#[EXTRA EXTRA!!!] hayate wazawaza
Isamu suddenly appears in the Izumi-ku news room, holding a flier gingerly between two fingers as if it’s contaminated.
“What is the meaning of this.”
"Hmmmm?~" She turned from her computer, where she had been typing up one of this week's articles. "Oh, Isamu-san, I see you've seen my fliers. Have you come to ask for some advice too?~ It's been a real hit with your schoolmates so far, let me tell ya"*
*We're just gonna pretend it actually has been, despite me actually receiving nothing pertaining to it
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Aside from stand attraction, what brings the Morioh guys to Florida?
cjnfjc tbh stand attraction or whatever wasn't even a factor in my thinking, i just brought over characters that i had ideas for lol
that aside
Sumi: Wanted to move back to the U.S. but still be by the sea + had a job opportunity
Celari: Moved because Sumi did, wanted to be near her grandkids
Lilliannah: Moved to the U.S. with Xayvion when she was going into highschool, moved around for a while.
Vara: "Japan is boring, I'm going to Vegas" and then she traveled a lot
Saino: Florida climate is great for gardening, plus the more rural areas like Loxahatchee are prime nursery territory (as in plant nurseries, like where you go to buy plants)
Keina: Moved with Saino + good colleges
Merridith: Work related reasons, also beachside condo moment
Mae: Florida has a surprisingly good economy for businesses, not just tourisim
Hayate and Tomoyasu: The motherfuckin' scoops (also freelance news grind baybeee)
Chiyoko: Found work there post-Harvard
Brigitte/Dao'shin: Their bodyguard for hire business has them travel a lot
S: She appears wherever she finds things interesting
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How do I get the cult guys off my lawn
Hayate's Super-Cool Advice Column! (Issue No. 4) Today's Problem is... "How do I get the cult guys off my lawn?" You could go the easy route and call the authorities on them, either for trespassing or disturbing the peace. HOWEVER. You could ALSO chase them off by walking outside with '666' on your shirt and screaming fake demon-chants at them. It's much funnier, AND apparently works (it helped me to get them to stop bugging me about putting bible verses in my paper!)! I really hope this helps, and if it does I would LOVE to know. Until next week, Hayate out!
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"Reanoi, Reanoi this is very bad-"
"A-ah, Lady Kag- Erm, I mean, Kayaku-sama, what happened?"
The girl shoved the school newspaper into the taller boy's face, expression frantic. "What are we going to do!? Now everyone here is going to think we are weirdos, and then they will know something is up and then-"
Reanoi gently took the paper from her as she continued to panic, looking it over. He narrowed his eyes as he read, using his free hand to adjust his beret slightly as he did. Once be had finished, he handed the paper back to Kayaku and gave her a smile. "I don't think we have anything to worry about, Kayaku-sama."
"You... You do not? Ah, but the headline, and..."
He shook his head, still smiling. "I think that was only to grasp attention, nothing more. And the article itself is really not more than an introduction, with a small part about the moon stuff at the end. Even then, well..." He let out a small giggle. "How many people do you think actually read this stuff? I doubt many, I know that none of my classmates seemed interested it in at least."
Kayaku relaxed her shoulders as he explained. "...I see. That is... Very much a relief." She sighed, hand on her chest. "Oh, I am so glad..."
The boy nodded, but he made a mental note to keep and eye on that newspaper girl. She could easily come to be an issue in the future, especially with how well researched her other front page article had been.
And if she found out the truth, well...
He didn't want to think about what could happen.
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So what are the weird transfer students doing?
"As of now, not really much of note besides general odd vibes and oddly reclusive behavior. Well, no I suppose that's not true. There was one incident yesterday involving Eiengekku, though I don't have the full details yet... Something involving the moon, I believe? I still need to go interview her classmates and teacher about it, aaaand that's on the agenda for today during lunch, so...
You'll just have to wait and see when our next exciting issue drops!"
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A nice scoop huh? Well, hmm.... The gym teacher that showed up recently bears a striking resemblance to a popular magical girl over in Tokyo, doesn't she? What could have brought her here? Mayhaps, it's the new counselor, who may I say, looks quite a bit like one of her arch nemesis, Queen Eclipse? Could that be possible?
Oho, well that certainly IS interesting, now isn't it?"
...She quickly scribbles this all down on a notepad, grinning like she just won the lottery.
"...Aaaand there. Well, I think I'm going to have to do a bit of research later... But for now, as agreed, the rumor about our good old science teacher. Rumor has it, he's no longer in prison; Well, not in a NORMAL prison, at least. My, ah... 'sources' tell me he was recently moved to the local Speedwagon foundation branch. Now why, I don't know. But with how knowledgeable he was in chemistry and drug making, well..." She smirked. "...it seems a bit fishy, know doesn't it?
Buuuut you didn't hear that from me! Now if you'd excuse me... I have to go inform Tomo that we've found our next issue's front page headline! Toodles!"
