#[caring bug mother: chrysalis]
galaxies-unknown · 2 years
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“...go....before I make you.”
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
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I only just now stumbled on this story, but ‘Written Pleas’ really does have a lot of my Chrysalis’ mental energy.. (Warning: It’s a tragedy fic so-- lots of death.)
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theartisticpixelbit · 3 months
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The Queen of the Changeling’s has arrived! Watch your back Starlight Glimmer
~Bio~ Name: Chrysalis Puparia Nicknames: Queen of the Changelings Gender: Female (Pan) Race: Changeling Parents: Unknown Siblings: Unknown Partner: Shining ‘Star’ Armor(One Night Stand) Children: Mi Amore Eros 'Crystal Reflection' (Child), Thorax (Child), All other Changelings Other Relatives: Unknown
~Headcanons~ 💚Chrysalis clearly cares a lot for her subjects, she doesn’t just consider them an army to use for her own means, and it's hard for her to show that she does care. She’s their queen and technically their mother. She’s shown caring for them from birth, and she doesn’t simply “rule by fear” as stated by Starlight. 💚She and her first subjects were born from a carnivorous plant in a magical pond that fed on insects and bones. Some time later, she conquered the cities of Timbucktu and Trot, but she was defeated by Princess Celestia and imprisoned in a volcano. She and the changelings eventually escaped by tricking a dragon into releasing them. 💚 The Changelings never used to be full of holes, while being pony like in apperance, they are still more plant and insect like, the holes are from wear and tear from years of battle. 💚 Changeling society doesn’t really have “gender” as an idea, however some changelings have adopted the idea of gender from other cultures. Not all of them like or understand gender as a concept but are always supportive of any friends or family that decide they do. 💚When Chrysalis posed as Cadence, she and Shining hooked up, unknown to Shining. Which led to the birth of of a nymph, Chrysalis quickly abandoned the nymph when her plan didn't work as thought.
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[Image Description: A digital art reference sheet of a redesigned Queen Chrysalis from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She has black chitin coat, sharp fangs and green bug like mandibles, a pair of insectoid wings, holes in her legs her legs are also segmented with spaces of green in between the segments, no visible cutie-mark at all, and her hooves are separated into two segments like short pinchers. She is very tall and also has dark green eyes with vertical slit pupils, a twisted and gnarled unicorn horn, a long and straight jade green mane and a tail, a greenish saddle, and a bluish-green rib plate, the plating also is segmented up her neck. Her eyes have a double pupil: a vertical slit one within a normal round one, her limbs and her torso are extremely skinny. Her horn is also displayed casting a brilliant green colored magic. The image also includes a watermark reading 'TheArtisticPixelBit'. End ID]
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galaxies-forbidden · 2 years
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“I can be- and do- anything I want, especially in bed~...”
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latenightdoodles · 2 years
Yearly Challenge - Days 8 - 11
I’ll do Days 12, 13, and 14 tomorrow. The images are all under the cut to save dashes!
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When I drew this, I was just thinking about how I was forcing myself to draw even when I didn’t want to, and how I had no energy to do it... I completed the drawing a few days later, since the original expression was more sorrowful. It... Honestly came out better thanks to me giving it a few days.
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I kind of just looked for an expression meme for this one- I just like the idea of some students pointing out that KS and Writer have the hots for each other, and both get so embarrassed that they just... Kinda.... Break for a few seconds.
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Wire’s just tired. They’ve died once- and they worry about dying again. Unlike most Writer alternates, Wire has not been able to contact the others via the hive-memory for years now. While they can chat with the others via secondary sources, they are one of the few self-inserts that are currently permanently locked into a Backstory Event. This also means that they cannot teleport out-of universe.
Sometimes-- not often, but sometimes... They pause and think about it.
The survival rate of a Backstory Event is 5%. No matter how powerful they are... They’re scared.
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I just wanted something cute after drawing Wire like that, so I tried my hand at doodling Chrysalis again... And added in Node. Rather proud of this one, since it looks like Chrysalis is trying to eat Node’s hair. XD Nom!!!
It’s also a reference to the ol’ fluffball series on YouTube... Anyone else remember that pink fluffy pony-thing? XD I loved that series so much...
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shellofaqueen · 2 years
What is mother knows best AU? And how does it change her view of Cadance/equestria in general?
;; Mother Knows Best is an AU that both @deepandtrue (shoutout) and I came up with. It follows a storyline of Chrysalis hearing about Cadance's birth and the abnormal amount of love being present at the event. So she tracked her down, captured her, and destroyed the village so no one would come after them intending on using her as a permanent food source. ;; As she grew up however, she had to tell the young filly that she was her mother and Chrysalis had to raise her, care for her, and treat her like any of her other children. And in doing so, she started to see Cadance like a true daughter and started loving her just like she loves all her children.
;; So in short, scary bug queen and love pegasus in Mother/Daughter relationship. It's honestly really cute how much Chrysalis loves Cadance.
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ask-iamnotanalicorn · 4 years
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Previous: The Nightmare Moon Timeline
The Tirek’s Reign Timeline
After Nightmare Moon’s return and battle for the throne, Princess Celestia and her protégée, Princess Cadence, subdued the maddened alicorn and managed to imprison her. Celestia had no time to celebrate not having to re-banish her sister for another thousand years; she went into a deep study, searching for the missing key that would activate the Elements of Harmony and free Luna of the poison darkening her mind and feeding on her ancient wrath. Princess Cadence and her husband Shining Armor took over running the throne of Equestria, giving the sisters time to find a solution and reconciliation. She is a wise and fair leader, despite her youth, and the uneasy country began to settle.
But with Celestia so distracted and Cadence not yet trained in monitoring the ancient dungeon of Tartarus, Tirek made his escape unnoticed. He was more cautious now than in his last quest to steal Equestria’s magic: the theft of a few ponies’ magic here, the emptying of a lonely hamlet there. Rumors of a magical plague and a strange monkey-horse creature who ate magic were all Cadence and Shining Armor had to go on, and they and the Royal Service were baffled by this creature or affliction that struck and then vanished again and again. Panic began to spread through Canterlot as more and more ponies on the outskirts of the city reported their magic stolen.
By the time word of a magical plague and centaur sightings reached Celestia, the only pony present who would recognize the significance, it was too late. Tirek had gained enough magic to come into the open and make his attack. First Cadence and her husband and guards fell, unprepared for what they faced. With Cadence’s alicorn magic combined with the many ponies’ he had stolen, Tirek defeated Celestia in spite of her best efforts. And lastly, ignoring her spitting invectives, he drained Nightmare Moon, as well.
With such potent magic flowing through him, Tirek’s lust for more power grew worse than ever before. He set out to steal the magic of every pony and magical creature in Equestria - and there were none who could hope to stop him. 
In the town of Featherhorn, there lived a young stallion with his parents, brother, and sister. He was a perfectly normal pony... or he would have been, were it not for the wings and horn he was born with. He got on alright - he had a few good friends and a supportive family, a love for his work and a faith that sustained him – but there were a number in the town who disapproved of him. He was the butt of many jokes and accusations, and often distrust. And the cultists who carried on in town caused trouble and made things worse for him, since he got the blame. He found it more and more tempting to stay out on the road, plying his trade and absorbing the confusion of strangers better than he could take the dislike of his own neighbors.
One day while the stallion was home, the town received word that a monster was coming. The monster had stolen the magic of the princesses, and now he was a giant, rampaging across the land and stealing the magic of every pony he found. He would soon be upon their town, and there was little time to flee - for who could run faster than this massive monster? Were they all doomed to lose their magic, and worse, their marks?
There was a small chance: a system of caves where they could hide, deep enough that the monster might not find them. But there was not enough time to get all the townsponies out, especially the sick and old; they could already hear the creature’s thundering hoofsteps on the horizon. If only they could distract it somehow, or slow it down... but who could hope to even do that much with a monster so powerful?
Nopony expected the young stallion, the alicorn imposter, to speak up:
“What if he believed there was another alicorn?”
The plan was dangerous. He would need help; handicapped in both flight and unicorn magic, he wouldn’t be able to fool the monster for long on his own. Few were willing - and of those who were, only a small number had the abilities that were needed. In the end, it was the stallion’s own brother and mother who helped him craft the final bits of his plan.
When the monster came upon the pony town, ready to further engorge himself with pony magic, the brown stallion appeared in the sky. He flew with confidence, bolstered by the carefully-directed winds of his expert flyer mother. His horn blazed with gold and silver light, bright as a star, aided by his magically gifted brother. And the monster believed the facade, and hungered only for more alicorn magic.
The chase lasted an hour, carefully-aimed magically bolts reflected through Sales’ horn by Pitch Black, skillful dodges aided by Pitch Forward. They had no hope of continuing the charade indefinitely, but that hour was enough; the townsponies were able to escape, hiding deep where the power-mad centaur wouldn’t find them. When at last the centaur swatted Salespitch from the sky and drained the magic from his injured body, the monster was enraged to taste such a miniscule amount. Black and Forward attempted a rescue, and were drained as well, their weakened bodies falling beside the unconscious Salespitch. 
When the monster turned back to his initial target and found the town empty of all ponies - what’s more, he could not detect pony magic anywhere nearby - his wrath burned the town to cinders. But when he returned to find the ponies who had tricked him, in order to punish them further, their bodies had vanished. 
Eventually, the monster left, continuing his rampage across the landscape. In a hollow of a tree, Pitch Black waited with the unconscious body of his mother and the severely injured body of his brother, the three of them blessedly undetectable now that they lacked their magic. But Black did not need his cutie mark to remember his driving purpose: to be there at the zero hour, when those he cared for needed him most.
The townsponies found them eventually; the father and daughter were overjoyed to find them alive. But Sales would not waken, though the best healers in the town mended his wounds. Badly injured and drained of magic, he slipped into a coma. Only alicorn-level healing magic might stand a chance of healing him, but that was lost to the monster.
But the town had been humbled. The one many of them had scorned the most – the pony who so hated being mistaken for something he was not – had taken up the very trait that caused him such trouble in order to give everything for the sake of those who despised him. The townsponies of Featherhorn vowed to protect him until he could be healed, and to keep away the members of his cult should they reappear to take advantage of his comatose state. And should he waken, they would treat him with the respect a hero deserved.
The monster still rampages. None in this group of refugees can hope to defeat him. But they have a refuge where they can stay safe until the nightmare has passed - and but for three of them, every pony and zebra has their magic. Perhaps one day, their fallen few will regain their magic, and the princesses will rise again. 
But for now, they wait. And they guard their fallen hero.
Fun Facts About The Tirek Timeline/Art:
- Yup, you guys just got a pretty close parallel to the mysterious Tirek Incident. It obviously didn’t go down quite like this in the comic timeline, but some of the important bits are in there. We’ll eventually find out what happened. I so wanted to avoid too many spoilers, but the story wouldn’t make sense without SOME of them, so... merry early Christmas, I guess XD
- And yes, I did consider letting Sales die in this timeline. But I just can’t kill off my boy. I also snuck in the meaning behind Black’s cutie mark, I’m curious to know what ya’ll think :D
- When Tirek sucked the magic out of Nightmare Moon, he unwittingly drained out the corrupting magic that was so heavily influencing Luna and fueling her rage and paranoia. Additionally, Luna got to see her sister lose her magic while fighting to protect her from Tirek. They reconcile over this event and join with Cadence to search for the missing Elements of Harmony.
- The Crystal Empire will come around because it has to, but Sombra bides his time a bit more when he realizes there’s a GIANT MAGIC-SUCKING CENTAUR hoarding the collective magic of the entire nation of Equestria, and it has bomb-blaster beams that can level towns.
- Meanwhile, a certain race of bug-ponies are infiltrating the Crystal Empire, seeking safety from the magic-eating centaur who is just TRASHING the place for fun now that he’s got so much power to chuck around. Plus there are rumors that this kingdom was once RUN on love, and Chrysalis really wants to figure that out. There’s a whole ‘nother story in there, I’m certain, and it probably involves a few specific changelings making friends with a few crystal ponies and learning about giving love. Maybe this time, without several humiliating defeats via pony love shockwaves and weaponized rainbows to harden her pride, Chrysalis might actually be willing to give it a try herself.
- This is a timeline where the princesses DO find ponies who can wield the Elements of Harmony. Ironically, Twilight was drained of magic along with the rest of Canterlot, but her studies in magic theory and history lead her to studying ancient texts about the Elements, and one thing leads to another until the princesses meet her. Also, Twilight is a bit better at making friends in this universe since she wasn’t constantly distracted with trying to please Celestia (not that I blame Celestia for the canon events, I mean look what could have been avoided in THIS timeline!). They don’t have the special Super Power-Up box and keys, but I like to think the initial power burst of the reactivated Elements does the job on Tirek as well as it was meant to on Nightmare Moon.
- No, Luna does not get the bad magic back when her magic is restored along with everyone else’s. The Elements don’t play that game, that stuff is burned. She and Celestia go back to ruling Equestria together once this is all over while Cadance works on connecting with the newly liberated Crystal Empire and their changeling allies.
- Honestly, I didn’t expect it, but this is one of my favorite of the art pieces in regards to composition and color. I just really like how the color turned out, and the magic glows. I was rather happy to find I could duplicate the effect of Tirek’s magic illustration from the show without too much trouble. :D I also borrowed a lot of tones directly from a screenshot of the show scene. It’s really nice when art things come together!
Next Week: Discorded
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So I’ve mentioned the Garden Au in my last two drawings and I feel as though I should expand.
So here’s a character list!
Roman — Monarch Butterfly:
Born in a researches back yard as a tiny green larva. Never knew his mother.
Met Remus an hour after he hatched and because neither of them know their moms, decided they were brothers.
Gathers milkweed for the local monarch community.
Has always dreamed of traveling but can’t leave the garden/won’t leave his brother
The himboest of himbos, has flown into multiple windows
His flock was an experiment on chrysalis and the habits of monarchs
The only one actually supposed to be in the garden
Remus — Ringed octopus
Now you may be wondering, what’s an octopus doing in someone’s backyard? And why isn’t he the same species as Roman?
Because an octopus somehow being in a backyard pond where it definitely isn’t supposed to be radiates Remus energy that’s why
The researcher had brought in an octopus without realizing that she had a baby.
Baby fell out of the tank and into the backyard pond.
When he woke up he started crying, which is when Larva Roman found him.
When Roman went into Crysalis, Remus was alone for months. He ended up becoming friends with some other creatures who Roman definitely doesn’t approve of.
Virgil — Southern Black Widow Spider
One of Remus’ “dangerous” friends
Roman doesn’t approve because spiders eat bugs! Including butterflies!
Virgil won’t eat butterflies because “bright color = poison”.
It’s not until they realize that they aren’t going to kill each other that they become friends
Met Remus after he fell out of his web into the pond and Remus saved him from drowning
Has no other family so he’s very protective
Remus likes watching him web up flies
Incredibly territorial. Mainly because the other spiders are v destructive
Can you tell I don’t like spiders
Janus — Rainbow Boa Constrictor
So you know how a bunch of Boas ended up in Florida because they kept being dumped in the Everglades after people didn’t want them anymore? Janus is one of those snakes.
Doesn’t like humans after the last one dumped him in front of an alligator
Bonded with Remus immediately because neither of them are where they are supposed to be
Almost ate Virgil out of desperation until he noticed that Virgil is very very venomous.
Their relationship is symbiotic. Virgil helps catch mice and crickets. Janus offers protection.
Finds Remus’ “brother” to be annoying and too colorful. Tolerates him at most
But he has an eye out for a particular slimy critter (maybe two slimy critters)
Patton — Green Tree Frog
This is Janus’ and Remus’ crush. He’s amphibious so best of both worlds!
Acts as a messenger for the backyard critters, warning them of danger and updating them with news.
