#[☆彡] — tiresome ted talks
erenscherub · 2 years
i know that it’s explicitly stated throughout the series that eren and the reader’s parents mutually hate dislike each other but was this true at the beginning of their relationship? or did it gradually get to that point? i always think about eren going to your parents’ house to ask for their blessing and they’re just like “… uh no” but he just proposes anyways 😭
did he ask for their blessings? what was their first impression of him?
Hi, Nonnie!! ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Ok this has to be one of my favorite asks so far. I can go on a tangent of the ups and downs of Eren’s relationship with his in-laws.
When you first started dating Eren, your parents tolerated him. Though Eren was your first serious relationship, they tried their best to be cordial with him since they thought it was a fling. Something along the lines of, ‘Oh this is just a phase Y/N is going through. They’re just dating and Eren isn’t actually serious about our daughter. She’ll actually settle down with Colt, or Marcel, or anyone else soon enough.’
But a few months turned into a year which then turned into several years. And then your parents were in full stop denial and were thinking this was a some long-ass fling until Eren asked for their blessing one day.
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Your parents: ‘Shit, we might be stuck with you forever? Why not Marcel? Colt? Someone—like anyone else??’
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So Eren had to propose multiple times. But after you said yes, that’s when they weren’t as polite and cordial with Eren. You even stopped speaking to them for a period of time because of how torn up Eren was that his future in-laws didn’t like him. Carla and Grisha welcomed you with open arms into the family. His older siblings, Mikasa and Zeke, have always been fond of you.
Your parents do show up to the wedding but after you decide to move to New Hampshire with Eren, they put on their best behavior and are cordial again with Eren. They don’t call him ‘son’ or greet him with hugs. But they’ll at least say ‘hello’ and won’t start comparing him to Colt or Marcel as soon as you’re out of ear shot.
The time from when Eliza is born until her third birthday party is the best the relationship between Eren and his in-laws have been. Eliza is the only grandchild so far on both sides of the family so your parents begin to cut him some slack and their opinion of him begins to improve.
They are almost on friendly terms with him and try to give him the benefit of the doubt until all shit hits the fan when Annie, Colt, and Zeke had let it slip to the in-laws how pissed they were at Eren for not being there for you at any of the ultrasounds and when you lost the baby. And then Mikasa adds more to the fire when she also calls them ahead of time to pick you and Eliza up from the airport when Eren stood you up at your already twice-rescheduled wedding anniversary dinner.
You’re actually pretty tight-lipped about what’s going on between you and Eren until something bad happens and you can’t bottle up your feelings anymore.
So initially, it’s not as if your parents actively hated Eren. Even Eren can’t fault them for wanting the absolute best for you. But your parents should have just toned down how much favoritism they held towards Marcel and Colt and how much they wished things could have progressed between you with either of them. But after the affair starts between Eren and his co-worker, and it gets to the point where all your mutual friends and even the kids began picking up how rocky your marriage had gotten and relaying that shit back to your parents how they’re concerned over how Eren treats you is when they no longer hold back on how they wish you and Eren never got together.
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erenscherub · 2 years
Hey, your answer to your last ask is so relatable, i'm a pharmacy student and everything you said about science is really accurate. I wanna praise your choice of words in the series as well, and how your explanations wouldn't bore someone who is hugely uninterested in scientific topics. I also loved how you expressed the way your mc went through miscarriage. The series are very well written, but i just wished eren and mc were more private abt their relationship, maybe eren didnt need constant lectures and fights from others and that he should have been the one to protect mc from everything and from himself, at the same time i wish i could hit him on the carotid artery and be done with him and his drama
I discovered your blog today while on a study break and i binge read your series seasons, your style is so good, I can't wait to finish this month exams so that i can read your other works.
Thank you so much for your kind review 🤧🤧
It’s always nice to talk to a fellow pre-med student! I have two close friends right now that are on the pharmacy track and I wish you all luck with your coursework! Shit’s hard. I think the worst classes for me were molecular bio, genetics, and o-chem.
“I could hit him on the carotid artery and be done with his drama” BAHAHA. Poor Eren, it’s like another ‘donut’ situation.
More rambling under the cut cause it got pretty long
My friend E said the same thing that everyone needs to mind their business when it comes to the reader and Eren. But then she also admitted if one of her best friends was going through such a rough patch and wasn’t being treated well, she’d be encouraging her friend to leave their partner.
I do agree if this was real and not a work of fiction, there’s a lot of things that would not fly well for me. 100% agree that some things especially the anniversary dinner and the birthday party as well as the fight when the reader got back from California should have been matters handled privately.
And if I tried to keep my daughter from learning certain things about her father and my parents still went behind my back after I told them not to, I probably would have had a conversation with my parents and friends on boundaries or threaten going no contact.
I think Amanda and Zeke have always been meddlers. But for the most part, your other friends like Colt, Marcel, Annie, Petra, and Mikasa haven’t really been as vocal or intrusive until the last year of your marriage when things were getting so bad to the point even Cyrus was picking up on the non verbal cues that something was wrong. Because in the end, Eren is still Mikasa and Zeke’s brother. And Annie and Petra were Eren’s friends first.
