocent
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? — guilty
Kissed in the rain? — innocent
Sat on a roof top? — guilty
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? — guilty
Sang in the shower? — innocent
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? — innocent
Shaved your head? — innocent
Slept naked? — innocent
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? — innocent
Shot a gun? — innocent
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? — guilty
Have / had a tattoo? — innocent
Liked someone, but will never tell who? — guilty
Been too honest? —  innocent
Ruined a surprise? — innocently
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? — innocent
Stalked someone? — innocent
Thoughts about murder? — innocent
How about mass murder? — innocent
Cheated on someone? —  innocent
Gotten so angry that you cried? — guilty
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? — innocent
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? —  innocent
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? — innocent
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
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Mobile Doc with rules and muse info || Musings || Drabbles || Character Study || Aesthetics || Ask Memes || 
Hello! You can call me Opal! I am 29 (she/her) and live within EST. This blog is open to all, lightly selective, OC and female muse friendly, multi-verse and multi ship, and just happy to have some fun. 
Important details:
-I use the beta editor -i don't format much aside from trimming -i use static and gif icons as I see fit -low, sporadic activity
Open starters:
For Eloise:
xxx || xxx || xxx || xxx || xxx || xxx
For Cody:
xxx || xxx || xxx
Guest - Nathan:
Guest - Angélica
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
Share a secret that you(r character(s)) have been wanting to spill.
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"Ok, so - I've kept this in for a long time. When I was still with Stephen, I actually considered going back to school for meteorology. I was that desperate for someone to hear me or pay attention to me. I had outfits all picked out and everything that were definitely not something I'd usually wear... Really glad I didn't go down that road now. I don't need more student loans."
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"Wanting to tell? Well... One of these my therapist already knows, but... I had 2 first kisses. The one in high school was what led to a whole lot of issues now in my adult life. But... The other was when I small and still in that lab. The one I spent all my time with was the other half of whatever project we were apart of, the other test subject. She was kinda like a sister to me. One day we caught a glimpse of something one of the adults were watching and saw the people on the screen kiss. It made that adult smile and they seemed happy. So, we figured maybe that was something good. When we got back to our little room, she just gave me a little peck in the lips. At the time it didn't seem like much, but looking back... It's such an innocent little thing."
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will get some getting used to?
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Eloise's eyes are bright and green. They are also more round which makes them seem wider, so people do tend to notice that right away. Being a red head with bright green eyes and a mouth that seems to never stop? She stands out.
Cody's eyes are hazel, more on the light brown side. Being as withdrawn as he is, he tends to hide his eyes, as well as his face.
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Eloise is an excellent liar when emotions aren't involved. As soon as she get emotionally involved with what's going on, her lying tells become clear. She gets defensive, closes herself off, and even taps her foot a bit.
Cody isn't a good liar, he doesn't have the experience with it to be able to (depending on who helps raise him that could change). He tends to just stop speaking all together if it's something he doesn't want to say or face. And hides things as well.
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
Outside of the paranormal verse, Eloise totally believes in ghosts. She's never had any experiences personally, but she believes when people say they have.
Cody is always skeptical of things he can't see or hear, so he doesn't fully believe it. Even if he had some sort of experience, he could usually find a way to rationalize it or debug what he heard. If it's a genuine experience? He'll be super freaked out, and probably believe it a little more.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Eloise most struggles with true, pure fear. With her job, she accepts that anything could happen and for the most part, hardens herself to that fact. She can deal with people coming at her ready to fight, cussing her out, even charging with blunt objects. But, as soon as a gun is pulled, she really gets scared. That fear takes over everything and she has trouble getting back to a call state.
Cody struggles the most with genuine affection. It takes him a long time to warm up and trust people before he can actually open up, but he gets there eventually if the other person let's him.
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
They're both easy criers.
Eloise is in general very emotional. The kind to always cry at movies, even if she's seen it a hundred times. When she gets in her feelings, she just sticks there.
Cody cries easiest out of fear, when he totally shuts down and either runs or curls up in a ball. When he's triggered especially he will just silently cry.
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
Neither are quick to violence, and honestly Eloise is the only one who'd actually fight back if she could. Though she's more likely to argue than out her fists up, she still wouldn't just take a lunch lying down.
Cody is entirely submissive and cowers when presented with violent situations.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will get some getting used to?
Eloise's biggest one is just the fact that she often never stops talking. She talks to herself and even often lets her train of thought come out through her mouth. It's easier for her to do things when she can talk them out, even on her own.
Cody has to have music in his ears almost constantly, at least when he's out. Or even just noise cancelling headphones covering his ears.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Both are absolutely flight as neither are exactly fighters. Only Eloise would fight in given no other option.
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
How have your ambitions changed since you started your career?