His staff is a stick with a crystal on top. The crystal seems to have some kind of power. After all, a frog can’t possibly be that fast right?
Has known the brothers since childhood. Baby Remus met him when he was just a lil tadpole. Remus was happy to have a swimming buddy that wasn’t scared of him.
Roman was just happy to have a friend that wasn’t totally insane.
Has many many many siblings. They are also messengers.
They are constantly on the lookout for a certain foe
Logan — Great Blue Heron
That’s right, Logan is the antagonist
Owned and trained by the researcher
Keeps test animals inside and backyard animals outside.
Also keeps an eye out for critters that aren’t supposed to be in the yard
Aka Remus and Janus
Widely disliked by the ecosystem
I was going to make him a raven but there are none in Florida so the more you know
Remus’ competitor as he often fishes in the pond
Asexual and Aromantic
Never knew his family or any other animals so he doesn’t understand feelings or empathy. Ended up numb to his own emotions.
Disliked and distrusted by everyone because of who he works for
Don’t worry he gets redeemed
The Researcher
Primary Villian
Owns a massive house with a massive backyard.
Has dedicated his life to researching animals
Started innocently enough but he ended up losing something he loved and then turned to insanity
His work went from research to experiments as he was determined to discover everything there is to know about Floridian animals
His experiments are downright cruel and disturbing but he is good at keeping it secret from his assistant
The Garden creatures (which I’m now calling the Gardeners) don’t trust him and are terrified of him, but most of them were born there and can’t exactly leave due to a certain Heron.
Roman can’t leave bc he’s part of an experiment, Remus won’t leave his brother, Janus has no other home, Patton was born there, and Virgil has no other family
Older fellow so he hired an assistant to take care of his garden
Thomas — the assistant/gardener
Kind man, adores all creatures wholeheartedly.
Works part time for the Researcher and takes care of his creatures and his garden
Doesn’t realize how real and human these creatures are
Basically, humans see them as animals, but the animals see each other like people
Remember Patton’s crystal?
Thomas finds it and ends up becoming the kids from “Grounded”.
Aka, shrunk down to the size of an ant
That’s my plot line and I’m sticking to it
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Chapter 29: Starlight’s Mother, Part 5 - Closure At Last
Now that things settle down after the heartwarming moment between Starlight and her mother after telling her everything about when she traveled in time in a dangerous maneuver to a mother who spent most of her life protecting Equestria. Twilight continues on recapping the villains she’s faced.
Twilight: Ok… so now we’re back to Starlight saving Equestria from Chrysalis. This resulted in pretty much the rest of Chrysalis’ army to our side. So Starlight didn’t just help save us, she’s the very reason we have more allies then ever. She technically helped jumpstart our expansion to ally with as many nations outside of Equestria as possible before the school of friendship even started!
Sunset: Yes, having the Changelings on Equestria’s side certainly provide some unique allies. Helps that they get fed by simply walking around and feeling the different kinds of love that we ponies have.
Starlight: One of the Friendship School’s brightest students is a changeling!
Twilight: Indeed! Ocellus is a real book bug!
Sunset: So what else came after Queen Chrysalis’ return?
Twilight: After Queen Chrysalis was defeated again… I guess was when the Pillars of Equestria returned from Limbo along with the Pony of Shadows who just happened to be a friend they neglected named Stygian. We helped them mend their friendship, and now we have all of them walking around Equestria. It’s been kind of nice to have some ponies who know about the past to talk to
Sunset: The Pillars being back on Equestria is definitely very interesting. I imagine they all must of had some culture shock at first, but it is a great point to have ponies who lived so long ago to talk to.
Twilight: Though now we have spirit summoning, we’ll have even more to pull from! As long as they have a living relative, or if they were friends with the pillars, Celestia, or Luna.
Sunset nods
Twilight: After that though… other then the aforementioned return of Sombra. as well as Chrysalis and Tirek also returning one more time there was only one more... Though you’ll probably kind of laugh at first, given she was just a little filly… a crazy evil one… but a little filly nonetheless.
Sunset: Heh heh heh, ok… What was her name?
Twilight: Cozy Glow
The moment Twilight said Cozy Glow, time essentially froze for Sunset and the loudest thunder boom from outside is heard. Startling the group as once again Sunset Shimmer gets a huge jog to her memory. The group watches in horror as Sunset writhes around as if having a seizure. She lets out a huge scream, and lays on the floor.
Firelight: Shimmy?!
Starlight: Mother?! What’s wrong?!
Sunset heaves as if to breathe hard once again, and slowly gets back up. Once she has recovered, she faces the group with a determined face.
Sunset: …I remember everything now.
Starlight: Remember everything…? You mean… your death…? and who was responsible?
Sunset nods
Sunset: Cozy… Cozy Glow was there... The three anarchists were her and her parents!
The whole room gasps
Starlight: But wait… you died more then two decades ago… Cozy was just a filly when we met her… how does that possibly work?!
Sunset: Allow me… to explain…
I’ll begin with saying who Cozy’s parents were. Her father was a unicorn named Cheque Mace, who was a burly stallion, his Cutie Mark was the king piece of a Chessboard. Like said piece of the chessboard, he’s slow, but he was calculating and strong. Cozy’s mother was Glitterani an average sized pegasus mare. her cutie mark being the queen piece of a Chessboard. Like the Queen piece, she could be quite fast and dangerous.
What they had in common they were both narcissistic psychopaths. They could not feel love, and their only definition of friends were if they did something for them and/or gave them power, their only reason for marrying and giving birth to Cozy was to have more ponies in their ranks. As even back then, even the more antagonistic ponies wanted nothing to do with their sociopathic tendencies or thought their goal was insane.
Their goal was to take all of the magic in Equestria, either to take it for themselves so they can rule the world. Or if failing that… make sure everypony is magicless in the twisted statement of “if they couldn’t have it, no one else will”. They seeked 6 powerful artifacts capable of being conduits to gather all the magic of Equestria in one spot...
The entire rest of the group gasp recalling that’s exactly what Cozy Glow did under the School of Friendship
Sunset: To be perfectly clear of what would of even happened if they managed to succeed for long. Was that it wasn’t going to really be possible for either of them to gain power from collecting all the magic of Equestria. It most likely was going to result in Equestria becoming magicless, but even if these 3 knew that’d be the most likely result. They didn’t care, they wanted to inflict pain and suffering on the entire world.
I have no idea why they got so evil, but it may be safer to just say they were just born pretty messed up. Because there was not going to be anything redeemable about them, the elements that make up Friendship never occur to them.
They’d rather lie and mislead then be honest.
They have a twisted sense of loyalty that they say only applies to them
They are not generous at the least, and would refuse to give even the most basic needs.
They have no kindness in their hearts.
The only thing that makes them laugh is the suffering of others.
And the magic of friendship is only power to them...
I had to try to take them out somehow someway before I fully retired, as I was afraid they’d fulfill their plan within the next few years before Celestia found Twilight. I could nip them in the bud before things really got bad, and while Cheque Mace had some skill as a unicorn. I would wipe the floor with him on a 1-on-1 duel, Glitterani was fast but nothing my magic couldn’t handle, and Cozy Glow was the most unknown but she was a just a little filly who was also a Pegasus. Perhaps if there’s one thing I underestimated the most about them, was Cozy’s manipulation tactics…
Sunset had just arrived in the location that would later become New Haven. The train tracks leading here hadn’t even been made yet, and there was only one building at this time that had a front and back entrance, the back leading to Nightmare Cliffs. Sunset had received a tip that’s where Cheque Mace, Glitterani, and their young daughter Cozy Glow fled once they caught wind Sunset was after them. As Sunset approaches the building, she can hear the faint sounds… of a crying child. Sunset gets a closer look, and finds a little pink pegasus filly straight in the middle of the building with curly light blue hair and bows, she had no Cutie Mark yet.  
Sunset identifies her as Cozy Glow. She approaches cautiously. Cozy Glow looks toward the front entrance and sees Sunset. Continuing to cry to try and get the sympathy of Sunset.
Cozy Glow: A…ar…are y-you… S-Sunset Shimmer? You’re the Princesses’ protege, aren’t you?
Sunset: Not anymore, really. But even so, I am here to put you and your parents into justice. You will never take the magic of Equestria away.
Cozy: Whaaaaaat? Me facing justice? But I’m only a filly! I’m not responsible for my parents’ actions!
Sunset: Even so, I don’t know what they taught you. We may try to at least see if you can be changed... if you can prove that you’re different enough from your parents.
Cozy: Oh, Golly! But I am! I-i-i-i have no choice to go with them because they’re my p-p-parents… they take p-p-pleasure in a-a-abusing me physically and emotionally. And when it comes to crimes, if I refused, they would k-k-kill m-me… and they tell me that if I was captured, I’d just end up r-r-rotting in the Canterlot dungeons… But you said they’d try to help?
Sunset isn’t completely sure she can take Cozy’s words at face value. But she wouldn’t put it past the other two to end up having a daughter that wants to be good but they abuse her to the point where they force her to go along with their plan.
Sunset: Yes, if we deem that you can be a good pony in the way your parents can’t… Equestria would welcome you...
Cozy: Wow! That sounds so swell, Sunset Shimmer! Wanna be friends?
Cozy looks at Sunset with a big grin and puppy-dog eyes.
Sunset: I… guess?
Suddenly a voice from just outside is heard
Cheque Mace: COZY!
Glitterani: How dare you betray us! We ought to destroy you along with Scumset…
Cozy: Ahhhh! Help me, Sunset! My parents are here!
Sunset puts up a determined face, and steps in front of Cozy to protect her
Sunset: Cheque Mace and Glitterani! Your life as criminals are coming to an end today! And with any luck, Cozy will be a better pony then you two ever will be.
Cheque Mace: I think you are mistaken, for it is your life that is ending today.
Sunset: Not when I have a reason to get back, once I’m finished with you.
Cheque Mace: Oh... are you talking about your “darling” Fi-Fi
Sunset goes wide-eyed
Sunset: How do you know about me and Firelight? I never even told the Princess about him…
Cheque Mace: I have more eyes then you think, Sunset. Maybe when I’m done with you, I’ll give him a visit. And show them your decapitated head!
As Cheque laughs evilly, Sunset rages and blasts both Cheque Mace and and Glitterani out of the building and gives chase leaving Cozy behind in the building. Sunset confronts Cheque and Glitterani near the edges of Nightmare Cliffs. They stand at first at a standstill, a decent length from each other in a triangle formation. Sunset on one point, Cheque Mace to the right of Sunset’s view, and Glitterani on the left.
Glitterani takes the first move, speeding towards Sunset and spins around fast enough to create a tornado. Forcing Sunset to use magic to bend some earth around her hooves so she remains stationary, so she isn’t blown away by the tornado. This however also leaves Sunset vulnerable to Cheque’s lasers without protection. Sure enough as Sunset entrenches herself, Cheque fires lasers but Sunset knows defensive shield spells that easily protect her. Glitterani just trying to fly around to distract Sunset and force her into putting down her shield just enough for Cheque Mace to get a direct hit on Sunset. But suddenly…
A lightning strike startles Glitterani as she wasn’t too far from the bolt as it struck. She stops in the air, covering her ears after the large boom, and shock of almost being seriously hurt or worse. This leaves a clean shot for Sunset to make a small hole in her shield, so she can target Glitterani. Sunset fires her shot, and she gets a direct hit on her right wing. Rendering it useless for certainly well past this fight. Glitterani falls dangerously close to just off the cliffs but just manages to land at close to the edge.
This also gets rid of the tornado that Sunset had to keep herself stationary for, now free to move however she feels. Leaving Sunset only having to deal with Cheque Mace on a 1-on-1. An advantageous position for her. Off in the distance a faint laugh of a child is heard, but Sunset ignores it as she locks eyes with Cheque Mace. The stare down as either waits for the first move.
Finally, Cheque is the first one to flinch as he fires a large blast at Sunset’s direction. She smugly smiles and says
Sunset: Check. Mate.
Just as she gracefully dodges via a backflip that transitions into a teleport closer to Cheque and fires a counter laser that curves straight at him
Cheque Mace: Noooooooooo!
The laser hits him off to the side, and off the cliff. Sunset assumes he’ll teleport before he hits the ground. Though a thud is heard, followed by the faint sounds of a splash a moment later.
All that was left now was the injured Glitterani. Sunset had basically already won swiftly, though as Sunset approached Glitterani. The sounds of a laughing child get progressively louder every so often.
Sunset: It’s over Glitterani, once I get you and your husband’s injured selves to Canterlot you are facing justice to the full extent of the law.
Glitterani just grumbles as Sunset gets closer, but as she looks up. She sees a small silhouette that is either moving forward or sideways in straight line like the Rook piece of the chessboard, and she grins smugly.
Glitterani: Not yet!
Sunset raises an eyebrow as Glitterani starts laughing, thinking she’s trying to comfort herself with sociopathic fits of laughter. Sunset thinks nothing of it as the silhouette up in the sky gets to just above where Sunset stands… and something is dropped from it. The unwary Sunset still facing Glitterani.
Sunset: Just what are you laughing a-
A large rock hits Sunset right at the base of her horn. It’s weight puts pressure, cracking the horn before ultimately it bends too far, and falls off, The rock also hits hard on Sunset’s forehead. She screams out in pain, and falls off on her side. Her vision keeps fading in and out of blurriness as she lays there. A full-on concussion. She also has a black eye as part of the falling rock scraped her still open right eye as it fell off. It takes a few minutes before finally Sunset can look around, she looks up wondering where the rock could of possibly come from and she now has a clear view of who dropped it.
It was Cozy Glow, who just looks at the scene with glee and sadistically jokes
Cozy: Ooooooops, golly… did I do that? Ehehehehehe
Sunset rages, she sits back up and yells at Cozy
Sunset: What… I thought you said weren’t on your parents side! You… you… you liar!
Cozy: Hey, I didn’t totally lie. They do abuse me… But I never said I didn’t like it! Ahahahahaha! Oh and by the way… Mom! I have my cutie mark!
Cozy glow shows her flank and both Sunset and Glitterani see a rook shaped cutie mark. Glitterani laughing.triumphantly
Glitterani: Hahahaha! Cozy, you are indeed one of us!
The rook cutie mark now etched into Cozy’s flank confirms this was a manipulative plan she came up with her parents the entire time.
Cozy Glow: Too bad, poor dad isn’t going to get the chance to see it. I think he had a pretty big tumble and water’s probably filling his lungs right now! But meh, we don’t need him. Right, mom?
Not even an ounce of empathy, Sunset realized then and there that the apple didn’t far from the tree. A rotten apple from a poisonous tree at that, as Cozy was just like her parents. Falling for Cozy’s lie has already cost Sunset her horn. But her magic is the only thing that’s going to reach Cozy from up there if she’s going to get any payback, so despite intense pain still throbbing from the loss of her horn. She decides to fire something, without a full horn to truly focus her magic... whatever is fired at Cozy could be almost anything. Firing something makes the pain in her head worse but something does get fired straight up at Cozy Glow.
Cozy sees the approaching blast, and freaks out before dodging just before it hits. She then proceeds to mock Sunset.
Cozy: Haha! Missed me, Shamset!
But then a slight boom is heard from up above her. Cozy at first thinks nothing of it, thinking it was just thunder. But as she looks up, the blast that Sunset blasted starts expanding into a transparent white dome with star symbols on it, Cozy is too close to it as it starts to suck her up like a vacuum cleaner. She tries to fly out of the dome’s suction but she loses strength quick, and she screams as she’s flung straight up into the dome. The dome then disappears with no sign of Cozy.
Glitterani: C-c-cozy? Cozy?! Cozy, where are you?!
Sunset takes this chance to laugh herself, albeit still through some pain. She approaches Glitterani at the edge of the cliff.
