#[[ she had a little internal crisis LMAO ]]
countlessrealities · 6 months
I never pegged you for a fangirl, Vaggie. It seemed more like Charlie's thing. And yet, look at you, setting up Alastair with Vox. Way to start from the hardest things!
Unprompted questions || Always accepting !
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The question leaves Vaggie blinking for a few moments. What the fuck...? Good thing Alastor isn't around. Had he been, she can't decide what would be more likely. Him going after the stranger and gore him like he had done with that one caller, or him having way too much fun with...that.
Both options are equally bad in her eyes.
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"I'am a what?" She asks, even if she knows what the term means. She has a phone and a working internet connection, after all.
...And maybe even a Hellblr account, but that's no one's business.
"Are you fucking kidding me? You think that is why I'm going through all this shit? Did you die because they took your brain out? 'Cause it sure as hell sounds like you did."
She keeps telling Adam that he can't be surprised because things in Hell suck all the time, but the truth is that sometimes they catch her off guard too.
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"Alright, listen to me, greying fuckface. Let's make a few things clear," she started, irritation heating up her voice. "Everything I'm doing isn't just some gain I get off on or whatever you deluded empty head is imagining. I'm doing this for Charlie and the Hotel."
And also for Adam. ...Okay, maybe nowadays mostly for Adam and their slowly re-budding friendship. Also, Hesta. But never mind all that.
"Al and Vox are two grown ass demons, I don't control them or what they decide to do in their free time. Or who they hang out with. If Mr Edgelord likes this new game he's playing enough to keep it up, that's on him. And same for Mr Overcompensation if he's decided to go for his old hate-love crush again."
She is pretty sure about what Vox is doing, after all it's the reason why she has suggested it to start with. The Radio Demon's intentions, however, are as per usual a mystery.
"I had absolutely nothing to do with all of it. Got it? Now, piss off, I have actual things to do, unlike you nosy motherfuckers."
{ @holoharbinger / @creationtainted | mentioned }
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maochira · 1 year
can you do for the writing Event, hanging out with bastard München but it's field day and so they go eat Currywurst together
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Field day with Bastard München!
request open! - event list - event introduction
Tags: gn!reader, for those who don't know what Currywurst is, just google it real quick (it's popular food here in Germany)
(A/N: because I've been asked that a few times, yes I am from Germany LMAO and so is Claire)
Event sypnosis: you, Claire (@deerangle3 ) and Mao (me) are assistants in the Neo Egoist League
-the trip goes surprisingly well. No chaos, no fighting, etc. That's mostly thanks to you, Claire and Mao because you're able to equal out the disharmony between some players (cough Isagi and Kaiser cough)
-the day actually only consisted of a bit of sightseeing and walking around the city because the players from Germany didn't get a chance to see Japan, since everyone has to stay in Blue Lock all the time
-you walk past a restaurant with German food and the players from Germany really wanna go there. Cause, you know. They've been only been served Japanese food in Blue Lock
-after a bunch of begging Noa gives in and all of you go in there
-it's just regular Deutsche Pommesbude food, like fries and Bratwurst and stuff
-Kaiser doesn't admit how excited he is to get German food again, but you know on the inside he's cheering like a little kid when their mom makes their favourite food, so you tease him a bit about it
-Kaiser actually orders multiple things but only eats like half of them and Ness has to eat the leftovers
-Gagamaru eats so fucking much and he would probably eat even more if you wouldn't have stopped him
-Birkenstock consumed 3 Currywurst with fries in 10 minutes (A/N: I have a weird emotional attachment to Birkenstock soo.... I had to add him)
-at first, Raichi complained about the food, before he even tried it. Claire started an argument with him and somehow got him to shut up and just try the food. He also ended up liking it but didn't admit it (he doesn't want Claire to win the argument)
-you share food with Kurona because he's not really hungry but still wants to try something
-Yukimiya gets interested in the food, so he asks a bunch of questions to Claire and Mao (if you're German, he will ask you as well.) He also wants to know about other German food! That starts the idea of asking Ego to provide some more food variety in Blue Lock
-Kunigami really hates being there and wishes he would have stayed in Blue Lock. He doesn't even eat anything. You try to get him to join in on the conversations but he ignores you every time
-you keep offering him some fries and he ends up accepting those (without saying a word, tho)
-Isagi is a bit weirded out by the food so he sticks to eating fries
-then Kaiser starts an argument with Isagi about him "disrespecting" German food and usually you would stop their arguments, but this one is way too funny so you let them argue for a bit
-the bread vs rice debate (like in that one Blue Lock Additional Time) starts between the entire team, and then they ask you, Claire and Mao for your opinions but you guys refuse to answer. But Mao is starting to have an internal crisis because as a half German she loves bread but as a half Thai she loves rice and you just see her spiraling into an identity crisis for 10 seconds. Then she snaps out of it because Claire makes a joke about putting rice on bread and force-feeding it to Igaguri
-Igaguri is NOT amused by that joke
-the day is actually some of the most lighthearted time you ever got with the entire team. Mostly because everyone forgets about soccer and being competitive for a bit
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wufflesvetinari · 1 year
ok FINE, some things about my half-orc cleric tav whom i love so very much
Lash grew up with her trying-his-best dad in Baldur's Gate (mom stayed with her orc clan). she had no lucrative skills and no exceptional cunning--between this and the default perspective of her as barbaric, she internalized a bunch of stuff, joined up somewhere, Saw Some Action, got good at killing people. like, really good. "her services were instrumental in leveling several towns including civilians and she got a commendation for it" good.
this did not feel good, and mid-personal-crisis about murdering strangers on someone else's orders, she deserts and saves one goddamn monk and ilmater calls her to his service. she regards this as a baffling mistake on his part.
illmater is a god of compassion, gentleness, self-sacrifice. his clerics are basically non-combatants, known to only use violence as last resort. goblins etc. see a cleric of illmater on the battlefield and avoid hurting them, because they know they are willing to heal both sides if they can.
lash is not like this. lash starts as a blunt instrument who is only good at violence. but she wants to do good in the world, finally, and if ilmater wants to throw away his famed gentleness to compromise on someone like her, who is she to argue?
she spends her first years training in a temple, but she doesn't have the head for scripture. neither does she have the conviction or creativity for complete non-violence, instead developing a world-weary acceptance of it as a tool to reduce suffering.
she's sent on dangerous pilgrimages repeatedly instead of being assigned to minister to ilmater’s followers, confirming to herself that her calling is a compromise on ilmater’s part: he needs a blunt instrument so that others can carry on the work of being gentle.
what she doesn't realize in this time period is that she is slowly becoming gentle. moreover, becoming wise. clergy and laypersons approach her for advice on a world they are sheltered from. she has a way of speaking that cuts to the heart of things, and she's a comfort in quiet moments. she is rarely misled by self-serving justifications and moralizing. her kind of wisdom is drawn from her knowledge of the world and its flaws instead of from scripture.
she still kills. she's still blunt, and quietly sarcastic, and not entirely at ease with her god. but gods, she wants to be kind.
i think that astarion seriously considered seducing someone else for his plan in act 1 (wyll or something lmao) because, based on a "clerics with wooden stakes" comment he makes at camp at some point, he thought letting a good-aligned cleric guess his nature would be extremely dangerous for him. he especially has a bunch of anger towards the god of compassion, because he "prayed to every god" and nobody saved him.
but it's hard for him to see lash as a cleric? i mean, yes, she has a way of staring at you that makes you squirm and feel Too Known, and she's stupidly self-sacrificing, and she's hilariously incapable of trickery.
but she's funny, in her own reserved way. she's a world-weary soldier, good with a story, disgustingly rustic, a good cook, with the habit of cussing out her own god without getting in trouble for it somehow. and she mostly says the right type of kind thing, not the type of kind thing that make him want to curl up somewhere and grow spikes. and...maybe it's not terrible, feeling like someone Gets your deal instinctively? someone quiet but self-assured, who doesn't push for more?
(and, like, she's hot? she's strong and a little distant. devious plan aside, he finds that hot)
i am only in act one. i think, in her "worst" (but also kind of sexiest) moments, she thinks of herself as a mechanism, and even frames it as such out loud: if someone has committed unspeakable cruelty, she's here to end them for it. action and reaction. no hesitation, no mercy, because her being brutal allows everyone else to be kind. a necessary evil.
but she's in the midst of a years-long process of learning to see herself in a...kinder light. and as their relationship develops i think astarion will prod her a lot about how she makes more complicated ("and fun!") choices than that all the time, you idiot. why else would she be traveling with such a bunch of assholes?? why else would she be good to him?
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fandomfluffandfuck · 11 months
back after reading chapter 4, and oh my god. i actually read it yesterday itself but I was so emotionally fragile after reading it I couldn't bring myself to put anything into words. Still can't tbh. just know that my pillow has a giant tear stain.
I'm not American, so I didn't get to know about the AIDS crisis for a long time, because people talk about it even less over here than America. And firstly even i was like Bucky, knew the facts, was pretty oblivious to the people.
