#[-*soooo fluff from the swiss cheese miss because it's nice to imagine*-]
galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
[Stressed - Open Starter]
Pencil was curled up against Chrysalis’ side, the mare’s wing draped over their cream-yellow coat as they cried softly. It had been a long day of travel, longer than they were happy with- and more than a few bumps in the road had led to their stress being nearly overwhelming. So, when they’d returned to the hive for a weekly check-up, it was no wonder when the queen immediately took them aside, and was now nuzzling against their mane while they continued.
The taste of sadness in of itself was abhorrent to the queen, but this- from Pencil of all creatures- tasted absolutely vile. She wanted nothing more than to walk away, hiss and tell Pen to get out of her hive and go cry elsewhere... But some small part of her refused, staying here, listening to the mare’s soft sniffles while she hummed.
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The ping of an intruder near the hive nearly made Chrysalis hiss, but she stopped herself short. A party of three was immediately dispatched to see if the intruder was worth anything- or was a threat. She could deal with them herself, later. Right now, she was a little more concerned about Pencil Line.
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