Though kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, when Cyrus, Eliza’s best friend who spends a lot of time around Eren began acting up around him, that’s what caught everyone’s attention and they started to be more nosy. I’m a firm believer that kids and dogs’ aversion to certain people can be telling. Basically the affair has been going on for roughly almost two years but it’s after Eren kept messing up consecutively in December that’s when the reader’s friends were more intent on stepping in to mediate since the mc is the type of person to bottle up all her feelings/push everything under the rug and pretend everything is fine
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erenscherub · 3 years
So, why Eren can't reflect the love in his eyes when he apologies or tell Y.N. how he is so in love with her? I guess that fact makes reader feel so bad. He doesn't love her anymore? 🥺 is only lust and desire for him? 🥺 can’t wait for the next chapter honey
Hey bubz,
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Oh before I forget, I’m not ignoring your other ask. I will get to the headcanons. It’ll probably be the next thing I post. Just after I clear the cobwebs in my brain and get the creativity flowing again.
And as for this ask, I’m trying to find the best way to answer this ask without spoiling too much 😅😅
Ok, where to start.
So let’s begin with how Eren’s eyes are described as a kaleidoscope of colors that reflect how he’s feeling. Jade for anger, disappointment, or sadness. Sea green for happiness or amusement. Emerald when he’s looking (*cough* and thinking/reminiscing *cough cough* about someone he loves).
Eren is very much in love with the reader. He’s never loved anyone as much as you, save for Eliza. And he’s never fell out of love. There’s a line in the latest chapter mentioning how whenever he’s with his work wife, he always pictures it is you beneath him.
It’s not only lust and desire for him when it comes to you. But he loves fucking you is all I gotta say. As the headcanons mentioned, no one does it for him like the reader does.
There are no feelings at all between Eren and his co-worker. They’re both still madly in love with their respective partners. Never fell out of love. In a way, the affair is kind of a self-destructive way to cope with his insecurities. Both him and his work wife are self-sabotaging their respective relationships.
Why, you ask?
Unfortunately there’s not a good answer for that question. Not every action has a clear explanation. Humans are fallible to error. I mean me personally, I do shit all the time that I can’t explain and can’t even figure out my thought process, if there even was any, at that moment.
I’m gonna have to file this under my Ted talk tag. Sorry for making this unnecessary long, my love.
God I don’t think there is a way to get out of spoiling this or giving away a hint.
Let’s just say there’s a reason why Eren kept repeatedly pleading with you during sex not to leave him. And let’s add on that while the reader is a very smart and very observant cookie, we should circle back to the point that people are not infallible to error, including incorrect conclusions.
Or maybe I’m just purposely trying to be roundabout and throw everyone off track.
I don’t know myself 😂😂
Kidding. Kidding. Love you bubz. Thanks for always taking the time to pop in my inbox. I really do appreciate all the comments and reblogs.
And as an ending note, @jeagersruletheworld summed it up perfectly- “which narrative do we trust?”
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erenscherub · 3 years
at this point in the story, how much love does Eren carry for the reader? (during her miscarriage)
Hi Nonnie! Thanks so much for asking this question. I always love chatting with you all 💕💕
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Maybe I should just make a tag like welcome to my Ted talk… tiresome Ted talks. Tedious Ted talks…
So before I get off into one of my spiels, to be brief, he never fell out of love with the reader. He still loves her just as much as when their relationship started. This may be spoilers, but he and his co-worker have no feelings for each other whatsoever, especially since they both have their own families and their respective spouses are amazing. It’s more of them chasing an adrenaline rush and having an affair just because they can.
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It’s one of those fucked up ways of thinking where Eren believes sex is different if there’s no emotions behind it.
More rambling down below the cut
So these next two chapters are flashbacks - 7a is the miscarriage and 7b is the fight after your wedding anniversary when you took Eliza with you to California. So even if Eren has a very VERY shitty way of showing it, he’s never fallen out of love with the reader.
More spoilers for chapter 9 when Marcel comes in and when Pastor Nick is mentioned in the summer arc.. but I’d say Eren is even more in love with the reader after Eliza was born because when the reader and him starting dating, you made it clear that having children was at the very back of your mind. So when Eren tells you that it is your choice and he will respect whatever decision you decide, and your response was, “as long as you’re by my side I know I’ll never regret anything.”
I’ve always pictured Eren in a modern au! as a very impulsive and says and does whatever comes to his mind without thinking. And he’s the all or nothing type. Like he’s not very good with expressing his emotions and he’s even worse at giving apologies, but when he fucks up, he will do anything and everything to make it up to you.
Unintentionally, he makes things worse. Even though it should be common sense that attempted murder is considered morally frowned upon.
He loves the reader in his own very unhealthy, fucked up Eren-esque way.
I think in another ask I mentioned he loves Eliza because she’s another piece of you he’ll always have
He keeps handwritten grocery lists you’ve handwritten for him and physical copies of all the excel worksheets you’ve made
His possessiveness and jealous/insecure side can be shown when he tries to smother Colt in his sleep after he found out about the miscarriage and then flew to California just to threaten Marcel with a crowbar to make sure he stayed away for another year.
Even after the whole ‘donut’ situation, where my friend had to point out even if Eren was an asshole, it was still kinda fucked up for the reader to let her friends beat the shit out of him. Eren is just happy to be near you even if it took a broken nose to get to that point.