I read this book though, maybe you might like it as well - All The Young Men by Ruth Coker Burks. It's about the author being a single mom in the midst of the AIDS crisis in her southern town. She starts out by helping one dying man in a hospital where no one would care for him, and then as she helps more and more men she forges more relationships with the men and writes about what happened to them.
I cried when I first read it because it brought all of that right in front of my eyes. And yesterday was something like that again.
Thank you for all the advice!!! And yep i think even if I read a lot of smutty stuff I have those internal biases at the back of my mind.
like how when I first read fics I used to find replace all mentions of dick with some euphemism because I was so scared to read it lmao. even now, when I read daddy I have an instinct to just laugh, then I reign myself in and bonk it into my head that it's not funny.
I do think it's part inexperience as well (never had sex, and don't want to in the future as well) so all my sex emotions knowledge is from fanfics. which might make my writing very saturated fanfic-ish but I'll roll with it to atleast get the ball rolling on writing.
if I manage to write anything (probably just couple of paragraphs) soon I'll send!
Hope you have an awesome day! 🤍
— 🔪 anon
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Aw, well, thank you so much for saying some words. Just reading is incredible, but hearing from people what they think will always be so incredibly special <3, especially with more emotional chapters like the latest update!
Oh, yeah, I can't imagine how little people learn about it from outside the US, which sort of makes sense. It was a US based event at first, but AIDs affects everywhere, so... yeah.
Oooh, I haven't read that book, but it sounds really interesting in a oh-that-will-certaintly-break-my-heart way. Thank you for the recommendation!
My apologies for making you cry <3
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Of course! I'm glad you got something out of my waffling, lmao.
Lmao, I love that. I feel like so many people begin there. And, hey, some people still are there with Daddy kink. Which, yeah, fair. It can be funny.
Ah, yeah, I could see that affecting your writing as well. I will say, though, many of the ace people I've meant are actually the filthiest fucking people, lmao. Perfect. I love it. Hey, if your fanfiction is fanfic-ish, then it just blends in well, lol 😘
That sounds great! I'd be happy to read anything you write! Happy writing!
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 years
Wedding Break - part 4,5
Part 4 | WB Masterlist
Did you miss me? Part 5 will be here soon, but here’s a little something!
Warnings: none
Word count: 220
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What Happened To Aelin Galathynius? Princess Spotted Running From Royal Guards: See Videos!
Since Terrasen’s sweetheart reached marriageable age, many questions surrounding the princess’ love life were raised. Until Prince Endymion Whitethorn stole her heart, it seems.
Despite rumors surrounding a relationship between the doranellian prince and Dorian Havilliard, a engagement between Enda and Aelin Galathynius was confirmed by both royal families.
However, less than 24 hours later, the princess was filmed by multiple civilians at Doranelle International Airport. In the videos, she hysterically alleges she was being a victim of “human trafficking” and the royal guards were trying to “kidnap her”.
Click here to see @AGUpdates’ compilation of all videos regarding the princess’ not-so-secret getaway!
This concerning episode hasn’t been acknowledged by neither of the royal families.
Related articles:
‘Dorenda’ Shippers Disappointed After Prince Enda’s Engagement
See Aedion Ashryver’s Favorite Nightclubs
Royal Family Crisis: See How The Galathynius’ Are Coping After King Rhoe’s Sex Scandal
@dorendaflirtss: who else thinks dorian’s kidnapping her to get his man back lmao
↳ @drndapapi: SAME LMAO you go loverboy
@petrahsteeth: Rhoe and Maeve together, no wonder the poor girl lost her mind!
@hvillrdswh0re: I’d be running for my life if I had a gay fiancé too
↳ @aceryver: Can people stop speculating about Enda’s sexuality?? He’s marrying Aelin, we should be happy for them instead.
@kadjaa_: another white rich girl making a scene. groundbreaking.
Part 5 is here!
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pandoraimperatrix · 1 year
Wandering Word's Meta (Part I)
Since I'm getting to the end of this story, I've decided to share with you a little meta that may or not be included in the main story.
Reminder that everything I'll write here only applies to My Fanfiction. Please for the love of GOD do not use this as some claim I'm making over the DC or the HBO Max's show canon.
Parallel Universes:
I take mostly what I understand as parallel universes from Doctor Who and Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles/xXxHolic lmao. And from the DC canon Pre-Infinite Crisis. I don't think multiple Earths per se, but multiple timelines and diversions made by choices that change the path a timeline should or not take.
So, what made Dick1's timeline (from the show till just about the beguining of the 3rd season) so different form Parallel!Dick (our protagonist)? I honestly don't know. But there are two major diversions, though:
1- At the end of the troubles with Trigon, Parallel!Kory doesn't leave instantly. She stays for the ride and, even though she planned to leave, go back to Tamaran and her duties, she stays because she is in love with Dick, her freedom and her children.
2- When Parallel!Jason dies, no one brings him back and Parallel!Bruce goes mad, he kills the entire rogue galllery even the woman he loves, Selina, because she tried to defend her friends. P!Dick goes after him to make him stop, but P!Kory would never let the man she loves hurt his own father, so she goes instead, but since her powers were messed up because of her conflicting feelings, P!Bruce kills her easily. P!Rachel releases Trigon out of grief and their entire timeline start collapsing, because P!Rachel's powers are an Anchor keeping the fabric of reality weaved together.
I understand Trigon as an anomaly, it's always the same Trigon through all the parallel realities, in his prision he lives out of time and space always trying to break through.
Gar and CADMUS
One of the things that frustrates me about how I wrote this story it is the POV system... I have never written like that before and drives me a little bit crazy, but it was something that made sense when I started writing. We have P!Dick's POV and Kory's POV, all we learn about the other character's lives are through them.
The things we miss:
1- How the abuse and violation Gar suffered through his entire life, reaching the worst point by his kidnapping by CADMUS broke our boy. If the Chief put him in a internal prision (reason why he couldn't change into different animals), CADMUS violated him by pushing him out of that cage and into the wild, it is a different sort of control, but just as violent. In the Doom Manor he was never nutured as a child should, but he was protected and loved (by Cliff, Rita and Larry within their own capabilities), it was a house of monsters and he was the only one that wasn't monstruous, the one had never hurt anybody, that could look in the mirror and not feel ashamed. CADMUS broke that.
2- After Dick dies, Gar, who was holding himself by the skin of this teeth, goes down in a spiral as starts lashing out, hurting the people that remainded in his life with rashness, because, deep down, he thinks they will also leave and for his own protection he tries to reject them first.
3- He starts befriending the people hurt by this actions because of CADMUS, even if they don't remember him or what he did. Gar believes that it's own him to try to balance the awful things he did with acts of kindness or at least to reconnect to his own humanity by making the effort of humanizing the people that he hurt, because never again he wants to look at another scentient being as a piece of meat. But it isn't easy, there is a lot of guilt, a lot of fighting the conditioning.
Rachel's Powers and Importance
Same problem with Gar. Rachel at least gets a little more from the main narrative because she's not only a character, but also the Plot Device juggling this whole story together lmao
1- Unlike Trigon, Rachel is not an Universal Constant, that means that it can have other Rachels through parallel realities, but most of them are not Trigon's dauthers. Some of them are pretty regular girls without magical troubles. They are all still lesbians and gothics who catfish men online to afford Demonia Boots (THEY ARE EXPENSIVE) and Hot Topic clothes.
2- There was only One Rachel that supposed to the Portal. But something made the universes diverge and they became two, but this dissociation should have never happened, and instead of equal in power, P!Rachel got the small stick, and that's why Trigon consumed her, BUT because she wasn't the Perfect Portal, he was not able to break through completely.
3- When our Rachel ripped the walls between universes to snatch P!Dick since her own model had got himself killed, the other universe collapsed. It doesn't exist anymore, and now only one Rachel in the the entire multiverse has powers, all of them, and Trigon is locked in the prision she created for him.
4- So, what powers does Rachel have? She is a reality manipulator, she has access to the laws of the time and space and she can bend and twist them IF she her soul is strong enough for her to take the toil of doing such things.
I'll write Part II (mostly about Tamaran) whenever...
You can go on my ask box and make your own questions and theories, I'll love to read and chat about them!!
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
I am so tempted to ramble about M and Bond and their complicated and often contradictory relationships with societal norms and how that forms the basis of my christmas headcanons here but to spare your inbox from an essay let me not do that lmao
Anyway, my hc is that M does not like Christmas. She doesn't come from a family where it was big and she just does not see the point. Her husband and his extended family do though, and it is something she does for his sake every year - where they agree she will only skip going to whoevers house they are staying at (maybe one of his siblings hosts a big get together?) if there is an international crisis.
Bond cottons onto this and creates a minor crisis one year and he even gets a rare if curt thank you from her afterwards and it's one he treasures forever.