Glitterani: Stop laughing! What did you do to Cozy?!
Sunset: I didn’t think you’d have concern for anypony, even your daughter. But I’m pretty sure what got Cozy was a time travel spell. That dome is pretty classic Starswirl. But... because she broke my horn. I have no control of how far she went. She could of been sent some years to the past, maybe years into the future, or maybe she’s been sent back to the age of the dinosaurs! She may be nothing but dino-chow right now!
Sunset just looking down with a smug face. But then Glitterani gets angry, suddenly leaps up and grabs Sunset pinning her down on the ground.
Glitterani: If we’re going down… I’m taking you with me!
Glittering starts rolling them both close to the edge. This was a fall neither was likely to survive without Sunset being able to teleport to safety.
Sunset: What are you doing?! We’re both going to die if you roll us off!
Glitterani: That’s kind of the idea, you fool…
Sunset: No, wait! Please! I have a family!
Glitterani: And I had one too… before you ripped that away just now. This was exactly why we had you follow us here to these cliffs. We put on a brave face but we knew deep down you were too good... but then Cozy plotted with us a way in which even if we fail... at least we weren’t going down alone... plus whatever happens... no one will know what happened here... You’ve doomed your family to despair! And the best part is… they’ll never know what happened to you!
Sunset: Noooooooooooooooo!
Holding on tight to Sunset to make sure she fatally plunges with her. Glitterani rolls them off the edge and they start plunging down to certain death. Sunset has to act quick, and try something with her horn as it’s the only move she’s got. Sunset charges up what remains of her horn. Though Glitterani sees this and puts a hoof over the hole that was Sunset’s horn. Inside Sunset’s head a burning sensation gets hotter, hotter, and hotter as the pressure of her magic being blocked by Glitterani's hoof makes it build higher and higher until…
Just a few feet before hitting the water. A big explosion from Sunset’s head envelops the two falling ponies. And if there was anything left of either of them… They were cleaned up by hungry sharks and other meat-eating water predators to eat their fill with. Sunset Shimmer and Glitterani had met their end. Cheque Mace as implied by Cozy had also fallen, he hit his head amidst falling, going unconscious as he fell into the raging waters, body sinking, and thus ultimately drowned. While Cozy was sent into a then unknown time.
*Flashback ends*
((Story continues after the break))
The entire room gasps again having been told the whole story of how Sunset died. Glitterani was ultimately the one who forced Sunset to essentially blow herself up, but without an assist from Cozy Glow breaking Sunset’s horn… Sunset would of most likely survived. So indeed, Cozy Glow had a role in the death of Sunset Shimmer. The room stays silent just processing the story.
Twilight: So… if I heard what happened correctly… Cozy Glow was sent through time… and it just happened to be somewhere over two decades into the future… where at some point she caught wind of the School of Friendship… and she manipulated us in order to infiltrate as a student in order to eventually do what she and her parents wanted to do… with assistance from Tirek.
Sunset: Wait, Cozy actually ended up collecting all of Equestria’s magic?!
Twilight: Yes… and she nearly trapped me and my friends in Tartaurus in the meantime, plus she also had your daughter trapped in the sphere of magic collected. It was thanks to a particular team of 6 students plus the Tree of Harmony intervening under the school that she was defeated. And magic was returned.
Sunset: I see… good that she was defeated quickly enough… otherwise I’m sure by now nearly all life would be dying right now…
Twilight: Huh? What do you mean?
Sunset: Remember what you learned from Jinn? Our souls are magic too, although Cozy and her Parents plan can’t collect soul magic… and neither can Tirek for that matter…  Since soul magic is a lot less tangible, as what it becomes is determined how they lived their life
But without the magic that can be taken such as the casting magic Unicorns have, Pegasi’s flight plus weather-changing abilities, as well as Earth ponies ability to tend the land… Equestria would become a depressing place that can’t do anything about the dark magic that would slowly envelop the world. And with so many unhappy or worse inhabitants, the death of life everywhere would only increase the dark magic, hastening the extinction of life. The world would return to the state of when the Sun and Moon did not move. But there’s too many clouds made of dark magic to see either sunlight or moonlight on top of it.
Twilight can only be reminded of a certain timeline she, Spike, and Starlight saw during their time travel confrontation.
Twilight: That wasteland me and Starlight saw in that timeline… That might have been if Cozy Glow and/or her parents succeeded…
Starlight’s has had her head lowered down for the whole time since hearing the full story of how her mother died, though she briefly raises her head up and goes wide-eyed having heard that the final timeline they saw could have likely been the result of Cozy succeeding. She lowers her head back down, but she seems to have a rage building up inside.
Sunset: Twilight… where is Cozy Glow right now, by chance?
Twilight: She’s trapped in stone alongside Tirek and Queen Chrysalis.
Sunset: *phew* That is such a relief. Of those three, Cozy deserves to stay in stone forever… she may just be a filly. But trust me in saying there’s no redeeming her.
I understand Chrysalis has been stubborn, but perhaps the right circumstance could do it if we can reconnect her with her army... since most of them were her own children.
I doubt Tirek could be changed easily, but he has family issues in regards to his father and his brother Scorpan that could be perhaps worked out to perhaps make him less antagonistic…
But Cozy is a lost cause that must be kept in stone, forever. It’d take outright brainwashing to erase the evil in her heart and there’s no guarantee that even works. I don’t want to know what kind of Dark magic would be released if she died.
Twilight: I admit from appearances alone… it’d seem like Cozy was the most capable of changing… but given what you’ve told me she’s done… and recalling that timeline… not even Tirek and Chrysalis wanted to wreck Equestria that badly… them ruling Equestria would still be bad… but they mostly intended on ruling over us… with an iron hoof or fist probably…  but still not exactly ending all life on the planet…
Rainbow: So wait… if Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow’s team up succeeded in defeating us… that could of resulted in a civil war where of all situations… Tirek and Chrysalis would be the good guys?!
Sunset: By comparison… yes.
Applejack: Gosh, that’s bleak…
Apple Bloom: Ah can’t believe we helped such a monster!
Sweetie Belle: We were such suckers…
Scootaloo: If we had known Cozy was like that, we would of left her crying!
Sunset: It’s ok you three, one of Cozy’s skills was manipulation. She fooled me too when I fell for her act of not actually being in cahoots with her parents.
Rainbow Dash: And from what I heard from Sandbar and his friends at school… she had almost all of our students against them!
Twilight: She also manipulated me when joining the school in the first place, when she came into my office to enroll. She started with a sob story about how she was an orphan… and while it wasn’t exactly a lie that she was orphaned… I couldn’t tell her parents were two of the worst ponies to ever exist… let alone that Cozy Glow was from more then 2 decades ago in the past…
Though actually speaking of Cozy’s parents… if they died… what did the dark magic that came out of them become?
Sunset: The dark magic from the deaths of Cheque Mace and Glitterani unleashed a twin pair of strong Hurricanes in the ocean they died in, likely devastating any coastal cities in their path. Large enough for me to see on the planet from the soul shield. These hurricanes return every few years, but each time thanks to the cities putting up more defenses, as well as the strength of friendship magic increasing, thus weakening dark magic everywhere. Just like how the Windigoes are hardly a threat any more, those hurricanes eventually will amount to nothing.
Starlight finally speaks up
Starlight: So… if I’m hearing from you right, mother… dark magic being unleashed from the death of someone evil can be beaten back with time…?
Sunset: Well yes… but it’d still be safer to make sure they don’t di-
Starlight’s voice and anger rises with each sentence
Starlight: And not get any ounce of satisfying retribution for her role in your murder?
For manipulating me and my friends, trapping me in a sphere of Equestria’s magic… and nearly dragging me wherever it was going to go?!
For being part of the reason I never got to know you are until now?!
For being the reason my early life was so terrible?!
For trying to remove all magic from Equestria?!
The group doesn’t know what Starlight’s about to do, but there’s plenty of concerned faces. Meanwhile, Starlight pulls out a piece of portal gum, and starts chewing.
Twilight: Starlight, what are you doing?!
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Starlight blows the bubble, Starlight manages to spawn a portal to the exact spot where Cozy is trapped in stone. And she starts charging a powerful laser.
Sunset sees what she’s doing and beckons Twilight to stop her
Sunset: Twilight! You have to stop Starlight before she kills Cozy!
Twilight: On it!
Starlight blasts her laser that will both fit into the portal, and if it hits Cozy’s statue will most certainly shatter it, and thus kill Cozy. But before it even crosses the portal, Twilight gets in front and forms a shield, blocking Starlight’s blast. Starlight stops firing to speak.
Starlight: Twilight! Why are you protecting Cozy?! You heard my mother… she’s an irredeemable psychopath, and if the tables were turned… she wouldn’t hesitate to do the same thing! And even if her death does release devastating dark magic… we’ll have the power to shrink it in time!
Twilight: I agree that Cozy is never going to change, but unleashing some unknown, devastating form of dark magic on what will most certainly be all of Ponyville isn’t worth the immediate satisfaction of a sudden execution! Cozy is already facing justice as a statue! You’ll just put everypony in Ponyville in danger just for the brief moment of satisfaction of killing in revenge, even if it sounds justified!
Starlight thinks for a moment before trying to blast through anyway, despite Twilight’s insistence. So Sunset puts up a determined face to talk to her daughter.
Sunset: If you won’t listen to Twilight, maybe you’ll listen to me as your mother… Yes, Cozy was partly responsible for my death. I hate her about as much as you do for it, but this isn’t the answer!
Starlight stops firing, and her rage shifts into sadness and overflowing tears
Starlight: Why isn’t it?! She didn’t directly kill you… but she may as well have! The circumstances of your death was the true reason I turned to darkness. I couldn't control what happened then, but I know what I can do to rectify that!
You would have been fine if Cozy didn’t break your horn! 
I would of had a loving mother such as you around so I wouldn’t have had such disdain for something that should have been one of the happiest moments in my life… receiving my cutie mark and knowing the pony I was destined to be… 
AND on top of that she planned on ending life as we know it!
So what if Ponyville has to deal with something like a storm of dark magic every so often… 
Won’t it feel like justice to you?!
Sunset: No! Because whatever damage the dark magic from Cozy’s death does could endanger more lives then it’s worth in exchange for the brief satisfaction of ending Cozy’s life. Letting anger fuel you as you end a life will also only end up bubbling up potential dark magic from your own soul’s magic.
Starlight: Didn’t you technically kill Cheque Mace when you blasted him off the cliff?
Sunset: In a way, I suppose I did.... But I didn’t do it intentionally, I was thinking he was going to teleport before he fell… I didn’t know he had become unconscious until Cozy implied he was dead. This is a world where emotion and morality influence our magic power and determine what our soul does after we pass, whether we add additional strength to the soul shield or become vengeful dark magic that wrecks the planet.
Putting our harshest and/or most stubborn villains in stone is our way of punishing them harshly without them unleashing dark magic that can hurt others. Killing them, even beyond the ensuing dark magic devastation… may end up only making Cozy a martyr for potential villains of the future...
Starlight: Wouldn’t leaving a statue just make something potential villains idolize or even try to free them if they’re magically adept?
Sunset: That is a possibility, but not if we outright properly educate who Cozy was and why she needs to stay as a statue… Just look at her face… even I know that Cozy’s scared look as she’s petrified is another of her manipulation moves. Before turning to stone, she acted quickly to look like she was scared and innocent, so she could perhaps one day fool an onlooker to think we petrified an innocent pony…
Or… if we destroyed her as a statue… make it seems like we executed an innocent little filly… and whatever comes down on top of Ponyville would seem like retribution from nature to some who would want to follow down Cozy’s path of psychopathic evil. In that sense, you could end up only creating more Cozy Glow’s...
Starlight’s finally stands down and takes a moment to calm down, though still at least gives a suggestion. Meanwhile, Twilight take the opportunity to closes the portal as Starlight speaks.
Starlight: Alright… I think I understand… but I think at the very least if we’re going to consider the future like this, we should then think about putting Cozy in a place where a potential future villain like her could not use the statue to idolize it or even get freed by someone adept in magic enough to reverse petrification. Do we have a super secure facility? Or you want to try putting Cozy in Tartaurus again only this time she’s a statue ON TOP of being trapped there?
Twilight ponders something
Twilight: I think I may have an idea… what if I put Cozy’s Statue in it’s own pocket dimension. And much like our gum portals. Only those with the magical authorization can access it. What good is Cozy’s manipulating petrified pose, if almost no one’s going to be able to see her?
Starlight gives a smug look that harkens back a little to her old ways before Twilight and the others befriended her.
Starlight: Hahahaha! Almost makes me want to be able to at least free Cozy’s head temporarily just so I can see her face as she hears where we’re leaving her!
Rainbow: Geez Starlight, seems you still have a little bit of that evil dictator side of you
Starlight: Maybe, but can you blame me? Cozy’s part of why I was led on the path to become one in the first place. I’m not actually serious about freeing Cozy’s head, I’m just saying... it’d be satisfying.
Sunset decides to play along with a bit of an exaggerated disappointed mother.
Sunset: Starlight Glimmer... enough of that talk and I may have to ground you for the first time! *giggles*
Starlight: Maybe, I should let you ground me just to have a taste of the mother you would have been *giggles* I even know a spell where I can play out if you had been around for my childhood
Sunburst: You mean that spell you used to try to get me to play Dragon Pit with you again?
Sunset: Oh I loved the Dragon Pit board game! I played it alot with my brother when we were kids. I would of played with you and/or Sunburst almost all the time. Too bad I won’t be able to roll dice and move the pieces. Iiiii can’t exactly touch objects aside from the floors, I have to sort of float since I can kind of fly in order to sort of go on stuff like beds, and I can’t float stuff with my horn anymore.
Starlight: Always the option to have somepony roll and move your player for you!
Sunset: That is true!
Starlight: But in all seriousness... knowing Cozy will cause no more harm nor be able to potentially manipulate somepony who doesn’t know better about her will be great to know.
Sunset turns toward Twilight
Sunset: Putting Cozy’s statue in a pocket dimension is a great idea. And in fact if you know somepony else who might have devastating effects somewhere should they die, you should probably do the same thing.
Twilight: The only other villain I can think of on that level is Zathir, I’ll definitely have to petrify him as well, and put him in the same pocket dimension as Cozy.
But until then, I think now that we’ve solved everything. We’re going to start to head back, we ought to go see how Applejack’s parents are doing with Big Mac, Sugar Belle, and Granny Smith.
Starlight: If it’s ok, Twilight… I’m going to stay the night here, to spend some more time with my mother. Since pony Spirits can be down here indefinitely, right?
Twilight: This is the first time we’re having spirits down but I suppose I can let you stay the night here with your mother. Though I’m not sure what will happen if Sunset tries to sleep, though given I’m part spirit… I might at least have a hypothesis... if a spirit goes to sleep… They may go back to the soul shield, similar to how when I go to sleep, I go back into my bottle.
Sunset: That feels like it makes sense. After all, our comet-like forms are kind of also us sleeping
Firelight is a little distraught.
Firelight: Shimmy… you’ll go back up there in the soul shield if you sleep?! I… was almost kind of looking forward to being able to have you sleep with me again… I’ve felt so lonely hoping one day you’d come back… cause I didn’t know you were dead this whole time…
Sunset smiles, touched that her husband thought about that.
Sunset: Well, I still could. I just have to not go to sleep myself. How about this… We’ll sleep in our bed tonight, and I’ll only go back to the soul shield sometime after you’ve fallen asleep. And if you want to see me again tomorrow or any other point. Just get Starlight or yourself to go see Spike to summon me down again.
Starlight: We also have a wedding between 2 of Twilight’s friends in Saddle Arabia to attend in two days. We could… perhaps summon you down so you can attend if you’d like.