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A pause, she has to think for a moment. A lot had really changed in the last 5 years since she graduated from college and officially started her career. A bit later than most, sure, but school isn't exactly cheap and her parents weren't the wealthiest. But, that was beside the point. Her ambitions.
"I guess they haven't changed that much, really," Eloise cracked a little smile, tilting her head to the side, "I started this career because I wanted to tell stories. I want to be in on all the action, see things first hand and be able to relay that back to people who weren't there. That has never really changed, though, I know my reasoning has at least a few times."
She crossed her arms loosely over her chest, thinking back over what all changed. First, she had Stephen in her life. He was her reason to want to do better, to prove herself, prove that she could be great. But, looking back, it wasn't a genuine feeling. And of course he didn't seem to care as much when she left. Now, she had Cody. And instead of wanting to be great for a superficial reason, she wanted to be better to support him. Give the kid a better life and maybe tell his story some day. That was her goal now, no matter how long it took.
"Ambition is a funny thing, isn't it?" She exhaled a little laugh, "My purpose is just to tell a story. I don't think that will change. Not while I can still write and speak."
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
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A long time ago, in the grassy fields and forests of Ireland, there lived a young maiden without a care in the world. She was the most beautiful woman any had ever seen and all of her village loved her. There wasn't a single man who saw her who didn't want her to be his, and she knew it well. The attention from the men made her happy, as they would give her anything she wanted. Bread off their tables? All the alcohol she could handle? Their affections? All of it they would give just to see her happy.
But, there was one man who did not give her what she wanted so easily. He was more beautiful than even she, his hair as bright red as the fire of the sun and his eyes as green as the grassy plains. He didn't stay in the village long, passing through on his way to and from wherever he was going. But, he would always pass by the young womans' home. Many times did she try to get his attention. She would offer him many of the gifts she herself would receive. Food, drink, even gold. All of which he would politely refuse. It wasn't until she offered herself to this stranger, confessing her affections for him, that he gave in. He confessed that he, too, had feelings for her, but that he was just afraid she wouldn't like him.
He stayed a couple extra days in the village, showering the woman will all the love he had to offer, making her promises of a better life far from this small village. She wanted it all and more. Before he left again, the young man made her promise him one thing. He would take her with him when next he came through, but the only thing he asked was that she remain faithful to him and only him. He had seen her around the village and wanted her all to himself. She promised and watched as he left once more.
Time passed and days turned to weeks without her love returning, and the young woman was soon too restless to remain to herself. She returned to the arms of the other men of the village, unable to go another day without those lustful nights. When the months had passed and the stranger had finally returned for her, she announced to him that she was with child, though she did not tell him of her deceit. The man was overjoyed and took her away to his home far away on a high hill. It was a large manor, overlooking the land and another village below. Believing her to have stayed faithful, he gave her everything she could have wanted, along with a lavish life for their child.
The woman kept her secret, thinking she had gotten away with her lie until the day her child was born, a daughter. Looking upon the baby's face and blonde locks, the strange man knew at once she had lied. Disappointed and distraught, he took the child and left, leaving her in a dark abyss.
When she awoke, she was alone in the forest. The home she had been brought to was gone and so was her daughter. She wandered for a long time until she stumbled on the man once more in a clearing. It was there that he revealed who he was. A great fae king who was looking for a bride to carry on his line. It was why he tested the woman, hoping she would prove that she did want to be with him after all.
'You have lied to me,' the man bellowed to her, the hurt clear in his face, 'For breaking my heart as well as my trust, I place a curse on you and all who will come after you. You will have my daughter, and mine alone. She will be the sole reminder of what you have done. Again and again until the end of time. There shall always be only one.'
The young woman was frightened, looking around before stepping closer to the man again, pleading in her eyes, 'But... Where is my baby?' she begged, pleaded with him to return her. But the man simply shook his head slowly.
'You have not had her yet.'
The next thing the woman knew, she woke again back in her home, back in her village. She thought it was all a dream, as if none of it had actually happened. But, the only thing that told her it wasn't was the bulge in her stomach. The child she was carrying. The reality only set in a few months after when she gave birth to a girl with bright red hair, unlike anyone in her village. Then she knew.
"From that moment on, the only women born in out family were in that direct line. Which led to me and to you," Diane smiled as she leaned over and poked her daughters nose.
Eloise giggled, smiling up at her from her bed, pushing the blankets back to sit up, "So... Because the woman lied, she was forced to have that man's baby?"
"That's right. And the one girl born to each one of us is the only one for that generation. No other man's girl has or can survive. That was the strangers wish. You and I are a part of that magical line."
Diane looked up to her husband, Peter, watching them in the doorway, a wary smile on his face, before looking back down to Eloise, "And when your little brother is old enough, we'll tell him the story so he can pass it down through his family one day as well. Thats the way it goes."
"I can't wait!"
