#[[ lots of sore spots and nerves hit xD ]]
countlessrealities · 1 year
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@omniishambles sent: Here's another one -🔥for Morty about Rick! Multimuse grape vine - Send 🔥 for Muse A to attempt roasting Muse B
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Morty's expression darkens with uneasiness at the request. Roasting Rick? That's always a hazard, even if it won't be the first time he does it. Whenever the two of them fight, they tend to run their mouths and they have ended pushing it a little too far in more than one occasion.
So he knows what to expect and yes, it worries him a little, but the main reason behind his hesitation is another. He has so many things to say, too many, and picking one to start with isn't easy.
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"R-Rick is...he's really hard t-to deal with, most of the time," he finally starts, a scowl forming on his face. "H-He is selfish, rude, u-ungrateful, pushy, moody, s-spiteful, stubborn to a fault, cynical, arrogant an-and even cruel at times. H-He's a liar, he is a...a bully, he has a-a huge ego, and he is petty an-and childish and..just mean. H-He so mean. T-To everyone. An-And yeah, it's all...it's a defensive mechanism an-and trauma response an-and fear, but that's no excuse f-for how he treats people. E-Especially the ones who care and support him."
Their family, but Morty himself in particular. He is the person Rick is the closest to, but that also means that he is the one who finds himself suffering at the man's hand the most.
"He...W-We're supposed to be family, an-and more, because I-I'm his best friend, his partner, b-but that just makes it worse. B-Because I know him an-and he doesn't like tha-that I can see past his masks and acts an-and all his bullshit. H-He doesn't like that I can call him out and be right."
How many times had been subjected to his grandfather's nightmarish, petty revenges because he has dared to tell him that he was wrong? Too many to count. Yet, he still does it, because if he didn't, Rick would just keep running on his stupid pride and self-destructive behaviours. In spire of everything, Morty cares too much to let him do it.
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"H-He might be the smartest man in the universe, b-but he is also so, so stupid w-when it comes to certain stuff. H-He acts like he is better than anyone, b-but he is...he is a coward. Tha-That's what he is."
Rick will put him through hell if he ever hears him saying this, but the teen has gotten too carried away to care. Besides, someone has to say it and no one else will if he doesn't.
"H-He run every time things get too...c-close to home and h-he can't get over himself and ask for help. H-He is afraid of letting other see him vulnerable b-because he is afraid to let people in. An-And I get it, but it's unfair w-when you have tried to prove to him o-over and over that you're on his side. Tha-That you're there for him, n-no matter how shitty he gets. I-It's not fair that you have to do everything for him an-and he can't just stop acting l-like a scared kid."
He is tired to have his trust broken, to be pushed away, to be lied to and manipulated, to be treated like a mere sidekick or a tool. He is so tired of it all, but he can't give up. Especially since that would mean allowing Rick to give up too. He has to be the bigger person, since the man isn't capable of it.
"An-And yeah, he has been...trying lately, b-but it's not enough. He always f-falls back in bad habits. H-He can make all the excuses he wants, h-he can say that he's trying to...protect us or s-some other crap like that, b-but the truth is that he needs to try harder. W-We've all been patient enough with him. N-Now it's his turn t-to do more. S-So he has to get his shit together an-and prove himself. I-If he doesn't it by himself...I-I'll make him."
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His expression hardens even more. "An-And he has better get a grip, b-because he won't like the way I-I'll for his hand."
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