deadsetobjects · 2 years
Hello hi sorry for not posting will try top do tonight <3
Life has just been very stressful and I’m very tired. Feel free to leave drawing requests in my asks tho. This includes ocs !! <3
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
Warning - Steve cobs mention, IDK people seem to not like him and require warnings? I don’t entirely get it but here’s your warning.
Been thinking about this a lot but like. What IF the reason that Mephone never finished S2 is because Steve cobs became aware of his location ( which was specifically stated: I can’t remember the exact location but if he pin pointed the location of the Haunted house and then he just needs to figure out the general location, going around and then trying every direction which may take a while, But would eventually reveal the exact location of the set ) His way to solve it? Host a completely different show on a generic island far away from civilization! There’s NO WAY STEVE COBS CAN FIND HIM RIGHT??? So with the new season, I think he’s hiding away on that island: Away from his problems and away from the chance of Steve Cobs finding him! - Since he hasn’t, as far as we’re concerned, even interacted with the contestants from S2 and I’ll think they’ll play a large part in this season too when it comes down to it. ( then again, It would actually be easier to find than Mephone assumes, Just pin point a list of possible islands by searching for the amount of smaller islands with inactive volcanos as well as other possible features from the backgrounds of the show. I cannot remember ) 
And also ball point pen MIGHT have been passing a message? 👀👀
also new episode was a banger. we love to see Yin Yang solidarity.
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
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Omg it’s the Thinkie Twinkies!!!!!
Was doing some shading experimentation w/ a new brush. Did this. Maybe one day I’ll finish it. 
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
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Come ask them! 
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
Okay so I’m kinda bored and wanna doodle, So feel free to send in a request or smth!!!!!! I’ll draw characters ( I’ll draw almost everyone apart from one character that I would write a strongly worded hate letter too ], ships ( Ones I’m comfy w/ anyways - Which is most tbh. ), that includes se.lf.sh.ips and ocs in general for object shows!! We love and support both here!!!!!!! So feel free to drop it in my ask box [ Keep in mind I need refs for ocs tho!! ] (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ I also like listening to rambles about f/os but ofc this blog is for object shows so keep it related. In the mean time gonna go do some cute doodles of lightbulb while listening to tr.ue cri.me podcasts  ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ 
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
Mephone has ADHD don’t @ me. also gets a bit angsty at the end but yeah here's some hcs ;)
NOTICE: To let you know, This is my experience with ADHD but I also may have some undiagnosed things too. I don’t want to invalidate anyone’s own experience so just know, You are loved and appreciated!! everyone experiences things differently and you are EXTREMLTY valid even if yours doesn’t align with mine ♡♡♡
He’s not a slob - He just has executive dysfunction and can’t really pin point what tasks are the most important and which ones are going to give him the most fulfilment within the time frame. Also due to him having the ability to create anything at the push of a button, It’s REALLY easy to just embrace this habit. 
The reason he loves reality TV is because it keeps him entertained. There’s always a challenge to watch which is not only something new every time, But also he enjoys watching the different dynamics between people. Everything is well paced so it doesn’t lose his focus, Stakes are high!, Something is always going on so he it holds his attention really well. 
Actually didn’t used to think of himself as a “ Fat Slob ”. Steve Cobs referred to him by those words exactly a lot “ growing up “ so he kinda just took it as a fact. Now he refers to himself by that and has given up on having both a positive self image as well as his image towards others.
Can't pinpoint his feelings about Toilet because he unapologetically kind and really positive and loving towards him no matter what. Hasn’t really experienced this so it makes him extremely uncomfortable because he’s not sure how or process it. So he just tries to push him away and avoid interacting w/ Toilet as much as possible. 
Common Stims he does is cracking joints or at least his hands anyways, Jiggling his feet, Whistling and enjoys staring at spinning objects like spinning fans or those funny doors. He just zones in on them and kinda loses track of what’s going on until he’s pulled out of it. 
He actually mirrors hosts from reality tv show he admires [-cough- Chris McLean -cough-], I mean look at his body language. Are you going to tell me I’m wrong?
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
I hate hearing the phrase “ I'd have two nickels “ from that one meme because now because all I think about is this
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deadsetobjects · 2 years
Nav post
Hey! I’m Deadset or DS or whatever you wanna call me! I’m 20 and use any pronouns - No preference so go wild. I live, breathe and thrive of anything that evolves creativity. As easier way to get an idea of me as a person is to check my object show kin list, I’m currently the only mod that runs the @/yinyangdaily. too so feel free to check out for daily shenanigans. I’m cool w/ doubles but having that ALSO helps Incase you aren’t!!! I’m a silly little enby who’s sibling dragged them into watching object shows and now... Well we’re here.... I really like ii and ONE. But also feel free to recommend other ones!!! I love watching new things!
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Feel free to message and talk with me in the ask box! I LOVE meeting and talking with people, although I might get socially exhausted so I might not always be quick with responding all the time. 
I’ll happy offer advice or if you need someone to listen to your woes, I’m here for you! Although I won’t have an answer for anything, I’ll do my best to try and point you in the right direction! I’m always here if you whether or not you need me to be! 
I interact / Follow back / whatever from my main @concentratedclowns
#💡💡 ;; TEXT POSTS - Just text posts: For thoughts, announcements, etc. Stuff like that. Although not a lot will be posted, Just think of this tag as my Fan-arc where I talk about that sorta stuff. 
#🍊🍊 ;; ART TIME - So yeah. Just fanart stuff. You MIGHT see the occasional sona art but that’s mostly being saved for me se.lf.sh.ip with the rest of my self indulgence nonsense hehehe
#🍑🍑 ;; EDIT TIME - I wanna try making both picture edits / icon stuff but also video edits for fun. So I might do that in future but no guarantee
#🍂🍂 ;; WRITING TIME - I MIGHT do some imagines, hcs, etc. So anything I do with stuff related to any sort of creative writing can be found in this tag! 
#🥭🥭 ;; ASKS - Just like. Where I’m keeping all my ask stuff 
# 🍁🍁 ;; NONSENSE - basically memes / shitposts. Fyi if your uncomfy w/ swearing I'll try tone it down but I can have QUITE the mouth on me.
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