Sunset: That sounds lovely, I won’t exactly know much about the 2 being wedded. But if perhaps you and Fi-Fi are going, I could definitely go.
Starlight: I think I was going to go regardless, but It’d definitely be great to see you there.
Firelight: I wasn’t going to go initially… but if you’re going to be summoned down for the wedding. Then I absolutely have to be there.
Sunset: Then of course, summon me back down on the day after tomorrow’s wedding and I’ll be there the whole way.
The room cheers and claps to have a spirit attendee.
Applejack: Heh, ya’ll could even become spirit friends with mah parents if we invite them too!
Twilight: That does sound like a pretty good idea.
Rainbow: Hey everypony! Don’t look now, but I think the storm’s over!
The whole group walks back outside, and perhaps appropriately with the skies clear… the sun itself is setting in a fitting fashion with the return of Sunset Shimmer. Starlight walks on over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders as Sunset continues talking with either the Elements of Harmony and/or Firelight
Starlight: I want to thank you three for starting me on the road to find out who I am. You deduced that I inherited my magic power from my mother. And now I know that I’m the daughter of a former Celestia protege. Whatever I do with the magic I inherited from my mother is up to me and me alone to decide. For now, I intend to use it to lead and protect the School of Friendship. But who knows what the future holds.
Apple Bloom: No problem, Starlight! Ah’m happy ya’ll got t’ see ya mother fo’ the first time just like ah did today!
Sweetie: Yeah! Your mother is amazing
Scootaloo: Definitely, one of the coolest ponies I’ve ever seen!
Starlight now turns to Sunburst and Trixie.
Starlight: So Trixie, what do you think of my mother?
Trixie: Your mother’s great, Starlight. Now I know why you’ve always been so talented. And… I’ll admit the full story of what happened made me cry a few times… ok that’s an understatement… I cried most pretty much the whole time hearing how much your mother’s death impacted your life…
Sunburst: I might just stay the night in Sire’s Hollow with you as well Starlight. Not just for my own mother and my father being back for good, but getting to know my long-lost Aunt.
Starlight: Plus, we’re cousins now… that means your plan-filled mother is my own Aunt heh heh
Stellar: That’s riiiiight, my newfound niece!
Stellar smiles and boops Starlight on her nose
Sunspot: We welcome you to the family, Starlight. We already thought of you fondly when we didn’t know you were related, but thanks to all the reveals we got today from summoning my sister… you are always welcome in me and Stellar’s household.
Firelight and Sunset walk on over. Firelight in particular turning to Stellar Flare.
Firelight: Hey Stellar, I have a suggestion…
Stellar: Yes, Firelight?
Firelight: You know the museum that we agreed to build over there?
Firelight points to the construction currently being built
Stellar: Yes, what about it?
Firelight: I want to give it an official name
Stellar: Huh? Isn’t it just going to be called the Sire’s Hollow Museum?
Firelight: That was the plan originally… but I think I have a better name and purpose for it. I’d like to call it… the Sunset Shimmer Museum. It’ll still have a section dedicated to our town, but mainly because Sunset was going to make this place her home. I think it’d have a greater purpose to sharing the world who she was. As not everypony’s going to be around for when we summon her spirit down again.
Sunset gasps, but is ultimately touched that Firelight would dedicate an entire museum to her.
Sunset: Oh Fi-Fi, you’re so sweet… You don’t need to dedicate the whole museum to me…
Firelight: Maybe I don’t need to, but I really, really want to. You deserve some recognition for keeping Equestria safe before Princess Twilight would just about finish the job by providing the peace we have now.
Suddenly, Celestia walks up from behind.
Celestia: A museum dedicated to Sunset sounds like a great idea, I still have plenty of cherished items back in the Canterlot castle related to Sunset’s time as my student that I can donate.
Sunspot: I guess that’s where I can put your horn, sis… if that isn’t too much of a reminder of what happened…
Sunset: It is a little grim… but hey, plenty of museums have real skeletons. It’d make sense that the only trace left of my body would be at my own museum.
Starlight: An interesting thing about this is because we can summon you down here, you’ll technically be able to be a tour guide for your own posthumous museum!
Sunset: Ha, that might be fun. It’d certainly make it more interactive. Maybe I can even play a bit of a prank on some guests thinking I’m just a highly advanced magic hologram. And then at some point do something that surprises guests when I suddenly say or answer something that would be impossible if I was a pre-recorded hologram!
Starlight: Now that would be funny!
Sunset: Can’t be there every day of course, but for special days I’d love to do it.
Stellar: The museum’s far from finished anyway, but we’ll love to have you back down for opening day when it is.
Sunset: Absolutely!
Sunset turns to Princess Celestia
Sunset: On another subject… Princess Celestia… I think I heard in passing somewhere that you’ll be retiring with Twilight taking your position. I don’t know what you plan to do in your retirement, but know I’ve always been proud of serving you. I know you kick yourself hard for things you see as mistakes fair or not, like Princess Luna becoming Nightmare Moon or not coming with me for my last fateful mission...
But know for every failure, you’ve maintained Equestria in balance for long enough for ponies like me, Twilight, and my daughter to make Equestria an even better place. Everypony in Equestria owes a gratitude for you whether they realize it or not. And if you get Spike to summon more of your many generations of loyal staffers and guards, they’ll say many of the same things I’m saying now. Without you… Equestria would of fallen apart long ago.
Celestia’s eyes well up with tears of joy
Celestia: Thank you, Sunset. I… really appreciate hearing that…
And um, Sunset. I can wait a little while before you do. But on an occasion you’re summoned back down, I’d really like you to meet my sister Luna.
Sunset: Oh yes, I’d love to get to meet her as well.
Celestia: In your younger days, you actually reminded me quite a bit of Luna when she herself was younger. I think you’d two would make great friends.
Sunset: I knew how much you missed her even back then, so I know she must be amazing. So I will definitely cherish seeing her for the first time. Maybe I’ll see her if you’re both at the wedding
Celestia: Yes, me and Luna will be attending the wedding. That’ll be the perfect opportunity for you to meet my sister for the first time.
Sunset approaches Celestia for another good long hug.
The group now splits between the family of both Starlight and Sunspot. The Elements of Harmony, Spike, The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Trixie, and Princess Celestia are next to a portal to Ponyville. As they all wave to each other.as they start heading out the portal. Twilight the last one to go back, and gives her goodbye before walking in.
Twilight: We’ll see you all at the wedding in two days! Goodbye Starlight, Sunset, and family!
And thus a family fully reunited after years of mystery and hardships. The family all hugging each other one more time before talking the night away. Sunset will return to the soul shield during the nighttime once everypony was asleep. But there was now a sense of closure for the entire family
UP NEXT: Chapter 30: A Pear-fect Reunion
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xazz · 4 years
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Moth Wings 2
Pairing: AltMal, Altair+Desmond  Rating: Explicit  Tags: vampires, romance, servant AU, music AU, Insect wings (but no bugs of any sort), fluff, angst, flangst  Status: WIP
And more vampire AU! Malik shows up... next chapter I wanna say? But if you want Malik rn you can subscribe to my patreon. There to can read the full like 17k of this AU I’ve written so far. See my blog page on how to get to my patreon. Patreon also only has two chapters... but they’re long. They’re so long. And next chapter is going to get saucyyyyyyyy
He only woke because his stomach hurt.
He groaned, pushing himself up. His stomach hurt and complained loudly. He was famished. He crawled out of bed and in the dark put on some clean clothes before leaving the closet. He checked behind the heavy drapes over the windows. It was nearly sunset. He’d slept all night and day. He wasn’t surprised.
His growling stomach made him leave the castle. There was no food for him here. They only kept livestock for drinking in the castle. The castle itself sat in the shadow of a mountain and at the bottom of the mountain was a town. They all knew vampires lived up there and it was better than any human lord they’d ever had. The coven didn’t hunt in the valley. All the town had to do was provide them with amusement at night. Festivals, fairies, music, plays, singing and dancing, and, of course, taxes. But Altair had heard about other towns, beyond the valley, that also had to pay taxes, and it was almost all people had. No. The masters might not have always been kind to Altair but it was far better than the alternative. They never actually threatened to eat him. They just scared him telling him about the humans in the cellar. And he wasn’t even sure that was true.
He was from the town at the bottom of the hill. It was called Castlesong. He’d been born there, lived there his entire life. Then a year and a half ago the Matron had come looking for a strong, abled, young man of sound mind and able to follow instructions. He’d been ‘volunteered’, against his will, by his neighbors. He knew it was because he was ‘too pretty’ they always said. Too distracting to their wives, daughters, and even sons.
He hadn’t even done anything. He’d been the son of the town’s violin maker for goodness sake!
It wasn’t so late the pub was closed yet. He went in and sat alone. The maid came and he ordered something to eat for now and a few pies to eat cold later, and a big mug of ale. He waited, picked at stuff under his nails he’d missed from last night, and was happy when the food was brought. He stuffed himself and washed it all down with the light ale until he was tired again. It was still light out. And he had to wait for his pies. He ended up dozing in the booth. The maid woke him, made him pay, and then rather nicely kicked him out with a basket of pies for his trouble.
Yes. Of course they didn’t want the coven’s ‘pet human’ around longer than necessary.
He trudged back up the mountain to the castle. He could hear the coven inside, laughing and talking loudly. He slipped past the dining hall as he went down to the kitchen. The coven was enjoying breakfast of cups of blood. It looked like they were drinking wine.
Altair put his pies into a cool box in the kitchen for when he got hungry later. Then he went back upstairs. Meals were always short for the coven. They all had a cup of blood and then went about their business. The master was always last to leave. He waited until the others except the master and mistress were gone before presenting himself, looking down at the floor. “Master.”
“Ah, Altair. Good good, you’re here. Perfect timing.”
“Is this really so, William dear?” the Matron asked.
“My love, when was the last time you raised a child?”
“And instead a human shall?”
“For a little while. Our other children turned out fine, dove,” Altair heard the master pat the mistress’ hand gently. “But the first years are so tedious. And it’s better this way. You know that. Gets them acclimated to being around humans and they’re less likely to break away.” The mistress made a noise of complaint but said nothing. “Altair, at last the task you were brought here for is upon you.”
“Yes, master,” he said.
“Our new son, Desmond, will need constant care. Day and night. That is now your responsibility. The only task you will not have is his feedings. As our son he will have real blood.”
“And I’m not allowed in the cellar,” Altair said.
“Absolutely not,” the master agreed. “But he should need feeding only one or two more times more than us. If such a time comes I’ve already spoken to the coven they are to assist you without complaint in ensuring my son is fed. If they do not comply you are to come to me immediately and inform me. Understand?”
“Yes, master.”
The child was then thrust at him. “If you mess up, Altair. You will be the first live meal I’ve had in decades,” the mistress hissed.
He swallowed. “I don’t wish to disappoint, mistress,” he said, holding the child to him. “And… Desmond, you said his name was?”
“Yes. Desmond,” the master said.
“I will keep him close, master, mistress,” he bowed.
“See that you do,” the Matron sneered.
“Come, Desmond, let’s go find your room,” he said and left the dining room.
It was easy to find the babe’s room. He had been told of it several times while he was a chrysalis. It was a cheerful room, painted pink and yellow and full of soft things, both fluffy and perfect for biting. They’d all been gifts from the towns in the valley for the lord and lady’s new child. More toys than a little boy could ever want or play with in a lifetime. Though perhaps vampire children lasted longer as children than human children. The chrysalis had been there a fair amount of time before Altair had been brought to the castle.
He put the babe on the floor and got out some toys for him to play with. Brightly colored blocks painted on the side with letters and scenes of the valley. “Blocks, Desmond. See,” and he started stacking them. Desmond watched him but didn’t understand at first. Altair sighed and leaned back on his arm and just kept boredly stacking the blocks into pyramids and towers and knocking them over. Desmond couldn’t stand or walk but he could sit up on his own. And he just sat there watching Altair with wide black eyes, amazed at what he was doing. After a few builds Desmond leaned forward and knocked over the tower Altair had made. “See, you can do it too,” Altair said. He offered Desmond a block. He took it but just dropped it. Altair sighed. Right. That was too much to hope for. He was hatched yesterday. His wings were still against his back, limp and useless along his spine.
Altair spent the rest of the early evening playing with blocks with Desmond and talking to him softly. Around midnight he took Desmond to go for his midnight feed with the rest of the coven. He gave him over to the mistress and retreated down into the kitchen to have his pies. Up in the dining room he heard the vampires cooing and awwing over the baby, laughing and talking loudly about how cute and funny he was.
Altair just ate his pies and thought about what he was going to do. Who knew how long he’d be here taking care of Desmond. He needed to have a plan. At least so he didn’t go crazy. He was expected to care for this child and… teach it? Maybe? He wasn’t quite sure. At the very least probably teach him to talk and walk and run and play.
He put his pie down half eaten and put it back in the cool box. He slunk out of the kitchen and unseen past the dining room where the coven was making a big uproar about something their newest member was doing. He went to his closet of a room and grabbed his sketchbook and pencils and left them in Desmond’s room. He returned to stand outside the dining room until the coven had all otherwise left. The Matron walked out and he looked down. He just wordlessly held out his hands. Desmond was placed into them and she walked away.
“Your mother is a nice lady,” Altair told Desmond sarcastically. Desmond just stared at him. He took Desmond back to his room and they played with the blocks some more before Desmond laid down on the floor to sleep. Altair quickly transferred him to his bed. If one of the others saw him letting the child sleep on the floor he didn’t want to think of what would happen.
Once the boy was asleep Altair pulled out the sketchbook but didn’t draw. Rather he started writing. All the ideas he could think of that wouldn’t make him go insane in the years to come. Things that a little boy of a lord should know. “What am I going to do?” he asked himself, rubbing his forehead. He’d come up with ideas but. He was just the son of a craftsman! What did he know about raising a lord’s son?!
Well at the very least he could teach Desmond to be kind. That’d be a start. Kinder than the rest of the coven. Maybe even give a shit about humans. At least a little. That, if nothing else, seemed like a good place to start. He could manage that.
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sparkesink · 4 years
Chapter 15:
Tales Untold
What Would You Say?
(If I Told You,)
I’m Writing A Musical.
A Love Story,
(Written In Real Time…)
An Ever-changing Adventure;
(A Documented Script,)
Provided Immortality…
(Aboard Poetry Guided Ship.)
Would You Respect Me?
Protect Me?
Save Me?
(When I’ve Fallen Far From Shore?)
Would You Hug Me?
Could You Love Me?
Thank Me?
(Providing Eternal Lore?)
 Could You Believe In Divine Providence?
(A Journey Toward Divinity…)
A Story,
One In Which,
Long Before My Time.
Given This Task,
Chosen To Heal…
Survived Such Turmoils,
(So Another Can Feel.)
 Have You Ever Desired To Change Your Name?
Dilute The Face?
Become True, 
(To Fame?)
Start Anew?
Build An Empire,
(Sprout Within Previous Burnt Roots?)
I Have.
 If I Asked You,
“Are You Him?”
If I Screamed,
(Lost In Hymn.)
Would You Tell Me You Could Fly?
(Or Maybe To Swim Is More Your Taste.)
Would You Be My Ride Or Die?
Could You Hack The Dark Paths… 
(Within A Lost Forest’s Face?)
Could We Be Perfect For One Another?
(Or Concoct Emotional World War?) 
Would You Dote Upon My Bedside?
When Bugs Come Sneezing, 
(Throughout The Lore?)
Could You Emotionally Care For Me?
Raise That Darling Pitt Bull, Pazuzu?
Could We Work Together?
Would We Build A Team?
Could We Sleep All Day Beneath The Clouds?
Dance Upon Hours Within A Day Dream?
Could We Speak Upon Politics?