Am I basically using this asks to help me recollect my thoughts and figure out what direction I want to go with my story? Yes. And thank you very much for that.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave an ask. I hope I was able to answer your question and that you’ll enjoy future chapters, anon.
As always, sending you my love. Remember to care of yourself, stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest.
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erenscherub · 3 years
ughhhh does eren care about the reader AT ALL? will we ever get his pov and see how he feels while cheating? i’m so hurt but i love eren so much (not in this fic obvi bc he’s a jerk)
To answer your first question, yes. Just in his own fucked up way.
I’m still drafting up the first chapter of Fall. But the first and last chapter will have Eren’s POV.
This ask was longer than intended. My word vomit is under the cut.
Ngl, I’m actually really hesitant to post the last two chapters of winter seeing how everyone is on the ‘Eren just needs to die’ train. Yeah, I mean I have two friends that proofread everything before I post it and I was expecting readers to hate Eren after seeing the last two chapters of winter.
So if you’re kind of fed up with the angst, you can skip reading the next two chapters and wait until the fall arc is released. I won’t be offended at all since they’re pretty dark.
The Neuroscience chapters are mainly flashbacks going into detail of the fight mentioned in the Law of Pressure chapter.
Eren still loves the reader. Everything prior, with the exception of the first time they met, went pretty smoothly.
It’s just the past two years of their marriage have been super rocky after the affair started. And since I think I mentioned this in an earlier ask, Eren and his work wife don’t really have feelings for each other; they still love their respective partners and never fell out of love. The affair is more of an adrenaline rush/they sleep with each other just because they can. It just kind of happened one day and then they continued it
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I don’t know what to say at this point other than I’m really sorry and there’s even more angst from here until we get to summer which is just a flashback of how you met Eren and fell in love with him.
This was always intended to be an Eren divorce story with a very sad beginning and middle, and then an eventual happy-choose-your-own-ending between Marcel and Colt. And that’s because I kind of wanted to show how it can be very hard to leave a toxic relationship even when you’re aware it’s toxic. There’s so many factors such as low self-esteem, financial concerns, and even kids that perpetuate the loop and make it incredibly overwhelming and seemingly impossible to leave and move on from unhealthy relationships. So it takes a lot to push the reader get the guts to walk away from Eren.
Sorry for the word vomit. But if you did read everything, thank you.
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I hope you like the rest of the story and thank you so much for leaving an ask, anon. Sending you all my love and a virtual hug 💕
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erenscherub · 3 years
Love ur eren fic it makes me feel things, I need justice for y/n seems like he wasn’t even a good fiancé😭😭 I can’t see how their relationship will be good that man is for the streetsss
Ok, so there might be a few spoilers in here for the last two chapters of winter and the first two for fall.
Since I already posted this on AO3, I was sort of planning an eventual choose your own ending kind of thing between Marcel and Colt. In either, the reader does find happiness and will have a healthy relationship.
I’m only done with writing the winter arc, but he used to be a very doting, loving husband. Especially when you two were dating and after you accepted his proposal, (forgot what chapter it was but eren had to propose four times because Y/N was always insecure about whether he was serious about her) he was head over heels, would give Y/N one of his kidneys and then some type of in love.
While Eren did leave a very bad first impression, which we’ll eventually see in the summer arc that kind of serves as a flashback to how Eren kind of managed to win Y/N over, he actually used to treat the reader really well. But after you made Marcel the godfather of Eliza, it was a huge insecurity of Eren’s that you used to have feeling for him in medical school and potentially the only reason you didn’t end up with Marcel or Colt is because Eren got to the reader first. Which is something Zeke and your best friend Amanda and your parents constantly throw in his face.
Also from day one, both his siblings were telling Eren that he wasn’t good enough and never would be enough for you. And it doesn’t really help that after Eren missed the ultrasound appointments, you just stopped defending him— whenever someone brought it up that he was a shitty husband, you would stay silent. Of course Armin observed this and he would always relay all the shit Annie, Petra, and Mikasa would say about him to his best friend so that definitely did not help his confidence at all.
Again, it doesn’t justify Eren’s cheating at all.
But when my best friend read this story and we analyzed some of the tidbits together, the reader is also slightly toxic as well.
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Y/N used to have feelings for Marcel and though there’s nothing between them anymore, they’re still really good friends and he’s just a constant presence in your life. You know that trope where it’s the best friend everyone told you not to worry about.
Your parents and your friends absolutely hate Eren. And every time you two fight, you’ll go to a guest room to sort of cool down but afterwards, you two push everything under the rug to try and move forward instead of talking about it.
Bottom line when you further analyze it like my friend did (and we got into an hour long debate about it) she helped me see that while Eren for sure is a huge asshole, the reader isn’t completely innocent as well. It’s just a toxic relationship in general and a checklist of what a healthy marriage should not be.
I am so sorry. You probably did not ask for that whole spiel. But thank you for leaving an ask and for the support.
Love you bubz. Hope you’re staying hydrated and getting enough rest and overall just being kind to yourself 💕💕💕
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erenscherub · 3 years
heyy I just read your response to some of the asks and I know you're saying reader is also at fault which I see but I feel like it's very much about circumstance than choice kinda of thing? eren made choices deliberately that resulted in their marriage crumbling whereas reader just failed to read certain circumstances that resulted in eren feeling insecure but if this was a healthy relationship eren would've addressed it but well, it's not....this feels very biased I know but to be fair I am pretty much on reader's side I just hope reader gets justice reading about eren's fuckery makes me so angry xbsjwjjwjw
Not even gonna lie, I’m also very biased towards the reader.