I also want them to run into one another at mi6 one Xmas after her husband dies, these two people who never felt a part of the merriness and togetherness and whatever else the day is meant to stand for, and they just drink together at Ms office - not even talking much but content in the company - and naturally never mention it again. And just to add more angst maybe it's the last Christmas before Turkey, too.
I knew if you weighed into this you would have a headcanon that broke my heart, but you went above and beyond even my own expectations. I'm shattered! THANKS!
This???? This!!!!!!
Bond cottons onto this and creates a minor crisis one year and he even gets a rare if curt thank you from her afterwards and it's one he treasures forever.
If you're in the mood to write Bond fic again at any point, I would LOVE to see you write this. God, it's so them.
I think you're spot-on about all of this, btw. Both Bond and M. I can completely visualise Dench!M gritting her teeth and bearing her late husband's family Christmases. That is such a real and vivid headcanon.
Not to hijack your last point with 00Q, but in one of my FFF fics, I had Bond and Q sharing a drink in Q's office on Christmas Eve. Though it was from Q's POV, in the back of my head I was thinking about Bond doing similar with M before she died, and how he'd been planning to show up the next Christmas too, but they both ended up at Skyfall before it could come around. In that fic, before he wandered the corridors and saw his Quartermaster's light on, he'd passed by her office - now Mallory's - to see it locked and dark. I think he spared a rare, genuine, sad little smile at the memory of sitting with her in contented silence.
Apologies for the takeover, but your ask made my brain fizzy with possibilities, as your headcanons always do!
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vegasporschetruther · 2 years
in return for my lil rant abt the eclipse i ask abt ur fave character in the show too gimme all ur thgts🧐🧐🧐
my fav char is also, unsurprisingly, ayan. im actually INSANELY similar to him and there were actual moments when I used to say the line he was gunna say before he said it. like we have the same thoughts an everything. I fucking love wat too lol. that ending seemed so rushed and I didn’t like the way they all just moved on in 2 secs. kan and thua were absolute sweethearts and freaking adorable. akks little gay panic anytime ayan even breathed near him were SO funny jdjdjdjdj. there were so many moments where I rewinded it because they made me squeal lol. but ya, me and ayan are literally the same people in alternate universes, if only I was more confident. like I’ve genuinely had actual conversations which were word to word tht ayan had lol. def gunna be a comfort show. I just love how unapologetic ayan is about himself and his sexuality. and he’s just so hot. I might have a lil crush on him. I also like the teacher sani. she was soo supportive towards wat and protective of the kids. I really felt for akk at points because there was just so much pressure on him and on top of that he was also having a sexuality crisis while dealing with very heavy internalized homophobia. all around, it was very nicely handled lol.
damn apparently I had a lot to say lmao. love you <3
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might as well do this with heartstopper too. my live thoughts i texted my friend, spoilers beware. also, i’ve cut out their replies. they also follow me so if you’re seeing this, hi :)
Im reading on webtoons and I love Alice oseman’s captions lol
“stares angstily out window”
“I don’t think he’s straight” OH REALLY
“The bisexual struggle” real
Poor man
Wait Aled is in this??? Do they have the same name or is Charlie’s friend same guy from radio silence???
Miss Singh is a legend I love her
Oh shit not ben again boo
Fun fact: when I see mlm I think multi level marketing lmao
**continues doing it**
Taras gf is an icon I don’t care if she had one line I love her
We stan Charlie sticking up for himself
They kissed already??? We’re literally 31 pages in chill my dudes
31 chapters*
Still percabeth is the ultimate slow burn and I stand by this
I guess it wouldn’t be called heartstopper and be a romance/coming of age if it was a slow burn tho haha
damn Charlie is one of the biggest people pleasers I’ve seen in a book
Hes so me
Alice oseman is so British I love her
I read so much British stuff that I’m pretty sure my internal monologue is slowly become a ya British thriller
agggtm core
(they replied that they read swear words in nick nelson's voice and i thought that was hilarious)
Her ship has sailed
She is also so me
“Was that not obvious?” “I’m an idiot” yes u are he just made out with you and cried into your shoulder and had a full on gay panic because of you YES HE LIKES YOU OMG
I mean after what happened with ben I suppose it’s very very justified
They’re so clueless I love them
This honestly has no reason to be this cavity inducing cute
“Why are you so great” he’s literally doing the bare minimum by not outing you you don’t have to thank him bestie
Get these boys some therapy
Why is tori always just appearing out of nowhere to ship them lol
Tao and Aled are delusional if they STILL think nick is straight
Fuck sai
He can die in a hole, disrespectfully
But also… redemption arc?
Manifesting sai and harry’s redemption arc
Not harry- these last few pages
Awww tao and elle <3
Elle is so cute! she is hair goals
… I guess all illustrated characters are hair goals.
Oh wait
I overreacted :)
Nvm I love him again
This group is friendship goals tbh
Oh wait I guess it’s kind of my group a little bit? Wait who am I?
I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz
I took the quiz. two actually. i got darcy on the first and elle on the second. I literally know nothing about either one so let’s see if they are accurate!
The waiter lol
Also I love how everyone is just silently shipping them it is percabeth all over again but like fast moving
Not them kissing behind a menu
“Not because im dirty not because im clean! Not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine!” - Charlie and nick, probably
Craftybookworm25 feel so spoiled by the author. Author, you’re paying my dentist bills for all of the cavities you are giving me.
I love the comments section
Is Alice oseman actually writing down math for their homework? THE EFFORT I COULD NEVER
Oh darcy is taras gf that I liked earlier
Shes a trumpet player??? No sweetie don’t go to the dark side
my band teacher has a story about how he gets awful ear pains if he’s exposed to noises about a certain decibel because of a trumpet player blasting into his ear
“WHAT! WE’VE FOUND ANOTHER ONE!” Darcy recruits people for the gay agenda confirmed
“…why are straight people like this” I don’t know tara I ask myself that every day
Not Darcy being tara’s gay awakening
Omg tara is that one clarinet player who dates a trumpet player
Adding actual spanish conjugation? Alice oseman doing god’s work here
“Why do think they call it a cram session, Pete, god!” -literally all their friends rn
Ok I have theories rn
I shall wait and see if im right (i was not)
“You kind of are a gay nerd” me fr
Oh ok sai is being less of an asshole
We love character growth… even if it happens off page
Harry being a dick as per usual, nothing new there
Bro how do people just fall asleep I don’t understand
making out in a photo booth
So cringey and yet very adorable
Love that he had to clarify
Like yes, you’ve been making out and being obnoxiously cute for months, but hey, he’s just a friend, lol, no homo
Who tf would make THAT mistake?
🎶everyone is dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb 🎶
“I wasn’t born in 1920” lmao
Oh my god my wall of text has become the Great Wall of china im so sorry
“hanky panky”
aw we love ally jocks
Best platonic bros~
Actually what im calling my friends from now on
Oh shit the coach caught them
They’re not even trying to be subtle at this point
Oh she is an icon
If she was my teacher I might actually enjoy pe
This is so wholesome omg
Oh shit the brother
Tara casually lounging on Darcy’s lap
She gives passenger princess vibes
why are you whispering and can I be involved — she’s so me
“Boys and girls may not share rooms!” sly gay smirking. laughing, even.
oh and nick’s brother is a piece of shit and i hate him
“Why can’t I see any fish?”
Tao is a night person i love him
Aw he’s so clueless
They all are
Harry redemption arc-
Wait no
I’m gonna cry :(
“god i really want to just push you against a wall right now”
“twilight levels of pining” i’m not sure if anything could ever reach that extent
Not the arrows saying “did not think of that” at the “borrowing makeup from the girls” suggestion, I cackled
The teachers have a better love life than me
Where the hell are people finding these communication skills?
“Why are we like this” count: 3
Or is it 4?
I don’t know
Sahar is so cute I love her
Alice oseman is so pretty omg
She can 100% be my wifey
Oh Jesus I’ve read a thousand pages of this
I believe that if I pull an all-nighter I can finish this
"Why are we like this?" count: 5
at this point i stopped because i’m pretty sure they were asleep but i finished! it took six hours but that’s not bad for 1578 pages :)
i’m obsessed. literally take my money (i have approximately five cents in my bank account)
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yoichichi · 3 years
Intern!Eren HC
warning(s): none
a/n: some Intern!Eren HC based off my CEO!Levi x secretary!reader post you can read here <- if you’d like :) I got one person requesting it in my inbox and that’s all I needed LOL :) I’d love to hear from you guys in my inbox! Hope you enjoy <3 I’m also gonna be posting more characters from this ~universe so feel free to send in thoughts or ideas !
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I’m sorry but hear me out:
He’s very intelligent, right. He was well composed in his interview to be an intern, his resume was wonderfully organized full of all kinds of references and experience, he can hold a corporate conversation like nobody’s business, and he’s definitely got this natural charm working for him
But this man can’t work a photo copier for the life of him 😭
He doesn’t know the difference between business casual & smart casual (tbh who tf does)
He is always joking with boss Levi at the WORST times
He’s AWFUL at finding things pls
Someone will tell him to go grab more printer paper from the cabinets in the break room and he’ll just go and stand in there like 🧍
“Cabinets, cabinets... okayyy what one.”
