#[[Lottie just judging the social media mindset of sharing too much private information]]
charlotte-liddel · 1 year
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"If it wasn't obvious to many of my customers already: I will not keep my opinions to myself if I am faced with something directly! If you're doing all your suspect shit in public view, or in front of me specifically, I will very much comment on it."
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"If you want your privacy valued, maybe don't go having your dangly bits drifting in the wind in the middle of a crowded street or mall. The concept shouldn't be that hard to grasp. Though maybe the mindset taught by social media these days is bleeding too far out of its bubble."
Lottie is more checking her smartphone right now as she says this, but there is an occasional glance to the window. People are oversharing too much in public these days, and can't take that oversharing of their own volition being judged even slightly.
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