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I’m currently working on the divorce chapter and I hope I’m able to execute it well enough where you all have some satisfaction seeing Eren fall apart when he’s handed the divorce papers.
“If this was a healthy relationship, they would have addressed it”
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Communication is always key to all relationships. Before writing this story, one of my goal was to try to avoid making miscommunication the main source of conflict. But shit’s hard.
Colt and Marcel don’t speak up about their true feelings towards the reader before she got into a relationship with Eren which causes all this angst on their part. You’ll see in the upcoming chapter that Carla is very much like Eren where they aren’t the best with their words. And Jean and Eren get into fights all the time because something gets misinterpreted.
I’ll just try to cut my ramble off here. Anyway thank you so much for reading and taking the time to leave an ask bubz! Super sorry it took me a while to get back to you but I hope to hear from you again! ❤️
Hope you’re staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest 😘❤️
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erenscherub · 3 years
what eren's exact reason to cheat on reader? (if it's not a spoiler)
Hi, anon!
Thank you so much for reading. I always love asks like these even if there’s the potential for spoilers because it helps me organize my thoughts or get some new ideas stirring.
And as for your question, uh…. Sorry to say but I don’t think I can pinpoint it to one exact reason.
This ask will hopefully be a more coherent summary of these two asks here and here
Hopefully this actually makes sense because I’m typing this when I’m half asleep.
So simple answer would be that some actions, especially Eren’s since he’s impulsive and stubborn, don’t really have a clear intention/reasoning behind them. His excuse would literally be like, “I’m sorry for cheating on you, baby. Shit just happens. She means nothing to me though.”
The harder to explain answer would be that the affair is a result of his own insecurity, the adrenaline rush of cheating, and because he had the opportunity to cheat.
So let’s break down the insecurity part because I think the other two are a little easier to understand.
While you may have several best friends, what matters to Eren is that Colt and Marcel, who you met in medical school and are still friends with today, are included in that list
Even if there’s no feelings at all anymore, the fact that at one point in time you used to like Marcel and at another point in time you liked Colt (you didn’t like them both at the same time) and they also reciprocated those feelings, is a HUGE insecurity of Eren’s
Basically your parents, Eren’s siblings, and your friend Amanda throw it in Eren’s face all the time that it was dumb luck on Eren’s part that you’re Mrs. (Y/L/N)-Jaeger and not Mrs. Grice or Mrs. Galliard
Again, even if there’s no more feelings at all between you and Marcel, same thing with Colt too, Eren is a little more worried about Marcel cause of the whole really really stupid deal he struck with Colt mentioned in part 2 of the history of fairytales.
Marcel is always going to be a constant part of his life because you made him Eliza’s godfather.
So the affair has been going on for about two years. And the event that sparked it would be Eren witnessing Marcel’s S/O at the time breaking off their engagement and them basically telling Eren that Marcel may not love you in a romantic sense at the moment, but you never know if he’ll go back to loving you like that again (idk does that make sense? My brain is still scrambled from anthro and immunology)
This entire post has so many links and I am so sorry for that.
I’m not excusing cheating at all or justifying Eren’s actions in the slightest.
But I do want to point out that a lot of issues in Eren’s relationship with you could have been solved by communication.
I’m so sorry if I confused you even more. Some of these questions might be answered later on in the story…? Honestly we’re answering these questions together Feel free to send me another ask for clarifying specific parts though.
Take care of yourself, anon ♡♡
Make sure you stay hydrated because temperatures are starting to rise again where I live 😭
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erenscherub · 3 years
Pd in my country means Postscript hehehe, i'm sorry for my english, I’m latina but I’m trying my next to say thankkkk u for such a perfect work. I truly love the story between eren and the reader and i’m dying to see how they meet, how was the wedding, the pregnancy!
Have a great and beautiful day at school honey! We’ll be waiting here for your art ✨❤️
Hello again my love!
It’s great to see you again.
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Don’t say sorry, your English is great! I’ve always admired people who speak more than one language. I’ve wanted to pick up Spanish for the longest time but I have the hardest time with the pronunciation that I feel bad for my friends who are so patient when teaching me vocab. Like the only phrase I can say with confidence is ‘vamos a jugar el juego.’ 😂😂
In Spanish, postscript would be posdata right? Thank you for explaining it to me 💕 is PS used as an abbreviation for any word or at all in Spanish?
And I’m so sorry I forgot to answer your original question in the previous ask. I thought I did.
I guess this is more of a headcannon but Eren and the reader have a fairly decent sex life. Which makes it all the more frustrating for the reader since she knows that Eren isn’t working on a project during those late nights at the office. And for Eren, it’s more of a habit out of this point that he can’t explain since all the meetings with his co-worker are more for the excitement than for sexual gratification. It’ll say in the next chapter that it’s been two and a half weeks since he last touched or held you because of the big-ass argument when you flew back from California. That stretch of time is the second longest you both have gone without sleeping together, second only to after you gave birth to Eliza. Even then Eren was actually the one that refused to sleep with you until at least a five week time window had passed. He had done a little research on his own (meaning Google and going to Armin, Grisha, Zeke, and Petra). After finding out that sex right after giving birth increases the risk of infection, it took a shit ton of will power to turn down your advances but he just wanted to prioritize your health and well-being. But as soon as he got the green light from your OB-GYN, you two were at it quite a bit and there’s a reason why Jean makes sure to knock when it’s just the two of you in a room together 😂😂.