^he definitely talks to himself like that ALL the time but more on that later
But anyways he’ll be searching through all the cabinets and just,,, not see it and he’d start freaking out like oh fuck they’re gonna fire me cause my dumbass can’t find the fuckin printer paper
He’d just come back like
“Um, uh, Miss Parker I couldn’t find the printer paper🧍.”
She’s an older lady in the advertising department of the company that just finds him so endearing pls
so she goes and just opens the first cupboard he looked in and hands it to him like “here sweetie, make sure to open your eyes next time.”
She’s so sweet but poor baby is so red and embarrassed 😭
It’s even worse when she asks him to load it and he just - breaks it
he accidentally pulled too hard trying to open the paper compartment and ripped one of the plastic front pieces off and is just holding it in his hand like 😰
He jus tapes it on w scotch tape and bolts out of the room once it’s loaded and then blames it on Jean when Levi asks why the hell the printer in the front office is broken
“Yeah no I have no idea sir, I think it might’ve been Jean, I mean I saw him in here last buttt, yeah no I really don’t know sorry!”
Queue Eren speed walking to the bathroom so he can collect himself abdjdjajdjf
But on the note of breaking things it’s totally happened more than once
I STRONGLY HC this mf as being clumsy a lil like he just never fully got used to his height after he had his growth spurt
So he has a habit of tripping over himself or hitting his head on cabinets and such
This also means long arms accidentally knocking these over 😭
His first day he reached across his lil intern desk adjacent to Jeans to answer the phone and just completely knocked off his stapler and it kinda came apart
So once he was done with the call he was like no biggie I can fix this :)
And then he spent the next 20 minutes trying to figure out how the hell to put it back together
Levi happened upon him at his desk with google up on his computer, “how to put together stapler”, and he was fiddling with it in his lap and Levi was just 🤨
Eren was so embarrassed and went beet red
But as soon as Jean started chuckling Levi was like “well help him? I’d rather not have a broken stapler and besides, it’d give you two idiots something to do.”
So of course jean was like ok 🙄 but now him and eren have been arguing and BOTH been trying to fix it for another 10 minutes
Levi comes over to check on them and he’s so disappointed he’s just like “give me the fucking stapler” and puts the pieces back together and hands it to eren like 😐.
But yeah, Eren has a tendency to break things LOL
Ok back to mans talking to himself
He can be forgetful when it comes to tasks he needs to do so you’ll often find him walking around the office muttering things to himself like “phone, phone. Listen to the voicemail on the phone.”
And sometimes he’ll sing it to himself instead of speaking it cause it he finds it keeps him entertained 🥺🤲🏼
He also has a bad habit of just humming at his desk period
Jean absolutely hates it, especially when the songs Eren’s humming get stuck in Jeans head LMAO
Levi implied he was proud of Erens work ~once and he almost cried, he had to excuse himself and Miss Parker thought he was gonna throw up
One time Levi joked about long hair not being dress code and immediately had to take it back before Eren and Jean had a crisis at their desk
But even with his little quirks and shenanigans he takes his internship very seriously and is highly knowledgeable about the core responsibilities of the job, which is definitely a reason Levi accepted his application in the first place
Eren is so punctual it’s insane, he hasn’t missed a single day at his internship and has never been more than a minute late
And he’s so cute always asking Levi what he could do better at the end of his day or if there’s anything else he needs from him
At some point Levi had to ask him to only ask it once a week cause he has other things to worry about too 😭
But Levi did admire his determination to improve
Eren may be a little silly but he’ll be damned if he’s gonna lose this internship <3
Eeeeek okok so this is officially a part of my CEO!levi universe LMAO any work that is based in this will be tagged appropriately! I’m also thinking of posting a pt.2 to this with reader 😏! Lemme know if you guys are interested! I’ll be having some more works come out with other aot boys in this universe too :)! Anyways yes I’d love any and all thoughts <3
requests are open
taglist: @plutowrites @armins-futon @peachysimp (if you’d like to be added to aot, hq, mha, or a mixture of those jus lemme know!)
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sir-sunny · 3 years
- Fukagiri is my ultimate rare pair. Favorite shit. In love with them in all iterations. Though Tokomaru also good ofc. Toko has two hands. But here’s Fukagiri hcs cuz I need people to know my love for them. It’s so hard to find content I gotta start makin it myself.
- Kyoko is the best beta reader and initial editor for Toko cuz she pays really good attention to detail and catches little things, and I imagine she gets easily invested in fiction with more personal stakes. Plus she’s a very fair critic in general.
- Kyoko knows Toko has a crush on her long before Toko does(Toko out here with that internalized homophobia 😔). But no matter who it is Kyoko is never the one to act first in a relationship, especially with all Toko’s stuff she’s gotta deal with. If it’s happening post game, I image Toko eventually confesses by writing a letter to Kyoko like, “Don’t read this for a few weeks ok?” And then she goes to hide on Jabberwock for a while cuz Fear Of Rejection lol.
- Nagito: …Hey Hajime?
Hajime: Yeah?
Nagito: Why has Toko Fukawa hiding behind our trash cans for the past two days?
Hajime: Homosexual crisis, I hear.
Nagito: Ah. Fair enough.
- Kyoko is kinda bad at feelings is the thing lmao. She sits there for like a week after reading the letter, reading it over and over and trying to discuss things with Makoto. Generally poor boy Makoto is the recipient of all Toko AND Kyoko’s gay nonsense He cares them and wants them to be happy but please. Talk to each other about these things just a little. He knows too much.
- I think they take it real slow. Like hand touching is Kyoko Third Base, and as much as Toko fantasizes about romance I feel like she probably gets way to flustered way to easy to go too far too fast. Their first kiss is a few months into dating and all their affection is very private.
- Generally it’s a fairly quiet relationship, mostly on Kyoko’s end. Nobody would guess their dating if not for Toko constantly bragging about how smart and beautiful her girlfriend is especially compared to all your girlfriends. Lmao losers. She’s proven that romance is a game that can be won and she did it.
- Toko is big into small affection like hand holding and needs lots of validation cuz of her anxiety and bad streak with romance in general. Kyoko is always willing to do hand holding, even without gloves when they’re alone. And her compliments are hard to shoot down when she’s so confident and matter of fact and logical.
- Kyoko is much more of a quality time person. Hanging out quietly and reading, or even just standing real close when they’re talking with friends is enough for her. Though she does also like little touches, especially with hair. Tucking it back. Fixing braids. Brushing. Running fingers though it.
- Toko is very attracted to intelligence and conviction. She def fell hard and fast for Kyoko, though it took her a long time to realize it, and mistook it with disdain and jealousy for a while. She’s that one post that’s like. “I had a crush on a guy in my class and so I wrote him a note that said ‘Get out of my school.’”
- Kyoko is most attracted to how passionate Toko can be. I imagine it started as her just wanting to try and understand why Toko’s Like That, and instead of Makoto’s Direct Approach, she started reading Toko’s books and asking her about them. Seeing Toko so in love with her craft and so excited about what she does was def an eye opener in multiple respects.
- This got so long I’m so sorry ahdkahdkshf I just love them.
yes!! tell me abt ur favorite rarepair i love it
i love the idea that kyoko agreed to help toko proof read her writing and at first, she considered it a job, but as time went on, she found herself genuinely enjoying reading toko's work (and in turn, became a fan of her novels)
awww kyoko definitely figures out how toko feels abt before even toko herself does aksgfjskdjg also kyoko turning to makoto for advice but he's rly no good at this type of things :// (he just wants everyone to get along and be happy kasjfgjasd)
oh these two take their relationship SO slow like. during their 10th date, they very cautiously and anxiously let their pinkies rest against each other under the table (they both went home and freaked out abt it in their own ways)
oooo i like to think that toko is surprisingly good when it comes to complementing kyoko (i mean im sure she has a notebook filled with ramblings and poems abt kyoko so)
UAgh kyoko braiding toko's hair,, its just a simple gesture but it rly means a lot between the two of themm,,,
okokokok i kinda love them aksjfgajhdf
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honeyatsu · 4 years
Can I Steal It From You?  Hitoshi Shinso x F! Reader
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Warnings: Spoiler, sorta.
Summary: You and your best friends are playing a game of truth or dare, when someone suggests you do a rather bold Tik Tok challenge on your crush.
I got this idea from the Tik Tok trend where you ask to steal someones last name, y’know like that one song but I don’t remember what its called lmao. The first time I saw it was from the Tik Tok user: urghurly. 
I haven't creatively wrote in a long time. I’m just trying to get back to it.
Enjoy if you read.