Diane smiled as her daughter laid back down, tucking her in and kissing her head, "Don't get too excited now, or you will never be able to sleep again. Now, good night, Louise."
"Good night mom. Good night daddy!"
Peter smiled at her before stepping out of the room. He looked to Diane, raising an eyebrow once she joined him and closed the door behind her, "I thought we agreed to not tell her that story."
She just smiled, rolling her eyes, "There's no harm in telling her the story. Besides, she wanted to know."
"There can be harm in filling her head with stories of family curses. Don't you think--"
"Pete, relax," Diane smiled, kissing his cheek, "You worry too much. She's old enough to know the difference between the real world and a story. And old enough to understand what my family has gone through. I know you don't believe it, but--"
"Ok, ok, you're right," Peter just sighed, "Just... Don't encourage it, alright? The last thing we need is for her to garner new worry for her little sibling."
"You do that enough for all of us," she pulled him along, "Come on, I'm tired. Let's get some sleep."
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itsagraywcrld · 4 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Is your character pessimistic or optimistic? Why are they this way? How has this outlook affected their actions?
Eloise is typically pretty optimistic, or at least she tries to be. She believes in herself for the most part, confident in her work and most facets of her relationships and life in general. But, at her core she tends to be a realist. She needs to keep in mind that sometimes things just happen and they’re out of her control. Honestly, her opinion can be pretty polarizing if she starts to spiral. She believes things will go well, but once theres trouble, she starts to see whats actually happening. I think that makes sense?
Cody on the other hand, is more of a pessimist. He’s gone through enough trauma in his childhood from the experimentation that he just thinks the worst of the situation immediately. It makes him afraid, he doesn’t know how to react so he just runs. He hasn’t had too many good things happen to him in his life (not yet anyway uwu) So he doesn’t really have very much to be optimistic about.
With Eloise, though, he can see the best in the situation. He trusts her so much that she helps him to see the good around. She did save him after all, so he knows wherever she is is something good. For the most part anyway, he is still a teenage boy with his own issues and puberty to deal with. 
Thank you for this!! 💖
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
Halloween is a tricky time of year for Cody. Being as skittish as he is, the scares quickly become way too real for him. He has to avoid most scary things, but it doesn't mean he doesn't still enjoy the time of year. He is just forced to celebrate it eternally as a small child.
He does still like watching horror movies, the visuals of them don't always bother him, but most of the time the volume has to be extremely low or off completely, and typically with something else playing over it. He doesn't like to be scared, but he does like the special effects of the movies.
Eloise tries to find things they can do for the holiday season that wouldn't be too scary or be too embarrassing for everyone involved if Cody has a panic attack. They usually just end up doing pumpkin carving or strictly fall related activities with a sort of Halloween flare.
It's not until Cody is older and has a better understanding of himself and his trauma and what he can handle that he actually starts to try and experience the more spooky sides of things. Starting small, of course, and gradually working his way up until he can't take it. He just generally doesn't find as much amusement in it.
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
What is your character's aesthetic? Do they purposely maintain this aesthetic, or is it more spontaneous?
Thank you fairy friend for the question! ✨
Eloise doesn't have too much of an aesthetic aside from the professional look she wears for work. Her apartment is pretty sporadic in decoration with an ugly floral couch, mismatching wood pieces, and some plants everywhere. For the most part, when it comes to what she wears, I personally associate her with stripes and olive green. They suit her somehow. She has more striped clothes, preferring wide stripes over thin, than solid. But, for the most part when she's not dressed in business casual, she's super comfortable. Sweats and a loose sweater. Is that really an aesthetic? XD it's all I can really think of.
Cody, on the other hand, as a teen tends to try and blend in to the background. Sort of a grunge teen kind of look. He dresses in dark clothes, big flannel shirts, and loose jeans. Mostly because it's cheap, since Eloise isn't exactly rich. His color is navy blue which is the color he chose for the noise cancelling headphones his mother bought him to help him get through the day. He's trying to fit in, but isn't completely sure how to just yet. He also maintains a sort of journalling aesthetic with lots of notebooks and pens on his desk in his room. He uses them to write down dreams he has or memories he comes across so he doesn't forget them. Hes not ready to talk about them just yet, but thanks to Eloise he keeps a chronicle of them instead to show her one day.
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itsagraywcrld · 3 years
Eloise has a small tattoo right on her left hip bone in front of a red kiss mark. It's something she got when she realized she was bi, while also being a sort of shot back at Stephen when they broke up. A total impulse buy and one she regretted days later. For the couple years after while she lived alone she had a love-hate relationship with it and with her sexuality. Unsure of herself until she learned to accept it, even going so far as to make sure it was covered if there was a chance it would be seen.
Now shes not ashamed of it anymore, even forgets about it sometimes. She doesn't hide it anymore, even though she is still sorta quiet on her sexuality.
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