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The gym teacher and lights we knew about, but student council re-elections? And weird transfer students? That's new.
"Yepyep! Ooh, it's so dramatic! Will Okane be able to hold onto her position? And does anyone even know who the current President and Vice President are? Oho, but the REAL interesting one is the transfer students..." She pulls out a list of students that she got from... somewhere, flipping through it until she gets to the two pages she wants, hitting the page with her finger lightly. "Eiengekku Kayaku and Jusagi Reanoi, classes 2-D and 3-D respectively. Two students who showed up out of nowhere, and have seemingly been keeping entirely to themselves. Are they just shy? Or are they hiding some sort of secret? I for one would like to know! And I'm sure our loyal readers would love to as well!"
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We know that Budo-ga used to have a lot of weird stuff to write about, but what kind of news do we get at Izumi-ku?
"Oho? Why, only the BEST news of course! News that puts those Budo-ga chumps to shame!
Tomo! What's on the agenda for today?"
The grey-haired boy slid a small notebook across the table.
"Hmhmhm, now let's see... Student council reelections, new gym teacher, ooh, strange lights at night? AND some weird new transfer students? Hmhm, what else... questions for the advice column, all of the student submitted columns, and fiiinallly...
The gossip column! My favorite! Aaaand I'm assuming we have a juicy front-page scoop as well?"
The boy nodded.
"Alright! Well then..." She tucked to notebook away, taking a microphone and cassette recorder out of her pocket, posing dramatically. "Let's get to work!"
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Some guy stole my catgirl figure so I punched him aita
Hayate's Super-Cool Advice Column! (Issue No. 6) Today's Problem is... "Some guy stole my catgirl figure so I punched him, AITA?" ('Am I The A**hole, for those readers who may not know.) Well, that depends of a few factors. Was any damage done to the figure? Was it rare and/or expensive? Just something that meant a lot to you? Did he give it back or did you have to take it back by force? Without the answers to all that, I can't really say one way or another, but assuming the theft was malicious in some way I'd say you're not. Until next week, Hayate out!
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How do you NOT trigger violent red haired gremlins
Hayate's Super-Cool Advice Column! (Issue No. 5) Today's Problem is... "How do you NOT trigger violent red haired gremlins?" Pretend they don't exist. Avoid them whenever possible, all of the time preferably. Never make eye contact, of even glance their direction if you happen to be in their vicinity. Or, just be fast enough to always disappear if they're ever around, though that's not something everyone can do. Hope this helps! Until next week, Hayate out!
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Hey hayate!!! Should I eat a banana today ?
Hayate's Super-Cool Advice Column! (Issue No. 3) Today's Problem is... "Should I eat a banana today ?" Well, as long as you're not allergic I don't see why not! If you are allergic though, then I'm gonna have to say you probably definitely shouldn't. Until next week, Hayate out!
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I think there’s something living in my trash can but it’s never there when I check it out. It’s freaking me out what should I do
Hayate's Super-Cool Advice Column! (Issue No. 2) Today's Problem is... "I think there’s something living in my trash can, but it’s never there when I check it out. It’s freaking me out, what should I do?" Ooh, how spooky! Fitting for this time of year, eh? Jokes aside, you could maybe try to rig a camera up by the trashcan, that way even if whatever it is decides to run whenever you go to check you'd at least have a way to know what it is. Or, maybe moving the trashcan to a more exposed location would chase the thing off for good (assuming it isn't already in one, that is). Let me know if you figure out what the thing is, I'm honestly kind of invested in this now. Until next week, Hayate out!
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Hayate, help! My cat won’t get out of the pantry, it’s been days! What should I do?
Hayate's Super-Cool Advice Column! (Issue No. 1) Today's Problem is... "My cat won't get out of the pantry, it's been days! What should I do?" My, that IS a troubling conundrum, now isn't it? Hm... If I were you, I would try using your cat's favorite treats or food to lure it out. Maybe shine a flashlight in and try and see what's keeping them in there too. Other than that, well... You may wanna try and find a cat whisperer; I'm sure one exists in this town SOMEWHERE. Hopefully this helps! Until next week, Hayate out!
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Flyers seem to have popped up at both schools, advertising a new advice column that Hayate would be implementing into future issues of the Izumi-Ku Newspaper. 'Need advice? Drop a question in our anonymous tip-box!' It read. 'Open to anyone and everyone, for any kind of advice!*
*Within school guidelines'
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Hayate had a huge crush on Okoto in junior high, but kind of just grew out of it. He never knew about it, and probably never will.
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Any insight on the election?
"Hmhm... Well, Tsuku isn't running again, even though she would probably be a shoe-in for president. Okane is trying to keep her spot, and probably will, and Taikai will probably try and fail to run for president again... No clue on the current President and Vice President though, or if anyone else is even planning on running. Though the whole thing DID just get announced, so who knows, maybe some new challengers will pop up! I for one look forward to reporting on the campaigns. That's always fun, especially is petty fighting occurs."
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