In summer we’ll see how they met. Because eren made a horrible first impression and I want the arc to focus on the process of the reader falling in love with him and how Eren actually came to actually love the reader instead of just the idea of her.
As for how the pregnancy went and the wedding, we’ll get glimpse of that in the fall arc - both the first and last chapters from Eren’s POV.
Thank you again for popping into my inbox. Hope you’re doing well and staying safe, anon. Love you to the moon and back 💕💕😘
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erenscherub · 3 years
I stan Eliza, a smart kid frfr. Every chapter makes me wonder how y/n hasn’t killed eren yet that man is horrible in every way😭😭
Hi Nonnie! Hope you’re doing well. Thank you for popping into my inbox ❤️
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Eliza does love Eren, but she’s always loved her mother the most from day one 🤷🏻‍♀️ poor Eren can never top the reader no matter how many times he promises boba and ice cream and all the sugar and junk food she could want. Small spoilers but Cyrus is a smart kid too and there’s a reason why he’s said to hate Eren in one of the first couple chapters and in this latest one has been cold towards him out of nowhere.
Hopefully I don’t sound like a broken record but this whole story kind of started when I found out how a large portion of married couples actually stay together even after the discovery of an affair. It’s very sad to say but leaving an unhealthy relationship is easier said than done.
My discussions with my friends helped me realize that it’s very surprising how much it would take for someone to reach their breaking point. One of them said if they had kids and depending how long they were married, as long as their partner wasn’t openly shoving the affair in their face, was a good parent, and their kids loved them, they would put up with the affair and them being treated like shit until their kids moved out of the house and were financially stable.
And just from my personal observations of the married couples in my family, I’m very surprised how they’re all still together with their spouses today. Probably a little too much information, but my mom has told me that I would understand why she hasn’t filed for divorce when I have my own kids. Which is a very bad response because children can never fix a relationship and for some people, do not compel them to stay.
Basically the fall arc will be a look into how much more can the reader before she cuts her losses. I’m still writing it, but the divorce scene will be probably be centered around the sunk cost fallacy or maybe even the theory of the looking glass self… I’m gonna marinate on that idea for a little more and bookmark this under my Ted talk tag to develop it more. Thanks for the plot bunny, anon!
But again thank you so much for your support and for leaving an ask. It really made my day that someone mentioned Eliza. Hope you will enjoy also future chapters! Take care of yourself, angel. Love you 😘❤️
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erenscherub · 3 years
from my understanding, eren is physically cheating and the reader is emotionally cheating (in a way)? i mean i get it… the shit eren has done to her, I WOULD DO IT IN A HEARTBEAT 🤧 anyway, reader deserves better and eren just needs to figure out his life 🤣
Hi, Nonnie 💕💕
Thanks for popping into my inbox, bubz.
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You’re right on the nose. My discussions with E helped point it out initially that the reader isn’t perfect either. Which is good because it does make the situation a little more realistic in a sense.
While you may not be actively thinking if Marcel or Colt would make you happier, or spending more time with them than Eren, or fantasizing about what it would be like to be with them, you do confide more to Marcel and Colt than your husband. They’ve actually seen the reader cry and Eren hasn’t. And it doesn’t help that right before you’re gonna confirm Eren is cheating by looking through his phone, there’s a line in chapter one that said if he is unfaithful this would have been proof you should have gone for Marcel all those years ago instead…
I mean it has been a long-ass time since you’ve had feelings for either and vice versa.
Technically, nothing of substance happened with either. With Marcel, there was a miscommunication and with Colt, things were like a situation-ship of sorts. You didn’t do anything with either. You’re touchy with everyone and cheek kisses and handholding is common with all your close friends. But everyone could tell there were feelings stronger than friendship that you felt for Marcel and Colt.
Yet it has been a long-ass time since you’ve had feelings for either and vice versa. You’re married to Eren with a whole-ass kid. Marcel and Colt have both had serious relationships so it wasn’t like they were actively waiting for you…
But after you divorce Eren and in the ending when you finally announce your engagement to Marcel or Colt, it does kinda seem like Eren was right all along to be suspicious of them….
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Ok but you’re right, anon.
Eren started that shit first is all I’m saying. Fucking calling someone your work wife already off the bat is just yikes. I mean the reader calling Marcel ‘Prince Charming’ and Colt the ‘Boy Wonder’ to ‘Kid Wonder’ is also pretty bad… but those nicknames were in place before you met Eren and way before you two started dating. And everyone uses those nicknames now.