(Without Provoking Distaste?)
Would We Provide Stability?
Within Healthy Intentional Space?
Could We Breathe Together?
Relax Within One Another?
Could We Drop The Face,
And Face Fact?
Would My Distaste For Washing Dishes,
Receive Comfortable Slack?
Could You Recognize My Waves,
Surf Their Crest To Safety, Back.
And If I Find Myself Lost At Sea,
Would You Cry To The Heavens To Help Me?
Or Maybe You Swim With Stamina And Pride,
“You’ll Always Find Me...”
(Far And Wide.)
 What Would You Do?
If I Gave You A Second Beginning?
Disregard Manipulative Sinning?
Would You Catch Me?
(Or Let Me Fall?)
Gripping My Toes, 
(Along Such Creases,) 
Within This Platform…. 
(A Hundred Years Tall.)
Could We Concoct Conversation?
Would We Feel That Beautiful Goo?
Learn To Become Loved?
(Me And You?)
 What Would You Say:
If I Told You I Was No One.
If You Never Knew,
(Dirt Upon My Shoe.)
What If We Never Landed?
Those Days It Just,
(Me And You;)
Those Unwashed Travelers,
(We Hadn’t Had A Clue.)
 What If You Never Promised,
(The Hospital Staff,)
My Captivity?
What If We Flew Through Divinity?
Took The Wrong Path?
False Doors, 
The Wrong Task.
 How Are We To Know:
Love Is Truth, 
Openly Shown.
 “Watanya Cicilla”,
Was The Name,
(Presented Youthful Fame…)
Lost A Father To Pneumonia,
(Motive To Hunting Game.)
Paid Off Her Mother’s Home By Fifteen;
Joined “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West”,
Shot The Ashes Off A Held Cigarette,
None Come To Detest,
“Little Sure Shot”,
No Target Superior, 
(Stood Within Her Test.)
 Split Playing Cards From Thirty Paces,
Hit Dimes Tossed Upon The Air…
In One Shot,
Snuffed The Flame Of A Dull Lit Candle,
I Attest, I Saw It There:
I Watched Her Knock Corks Off Bottle Tops…
(She Hit One Hundred Clay Targets At Sixty-two.)
She Entertained A Tournament,
(Young Girls Were Slim And Few,)
She Beat Out Little Frankie…
(His Heart Did Swoon.)
Her Skill Never Offended Him,
They Were Equal,
(Them Two.)
They Married And Traveled,
Two Perfect Parts Of A Crew:
When Inevitable Death Guided Them Part,
He Refused To Eat,
Took Death Over Life, 
(Without Her Gracing His Heart.)
 What If I Told You,
I Never Miss My Target,
What If I Told You, 
“I Chose You?”
What If I Superior Within Such Competition?
Could You Settle A Gnarling Ego, Too?
(Through And Through?)
Would You Be My Mr. Butler,
Support My Talents With Opinions Few?
Could We Become Love?
(Immortal By An Eternally Written Dove…)
Or Shake,
Within A Securely False Stake?
 I Love The Way In Which The Clouds Roll Amongst The Hills,
Shadows Crawling,
Establishing Mysterious Thrills.
The Earth Feels Bright,
Each Color’s Vibrant:
Pondering Life,
Projecting Urges Of Tyrant In Severe Strife.
 I Expect Logical Evaluation,
Nothing Gold Sprouts Within Temptation.
I Put My Hand Upon This Table,
(My Menu Openly Crude;)
I Write This Lovely Fable,
(Shake Such Shriveled Mask Turned Shroud.)
May I Entice Your Mind?
Create Complex Conversation?
May I Wiggle My Psychological Curiosity,
Within Your Suffocating Contemplation? 
May I Take Your Hand?
Run As Lions,
Dredging Unstable Quicksand?
The Faster You Move…
The Quicker It Consumes:
Will You Become Lost Within Your Mind, Too?
Could You Allow Me To Slip Past Suppressed Lands?
Locate That Sacred Little Boy,
Caught Within Eternal Sands,
Poisoned Conditioning Of Such Sensual Hour Glass?
 What Would Healthy Look Like?
Are We Bound By Our Shame?
Could Be Become Happy?
Leave The Battles To Memories, Bandaged And Maimed. 
 Let Me Tell You A Story,
One Of A Girl Brought Up In Shame,
(Second Best,)
A Life Consistently Overlooked,
Invisible Amongst The Rest.
 Molten Lava Encased:
A Butterfly Interlaced,
Desperate For Light,
Practicing Flight, 
(Entrapped Within Chrysalis Strife.)
This Girl Learned Quickly,
She Studied What It Felt Like:
She Listened To Martyrs,
She Knowingly Chose To Abandon Life.
 She Was A Modest Girl,
Desiring To Become Porcelain:
She Thrived To Be Noticed,
(Within Distant Infatuation.) 
She Consistently Fell,
(Coddled Toward Failure.)
A Girl Needs To Be Tested,
(If Her Light Shine Allure.)
 Rarely Encouraged,
(There Always Better:)
“Her Dreams Are But A Waste,”
She Fought The Universe,
(The Ultimate Toll To Receive SI. Splatter.)
She Knew I Had Killed The Person She Had Come To Dress…
She Knew Not Of The Name She’d Been Given,
(I Digress...)
 This Girl Lived Within Such Sensual Reality,
Her Heart Removed From The “Test”.
She Knew She Struggled With Lust…
(Not Physically,)
Intellectual Seeds Infest.
 She Claimed,
“I Could Dim It…
No More Than Temptation Of Gest…”
Thought As A Virus,
Took Captive,
Spread Through…
This Seed Was No Cancer,
Implanting Emotionally,
(Growing Roots.)
 I Sat Inquisitive Beneath A Comforting Douglas Fir,
I Had Created An Entire Life…
Out Of Fairy Tales And Far Off Dreams,
(As It Were.)
Gripping My Wood Backed Words,
I Can’t Help But Say…
“Why Have I Come?
(I Cannot Stay.)”
You Have No Intellectual Data To Inform You Of Such:
This Book Is My Love, 
(Buried Deep Within Muck.)
I Had Insufficient Integrity,
To Return Love, 
(I Hadn’t Felt For Myself.)
You Cannot Give Someone Something, 
(In Which You Lack From Within:)
You Can Only Love Them,
(Heart Scorched Bandaged By Hymn.)
 You Cannot Love Someone, 
(For Which You Can Give Them.)
You Cannot Take Such Love,
(And Disregard As Emotional Sin.)
You Cannot Help Anyone,
(When You Cannot Help Yourself.)
You Cannot Live Beautifully,
(Encased Upon A Shelf.)
 How Am I To Know What Love Is?
Does It Have Eyes And A Mouth?
Does It Grin Snarling Teeth,
(When Respectful Intentions Shift South?)
 A Girl Would Never Know,
(She Never Loved Herself…)
I Remember Forcing My Hand Down My Throat,
(Before I Tall Enough To Aim My Bow.)
 These Intestines Tremble In Trepidation,
Eleven Years:
Self Destructive Temptation.
 Why Do We Sit Here?
Pretend We Give A Shit Toward Salvation?
Hemorrhaging Upon The Path;
To Foolish Not To Take…
 He Showed Me The Final Test:
“You Do Not Need to Always Follow The Rabbit,”
(Graffiti Sprayed Amongst The White And Red.)
I Should Have Seen It Coming;
(The Toll For My Pride.)
I Thought I Was Receiving Payment,
I Knew Was False Deep Inside.
 I Could Have Taken The Cut,
Followed That Instinct Wreathing,
(Within My Gut…)
I Coward Within My Head.
Lying Upon the Moss,
 I’ve Spent Three-Hundred Sixty-five Days,
(Lost Within This Forest.)
I First Met A Path,
Similar To Before:
Guarded By Rabbit In Sly Mask,
This Path Gifted My Shore.
 I Crouched Amongst The Leaves,
At Night I Heard An Astonishing “RAWR”…
It Was A Big Brown Bear,
Coward Within His Cave;
Salivating Amongst My Lore…
 I Paused…
(As I Could Not Recognize His Tuft…)
I Found A Black Bear Instead,
(Hiding Amongst Dreamer’s Fluff.)
The Black Bear Lowered His Narrow Glasses:
He Pretends To Play Such Part,
“According To My Map,
You’re Accordingly On Route!
Trudge Fifty Paces Left,
Three-hundred To The Right…
Seventy To The Front,
And Three To The Side…
Got It?”
 This Bear Made No Fucking Sense…
I Followed; 
Through This Thick Forest, 
(Cursed Dense.)
Fifty To The Right…
Three-hundred To The Left…
This Is Where I Found That Little Witch…
(She To Protect Us From The Rest.)
She Was Cunning And Kind,
Such A Slender Little Doll…
“Come, Come Vivian…
We Shall Watch The Gold Leaves Fall.
A Vandal A Day,
Keeps The Cold Winds At Bay…
Come Miss, Miss…
Come And Play!”
 I Paused, 
Understanding The Nature Of Wonderland…
This Doll Was So Sincere, 
Long Black Hair,
Knobs For Knees:
 I Showed Her My Wounds,
She Showed Me Hers Back…
“My Name Is Katherine Wood,
(Don’t Mind The Pine,)
I’m The Same As You,
Your Wounds Are Deep As Mine.”
 Her Material Made Up Pine,
Softly Delicate,
Manicured And Oiled Fine.
Gothic Pinup,
 “You Know Everything About Me,
And Me With You…
Together We Survive,
Just Us Two.”
 She Took My Hand,
Led Me Deep Within This Dusk Stained Forest:
The Trees Began To Dance,
Creatures Seeping From Within The Foliage.
 “Let Us Play,
Sweet Sweet Baby…
Do Not Become Timid,
This Wonderland Sparkles,
(Though Holds Strict Limit.)
Drink The Fermented Fruit,
My Beautiful Lady:
Don’t Forget To Dress The Part,
(The Ring Leader’s Suit.)
Come Now My Baby:
Let Us Scour For Loot!”
 I Fell In Platonic Love,
That Day We Compare Wounds…
 “Don’t Stay…
Don’t Stop And Stare…”
(Vivian Ringing Throughout My Ear.)
 I Shake Her Warn As Insanity Spread Fire,
(I Hadn’t Expected: 
This Witch Be Professional Liar.)
 I Followed Miss Wood, 
(Through The Paths Within This Dark Face.)
Fifty Steps Right,
“Don’t Loose Pace!
Make Haste!”
 These Creatures Were Glamorous,
(Awe Struck By The Game.)
They Climbed From Within The Paintings,
Etched In Oil Amongst The Bark;
They Danced Within Sin,
Pretty Pills Finalize A Tormented Soul’s Mark.
The Creatures Can Mutate,
Morph Before Your Iris:
“Do Not Stop, Nor Stare…
Their Sin Manipulates Tempting Virus”
 “It’s Just A Little Fun,
Don’t You Understand?
I’ve Been Drowning In Lifelong Muck,
These Friends Prove A Struck Of Luck.
Go Bother Your Own Kind,
Let Me Play Within My Mind.”
 Her Silence Creep,
“Ask And You Shall Receive…”
I Demanded She Go,
So She Granted My Leave.
 Babies In Faces Of Grown Individuals,
A Significant Supply Of Hetero/Bi/Homosexuals:
A Slew Of Bodies,
Lines Plentiful,
(White As Snow:)
Spidy-Sippy Encased In Tequila,
 “TJ, Keep Your Mind Low.”
 “Vivian, Are you Ill?
I Said, Just Go!”
 “A Party Is Not A Pleasure,
While Masked In Complaints…
Don’t Let This Muck Devour You,
Cast Within Constraints.”
 This Cast Was Transgender,
Beauty-Queens With Testosterone In Their Chest…
 “TJ, Take Head…
Your Chosen For Divine Test.”
 “I’ve Been Stripped Of My Dignity,
Laid Each Buck I Set My Crosshairs Upon…
I’m Tainted,
Can’t You See?
No One Could Ever Want Me.
I’m Raped And Tangled Within A Head Full Of Muck…
At Least Here:
I Choose Who I Fuck.
I Line Them Up,
Pretty To Kind;
Then The Humorous Ones,
Followed By Talent Of Mind.
They All Turn To Stone Once Completed With Me,
At Least I Choose Which Parts They See Within Me.
 I Can Give Them My Body,
It’s A Game Katherine And I Play:
It’s Target Practice,
(Toads Don’t Stay.)
It’s Miss Molly Popping Raindrops,
Kiss The Prince To Make Him “POP”…
Drag Queens Galore,
What A Colorful Sight Of Lore!
 We Danced And We Sang,
And We Fucked Until The Sky Rang…
We Ate Mushrooms,
Filled Our Heads With LSD:
We Laughed And Played,
Smoking Bowls And Drinking Tea.
“I’m The Good Witch!
And All You Bitches;
Y’all Are My Lollipop Guild!”
What A Hollow Family Build.
 The Music Vibrated The Hairs Along My Neck,
And When I Awoke…
I Left Nothing More Than Human Dreck.
Katherine Was Gone,
No Sight To Be Seen,
The Party Had Become Tar:
Splattered Across The Scene.
 I Began To Sob,
Tears As Multnomah Falls:
“You Mustn’t Cry Dear,
Duty Calls…”
 A Voice Familiar,
Unseen At Best.
 “You’ve Just Begun,
Now Onto The Test.”
 A Little Beatle Crawled Within My Ear,
He Whispered All The Things I Wanted To Hear…
His Insecta Titled “Lust”:
Buried Himself Deep Within This Conch Crust.
I Discovered A Pick,
No Larger Than Pacific Tick…
I Planted Beneath A Moss Written Fir Tree:
Plucking Each Of His Hanged Feet Out From Within Me.
The Fog Settled In As I Stared This Beatle Within His Face,
“Find Another, Young Beetle…
You Don’t Belong Within My Mind-space.”
 “I’m Not Invasive,
Young TJ…
Though You Mustn’t Surprise If We Meet Again,
You Haven’t An Idea Of Real Love While Lost Within.”
 He Tipped His Hat,
Scurried Amongst This Forest Mat.
Finding Traces Of Friendship,
Now Tattered Remanence,
(Memories Dulled Upon Coexistence.)
 “Excuse ME!
I’m Searching For An Emerald Eye?
I’m Sick Of Being Tourist!”
 The Witch Was Gone,
She Only Used Me For Her Own Fame,
And When I Fell…
She Laughed Then Found Another To Claim.
 I Had Been Left For Dead,
Blacked Night Turned Blue:
I Had Been Slipped Non-consensual Drugs Too…
All These Creatures… 
All Turned Lead…
Then Disintegrated;
(Amongst The Goo.)  
 I Was Left Alone,
A Cold And Lonely Tone.
They Hadn’t Cared For My Well-being,
Only Themselves In Sin-kissed Scene.
 I Stumbled Amongst The Trees,
Barefoot And Tore:
Whispers Of Hymn,
Guiding My Lore. 
 The Beatle’s Feet Leave Sticky Poison,
Absorbed Amongst The Skin:
My Chest Begins To Slumber,
Winded Upon A Whim.
My Sight Flashed,
Deep Before My Eyes:
Morphed Between The Lies.
 “You Know What,
Fuck This.
Fuck All Of This.”
 Vivian, Trudging In Stage Left:
 “You Thought You Have Choice?
This Has Been Written Long Before, 
You Weren’t Even A Concept.
I Engage My Right To Percept,
Intercept This Attempt:
You Fuck As Thought Your Exempt,
(Your Soul’s Torment.)
You Deserve To Be Drudged Within This Muck,
You Lit The Sea Of Slime.
You’re A Creature Of Rare Find,
Do Not Disregard Your Mind…”
 *Running Miles*
 “What A Pretty Girl…”
Vivian Muttering Beneath Her Breath:
“Eyelashes Reaching Toward The Sky,
Perfectly Framing Such Masterpiece Of An Eye.