You stood by your friends, Momo and Mina, nervous and shaking looking at the purple haired boy across of the hall where you three were standing. The two girls giggled and nudged you to go on with their dare. “C’monnn y/n, you gotta do it!” Mina exclaimed giving her a shove towards the direction of the boy.
The three of you were playing a game of truth or dare, when Mina scrolled through her phone to find a tik tok challenged, grinning at you saying she dares you to copy the exact challenge: to go up to your crush and ask to steal their last name from them. Your face heated up instantly, knowing that your crush was no secret to them. Hitoshi Shinso, just transferred to class 1-B. You had a crush on him since the sports festival, when he used his quirk on you to get to the next round.
When you approached him after it worn off, your reaction was far from what he expected. You praised him, saying how cool his quirk was and how one day he was going to be a great hero. Since that moment, you saw each other around school and had small conversations, you would often initiate all of them. You tried to take any opportunity you had to talk to him because since that day, you really liked him. Not only was he incredibly handsome, his demeanor was so laid back, unlike many of your classmates, and you saw how hard he worked and how determined and passionate he was to been seen as a hero.
“He is never going to speak to me again.” You groaned as you hid your face in your hands. Mina and Momo couldn’t help but laugh at how shy you were being, considering you are actually pretty outgoing and rarely get flustered this easily.  
“You got this, girl!”
Before you knew it, you were pushed and hit something- No,someone.You gulped and looked up and saw him looking down at you, a confused look on his face and a small pink tint on his cheeks. You have never been this close to him.
You could feel your two friends from the back of your head. They were watching, there was no turning back now.
“Hitoshi…” you said looking up at him, eyelashes fluttering and an innocent smile on your face. He gasped as his eyes widened, as the hands he had used to catch you, placed on your shoulders, let out a soft squeeze. Shinso considered you a friend but you weren’t on a first name basis, not yet anyways. He liked it.
“H-hitoshi…what’s your last name again?”
“My last name…L/N, you know it…You basically make it a mission to talk to me every day…it’s Shinso.” He teased back, his calm and cool demeanor coming back as soon as it left.  
“Can I steal it from you?”
He stared at you, dumb struck and his mouth open with no words coming out. What was he supposed to say after that? “A-are you flirting with me, l/n?”
Before you could apologize, assuming his reaction was not a good one, a fit of laughter broke your and Shinso’s attention away from each other. Watching Mina approached you and snatch you from the boy, placing her arm around you.
“I can’t even tell who’s more flustered! You two are so cute!” She said with a large grin. Shinso just stared at the two of you, still blushing with a confused look on his face.
You left Mina’s grasped and stood in front of him, looking down as you apologize. “I’m sorry for embarrassing you!” You raised your eyes to look at his face. He’s still blushing. Gosh, he must think I’m so weird for that.You thought to yourself. “I-it was a dare! You see, there was a tik-tok challenge and-”
“Oh.” He cut you off. He was no longer blushing and his facial expression unreadable. Annoyed, embarrassed, and …disappointed? No, that couldn’t have been it.
“I didn’t know I was such an easy target for your joke, l/n.” He moved out your way and started heading towards his class, “see you around, l/n.”
“Gosh, he must hate me.” You muttered to Mina as you two started walking back to your class. “How awkward and embarrassing.”
“Y’know Y/N, you didn’t have to tell him it was a dare. He looked kind of disappointed, if you ask me.”
I most definitely lost any chance I had with him.
Every interaction since that moment was dry. You’d shoot him a smile and wave, he would barley acknowledge you, giving you the smallest wave and barley a grin. You’d go up and try talking to him and he’d dead the conversation before it even actually started. By now it has been a week since that interaction and you’ve basically given up on any idea of confessing to him. In your mind, not only did you embarrass him by having him be the victim of your little dare but you also overstepped a boundary with him. Calling him by his first name unprovoked, not even knowing if he would be comfortable with him and flirting with him when you two haven’t joked like that before.
While you were having your internal crisis, Shinso had his own mental conflict when it came to you. Of course, he knew you were powerful and strong, you were in class 1-A. Hell, he chose to use you during the sports festival because he knew just how powerful and beneficial you were to him. He’s also not blind, you were veryattractive. The way you praised him during the sports festival after he used his quirk on you without your consent caught him by surprise and he took a mental note of who you were. After that, he saw you more often. Shinso was the type of guy who kept to himself really, it was always you going out of your way to speak to him. You two were friends, sort of. He was too busy trying to prove himself as capable and worthy of being seen as a hero, he figured making friends and thinking of others was a waste of time. He had work to do, he had to focus on his goal. But you just kept coming around.
And after your little prank, you seemed to cloud his mind. You took over. Your laugh, the way you smiled, the sparkle in your eyes when you speak to him, the way he felt you nervously shaking as you called him by his first name. All he thought about was how he wanted to hear you say it again. He’s never thought of anyone romantically; he didn’t have the time to. And here you came along, with your praises to him, your attention, and your pretty face he couldn’t get out of his head. He had to settle exactly how he felt about you and what he wanted to do about it.
Walking back to his dorm, he saw you outside sitting on a bench in your athletic wear. You had probably just gotten back from working out.Now or never, I guess.He thought to himself before silently taking the empty spot next to you.
When you noticed him sit beside you, your eyes grew wide and heart started beating faster. He’s sitting so close to me. “S-Shinso.”
He gave you a lazy smile as he slowly turned to you, “Oh? You remember my last name now?”
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or any- “
“Say it again.” He silently said before looking away and blushing.
You blinked a few times, dumbfounded at what he just said. He wasn’t mad? He didn’t feel disrespected by you crossing that boundary with him?
He sighed turning back to face you, looking straight into your eyes. “Ever since then, I just wanted to hear it again. And I couldn’t get you out of my head either. You’re really pretty, you know?”
“I-I’m sorry…you’re not mad? I thought I made you uncomfortable.”
“No.” he left out an airy laugh, “I was kind of disappointed it was just a joke though, why me?”
You took a strand of your hair and began to twist it along your fingers, a trait you picked up on when you got nervous.
It was time to confess.
“I had to do it to the person I have a crush on….” You muttered, still not looking at him and playing with your hair, holding your breath waiting for his response.
If you could only see the dumbstruck look on his face as he heard you silently confess your crush on him. He wanted you to repeat it. You had a crush on him this whole time? When did it start? What did you even see in him? He took a deep breath and decided to make a bold move at this very moment.
He slowly took your hand in his, intertwining his finger with yours. He took his free hand and lightly held your chin, turning your head to face him. “Tell me when to stop.” He studied your face as he slowly brought your faces closer together. Your wide excited eyes, your curious expression, the way your lips were quivering as he brought his face closer to yours.
Your noses were touching.
He was waiting for you to tell him to stop.
You never did.
Your first kiss was short lived, a simple sweet peck on your lips. To your disappointment, he pulled away as quickly as he kissed you. “S-sorry, first time doing something like that.” He whispered to you.
“Me too.”
And there you two sat, staring at each other both flustered and nervous. You had the widest grin on your face as you slowly took in everything that just happened.
“Shin- Hitoshi.” You corrected yourself, “Does this mean we’re….”
He smiled as he gently squeezed your hand. “Yeah, you’re mine now.”
I gotta thank the girls for this one.
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adifferenttime · 3 years
Andrew Ryan vs. Robert House
On almost every House post I make, someone in the notes will reliably reference Andrew Ryan. I totally get it - they look similar, they're based on the same guy, the parallels are so clear that the NV dev team added an achievement for killing House with a golf club - but I think these commonalities tend to engulf both characters, blotting out some of their more interesting ideological/personal differences. It's useful to examine them in relation to one another, but part of that is figuring out what distinguishes them, which is just what I’ve attempted to do.
It's difficult for me to talk about Randian objectivism because I don't think it's sound enough to address on its own terms, but considering this is the philosophy Andrew Ryan has adopted, I kind of have to. What I’d identify as the core premise of Randian ethics is this: altruism is a moral wrong. Some Randians have argued that isn't really what they believe - that the real point is anything resembling altruism is self-interest in disguise - but they're departing from the beliefs of their icon when they make those claims. Per Rand:
The irreducible primary of altruism, the basic absolute is self-sacrifice – which means self-immolation, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-destruction – which means the self as a standard of evil, the selfless as a standard of the good.
The way Rand defines altruism is by linking it to self-sacrifice, which she uses to differentiate it from kindness or benevolence. Aiding others at no cost to yourself is benevolent, but not altruistic, and therefore not evil. Sacrificing your happiness to help another human being is, from Rand's perspective, evil, as is any philosophy that prioritizes the other at the cost of the self. This whole idea has been broadly rejected by most scholars on account of it being really fucking stupid. What justifies the leap from "man is naturally selfish" to "selfishness is good"? If selfishness is moral, wouldn't the most moral behavior be to exploit others through whatever means necessary, favoring force over the market? Rand defines happiness as "using your mind’s fullest power," achievable only when you "do not consider the pleasure of others as the goal," but why is this the only definition? What if your only options are self-sacrificial in nature? How do you weigh them if neither sacrifice is linked to values, individual achievement, or "your mind's fullest power" at all? Rand didn't care because she was too busy trying to ethically justify cheating on her man with her best friend's husband, but nonetheless, this is the philosophy Andrew Ryan’s adopted. He claims that "Altruism is the root of all Wickedness," in what's almost a direct quote from Rand herself.
