#[But hey those HW icons weren't wasted!]
ofstarsandskies · 11 months
Seto's Halloween Surprise
@ad-simul for that like on the Halloween Treat gift thing
Searching the nearby shopping mall for danger, one thing caught his attention: a Halloween store. Ludger sort of kept track of dates by counting each time Seto went to bed for the night and adding them to the day he died. If he counter right, today should've been Halloween.
He shouldn't get distracted. A holiday store wouldn't have anything valuable. And yet... One little detour for old time's sake couldn't hurt.
Ludger beelined for the costume section, curious if there'd be something in his size. Sewing a costume together every year once he mastered the needle never lost its initial thrill. Only Julius and Lulu would ever see them, but he'd admire his work and spice up the apartment to match that year's costume's theme. One of the costumes on the rack, some type of overexaggerated gambler ensemble, caught his eye.
What kind of face would Seto make if he showed back up in this? Alas, he knew not to get excited; he lost the luxury of swapping clothes long, long ago.
...I wish I could help Seto celebrate, Ludger thought, placing his hand on the costume's accompanying hat. But what can I do? I can't even hold--
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"Huh?" Wait a second. The hat... he had a grip on it! To test if his newfound power(?) wasn't a trick, Ludger dropped the hat and tried picking it up. Just like before, it didn't pass through and moved only when he did.
Am I...? Ludger touched his neck and chest-- nope, he hadn't returned from the dead overnight. But then how was this happening? Did Halloween grant ghosts an ability to exist proper so they'd haunt the living?
Ah hell, the logic didn't matter. What mattered is he could give Seto the Halloween he deserv... Oh shoot, Seto! He couldn't leave his friend waiting! He'd just have to go back the way he came-- "Ow!" or he bumped against the wall. Losing the conveniences as an incorporeal being hurt.
Guess he'd be taking the long way back.... Soon. That bump gave him a bright idea.
"Seto, I'm back!" Though he called out, Ludger hid behind a piece of rubble once Seto turned to face him. "I'm sorry it took me a while. There was, uh, some angry spirits giving me a hard time for helping the living. I didn't want them following me back to you, so I had to wait for them to leave. I brought back good news though!"
What good news? The gambler outfit he'd been eyeing did fit over his 'clothes' after all! It'd be mighty awkward if these fell off and then his old outfit didn't re-materalize on him.
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"How do I look? Think I'm ready to make the neighboring ghosts swoon?" Ludger tipped his new, ridiculously large hat with a wink, though he knew in his non-heart he didn't fit the suave lady-killer aesthetic. "I'm not really sure when, why or how this happened, but my body's solid right now! So while it lasts, I thought I'd surprise you with a little Halloween cheer. Follow me-- part two's waiting!"
Though Ludger asked, he already took Seto by the hand to guide him. His touch was neither warm nor cold, but still tangible. As they drew close, the scent of freshly baked something welcomed them to a campfire Ludger started himself (though it took a few tries; death weakened his... body quite a bit).
"Okay, close your eyes and count to ten. No peeking!" Even if Seto didn't follow his command, Ludger reached for a fresh, clean tray full of frosted cats, ghosts, and pumpkins. The Halloween store he stole the costume from had a section for homemade treats near the back. Maybe if this weird solid body thing lasted, he'd go for the remaining cakes and candy ingredients. But to be safe, he cut corners wherever possible so he didn't lose his literal touch halfway through.
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"Tadah! Fresh Halloween cookies!" Ludger cheered, shoving the tray in Seto's hands. "They'll be tougher than usual since I couldn't use an oven. Still, I can at least say the taste's on par with what I'd bake at home. Happy Halloween!"
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