Shimmering Blue And Gold,
Waltzing With Vibrant Green;
(Camouflaging Grey.)
Trickling Down Your Nose…
(Only The Best Tear To Stay.)
Lips And Teeth Mastering The Act:
Failing To Admit…
(The Ugly Unexposed Fact.)”
 Playing Her Game Of Illusions,
(She The Most Talented Musician.)
The Smooth Pick Of Perfection,
(Her Appearance,)
Nothing More Than a Mask,
A Façade To What Appears; 
(Within This Forest’s Task.)
 “To The World,”
I Express Upon a Whim:
“You Are Beautiful…
(No Need For Doubt.)
The Porcelain Within Your Tub:
Carrying Your Secrets Thin,
(In And Out.)”
 I Find It Extraordinary,
How Complex The Human Existence Is:
Ever Take Five Seconds:
(Listen To The Heart Beat,)
(Depending Upon Such Situation,) 
It’s Conductor Is Forced Within.
Vivian Shook Me From Both Shoulders,
Pleading I Take Caution;
(Swallowing The Roach As It Smolders.)
“The Intellect Of A Girl Coward Within A Corner,
Preferring To Observe:
Is An Encased Reality, Too Confined For Her.
People Such As You And I,
Wish For Nothing In Love…
A Partner To Co-exist Amongst,
(A Perfect Fit Glove.)
If We Symbolize Perfect Representations,
(As The Other Perceives “Ideal”.)
Can We Actually Mutate Our Own Ways?
(To Accommodate Each-other,) 
Into Our Own Self Revolving Universal Sways?
 We Are The Images Of Your Fantasies.
We Are The Ones That Are Gonna Last Forever.”
Coming Down From A Lustful Poison:
I Take A Rest, 
Gathering The Shatters Of My Emotional Cloisonné.
“If This Reality Revolves Around Your Assumptions;”
Expressed In Shared Artistic Galleria, 
“Is This Test But Based Upon Idea?
As Everyone Is, 
Exactly What Time Can Reveal Themselves As.
What Makes Anyone Believe Any Presumptions?
Assumptions That Haven’t Become Placed As A Distraction?
A Labyrinth Of Obstacles,
(Used In Defense,)
To Confuse,
From Actually Finding:
What Is…
 Are You Expressing There’s Beyond Doubt, He Exists?
(An Intellectual Understanding; Lacking Chastisement.)
Able To Distinguish Lies;
From Personality Detachment?”
 She Pierced My Soul;
A Response Projecting One Single Look To Engulf.
“Do Not Group A Sheep With A Wolf:
Nothing Is Ever What Is Seems With A Bull.
 Think, Be, Live, See What You Wish.
Deduct Your Reasoning:
The False Aptitude You’ve Been Given Is But A Jellyfish.
Propped Up Upon Your Self Proclaimed Thrown,
(Pieced To Perfection,)
It’s All You’ve Ever Known.
It’s What You’ve Always Wanted:
 Welcome To The American Dream:
When The Job Becomes A Wife,
(And A Love Your Mistress.)”
 As We Sat Beneath The Foliage,
(Burning Leaves To Catch Our Breath,)
Vivian Jumps Before Me To Proclaim Her Death;
A Lullaby To Sing Post Miscarriage, Inept. 
 “Once Upon A Time:
There Was A Princess,
A Bull In a China Cabinet,
Though Rare And Difficult To Attain;
(At Perfect Harmony,)
 A Determined Bull Will Always Be Enticing.
The China Cabinet May Ruin;
In The Slightest Scare You Walk Away…
(Fear Of Blood.)
You Always Return To Repair The Glass.
 For A Sheep Will Never Fulfill,
To The Extent Of The Bull.
 A Painted Dresser Will Never Appeal;
Toward The Eye, 
Which Once Adored A Now Broken Glass,
(Devine Toll.)
This Unsatisfied Longing Will Lead A Prince To Become Mad:
Picking Up Every Last Sliver To Attain The Anomaly,
(He Once Cherished.)
The Bull Will Great Him,
With The Up-most Dazed Eye;
(Patiently Awaiting His Gentle Diligence.)
 And As Stunning Rays Of Gold Shout,
(Within His Pupil,)
Stretching Their Beauty From A Hazel Eye;
Through The Last Parcel Of Glass.
 The Mess Will Become Forgotten,
(Mistakes Overlooked,)
Leaving Nothing:
A Boy And A Girl,
A Prince And His Fragile Princess,
And A Bull In A China Cabinet.”
 She Takes Her Bow,
Pleasantly Comparable;
(Within An Imaginary Stage.)
I Chuckled, 
She Inhaled Toke Remarkably Slow.
 Vivian Snapping In Response,
“If Your Audience Only Knew:
These Flashy Lights And Sparkle?
(A Well Polished Blanket, Scenting Burnt Sage:)
The Cinderblocks You Hide Yourself Behind,
Forgetting You Were Born For The Stage?
A Jaded Child,
(The Best Act In The Business!)
Your Tricks And Mirrors:
(Reviled Only By The Intelligent;)
 Push Past The Faux,
Discover Your Truth,
Keep Your Mind Low.”
 Sober Consequences For Inebriated Actions,
(Haunt Me.)
 She Smoked Up Real Close,
Extricating Lust From Claiming My Conscience:
“Life’s Too Short To Live Suppressing Your Desire.
One Day,
It Will Be to Late:
A Lipstick Stain,
On The Lip Of An Empty Coffee Mug.
Run Away, Tonight:
Chase Me Down The Rabbit Hole.”
 She Point Her Body Toward A Fog Covered Path…
Vibrations Of Hymn,
“You Afraid? 
(The Earthquake’s Aftermath;)
Force Yourself, A Laugh.”
 I Came Upon An Opening Within The Trees:
A Platform In Time,
(Hazed In Bind.)
 A Silhouette Arrive Within The Mist,
The Elephant Man Appeared With A Twist:
This Prophet Had Become Broken,
Within This Dark Forest’s Face.
A Sad Light Encased,
(Within Muck…)
Avoiding Potential Luck, 
(For Taste.)
The Mist Of Ego Prevent Clear Vision To See,
(Spiritual Beings Dim Dark As Can Be.)  
 I Laid Down A Gift Amongst The Green:
A Letter To Match,
(Attempt To Become Seen.)
Little Boxes,
Boxes Upon The Hilltop,
Presented Pleasantly Keen:
Yellow, Blue, Purple, Green…
Not All Boxes Are Equal,
(Some Require Divine Intervene.)
 To Know Even One Soul Has Breathed Easier:
(Because You Have Lived.)
This Is To Have Succeeded:
This Is To Become Revived,
(To Have Lived.)
 I Believe I Have Decided:
I Shall Become A Frog.
A Rainbow Colored Frog:
With Aqua Eyes And Bright Green Pupils.
 Beauty Is The Worst Curse One Could Aquire.
 I May Not Have Much:
I Have Love To Give Eternal Lore,
(That’s All Anyone Can Dream For.)
There May Be Plenty Of Fish In The Sea,
When Your Heart Is Set On A Lionfish…
(A Tuna Could Never Suffice Thee.)
I Ponder How The World Works.
A Never-ending Cycle Of Knowledge I Crave,
(To Wrap My Brain Around.)
No Day Is The Same:
Continue Looking For New Aspects Of Our Existence,
(Disregard Projected Blame.) 
 An Accumulation Of Cells,
Eternally Growing To Reproduce;
Combined With Conciousness…
(And Tact Of Use.)
To Know The Connection:
Between Scientific Makeup,
Verses Spirituality,
Is Fascinating…
At Least It Is To A Frog; 
(Dreaming Amongst The Sea.)
I Told Him I Was A She-wolf;
He Only Saw The Sheep Crouched Within.
While Counting Orchids,
Her Hummingbird Pays Visit:
(The Key Unjustly Misplaced By Sin.)
 She Can Read My Thought,
She Flows Within:
Entering My Iris With Ease,
(Slithering Smoke, Taught.)
 “A Life Spent Attempting To Impress:”
She Digress Within My Chest,
“Worrying Amongst Others Impressions?
This Is No Life At All, You’ll Find.
 Live Fast,
Die Wise.
Do Not Dwell On Past Love-Drenched Lies:
If One Cannot See Unique Beauty,
(Another Will.)
They Will Accept Your Weird Antics,
(The Skeletons,)
The Struggles…
Cast Out Those Keeping You Small.
Let Your Heart Become Free:
Love Unconditionally Tall,
Share And Listen…
You’d Be Surprised; 
(How Simple It Can Be To Fall.)”
There Was You,
And As The Sun Crept Across The Mountain,
We Were Intertwined…
(Our Chests Bare, In Tune.)
 Little Girls Are Always Filled With Pansies,
(Dreams Of Love…)
Until The Rain Never Comes…
Her Dreams Fall As BBs Through A Dove;
(A Lost Favored Glove.)
 Should You Misjudge Her Generosity?
(That An Act Of A Harlot;)
In Reality,
‘Twas Mistrust Within Dead Thought.
 These Things,
(Those Which Keep Life Beautiful,)
They’re Often Overlooked.
 The Majestic Array Of Sienna And Gold,
Stretching Across The Horizon:
The Sun Lay Down,
Dressing It’s Land Bedizen.
 The Esthetic Sound:
Morning Birds Harmonizing,
Within Darkness Of A Newborn Morn.
The Sexual Beauty Of Lipstick Stained
Upon The Butt Of An Unlit Crutch,
Knowing The Simplistic Pleasure
Within That Woman’s Relaxation.
 These Are The Things That Keep Me Breathing:
These Are My Prized Possessions. 
 “She Doesn’t Know:
She’s Beautiful…
A Golden Heart Filled Plentiful.”
 (Vivian Piping In From Amongst The Foliage.)
 I’m A Walking Disaster:
You’ll Regret You Made Me…
It’s To Late To Save Me.
 Vivian’s Snarling Teeth And Red Lips Hiss:
“To Speak Of Things! 
Out Of Ignorance!
A Narcissistic Addiction,
(To One’s Own Lack Of Esteem.)
 I Bumble:
“I Swear, There Is No Perfection Within My Words.
(No Certainty Within My Thoughts,)
Little Confidence Within My Actions.”
 She Straightens My Spine,
One Last Time.
“Just Remember:
Those Who Doubt,
 Will See.
Black, White, Blue;
Betrayal, Ignorance, Selfishness…
(And Greed.)
 Those Who Question, 
Are Bound To Learn:
A Narrow Scope Leaves Little Room,
(Whilst Preparing Such Turn.)
 This Beautiful Symbiosis Creates: 
(Mutual Understanding.)
 Never Underestimate Those Who Bleed,
(Within True Color;)
The Masks,
(And The Faces Beneath,)
Do Not Faultier The All Seeing Eye…
(Of Truth.)
 *Vivian Whispers Within My Conch*
 I Always Get What I Want…
And You’re No Exception.’”
 She Vanished Before My Eyes,
Once Again ‘On My Own’ For Size.
I Sat Next To A Rushing River;
Counting The Ripples,
Simultaneously Crashing Within One-Another.
It Was Water Flowing Toward The Sea:
Welcoming Loneliness, 
(Branded Inside Me.)
 I Sat And Observed:
All The Pallid Bubbles,
(Floating Above My Head.)
 I Lowered My Tone,
“Can I Express Myself?
(Excuse Me For The Intrusion:)
Could One Plus One Equal Two,
(Endless Nights Have Turnt Me Blue.)
 I’m Just A Face Within The Crowd,
Singing Toward A “Wounded Healer”:
My Shredded Heart-Strings Screech…
(Blushingly Loud.)
 I’ve Found:
Isn’t It A Pitty? 
This Turmoil?
(Fucking Shitty.)
 The Highs Are Godly:
(The Lows Near Death.)
(I Sit Here…)
Gasping To Catch Breath.
The Ups,
(The Downs…)
It’s A Goddamn Deadly Coaster Ride.
A Piece Of Discarded Plastic,
(Ebb And Flow…)
Synchronized Tide.
And I Fucking Cried…
I Cried Until The Sea Spewed Jealousy.
 My Mind Blank:
(Perfectly Placed,)
Shards Of Glass,
(Installed Ever So Delicately…)
Within My Heart,
(Live Fast.)
 I Begged For Rock Bottom:
(I Desire To Paint Love.)
I Dropped My Guard,
(Emotions Shoved;)
Within A Pretty Little Box…
Placed Amongst A Shelf,
Lost Within An Assortment Of Discarded Clocks.
 How Does One Write A Love Story?
(It Never Seems To Unfold,)
Failed Attempts:
All Stories Are Untold…
Until They Aren’t.
Thank You For Saving Me.”
 I Turn To Coward:
 The Elephant Mumbles,
Beneath Drunken Hiccups And Depression Slime;
(Covered In Muck.)
My Newly Shifted Spine;
Claimed A Ringing In Time.
 “Excuse Me?
(I May Promote Distaste:)
Have You Dulled Yourself Incapable;
(Recognizing Divine Gifts?)
Your Soul Begged the Universe For Just This.
 Why Patronize?
Did You Enjoy It?
(Back When You Were I?)
Mustering Courage To ‘Keep Going’…
(Accumulating Judgement Of Your Potential;
You’ve No Idea, 
The Artistic Baggage I’m Towing.
 I’m Developing A Publishing Platform:
(One Based On Truth And Heart,)
“Freedom Of Thought”.
 Untangling My Own Mind,
(An Audition Of Love:)
Written And Published,
(In Real Time.)
 A Test Of Divinity,
(Against Each Deadly Sin…)
Proof Of My Own Eternal Worth:
Avoid “The Game”,
(Love Festers From Within.)
 I Broke Myself,
(Year 25,)
I Begged To The Heavens,
“Please Do Not Take Me.”
I Made A Promise That Day:
Sacrifice My Own Life…
A Soldier;
(Against Human Decay.)
 “Sell My Soul,”
(Or So You Could Say.)
 You Could Not Understand,
(Elephant Man,)
I’m A Trilogy From A Musical…
(A Story Unlike Any Before,)
For This Story…
Is Me:
(Written In Rhythmic Lore.)
 You Wanna Play Tit For Tat?
I’ll Challenge A Profit,
(I’m No Longer A Door Mat.)
 You Know That Itch?
(I Feel It Too…)
I Hope You Recognize,
You’re On A Deadly Spiral,
(Noticeable To Few.)
The Green Bled Grey Within Your Eyes,
Could You Know What It’s Like?
(Hidden Deep Within Lies?)
So Deep,
Your Mind Begins To Play Games:
Are You Ignoring Such Important Self Work?
Remain Tamed?
(A Beating Heart Saturated Of Toxic Stains…)
Or Maybe,
Could You Be Hiding Behind Complaints?
“No One Could Understand Me…”
Unable To Express Yourself;
(Without Constraints.)
 It’s Lonely Up Here…
The Price To Pay:
It’s The Curse Of Mediocrity To Stay…
(Isn’t It?)
 I Dote Upon My Own Talent Within A Full Moon…
 Talk To You Soon.”
 His Mind Was Wrapped In Soup Bowls,
One On Each Side Of The Head:
Enthralled In Playing With Spiders,
Swimming In Toxic Lead.
 I Found A Little Box,
Similar To Before:
Next To A Psychedelic Fungi,
I Peered Within, Once More.
The Writing Unscripted;
Within Lay Plugs For Ears.
Harmony Flows In:
Insecta Forced Out,
Lay To Rest Old Fears.
 I Hear The Shore:
A Beating Of My Heart, Sound…
“See You Around.”