To that end, Ryan builds a system that doesn’t just accept selfishness but actively incentivizes it. Every other principle he expresses is subservient to the ideas that selfishness rules man, and that for Ryan to act on his own selfish impulses is the highest good in the world. His lesser political principles (individual liberties, negative rights, the creation of a stateless society) don’t matter to him as much as the central precept from which they stem: that selfishness is his moral imperative.
What is the greatest lie every created? What is the most vicious obscenity ever perpetrated on mankind? Slavery? The Holocaust? Dictatorship? No. It's the tool with which all that wickedness is built: altruism.
It doesn't come as a particular surprise to me when he starts imprisoning dissidents or executing rivals or banning theft (standard practice in most societies, but not what an egoist would pursue; if you can get away with taking it, you deserve to have it, or so the thinking goes). I’ve seen him described as a hypocrite, but I don’t think that’s necessarily true considering everything he does is in line with his opposition to altruism. He'll adhere to his other principles only if they don’t sabotage his pursuit of personal power. This is evident in the fact that he only adopts a negative perception of Fontaine when his own interests are threatened, but doesn’t give two shits what Fontaine might be doing to sow conflict and harm people before that point. A guy named Gregory asks Ryan to step in against Fontaine early on before Fontaine's fully established himself as a threat to Ryan's power, and Ryan's extremely blase about it.
Don't expect me to punish citizens for showing a little initiative. If you don't like what Fontaine is doing, well, I suggest you find a way to offer a better product.
Contrast this with how he reacts when Fontaine has risen as a genuine business rival. This is from the log titled "Fontaine Must Go."
Something must be done about Fontaine. While I was buying buildings and fish futures, he was cornering the market on genotypes and nucleotide sequences. Rapture is transforming before my eyes. The Great Chain is pulling away from me.
This double standard is the natural outgrowth of his prioritization of self-interest. If your most deeply-held belief is that you should never give up your interests for others, ancillary rules become flexible in times of personal crisis, and Bioshock makes the case that putting someone like that in charge of a city will leave you with a crumbling, monstrous ruin.
Superficially, House has some similarities. Ryan executes political rivals; House has you blow up a bunker of his ideological opponents. Ryan is the highest authority in Rapture; House is the absolute monarch of Vegas. Their goals and moral codes, though, are almost diametrically opposed. When you ask House why you’re expected to trust him when he’s openly admitting to installing himself as the despot of the New Vegas Strip, he says this:
I have no interest in abusing others... Nor have I any interest in being worshipped as some kind of machine-god messiah. I am impervious to such corrupting ambitions.
Most of his resources are devoted to large-scale, impersonal projects, aimed either at building the power of Vegas or securing his long term goal of “progress” as he sees it. He’s rejected selfishness as a moral good because House is very far from Randian objectivism. He's a Hobbesian monarch.
In that respect, he shares an outlook on human nature with Ryan that I deeply disagree with (that human beings are essentially selfish), but in terms of what that means for the structure of a utopian society, House takes a very different position. From his perspective, human nature breeds suffering, not industriousness, and the only way to stamp out conflict - and, in a post-nuclear age, ensure the continued survival of the human race - is through a strong sovereign. The purpose of a state as laid out in Leviathan aligns very, very closely with the one House expresses.
...the foresight of their own preservation, and of a more contented life thereby; that is to say, of getting themselves out from that miserable condition of war which is necessarily consequent, as hath been shown, to the natural passions of men...
The monarch's successes are reflected in his society and the well-being of humanity as a whole. To subvert his goals is to subvert society's goals, and to doom humanity to the war, death, and suffering that exist in a state of nature. When you destroy his Securitrons/kill him, he doesn't plead for himself or get offended on his own behalf. He accuses you of betraying not him, but mankind.
Single-handedly, you've brought mankind's best hopes of forward progress crashing down. No punishment would be too severe. Fool... to let... personalities... derail future... of mankind? ...Stupid! Slavery... the future of... mankind? What... have you... done?
An important corollary of this idea which again distinguishes House from Ryan appears in Leviathan’s description of the political/moral responsibility of a monarch to his subjects:
...that great Leviathan, or rather, to speak more reverently, of that mortal god to which we owe, under the immortal God, our peace and defence. For by this authority... he hath the use of so much power that, by terror thereof, he is enabled to form the wills of them all, to peace at home, and mutual aid against their enemies abroad.
Hobbes and House give the monarch virtually unlimited power but match it to the monarch's duty, which he lives to fulfill. His obligation is to speak for the people, act for them, and protect them from all threats, internal and external. House generally abides by this, orienting his decisions around his goals for society irrespective of the personal cost (the negative consequences of his actions are a product of his fucked evaluations of what’s best for society, not personal greed). It’s not just a departure from Ryan’s philosophy but a complete refutation of it. He's almost died for what he's misidentified as the greatest good.
Given that I had to make do with buggy software, the outcome could have been worse. I nearly died as it was…. I spent the next few decades in a veritable coma.
This is not the behavior of an egoist. This is the behavior of an extremely arrogant but marginally altruistic (from a Randian perspective lmao) guy. This is some distorted “from each according to his ability” shit if you’ve managed to convince yourself your abilities exceed those of everyone else who has ever lived and that you can get the Mandate of Heaven by being really good at statistics.
The reason these guys develop such similar structures and hierarchies despite the ideological gulfs between them is because both of them are elitists who’ve experienced a massive failure of self-consciousness. They’re unable to conceive of other people as being fundamentally like them. Ryan separates people into the clearly-delineated classes of “producer” and “parasite,” ignoring the fact that everything he’s ever “produced” was reliant on a huge, coordinated effort between workers, architects, accountants, middlemen, and others, all of whom, in conjunction, contributed more to the realization of his dreams that he ever could have alone. Rather than realizing his own position is more parasitic and reliant on other people’s labor than that of anyone else in Rapture, he adheres to his doctrine of selfishness even when it’s not reflective of reality and is ruining the the lives of an entire city of people. He deludes himself into believing he’s a superman among ants instead of one flawed man who is reliant on the goodwill of others to help him survive, as are we all.
House, too, thinks he’s exceptional. Unlike Ryan, he acknowledges the necessity of the worker to a functioning society, but while he’ll accept his reliance on that labor, he doesn’t trust the laborer enough to share political power. House knows he’s invested in humanity’s survival and the creation of a better world, but he refuses to consider that he might not be alone in this goal. He chalks up the existence of the Legion to fanaticism/the ambitions of a sultanistic dictator and attributes everything the NCR has done to greed, without it ever occurring to him that the massive harm these nations have done was partially motivated by the same goals he’s devoted himself to - and that the atrocities he’s committed since his rise to power are, in some respects, very similar. House knows himself to be invested in the well-being of humanity, but he’s too arrogant to ask himself if his methods are wrong or trust other people to build a new path, one that doesn’t necessitate his complete control over the land and people of the Mojave. Ryan and House’s worldviews are distinct, and their flaws, as highlighted by their respective narratives, say some interesting things about how each set of devs view power and the pitfalls of elitism.
Anyway. If you put these two men in a room, they would probably try to murder each other, and I think that’s great.
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satorinnie · 3 years
03. a very chaotic first day
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you were in an internal crisis. this was definitely not how you planned your first day to go. if the first lesson you missed was a normal one that would at least be more acceptable. but an honors class which was government and politics? that was a no no.
you were sprinting so fast, you were worried for a second that you missed the school; which, thank the gods, you didn’t.
you were thankful you texted ayaka, since she was the one who woke you out of your dream of school starting this late. for a top student you could be very stupid sometimes.
reaching the school gates, you slowed down a little, but still speed-walking because it was now break time and you had missed the lesson fully. you were now on your way to the class ready with a full blown apology to the teacher hoping she would understand whatever excuse you had up your sleeve.
with a map in your hand that came with the schedule you took yesterday, you tried to find your way not realizing you bumped into someone until they screamed behind you, “fuck— watch where you’re going!”
not turning back you lifted an arm waving it as a sign of apology, “sorry!!”
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suna was left standing in the middle of the hallway, half of his water splashed on his blazer. he wasn’t in a good mood already, and now his mood was even worse.
first day of school and your top is already wet.
he couldn’t get a good look at the one at fault since she practically ignored his presence moving on with whatever she was engrossed with.
since he was worried for ayaka last night, he didn’t exactly get the most relaxing sleep. though his teammates kept pestering him about how he was in love with the girl since he was always looking after her, suna always declined them. he has been childhood friends with ayaka for a very long time, their mothers were close as well...before ayaka’s mother passed away that is. and he felt the need to protect her; as a sister to him.
he didn’t get to see her before school started because he had woken up late, but now he was on his way to her, ready to question about the person she had stayed at last night. but the second he took a step forward, his eyes caught the phone laying on the ground. guessing it belonged to the girl that bumped him, he slid it into his pocket to give if he came across her again.
reaching his friends in their usual spot he pulled ayaka to his side by her shoulder and rested his back against the wall. “so princess, ready to explain last night? you had us really worried.”
