#[[ So I'm sharing it muhehheheh
deadsetobjects · 2 years
Warning - Steve cobs mention, IDK people seem to not like him and require warnings? I don’t entirely get it but here’s your warning.
Been thinking about this a lot but like. What IF the reason that Mephone never finished S2 is because Steve cobs became aware of his location ( which was specifically stated: I can’t remember the exact location but if he pin pointed the location of the Haunted house and then he just needs to figure out the general location, going around and then trying every direction which may take a while, But would eventually reveal the exact location of the set ) His way to solve it? Host a completely different show on a generic island far away from civilization! There’s NO WAY STEVE COBS CAN FIND HIM RIGHT??? So with the new season, I think he’s hiding away on that island: Away from his problems and away from the chance of Steve Cobs finding him! - Since he hasn’t, as far as we’re concerned, even interacted with the contestants from S2 and I’ll think they’ll play a large part in this season too when it comes down to it. ( then again, It would actually be easier to find than Mephone assumes, Just pin point a list of possible islands by searching for the amount of smaller islands with inactive volcanos as well as other possible features from the backgrounds of the show. I cannot remember ) 
And also ball point pen MIGHT have been passing a message? 👀👀
also new episode was a banger. we love to see Yin Yang solidarity.
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