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finalspaceplace · 5 years
Short FS story
One last short story before Final Space season 2 airs on the 24th.  I wrote this some time ago, but I’ll put it here. I guess I decided to put this here real fast because there was a short scene of young Gary holding Mooncake in a flashback. Looks like he might be at John’s funeral? Anyway, I know this story is bad but I tried. I try to stay somewhat active with posting my own stuff on here but sometimes I fail.
"I'm so sorry...Gary, was it?" spoke the lady in the black dress.  He had no idea who she even was but she acted as though she'd known him for years.  Nodding slowly, a tear trickled down his cheek as he listened to someone in the front of the room talk.  Rows and rows of chairs filled the memorial service as the most important and influential members of the Infinity Guard payed their respects to his father.  There wasn't a body.
The lady in black with brown hair leaned down closer to his face and wiped the tear with a tissue. 
"There.  That's better than using your sleeve to wipe your nose." she spoke softly.  Gary sniffled and looked down at his black suit.  "You're going to be alright, sweetheart.  Where is your mother?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.  His breath caught and he looked up at her with glassy eyes.  Realization struck and she immediately regretted asking the question.
"Oh, honey, forgive me."  the lady turned and stood up straight, trying to move past the awkward moment.  Gary decided it was time to leave her alone and moved to a seat and sat down.  The men sitting around him were large, strong, intelligent captains and pilots.  And he was just Gary.  Someone up front was talking yet the voice was going right over his head.  The muscular man sitting next to Gary stood, strolling down the aisle towards the front.
Taking his place at the microphone, he began to speak.
"As you all know, I'm Captain Stone.  John Goodspeed was a brilliant captain and will always be remembered for his work in the Infinity Guard.  The bravery and courage shown by him sacrificing himself for the Earth is inspiration for all of us."
Inspiration? Thought Gary.  My father's death is inspiration?  At that moment Gary wanted nothing more than to sprint down the aisle and kick that man in the knee.  But he thought better of it.  The visitation continued and Gary sat there, trying his hardest to hold in the tears.  Scanning the room, he noticed the absence of his father's best friend and co-pilot.  Jack.  He knew Jack was with him when the ship...exploded.  That sucked too.  Jack would always bring Gary cool stuff they found on missions or play games with him.  In a way he was like a weird uncle.  A strange, green, short uncle.
Suddenly everyone stood up and Gary hopped down from his seat, heading towards the door.  Where was he supposed to go?  He was almost twelve he could take care of himself.  
Before he could make it a hand wrapped around his shoulder, pulling him back.
"Where you going little man?" asked a deep voice.  Captain Stone was standing there, dressed in a black suit.  He was intimidating, definitely.
Kneeling down so he could be face to face with Gary, he sighed.
 "I'm sorry about your father."
"The Infinity Guard is in good hands, don't worry."
"You don't talk much do you? Well, I'm sorry.  Take care of yourself." finished Stone, before he stood up and walked away to speak with some of his fellow captains.  Watching him leave, Gary turned back towards the door, only to be grabbed again by the woman from before.
"You know you can't just leave?  You have to come with me." she spoke.  Pulling his arm away from her, his eyes narrowed.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because you're eleven years old and you can't be by yourself.  There's already a foster family that's ready to take you in." A knot formed in his stomach and he stepped back, leaning against the wall.
 "No-no.  I don't want to go live with strangers."
 "It's either that or the orphanage.  I'm sorry Gary.  But the choice is made.  You can come with me for now and we'll set you up in your new home shortly.  Just take a moment to grieve."
 He hated her.  He knew she was just doing her job but he hated her.
"Do you have all of your belongings?" she asked as Gary pushed a suitcase into the back of the car.
"Yes." he said coldly.
"Good.  We-"  A jar was tucked underneath Gary's jacket.
 "What is that?"
 "It's Mooncake."
 "M-Mooncake?  Like food?  Your new family will have food."
"No.  My caterpillar.  Mooncake." he raised the jar, showing the little green creature eating a leaf inside.
"You're not bringing a bug with you.  Let him out and let's get going."  Arms wrapped around the jar tightly.  There was absolutely no way he was letting Mooncake go.  He had already let all his other insects in the collection free.  But not Mooncake.
 "Gary, let the bug go and get in the car."
 "Don't fight with me."
 "You're not my mom.  Or my dad." he hissed.
The woman rubbed her forehead, trying to remain calm.  She had dealt with plenty of children who had lost their parents.  But this one was being extra difficult.
 "Please...my dad gave him to me. H-he's starting to build a chrysalis. He won't even be around much longer b-because I'm going to have to let him go once he forms into a butterfly."
Her eyes widened and she sighed, motioning her hands to get in the car.
 "Fine.  Fine.  You can keep him.  Just get in."
Doing as told, Gary hopped into the backseat, slamming the car door shut.  Holding Mooncake in his hands, he glanced back out the window.  He'd never live here anymore.  He'd never see his father again.  It was all in the past.  He couldn't help but look in the side mirror at his home until they turned the corner and it was no longer visible.
Everything was changing.  
His grip on the jar tightened.
Mooncake was the last peace of his father he had.  And once he formed into a butterfly, he knew he'd have to let him free.  It wouldn't be fair to keep him locked away in a jar while his wings longed for the wind to carry him through the sky.  Then again...life isn't fair.
Gary shook the thought away.  He couldn't do that to Mooncake.  When the time came, he would let him free.
 He just hoped it would be a little while longer before that happened.
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galaxies-unknown-a · 3 years
Winds of Color
[ @galeslament​ || Liked for a starter!]
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Hunting had been... Decent, for the last few months... Chrysalis and her hive were beginning to regain some semblance of strength, but the weaker ones- the ones on their way to meet the goddess of trickery- were fading, still. No amount of love seemed to cure their wounds. This thought weighed on Chrysalis’ heart, the images of her sick children flashing like sparks through her mind. They wouldn’t have long.
But, she had an agreement to uphold- so she could split her focus. The queen kept her hoofsteps steady, once more disguised... But leaving a single mark on her cheek, one she’d warned Gale about for the next time they met- a sort of ‘tell’, which changed slightly through each disguise, but could be shed if the need arose. She glanced up to the purple-red sky, wondering for a moment if her children would like to see it. Some had been on their sickbeds ever since they were flung to this foresaken forest... 
Even if she was out to speak with a friend, she could not- would not- forget what lay at home once she would return. So, of course, she had intent to hunt on her mind.. If only a little. Part of that hunt this time, however, would be knowledge.
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“Oh, I guess that’s the edge of the woods!” She giggled. The queen’s current disguise was meant to be a bit of an airhead, so it would be easier to maintain- no one tended to question the filly with her head in the clouds, after all. “Now now, I wonder where he’s got to...!”
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Princess Slaughter Shy 2 (Page 7 END)
An original My Little Pony Creepypasta by Zaine McCartney 
The Queen gave her a devious smirk, “I’m sure you’re familiar with my daughter whom I’ve disowned long ago.”
     “Why would I be familiar with any of your children?”
     “You may know her more formally as Princess Entity.”
     Every hair that made up Fluttershy’s body stood on end at the mention of that name. Her brows narrowed and the whole world around her, except for Queen Chrysalis, became dark. Her blood boiled to the point it felt like acid pumping through her veins. A slight look of shock was also present on her face. “She’s your daughter?!” She exclaimed with disbelief.
     “Unfortunately so.” Chrysalis looked to the side with an unamused expression. “I should’ve killed that good for nothing brat when she was still under my care, especially when she started to hit that rebellious stage. She’s been nothing but trouble from day one. Now she’s the goddamn Princess of Death. Unsustainblae to death her self.” She let out another growl.
     Fluttershy dipped in her seat with disappointment, remembering Entitiy’s immortality. “Thanks for reminding me, you’re grace.” She commented in a harsh sarcastic tone.
     Chrysalis just smirked down at her, an evil flicker of light illuminating her green eyes for a second. “But I know of a way to kill her.”
     Fluttershy practically jumped out of her seat and lunged in front of the bug Queen, staring into her eyes with wide alert ones. She searched for the answer in her green eyes because she was way too impatient to wait for her to speak it. “Tell me!”
     “Accept the merger deal and I’ll tell you how.”
     The corner of Fluttershy’s mouth twitched as she tasted her proposal, she felt cornered but she wanted the Death Princess gone. To be honest she could just kill Chrysalis later on after they dethrone Entity and become the sole ruler of Equestria once again. ‘Yeah, that’s a good idea.’ She gave a sly smile and held her hoof out, ”Alright, you have a deal.”
     Chrysalis returned a confident grin and shook on it. “The deal is now sealed. If you back out of it at anytime I will not hesitate to wage war with you myself.” Her threat pierced Fluttershy like a squirpion sting but she had nothing to worry about. This reclusive Queen should be the one watching her back. She disappeared right where she was sitting and left Fluttershy alone with her thoughts.
     The Princess stayed in the conference room and placed her head on the table. Thoughts flooded her mind like a dam had just been broken in there. ‘Princess Entity is the daughter of the Queen of the Changelings? How come she doesn’t look like a conventional Changeling? How did she come to be the Princess of Death?’ All theses questions plus many more were the ones that tormented her aching brain. Trying to come up with her own theories for each question made it worse. Before she knew it she found herself drifting back into dreamland.
     The Queen arrived back into her Changeling Kingdom and instantly cleared her throat. “I need every Changeling in the autotorium for an important meeting!” Her loud voice echoed through every tunnel the confusing castle had to offer. “I expect everyone to be in attendance.” She added harshly.
     The buzzing of wings was deffening as every Changeling found their way to the audiotorium. The buzzing was traded in for chattering as the Changelings conversed among one another while they waited for their Queen to fill them with her news. The moment she appeared onstage the room became dead quiet, all buggy blue eyes trained upon her.
     “Attention all of my loyal subjects. I have just spoken with Princess Slaughter Shy and she has agreed to the merger of our two kingdoms!” Chrysalis announced with pride. The audience exploded into cheers and loud buzzing as countless eager Changelings to the air and spun around in circles. “Wait! I’m not finished yet! Settle down.” She waited until all was silent before she continued, “she has also agreed to let you feed on the love of the ponies she has picked out to sacrifice.” All their eyes were wide, the atmosphere silent, none of then even breathed. “Now you may celebrate.” A second wave of cheers and buzzing filled the room, Changelings high-hoofed each other and others let out ear piercing whistles. “You are free to travel to and from both kingdoms as you please, but behave yourselves, don’t go around causing mishap and picking fights with the local ponies. That’s not our job over there and it will surely have Slaughter Shy rethinking our deal.”
     “Yes, your majesty.” Orchestrated the crowd.
     The Queen chuckled with delight and stepped off the stage, several of her minions rushed up to her and groveled at her hooves. She shooed them off with a displeased expression on her face and made her way to an empty bedroom that once belonged to a daughter she called Freeze Frame, but now known by some ponies and through folklore as Princess Entity. She looked down at the empty unkept bed with an emotionless expression. “Get ready you good-for-nothing wench, for your days of glory are about to come to an end.” A low, maniacle laughter came from her after her sentence ended.
       The next day Pinkie Pie brought in the next new unfortunate soul, the distraught lover of the belated Vinyl Scratch, Octavia. Queen Chrysalis and a large number of her subjects were there to witness how Fluttershy worked. Before Fluttershy plunged her sword into Octavia’s broken heart she allowed the Changelings to drain her of all the love she had to give. Their eyes burned a bright blue and their horns illuminated with a mucky green aura, the same color trailed off Octavia’s body and connected to their horns.  
     The grey and black earth pony shrieked in pain and struggled with all her might to break free from her restraints that held all four of her hooves to the ground. “Stop this you sick fiends!” Her body became weak, almost causing her to fall to her side. She panted heavily and ducked her head. “You’re all a bunch of monsters… Why are you doing this, Fluttershy?”
     The Princess simply giggled but rage was flickering in her eyes. “Don’t even try it. Somepony else already tried that psychology crap on me and they met their end. Your death will be painless if you keep your trap shut.”
     Octavia said no more as the sharp blade ripped through her chest cavity, her head shot up from the impact with wide purple eyes staring into nothing but her brain relaying her life. Her already grey body became a more pale grey as the life in it began to fade away. The only radiance left of her was her signature white collar pink bowtie wrapped around her neck. Her eyes closed and she was barely hanging on to life, with a weak voice she managed out one last sentence, “just put an end to me already…”
     “Gladly.” Chimed Princess. She plunged the sword deeper into the slow beating heart. The life finally left the body and it began to lean to one side until it paused, the hooves that were locked to the ground was holding it at this awkward angle until the bones exploded from the pressure and the body hit the floor completely with a light thud. The sharp edges of the bones ripped through the skin and stuck out in the open, a few onlookers had to turn away and keep themselves from losing their stomach’s contents.
     Vextra, who was shrunken down to a normal dog size once again, then pounced on the corpse and started to make a meal out of it. The rest of the onlookers turned away and exited the room in a single file line, all except for Princess Slaughter Shy and Queen Chrysalis. They knew what was to come next and they wanted to wait for it. Right on cue the room got covered in a familiar green fog with a figure stepping out of it, their right green eye burning much brighter than the left red one.
     “Hello, daughter.” Said Chrysalis in an eerily gleeful tone.
     Princess Entity narrowed her brows but refused to look at her mother. Her horn lit up as she retrieved Octavia’s soul from her body. “Go into the fog. I’ll join you shortly. Plus somepony begged to let them join me just to see you again, I’m sure you’ll be pleased.” She gave the trembling mare a reassuring smile.
     Octavia lit up with excitement, “oh I bet I know who,” she giggled and trotted into the fog.
     Entity turned to her mother and took a quick glance at Fluttershy. “So, the two of you are mingling?”
     “Better than that, we have merged our two kingdoms.” Fluttershy replied with a devious smile.
     “The two lowlives of this world have come together?” She did not like the sounds of this, it actually made her quite scared but she couldn’t show weakness, not in front of them.
     Chrysalis snorted. “Your lack of effective insults is amusing. But I’d watch your tongue if I were you.”
     “Or what? Incase you forgot no pony can kill me, I’m neither dead nor living.” Princess Entity explained.
     “There’s ways to get you to become sustesible to death, you just don’t know it yet. Everyone has a weakness.” Said Chrysalis. Her patience for her daughter was running out. Fluttershy noticed this and she readied herself to hold the Changeling Queen back if it comes to it. “I brought you into this world I can take you out!”
     Entity got right up in her mother’s face, giving her a sinister glare. “Is that a threat?”
     The Queen hissed with just as much hatred in her eyes. “No. It’s a fucking promise.”
     The two of them just stared each other down in a war of “who hates more who”? Entity had to pull herself away and disappear into the fog before she wound up breaking a rule that would dethrone her.
       Princess Entity arrived home from yet another trip to Heaven where she had taken Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch to live out the rest of their afterlives together. A solemn expression was glued to her face as she walked through the empty halls of her castle. She didn’t need a lot of guards for she had no fear of death herself. Spirit Shifter was the only royal guard she had living in the kingdom with her.
     Spirit spotted her from afar and quickly ran up to welcome her back. “How was your trip?”
     She looked at him with a still solemn face and continued to walk on in silence.
     His enthusiasm estiguished itself and he followed her with a worried look. “You okay?”
     “I saw my mother today.” She said in a monotone voice.
     “Your mother?” He repeated in question. “Where was she?”
     “With Slaughter Shy.” She stated simply. She shook her head woefully. “I fear a much darker time is drawing near, and I’m afraid it is inevitable…”
     Spirit swallowed nervously, “what exactly do you mean?”
     “The two most evil kingdoms have now merged into one giant kingdom of tyranny and they intend to bring my kingdom down… with only the two of us to defend it against their hundreds of soldiers… we have zero chance of winning.”
     “Can’t we recruit some ponies?”