“suna! ah i will but i need y/n here with me!”
suna turned to look at the twins in front of him, “who’s y/n?”
atsumu shrugged, “i don’t know man, but it think that’s the chick ayaka stayed over at”
“yeah she is! and i want her here so we can explain together.” she pushed suna’s arm off her shoulder to reach for her phone, and three seconds later suna’s pocket started to vibrate. raising a single brow, he reached for the phone to see ayaka’s name flashing on it.
“suna...why do you have y/n’s phone with you?” ayaka looked at him with a puzzled expression.
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three; a very chaotic first day
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zey’s notes
- lmao finally posted this chapter,,,suna’s pov wasn’t best ik ik, but it was like a trial run since part 2 of a soulmate who wasn’t meant to be will have his pov in it
- anyways i would really appreciate your opinions on this series so far!! it would mean a lot :))
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watanabes-cum-dump · 2 years
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My new favourite doodle of Sephiroth and an old Final Fantasy OC. I actually made this recently because I’m revamping said OC for my original story. Rambling abt her under the cut
Her name is Riku and she’s either training for SOLDIER or is already a SOLDIER. Young me didn’t make it clear. On the one hand she’s very skilled and Genesis remarks about how she should be promoted for her skills, and on the other she is being trained by Sephiroth. Additionally, I don’t believe she’s had Mako injections/hasn’t been exposed to them for too long since she has yellow eyes. Sephiroth remarks internally how they seem to glow, which I believe is metaphorical but Mako does give people exposed to it a glow in their eyes. Idk if it actively changes their eye colour or only gives them that glow so I can’t say for certain where she is lmao. 
Her fanfic isn’t getting a rewrite just because I don’t care much for Final Fantasy that much anymore and because I would need to write in parts of Crisis Core which I would die doing lol. Also I really don’t like how she’s supposed to be a love interest for Sephiroth despite being about ten to twelve years younger than him. I know I regularly joke abt liking older men and that I am a certified (fictional) DILF fucker, but this is too much. I would age her up a bit, since I don’t think you can even apply to SOLDIER at eighteen years old. 
Instead, say I were theoretically to rewrite her fic, I think she should have been Sephiroth’s apprentice like Zack is sort of Angeal’s. They’re both lonely prodigies who don’t understand regular people too much. It’s very interesting to think of Sephiroth taking her under his wing since her backstory has some implies some heavy trauma. He may not relate to it at this stage but his circumstances growing up were definitely not ideal for a child considering he didn’t even know his parents’ names until he was like thirty and was probably raised within Shinra. I love the idea of Sephiroth accidentally becoming this traumatized teenager’s father lmao. I also really like writing father/child relationships because my relationship with my dad is far from ideal. 
Genesis notes how she laughs a lot and makes out of place jokes a lot as if compensating for something which Riku merely brushes off. In literally the first chapter she remarks about how she’s not allowed to learn the true extent of her (very wealthy) family’s fighting technique/some other secret (young me was not clear lmao) until she’s married. So her family is likely very patricarchal and she’s either an only child or the eldest considering she knows this top secret technique, not a good position. 
In this theoretical rewrite I would have Riku be a SOLDIER already, and maybe friends with Zack because the mental image of Angeal and Sephiroth trying to wrangle in their respective hyperactive apprentice is very funny to me. She’s going against her family’s wishes in doing so since she was supposed to get married right out of high school and be a good little trophy wife. Most of the story would surround her freeing herself from her family and being herself. I think I’d also have her struggle with her feminity a bit because that’s a natural result of being told you’re there to commodify men or that as a woman you are expected to be this and that. Especially when people close to you do this it’s very damning to your self image. (Boy do I know that feeling *looks at my dad*) 
Riku would also help Sephiroth’s emotional situation out greatly, I just really love almost familial mentor/student relationships okay. I have a vivid image of Riku fucking something up and Sephiroth expressing how he’s not disappointed in her but rather a little upset for the time being. A perfect contrast to her own shitty ass father boy I’m projecting hard. Crisis Core Sephiroth just seems like such a guy, he doesn’t seem hateful in any capacity at all. And the way him and Zack interact is cute, I really love the scene where they’re talking on the phone and Sephiroth just sounds like a father trying to calm down his over exited son. Still chugging copuim will FF7 remake part two give us sane Sephiroth? 
Anyways point is Sephiroth being a supportive father figure/mentor, albeit a bit strict, doesn’t seem very far fetched. I believe that him and Riku would start out at some odds, since to be fair, I don’t think having yet another man having to keep you in line and exercise power over you sounds appealing to someone who’s only ever had negative experiences with older men. But Sephiroth will be damned if he can’t train up someone to be better than him and eventually gets through to her. Yes, he is strict but he acknowledges when it’s too much and when Riku has met his expectations. Even if she doesn’t, CC! Sephiroth doesn’t strike me as a complete piece of shit. 
And it all seems great with just a little bit of the Crisis Core plot looming over everyone’s heads. Until Riku is forced to resign from SOLDIER because her father is marrying her off to some rich prick. This affects her greatly and she’s barred from going to Nibelheim with Zack and Sephiroth, either a blessing or a curse. Sephiroth solemnly sends her off with a small ornamental knife “Your dowry, or a wedding gift. You decide” 
And then we don’t see her again until he events of Advent Children/whatever the shit happens after the FF7 remake. Yayyy. 
This is just me writing notes for her character arc when she inevitably shows up in my original story. 
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i hc wilbur made tommy president because he planned to go and press the button while tommy spoke and kill him along with himself
wilbur wanted end all his unfinished symphonies and as the person who raised tommy- he raised him like he raised l'manberg. he doesnt care for fundy- not since he denounced him- so he wanted to end him :)
i need a fic where tommy is the one who goes to stop wilbur and wilbur fucking stabs him before pressing the button saying "it was never meant to be" tommy loses both first and last lives to that phrase
tommys last words are it was always meant to be fucking wilbur survives the explosion and has no one to kill him and now he has to live with the consqunces tommy becomes toast- short for ghost tommy i refuse to write so many letters each time- and immeditly looks for his older brothers and he finds wilbur first :) wilbur is exiled for his crimes and also out of fear- they tried to rehabilate him! they really did but then he freaked out over seeing toast... in a bad way.... and he and toast burned georges house on toast suggest (maybe we should burn something! that always helps me calm down!) this is after wilbur is trusted enough to be not... in a prison... after phil convinced them he needs help and toast tries his best ok- (WHO LEFT WILBUR WITH TOAST!) (I THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME! I WAS ONLY LEAVING FOR FIVE MINUTES! AND RANBOO WAS THERE TOO!) and toast tries to go with but everyone is like "yeah no" and toast is like "whhhhyyy i just wanna stay with wilby!" and everytime anyone tries to tell tommy about the wrongs that have happened to him he screams and clutches his head in pain and everytime he comes back he doesnt remember the convo toast,,, is the most BABY toast calls everyone cutesy nicknames unironcially he calls eret rere toast, chriping happily: TECHIE!!!! tubbo: TOMMY STAY AWAY FROM HIM! toast, in a very lost and confused voice: why? techno, freaking out: tommy? toast: hi!!!!!!! im toast!!!!!! :D techno: lowkey ab to cry toast: NOOOOOOOO DUN CRI! toast: there there techie... i know what will help! tubbo, sighing: arson? toast: ARSON! phil comes just in time to find tommys dead body and l'manberg gone hes not around for the withers neither hes there just to see the crater and wilbur in chains with blood on his hands trying to off himself phil will forever blame himself for not making it in time :> dream: taking wilbur away in boat toast, floating behind the boat: o^o dream do you have any games on your phone .///^///. looks at exileinnit hmmm spins roulette wheel who should i hurt... i picked d all of the above they dont let toast go with him but because he is baby and you can't tell him what to do tubbo: sighs finally now that the exiles done toast can you- tubbo: looks up tubbo: GOADDAMN IT
toast is promptly kidnapped back to l'manberg the next day toast keeps going back tho and no one understands why- he literally killed him! why does he keep wanting to go back! (toasts unfinished buisness keeping him tied was helping wilbur and l'manberg- he loved wilbur even at his worst)
toast vibes around everyone but he stays with wilbur- where ever wilbur goes is where he builds his home
its shitty but its an 'ome Toast, teary eyed: Dad? Why does everyone hate Wilby? Why can't I be with him... Phil, with no idea what to do: niki bakes cakes with niki whenever hes in l'manberg he keeps accidently setting her bakery on fire but hes sMOL AND GIGGLES A LOT AND HE HAS FLOUR ON HE GODDAMN SELF toast is a part of mexican l'manberg i dont make the rules mexican dream: AYYYYYYYYY HOMIE toast, giggling: 'OMIE!!!!!