Doesn’t justify much.. But if we’re gonna point fingers, I’d say a good 90% of this whole thing is Eren’s fault 😂😂
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Thanks so much for taking the time to read all my former asks and pop into my inbox. Love you anon. Take care of yourself bubz. Remember to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest 💕❤️😘😘
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erenscherub · 3 years
i am ALSO lowkey rooting for eren and the reader even though i shouldn’t 😔☝🏼
Hi angel 😊
Thank you so much for popping into my inbox. Sending you a bunch of virtual hugs and my love 💕
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It’s ok to root for Eren. He’s one of my favorite characters in AoT and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to hate him no matter what he does in any fic I read 😅😂
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave an ask anon. I’m glad you’re liking the story so far.
A somewhat related spiel under the cut..??
I’m proud of you for having the confidence to state your own opinion, especially when the majority consensus has been around the lines of ‘I don’t normally approve of manslaughter but if it’s Eren, I’ll make an exception.”
While he’s done pretty shitty things to the reader, Eren does show remorse and accepts responsibility for his actions.
Still will never condone cheating. But being able to recognize you’re wrong and accept responsibility, being able to swallow your pride and apologize, and being the one willing to reach out first to reconcile are great things that Eren has learned how to do for the reader out of love for her. While his temper is still pretty bad and he’s still impulsive, over the years of his relationship with the reader and after becoming a father to Eliza (and also taking care of Cyrus a lot as well since Eliza and Cyrus are always attached at the hip), he’s made huge strides in personal growth. He’s less of an asshole for sure compared to how he was when he and the reader first met which we’ll see in the summer arc.
Again, he still has a long way to go. Further work and more improvement on his jealously, temper, and communication contribute to a lot of issues in all his relationships.
He’s still a cheating jackass. But the main point is that he’s a jackass. Not a monster.
There’s a lot more nuances that I was only able to see with long-winded discussions with my friend, E. Writing this series has been a real labor of love since it’s helped me see things aren’t always as simple as they seem. And this fic has allowed me to gain a better understanding of why it is so hard to break the cycle of a toxic relationship and leave.
The much healthier option for both you and Eren would be for you to file for divorce and work out a co-parenting plan for Eliza. But there is a reason the reader fell in love with Eren and is so conflicted about leaving him because Eren does have some positive/redeemable qualities. Those same redeemable qualities and memories of how things used to be before everything went to shit contribute to this perpetual cycle that’s so hard to break. Because even with every horrible thing he’s done, you can remember ten more memories with Eren where he wasn’t like this. It’s those moments where you think it’s not too late for things to change back to how they were again between you two. Where you feel as if it’s possible that your situation with Eren is temporary and there is a chance that things between you two can be good again like they once were.
Yeah so that was a whole lot no one asked for. 😅💀
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But if you made it this far, remember to take care of yourself. Health should always be your number one priority.
As always sending you virtual hugs and all my love, Nonnie 💕❤️
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erenscherub · 3 years
Thank you so much for clarifying! I love your rambling btw lol it give me more insight on both eren and readers feelings that you might not catch in the story. You have me so excited to read the rest of this story. Is it bad that apart of me want eren to get his shit together and they better their relationship together 🙈 everybody is on the fuck eren train lol and I’m just like they need to communicate, get everything out that’s hurting both of them, and work on bettering their marriage and family! ( I do not think him cheating is right btw)
Hello again, Nonnie! It’s great to see you in my inbox 🥰💕💕 you have no idea how happy it makes me to get asks like these and that someone actually reads through my Ted talks tag.
I’m sending you extra virtual hugs ❤️❤️
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It’s ok to root for Eren. There’s two friends that go through all the rough drafts and one of them (A) said the same thing you did while the other (E) said Eren had a chance at redemption if he saved the reader from a near death experience.
It’s actually interesting that studies find over half of marriages do survive infidelity, yet only 16% of couples do. You know I think I’ll have to do a chapter centered around the Sunk-Cost fallacy…
Thank you so much Nonnie for that little plot bunny.
Somewhat related commentary below the cut.
When it comes down to it, life is very complex and if you nitpick at all the details, you can’t always simplify relationships to this person was the villain or make rational decisions on the fly like ‘just cut your losses and move on.’
Doesn’t justify cheating at all in the slightest.
But discussions with my friend E always help me see there’s another side to every story. The first arc is almost entirely from the reader’s perspective. It’s very easy for her to remember the amount of times Eren is absent because he wasn’t there during some pretty critical moments. So you could make the argument that he wasn’t there for her the five events when it counted, but what about his defense that you can’t eliminate his previous track record of the hundreds of times the reader was able to rely on him.
While Eren is toxic in this fic because he’s a cheater and insecurity led him to baby-trap the reader, he isn’t the only asshole in this relationship. E pointed out that it almost felt like the reader was keeping Colt and Marcel around like back-ups and doesn’t really do anything to assuage Eren’s insecurities.
While no relationship is perfect the key takeaways:
Communication is key in all relationships. So so many problems can be avoided/solved if people are willing to talk to each other and understand you can’t have it all.
Like your SO is not the enemy. There are times where there will be differences in opinion and ups and downs. But when it comes down to it, we’re all human and everyone makes mistakes.
The golden rule of moderation applies — don’t be a doormat but you do need to have the door open to allow room for error. Or I guess a better way to say it, there is nothing wrong with holding people accountable and calling them out on their shit. But you also have to be understanding that life fucks you up and no one is infalliable to error.
Don’t compromise. Instead you and your SO need to collaborate on the best solution
Also it is a HUGE red flag in relationships if your partner wants to get even and/or teach a lesson. No matter how pissed you may be at someone, you should never want to sabotage them or purposely hurt them.