     “Those who are dead cannot fight. Only the living can… and I don’t want to put them in harm’s way. I’m sure we can take them on.”
     “You’re a terrible liar.” Spirit stated jokingly, that at least got her to give a slight smile. “But… what’ll happen if we lose?”
     She stopped and stared out into the black abyss that surrounded her red maroon red castle. “Those who die in the future will be forced to live here in limbo for the rest of eternity. You and I will no longer be the guardians of their souls and take them to the next life… we’ll all be trapped here and unable to see each other or even hear each other. This castle will crumble into dust and everything will be total darkness.”
     “Then we have to recruit a strong army, Entity. We can’t risk that, the fate of death as we know it is at stake. It’s terrifying to know you’re going to die… because you don’t know what happens next, if it’s just eternal blackness or if there truly is something more to look forward to. We can’t let their worst fears come true and know it is eternal blackness now because we didn’t do anything to try and stop it.” The fear of being trapped in eternal darkness was even getting to him now, causing his voice to catch and tears to weld up in his eyes.
     She closed her eyes once taking in his wise words. Both scenerios will have disasterous consequences. On once hoof innocent lives will be lost if the recruit an army. On the other hoof if her and Spirit Shifter fall then life and death as they know it will be gravely derailed and be nothing but total hell and will never be mended. True she does have two daughters she could pass the crown on to but one of them is emotionally unstable and the other one is about ready to have a baby and finally start her life. Plus being titled the Princess of Death is more a curse than anything and she didn’t want to burden anypony else with a life of solitude. She knew there was really only one safe way to play these odds. “Who can we recruit that is strong enough to fill the positions?”
     “That yellow rainbow stallion I helped surely fits the bill. And Rainbow Dash was once an Element of Harmony so she would come in great use.”
     “She lost her life once… If she loses it again no pony can help bring her back after that.” She commented woefully. “Who else is there?”
     “Getting a large mass of Unicorns doesn’t seem too bad an idea. The more magic we have on our side the more of an advantage we’ll have.”
     She looked down at her hooves, her heart dropping into her stomach. She knew a highly skilled Unicorn that would be of tremendous help but it was going to be hard to ask for it. “Let’s bring in my first born daughter. She’s highly skilled for a Unicorn who has an extreme attention to detail. She’ll be able to help orchestrate a war plan.”
     This took Spirit by surprise. “You have a daughter?”
     “Two actually. I just hope she’s given birth before we need her…”
     “Yeah… and the other daughter?”
     “She’s a normal earth pony… but she’s far too mentally unstable to bring her in.”
     “I see.” He thought for a minute, “why don’t I go back to Earth and find some ponies to recruit?”
     She looked at him. “Slaughter Shy knows who you are, so if you do go stay vigilant and do not get caught.”
     He saluted her. “You can trust me, your highness.”
     A puff a red light illuminated the shadowy room, a floating neckpiece made from white gold and encrusted with rubies and emeralds with a large sapphire shaped into a bowtie popped into the red aura. It floated down to Spirit’s neck and latched itself to it. He looked down at it and back at Entity with wonder. “What’s this thing for?”
     “It makes it so you look like a mortal. So you’re not transparent and floating without using your wings. And on the side there’s little painless prongs sticking into your so that you and I-” she tapped on her own neckpiece, “can communicate telepathically from anywhere in the world.”
     “It’s very gorgeous.” He complimented. “Thank you. I promise to not fail you.”
     She gave a small nod and smiled. “Remember. Be careful.”
     He returned a nod and ventured into the fog that Entity conjured up for him.
     Once he was gone Entity’s face fell into seriousness. “If it’s a war you want it’s a war you’ll get. Mother. Slaughter Shy.” She turned and walked off into the shadowy hallways.
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entomologistologist · 7 years
I was tagged by @arbitrarystrawberry! Thank you! <3
Nickname: Haven't really got one. I have one internet friend who calls me Bean. I almost acquired the nickname Zap, but it didn't work out.
Sign: Political signs with candidates' names on them, mostly.
Favourite music artist: idk man I don't really listen to music by artist. Can I say Amy Grant?
Last tv show watched: uhhhh I keep meaning to watch some King of the Hill but I haven't been doing it. To be honest, I don't remember the last show I watched.
Last movie you watched in theatre: Rouge One. Didn't care for it.
What are you wearing right now: Pajamas.
What do you post: lol who knows. Political stuff (pro-life or anti-SJW mostly). Archie comic scans. Superman and Batman stuff. Spider-Man stuff. The occasional Warrior Cats fanart. Some Christian stuff. Random memes that strike my fancy.
Do you have any other blogs: Nope.
Why did you choose your URL: welllllll gather round, children. I've decided to tell the needlessly long version of this story. I'm warning you, this is way too detailed. PLEASE JUST SKIP TO THE NEXT QUESTION; THIS IS LONG AND BORING.
Okay, so one day a few years ago (it was the year I was taking chemistry, so probably like three years back?), my older sisters stumbled upon a long-cancelled children's cartoon on the TV set called Archie's Weird Mysteries. My sister Talia decided to become an Archie fan, so we all started watching this show ever night at 10pm, when it came on (we don't have no Netflix, no Hulu, no illegal online streaming! we watch things WHEN THEY COME ON).
Meanwhile, my sister Mariah had a story idea that she called her Adventure Psychologist story (at first I wanted to be mean and also include all the backstory of how she came up with her Adventure Psychologist story, since I'm going overboard with the explanations anyhow, but I won't). It was about a psychologist from outer space who did magic psychology on aliens and people. She was obsessed with this story idea. She would never shut up about it. This is important background information.
Now we'll get to the relevant part: The TV station that played Archie's Weird Mysteries had only a couple of actual commercials at a time. The rest of the commercial breaks were filled with promos. One of the shows they advertised was called Dex Hamilton Alien Entomologist. The promo itself was pretty bad (it did not convey any information about the show that is not communicated in the title, although I suppose it did at least define an entomologist as someone who studies bugs), but Mariah saw it and went, "Oh my gosh! An alien entomologist! That is basically the exact same thing as an alien psychologist! I have to watch this show," to which I replied, "wow, Mariah, that's dumb; we watch enough children's cartoons already."
But Mariah wanted to watch it anyway. The first time she tried, she failed because she did not understand time zones. I thought it would be dumb for us to start watching the show, but by the second time she tried to watch it (they only played one thirty-minute episode a week), I had warmed up to it slightly. So the big day when Mariah would watch this show finally rolled around. Talia was going to watch with her, too. I was waaaaay to mature to watch another kid’s show, so I opted to spend the time they were watching TV to go rake the lawn, so I’d be done raking and could afford to spend the rest of Saturday watching Monk reruns (ion television played Monk on Saturdays back then, and as mentioned, we watch TV shows when the TV station people tell us to watch TV shows). So I raked the leaves while they watched their show. Then I came in and asked how they liked it (since I had warmed up to the idea, I had decided that if they liked it, I would try it next week now that the waters had been tested and everything). They liked it. So the next week, I watched whatever episode the TV gods deigned to air that day.
And from that point on until today and probably tomorrow and the day after that, I was/am/will be utterly consumed by that TV show.
One of the main characters from the show is called Zap Monogan. He was created with human and insect DNA mixed together, and in one episode they referenced him making cocoons or chrysalises in his sleep or something. I was thinking about that and got really confused because I realized that I really knew jack squat about chrysalises. I knew cocoons were silk, but I realized I had absolutely positively no idea what they were made of. So I asked Talia and she didn’t know either.
So I went to Wikipedia to research chrysalises. I found out that chrysalises are made out of the outer skin of the creature inside. This confused me as to how Zap could possibly use a chrysalis, since he’s basically a human with mammal skin and stuff. Then eventually I found out that Zap makes cocoons, not chrysalises. So I researched cocoons and I found out that the chemical that silkworms melt the silk with when they escape from a cocoon is called cocoonase. Obviously, the next question was to find out as much about cocoonase and the glands that produce silk as possible. So I madly searched on Wikipedia, but it turns out that most people don’t care about conoonase or really entomology in general, so there isn’t exactly as much information on cocoon formation as there is about, say, human physiology. Priorities.
I never actually found that much information about cocoons (I sort of gave up. Sorry.) but I eventually found out about a guy named Pierre André Latreille. This dude was a famous French entomologist during the 18th and 19th century, in fact, he was nicknamed The Prince of Entomologists, so it’s no surprise I eventually stumbled upon him.
He was born in France in 1762, and not into the best family situation. There are no surviving records of his mother’s identity, and his father wanted nothing to do with him, although he did send his kid money. As a young man, Latreille became a priest. Latreille never actually carried out any of his priestly duties. He was too busy chasing bugs.
In 1790, the revolutionaries had decided that all priests were required to take an oath promising to adhere to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. Latreille ended up missing the deadline to accept the oath and was thrown in prison.
Then one day, the prison physician found Latreille literally crawling around on the prison floor chasing a beetle like an insane person. Latreille eagerly told the doctor what he was so excited about. The doctor, to his credit, actually was impressed. You see, we aren’t talking about some run of the mill Coccinella septempunctata here. This was a Necrobia ruficollis—a very rare beetle. Once Latreille explained this, the doctor took the specimen and brought it to a local naturalist, Bory de Saint Vincent, who was a fan of Latreille’s and managed to pull a few strings and get Latreille released from prison. This is especially bizarre when we note that Saint Vincent was only fifteen when all this was happening, and yet somehow a fifteen-year-old could decide who lived and who died. Apparently, the Get Out of Jail Free card came with a plus one, because Damkaer reveals that one of Latreille’s cellmates was freed as well. All the others were killed.
Wow, I thought. That’s ridiculously cool! So I started researching entomologists a lot. I made a weird color-coded chart detailing which French entomologists of the 1800s were friends with each other. It was dorky. Very, very dorky.
Then I started a tumblr, and I was like, and entomologist is a person who studies insects, and I’m a person who studies people who study insects, so I’m an entomologistologist.
See, I warned you that would be long.
Do you get asks regularly: I have never in my entire life gotten an ask. SOMEONE ASK ME SOMETHING PLS. I've been tagged in posts before, though.
Hogwarts house: what I AM is probably Ravenclaw. What I'd WANT to be is Gryffindor.
Patronus: ummm a moth maybe. I haven't really thought about it.
Pokemon team: I only play on Pokemonshowdown.com using gen1 random battles, so I'll take this as a chance to list six random Pokemon that I like: Umbreon, Raichu, Nidorino (male), Mew, Ninetales, and Arcanine.
Favourite colour: Pinkish lavender.
Favourite characters: Zap Monogan from the show Dex Hamilton Alien Entomologist. Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap I love you, Zap. Other favorite characters include Dex himself, Jenny 10 and Tung from the same show, Jughead from Archie comics, Peter Parker, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Twilight Sparkle and Spike from MLP, Adrian Monk from Monk, and Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye.
Hobbies/crafts: Writing, listening to the radio, and speech and debate.
Collect anything? Pennies. I sorted them by decade but then I jumped and jostled the room enough that they all fell over. But the point of collecting them is to sort them by year, so I should get around to reorganizing them, soon.
Current challenges you face: I need to pray more. So much more. And I need to learn that my friends don't secretly hate me.
Things you’re looking forward to? My next speech and debate tournaments, buying my sister Mariah birthday presents, buying the hardcover of The Lost Girl of Astor Street by Stephanie Morrill, and going to sleep for a nice long time.
Anything you want to promote? Seek God.
I’m tagging @storymaker-the-christian-echidna and @nightcrawler-fan.
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lvcienne · 6 years
♡ — › 「 headcanons. 」
in-character questionnaire.
what would completely break your character? someone telling her, straight to her face, that she is not good enough, confirming the doubts she has in the back of her head about her choices, her music, etc. she’d also break if anything more happened to her family; whether it be her father or sister getting injured -- even if she is not particularly close to them, she holds her family to be of utmost importance. additionally, if she put her whole heart into someone again, after finally trusting them and being able to love them, but then they either betray her or don’t relay those feelings... it wouldn’t end well. she’s had her run-ins with the fact that ‘ true love isn’t real ’ but she tirelessly reaches for it anyways. one more slip and she may dive off the deep end.
what was the best thing in your character’s life? her sister being born. it’s still a vivid memory for her, holding her baby sister in her arms and then growing up and learning to take care of someone else. it’s her fondest memory and treasures it dearly. alternatively, it’s when she composed her first song, wrote it all down on sheet music and everything. it’s the creative process that rejuvinates and without her start on the music path, urged by her mother, it may never have happened.
what was the worst thing in your character’s life? two things: her break up in high school and her mother’s death. her break up shattered many of her hopes and it took her a while to trust and love again. the other is her mother’s death -- it shattered her world when she found out. out of her parents, she was closest to her mother and despite her alcoholic streak, she was just about to come around until... she wasn’t there anymore. although lucienne will say she’s coped, it’s hard to tell for sure since she’s buried her grief a long way’s down in an effort to focus on others’ well beings.
what seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character? when she would chase her sister around their old house ( it’s a reminder of happier times, when things were much simpler and she chased her sibling rather than chasing dreams ) , when she saw the fireworks on the fourth of july with her parents when she was six ( it’s a blissful and vivid moment in her life, of her family’s once-thought never-ending happiness ) , her first concert ( the bass shakes her core but she is surrounded by people who shout lyrics at the top of their lungs just as she does ) , when she played guitar in her elementary school talent show ( recognition, people hearing her play music for the first time ), her minor role in her high school’s musical production ( sometimes she misses being on stage ) , setting foot in rome for the first time ( freedom is priceless ) .
what would your character make a scene in public about? i believe she’s a bit of a matchmaker so if she ever calls one of her friends getting together with someone else, she’ll totally shout out the fact that she was right like a total dweeb. if she was getting angry, it’d probably be because she accidentally killed an insect and “bugs deserve just as much respect as we give others !! ” as unsarcastically and sarcastically as possible.
what is your character afraid of? she’s afraid of not being loved in the same way that she loves others. she’s afraid of disappointing people. she’s afraid of not mattering and ending up not making a difference in her life -- she wants to do something with her life.
a song that describes them? joy by sleeping at last.
most three recently watched on netflix? legally blonde ( she thinks of it as a feel good movie ) , gilmore girls ( rory and lorelai ? iconic ) , and brooklyn nine-nine ( she enjoys jake and amy ) . 
do they have allergies? only to shrimp, and it makes her wary of seafood in general. it makes her itchy all over and closes up her throat.
do they eat breakfast? what’s a typical breakfast look like for them? she thinks its a vital meal of the day and anyone who skips it will receive a personal five-course meal from her. she typically makes scrambled eggs, toast, and a glass of orange juice.
what do they do when they cant sleep? she has this mix on her phone filled with guitar melodies that she’s played herself; it’s a medley of sleepy songs and she turns it on when she can’t fall asleep right away. alternatively, she’ll just start composing / mixing music -- if she’s going to stay up, she’ll stay up on her own terms of creativity.
how do they act around children? automatic mom & babysitter. she’d immediately turn on Parent Mode and make sure they’re okay and everything 
did they have a good childhood? relatively, up until her parents’ divorce she would count her childhood a good one. at the time, she had loving parents and a baby sister to care for.
what are fond memories they have of it? her sister and her finding a caterpillar in the elementary school gardens and eventually taking it home. they put in a jar, poked holes, fed it leaves. it eventually formed a chrysalis and then grew into a butterfly. lucienne loves remembering when she let her sister release the jar lid and let the butterfly roam free.
what’s a bad memory? her mother yelling at her when she used to be drunk, her father stumbling home late and drunk, remembering who she was in high school. it comes back in dreams, when she’s suddenly this totally different person that looks nothing like her yet is her all the same, hurting herself and hurting others just for attention and validation. it’s a phase in her life that she tries to forget as much as she can. 
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