Toast is wholesome while everyone is literally willing to murder Wilbur while also trying to stop him from khs toast is just a very happy lovely child and cries whenever anyone is mean to 'his big brother wilby!' and so they all constantly glare daggers over toasts shoulder wherenever he cant see em meanwhile Phil is just dying inside because Tommy is a ghost by Wilbur's hands and Wilbur keeps trying to commit suicide and oh god what is he supposed to do- he simply avoids this struggle by avoiding them toast, waddling up to philza: papa do you have any games on your phone? all im saying is that tommy called phil papa before changing to dad or fathercraft phil,in the tired parent voice: tommy please sit down- just for five minutes- at least for 5 minutes toast: sits down and then proceeds to struggle to continue to sit but he must because dad told him to toast is just ADHD incarnate wilbur, trying to end himself: im gonna escape my consequences toast: HI!!!!! :D wilbur: FUCK ITS MY CONSEQUENCES toast,,,, is so baby Wilbur is just not allowed to have anything remotely sharp i like how theres so much angst and im just hyper focusing on ba yby dream uses toast the same way he uses ghostbur! :D toast doesnt realize of course even after wilbur tells him dream is bad but he keeps forgetting!!! Everyone: da baby Dream: how can I profit from this oh dream is manipulating wilbur btw wilbur: suffering toast: i made you a card toast trusts eret wholeheartedly and this hurts eret because she knows if toast remembered he probably wouldnt- they wanted redemption but not like this- not because of death Toast: you look cool Toast: you are friend now Eret: sobs I don't deserve this Toast: what did I do wrong Toast: how can I help friend!!!!! Eret: sobbing more toast looks at everyone says "ah! friend shaped!" if ur wondering wheres the angst toast is the angst- toast is just tommy without any bad memories and hes so different they thought he was happy before they thought he was fine tommy was hurt too but since he internalized it no one cared toast sees wilbur being sad and goes! i know what will help! n-not arson tho people dont like arson when you do it.... BUT ITS OKAY! I BROUGHT A FRIEND! shows friend, the sheep and wilbur just fucking sobs Toast is wholesome chaotic in a perfect mix- toast is tommy but without the 'asshole on purpose as a self defense mechanism" someone mentioned something about Tommy masking insecurities once Toast doesn't remember. and he's fine with that he doesn't have any insecurities toast hurts because in retrospect toast, meeting bad: WOAAAAAAH! YOU LOOK SO FUCKING COOL! bad: LANGUAGE! toast, cringing back, looking at the ground: ..sorry :( bad: ...you can swear toast: :D bad: once toast hasnt sworn since "hes saving it for special occasions" sometimes he accidently swears and immedtly gasps and looks at bad and bad just sighs and is like "its okay it was an accident" bad never would have thought itd take letting tommy swear for him to stop huh... its almost like... hes a child.... and the negetive reienforcement.... was doing more harm then good.... toast: exists in an amount of happiness no one has ever seen him in before everyone: pain how much pain was tommy in before? they thought tommy was happy- was... was he not happy? he's so unabashedly joyful and energetic looking back they can see how forced every laugh felt, every smile- He's not afraid to just talk to people, make new friends he became so much more cautious after Eret, had it really effected him that badly? He's open. He never lies about how he's feeling, never brushes anything away how much was Tommy hiding, how much pain, how much fear- It's chilling. bone chilling. There's no way to fix what's been lost. No way to apologize to who Tommy used to be, to try and make it better. None of them every bothered to see him as anything more than a nuisance, an annoying child or cannon fodder and they'll regret it for the rest of their lives everyone: having a mental crisis toast: GUYYYYSS!! I MADE ANOTHER FRIEND!!!
"Wilby?" Wilbur heard Tommys voice say in an innocent tone.
Was he hearing things? Tommy's dead. He killed him himself.
"Wilby why are you in prison?" The image of his little brother asked, "Did you commit arson without me?" it asked in a pout.
"TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled running into the cell where Wilbur was kept, going through the bars with ease, "Tommy get away from him!"
"But 'ubbo!!!! Wilby is 'ere!!!!" Tommy (?) said with a smile Wilbur hadn't seen since Tommy was a child.
"Tommy, I understand you don't remember anything right now but you need to come back over here!" Tubbo demanded and Tommy flinched
Wilbur was struck with the sudden realization that this isn't just his mind- no no it can't be- but Tubbo acknowledged him he has to- Wilbur reached his locked hands towards Tommy only for him to pass through him. What? No no it was just his imagination that makes sense.
"Oh sorry Wil! I'm kinda dead! I don't remember how i died... but i think im a ghostie!" Tommy said plainly, floating off the floor. Wilbur looked at him in confusion. Whats happening?
the first time toast sees the crater toast srceams in intense amount of pain- its so loud you can hear it all over the smp- and just dissapears for a few days before reappearing with no memories of what happened toast saying things tommy thought but never said- he calls eret "big brother" and eret fucking d i e s toast cals all the l'manbergians older siblings He's far too honest for anyone to handle tommy was always honest too but he learned from experince that honesty only lead to hurt Tommy was like an enderchest, you could never see beyond the exterior, everything inside was exclusive to him and him alone Toast is like when someone dies and all their fuckin items explode onto the ground. you just see everything and most of it was  pain and everyone feels bad because they thought he was the only one uneffected that nothing had ever put a damper on his happiness and energetic smile- at what point had that smile became fake? also for angst reasons the last memory toast has is before the elections toast has uwu boy vibes but more chaotic toast goes to dream smp from logstedshire purely for sam nook toast starts making his hotel since he sees nobody has a home (including dream LMAO) (and he wants to make a safe place since everyone keeps saying something about war) and wants to make one and asks sam for help since apparently hes good at building and sam lets him pay after he finishs the hotel and sam nook is there since day one because i dont think i could handle a world without sam nook toast: biting everyone tubbo: wHY DO YOU DO THAT?????? toast: once techie bit all the cupcakes and then said it was his cuz he bit it so im biting everyone to show their mine!!!!! tubbo: i- tubbo: i am both flattered and disgusted everyone, remembering how tommy used to bite everyone upon meeting and then everyone would get mad at him and yell at him until he stopped biting people on meeting: sadly whips and nae naes hes a BABY toast deserves the fucking world also i havent talked ab it but there is wilbur and fundy angst here fundy confronts wilbur also not that fundy is angry about not not not getting murdered by his father but also why does he consider tommy his unfinished sympohny and not him? he raised fundy too- maybe he just only ever loved tommy (based off his insecurity of how close wilbur and tommy are based off wilbur raising tommy and wilbur only being there for fundy by the time he was older and also using hybrid age go nyoom for this dream manipulates toast during wilburs exile along with wilbur and toast realizes both of them were being used by him and fucking screams lourder than he ever has before and dissapears for a week and then shows up at technos house (he got lost and he didnt know why he was at logsted shire- he doesnt remember the place) on the day of the excution and tries to help technoblade but keeps forgetting that everyone is trying to kill techno the butcher army is hesitant when "hey why are you all attacking big brother Techy-" "HE SPAWNED WITHERS IN L'MANBERG!" "he did?" toast asked tilting his head in confusion "YES! HE DID! AFTER YOU DIED! NOW WHERE IS HE TOAST! WE NEED TO CAPTURE HIM!" whenever tubbo talks ab how theyre planning on excuting techno or how there was no trial toast has flashbacks to tubbos excution but hes never able to hold on to the memories just leaving him feeling bad toast sees anything traumatic and just makes the blue screen noise toast has to reboot every time anything truamatic happens and when he does he doesnt remember what happens after
toast hurts on a "THE FUCKING IMPLICATIONS OF THIS" level just.. everyone trying to make up for not noticing tommys hurt and trying to be good to toast when its already too late... far too late glatt is also here because whenever ytoast dissapears after something trauamtic he bounces back to the land of the dead for the bit and sometimes he drags glatt out to the land of the living with him only works bc toast has unfinished buisness so he can freely go between and just stays in the land of the lving until he can finish his unfiinshed buisness ghostbur and toast wouldve been good friends if they ever met anyone yells at toast and he immeditly starts sobbing
basically when everything is calm and peaceful and everyone is happy together after dream is in prison and toast is like "oh... this is what ive always wanted"
"toast?" tubbo asked, confused toast smiled softly, "i think its time for me to go" "what?" wilbur asked his pitch unusually high due to the fear lacing his voice "i think... i think this was my unfinished buisness... this is the last thing i wanted when i was alive, the reason i stayed... i think its finally my time to go now" toast said smiling tearfully "no! you vcan't go! we just got you back!"
basically when everything is finally ok, when things finally calm down toast fades back to the void/afterlife thing
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