This relationship is basically a blueprint of shit that shouldn’t happen and I hope no one ends up in a relationship like this.
After I finish this series, I really need to make an AU of this modern AU where Eren doesn’t cheat and they actually follow all the points above and it’s a healthy relationship. Eren’s Ever-After…? Confession Booth?
Ok. Definitely putting this under my Ted talk tag to revisit this idea later.
To whoever actually skimmed through all of this, take care of yourself, bubz! Remember to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest.
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erenscherub · 3 years
I love Seasons! I love how you go into details while explaining Eren and reader’s relationship. I was just curious about something. Like does the reader and work wife husband satisfy them sexually? I read something where you said that he thinks sex is different when love is not involved or something along those lines and that it’s an adrenaline rush for both eren and his work wife, but I couldn’t help but notice that eren have sex with his work wife a lot and he blows reader off for her a lot ! And I was just curious about that whole dynamic. Btw I’m so ready for both eren and work wife to get what they got coming! Lol
Ahh thank you so much anon for this ask. Thank you so much for reading my other long-ass posts and taking an interest in the details. It’s reassuring to know that there’s readers that don’t mind my rambling.
Love you, nonnie. Take care of yourself, my love.
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TL;DR: the sex between Eren and the work wife is terrible. the affair is more of a combination of having the opportunity to cheat and satisfying unmet emotional needs because both of them are very insecure in their marriages. In a way, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. They're scared their spouses will leave them for other people, then they end up having an affair with each other because they feel they feel as if their partners deserve better, and then their spouses file for divorce because they find out about the affair.
In the fall arc, I do plan on glossing over how the affair started and clarifying how the sex is terrible between them and it’s more of the adrenaline rush they’re seeking.
Bottom line: it's just a clusterfuck and communication is very important
Especially since I do not have an outline for this story, sorry but I'll be using the ted talk tag as a place to organize my thoughts and keep all my brain dumping in one place.
The affair wasn’t really a result of unmet sexual needs or falling out of love. I would say it’s more of a combination of opportunity/situational factors and unmet emotional needs (low self-esteem and anger).
So besides the adrenaline rush, they carpool to work together and it’s implied that the work wife sees the reader as one of her best friends. So Eren and the work wife are around each other pretty frequently in both their professional and personal lives giving them opportunity. Oh just another detail, they only fuck in that car or at the office. God, I think I would commit manslaughter or burn the house to the ground if I found out my husband slept with someone in our bed.
So onto the unmet emotional needs/ anger and low self-esteem
They both believe they’re not good enough for their respective spouses and they’re both incredibly insecure.
They assume that their partners are only with them because they feel some kind of obligation to stay or because they’re too nice to leave. Eren and his work wife understand each other in that aspect of not feeling good enough and feeling their marriages are bound to end at some point.
They were hurt other people think their spouses deserve better. Now their partners are hurt with their increasing absences at home and increasing time spent at work. It’s not done consciously, but there is some satisfaction on Eren and the work wife’s part that their spouses still love them if they’re hurt over them coming home less and less frequently.
In Eren’s case, his own siblings Zeke and Mikasa have always told him that he was never enough for the reader and never will be. And to make things worse, your best friend, Amanda, and your parents say that he was never enough to begin with and that Marcel and Colt would have made a much better husband for the reader than Eren.
You know that trope where the best friend is just waiting for the boyfriend to fuck up/leave that way they can get with their crush. That’s basically how Eren feels about Marcel and Colt. Before Zeke meddled, Colt was ghosting the reader for three years after his parents died. Now Colt is staying over in one of the guest bedrooms and the reader and Colt are back to being best friends again. At least Marcel is still in California. But he’s Eliza’s godfather. It’s a huge insecurity of his that you trust this other guy, who also used to have feelings for you, with his daughter’s life.
It doesn’t really matter to Eren whether or not they still have feelings for you. Because you did at one point, have feelings for both of them. Zeke and Amanda always tell Eren that if he didn’t confess first, the reader is likely to have been Mrs. Grice or Mrs. Galliard instead of Mrs. Jaeger.
Eren doesn’t blow off the reader as much as you would expect. But he is absent during pretty crucial moments - the birthday, wedding anniversary, dinner, and both ultrasound appointments. Colt was there during the birthday and appointments. Though the reader hasn’t seen Marcel in person for a year due to conflicting schedules, you still called him to vent when Eren rescheduled the dinner and when he stood you up before anyone else.
The work wife has her own “Colt” and “Marcel” she’s very worried about.
Other people are not afraid to tell Eren and his work wife that their spouses deserve someone better. In Eren’s case you don’t really defend him when his siblings and your parents tell him he’s a horrible husband and that you deserve better. In the work wife’s case, she’s hurt that her husband is still good friends with all of his exes and won’t cut them out of his life.
It’s almost an example of the Pygmalion effect, or a self-fulfilling prophecy.
They themselves believe their spouses will find someone more deserving of them.
As a result of their insecurity, fights are more frequent and the nights at work just become longer because they’re afraid that there will be another screaming match. Then almost instinctively they seek out someone they think is on their low level. Eren and his work wife are almost subconsciously sabotaging themselves by continuing the affair even if their other partners keep them sexually satisfied and the sex between them sucks.
