#[[ We weren't gonna let these out of drafts yet but writing about the musical made me think of these two ]]
brbuttons · 2 years
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DID introjects, not fanart ▸ reblogs are fine
Some sketches of our Mike & his mother, Dolly.
These two are a great example of the healing that's finally been happening within the Factory Cluster, and it warms my heart to see. Dolly- Mrs. Teavee, sourced from the musical- unfortunately lost her son in the tour; she's been so scared of the whole factory, that besides one or two outer-factory trips, she's refused to leave her room for years.
So when Mike- sourced from the first movie, but fused with the second- reawoke, now a young adult, she was quite nervous. She didn't want to see him because it hurt too much at it not being her Mike. But he sort of persisted in that mischievous way he does, and barriers were broken, and she adopted him as her own son because it felt right. It was a form of acceptance for the mind to heal.
Dolly used to refuse to even talk about her son, but I'm allowed to say all this here because she's personally spoken about the whole thing on stream, which is... something we didn't think would ever happen. She's healed a lot, and she's helped Mike a lot with his own anxiety around the Factory. Sadly she still won't leave her room, but it's small steps.
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