#[[ you can bet that she'll text Adam in the middle of the night ]]
countlessrealities · 6 months
I never pegged you for a fangirl, Vaggie. It seemed more like Charlie's thing. And yet, look at you, setting up Alastair with Vox. Way to start from the hardest things!
Unprompted questions || Always accepting !
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The question leaves Vaggie blinking for a few moments. What the fuck...? Good thing Alastor isn't around. Had he been, she can't decide what would be more likely. Him going after the stranger and gore him like he had done with that one caller, or him having way too much fun with...that.
Both options are equally bad in her eyes.
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"I'am a what?" She asks, even if she knows what the term means. She has a phone and a working internet connection, after all.
...And maybe even a Hellblr account, but that's no one's business.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You think that is why I'm going through all this shit? Did you die because they took your brain out? 'Cause it sure as hell sounds like you did."
She keeps telling Adam that he can't be surprised because things in Hell suck all the time, but the truth is that sometimes they catch her off guard too.
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"Alright, listen to me, greying fuckface. Let's make a few things clear," she started, irritation heating up her voice. "Everything I'm doing isn't just some gain I get off on or whatever you deluded empty head is imagining. I'm doing this for Charlie and the Hotel."
And also for Adam. ...Okay, maybe nowadays mostly for Adam and their slowly re-budding friendship. Also, Hesta. But never mind all that.
"Al and Vox are two grown ass demons, I don't control them or what they decide to do in their free time. Or who they hang out with. If Mr Edgelord likes this new game he's playing enough to keep it up, that's on him. And same for Mr Overcompensation if he's decided to go for his old hate-love crush again."
She is pretty sure about what Vox is doing, after all it's the reason why she has suggested it to start with. The Radio Demon's intentions, however, are as per usual a mystery.
"I had absolutely nothing to do with all of it. Got it? Now, piss off, I have actual things to do, unlike you nosy motherfuckers."
{ @holoharbinger / @creationtainted | mentioned }
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