And when their spouses reach their breaking point after finding out about the affair, you and the work husband file for divorce. Way way way down the line, everything the work wife and Eren were insecure about comes to fruition when the reader ends up with Marcel or Colt and the work husband reconnects with one of his exes.
I just wanted to write a story and then my friend (E) started nitpicking the minor details. Next thing you know we’re debating about why would the reader make Marcel the godfather of Eliza when she used to have feelings for him almost a decade ago. And why the hell would she let Colt attend the ultrasound when he’s not the father.
The short answer is I don’t know, E. Life is very complex and there’s not simple answers for every question. But holy shit a lot of this mess could have been avoided if Eren and the reader had way better communication and maybe therapy…
Shit. That was a whole-ass monologue. At least it'll be very helpful to look back on for future chapters.
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erenscherub · 3 years
Hey! I’m from ao3 and I Just wanted to let you know that I love your story! I can’t wait to see y/n confront Eren and see his reaction! By the way, I saw that you don’t have a set day/schedule for updating but I was just wondering when the next chapter would be posted? Don’t worry, I’m not rushing you at all (please take your time) I was just curious >.< hope you’re doing well <3
Hi bubz 💕 how are you doing? It’s so cool to see someone from ao3 find me on tumblr! It makes me really happy to see you’ve taken such an interest in the story. I hope you’re doing well too!
Sending you a big virtual hug 💕 there’s more of my rambling posted under the cut.
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I tend to post more frequently on tumblr since I usually break up the chapters here into 2-6k chunks. On ao3 you’ll notice the first chapter was about 8.8 k but on tumblr I broke it up into three chapters. I decided to post seasons both on tumblr and ao3 since I prefer to have longer chapters even if there’s less frequent updates. But I noticed there’s others who prefer shorter chapters that are posted in closer intervals.
I would have a set schedule for seasons but in all honesty, I don’t know where the story is going either 😂😂
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I’m not sure if it makes sense but I usually find out what I want to happen in a chapter through writing through my writer’s block. I also have two friends I brainstorm ideas with and they get to see the yucky word vomit first drafts. And after a lot of discussion (and analysis from one of them where they point out that the reader is fucked up in her own way) there’s a shit ton of revision. I think I have like eighteen drafts for this one chapter in fall after the fairytale one.
Bottom line, the chapter content will be the same on both platforms. It’s just on tumblr, if you dig through the seasons tags, I go more into detail/include some summaries of the analysis i did with my friend.
Like why Eren cheats; even if he’s insecure it doesn’t excuse the whole thing.
The whole Marcel being Eliza’s godfather thing was something me and her debated for like two hours. I didn’t think it was shitty on the reader’s part and I couldn’t see how insecure it could make Eren until my friend used a real life example of someone in her family. Basically one of her relatives (let’s call her V) is engaged (to J) and she does have a child (we’ll call her M) from a previous relationship. M’s father isn’t in the picture but his best friend (R) is M’s godfather and constantly pesters V to send more pictures of her daughter to the biological father even though he cut and run. J is basically another parent figure to M. But the thing is R and V used to sleep together and it’s just a big insecurity of J’s that her fiancée has a history with their child’s godparent and it usually is the topic of most of their arguments.
So the reader and Marcel didn’t sleep together but she had feelings for him during their medical school days. And Eren’s in-laws always throw it in his face that the only reason Marcel is the godfather and not the father of Eliza is because Eren got to the reader first.
Ok I just realized how long my rambling actually went.
I am super sorry for the word vomit when you just wanted to know when the next chapter was coming out.
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Tl;dr - thank you so much for taking the time to leave an ask, angel! Sorry for the Ted talk. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. Take care of yourself and stay hydrated and please get plenty of rest 💕 sending all my love!
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erenscherub · 3 years
Ik you probably get this a lot but I can’t wait for y/n to confront eren about the cheating situation 😩😩. I don’t want to sound like a sadist but it gave me comfort that he got his shit rocked
Hi angel 💕💕(っ⌒‿⌒)っ
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave an ask. While everyone seems to be in the ‘fuck you, Eren’ boat, it honestly does make my day whenever I get asks from all of you.
It’s definitely a process and a very lengthy one at that (there’s many chapters left to go) *cue nervous laughter* for the reader to gain the confidence to confront Eren and leave him.
Me after reading the drafts for the last two chapters of winter….
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Yeah… let’s just say that it is possible to hate Eren even more.
I’m sorry. When I finish this series, I’m definitely going to have to write an au where Eren didn’t cheat to cleanse my soul…
The stats on the amount of marriages that survive affairs is kind of interesting. There’s one survey that says 16% of couples survive an affair. I think I read another article that said over half of marriages still last even after discovering the affair. While staying in a relationship where there’s been a breach of trust can be self-torture, it’s not really as easy for some to make the decision to leave that relationship. Just from what I’ve seen in my family and from discussions with my friends on their experiences, in a way seasons was a thought experiment/hypothetical situation of various things that kept me from leaving an unhappy marriage.
I am so sorry for that long-ass ramble. But main point is thank you so much for leaving an ask. It makes me so happy to know that someone was satisfied by Eren getting his ass kicked by Mikasa, Petra, Annie, and Zeke.
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