#[tired rage] celari yukikara
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the doodle pages are finally done-
this ended up so much larger than i wanted it to but now hopefully i can actually start doing stuff here h-
...well ok i may have come up with some more characters that i couldn't fit on here but i'll cross that bridge when i get to it-
time to spend 15 minutes tagging this lmao (and coming up with names for half of these people jcbvcjhv)
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Aside from stand attraction, what brings the Morioh guys to Florida?
cjnfjc tbh stand attraction or whatever wasn't even a factor in my thinking, i just brought over characters that i had ideas for lol
that aside
Sumi: Wanted to move back to the U.S. but still be by the sea + had a job opportunity
Celari: Moved because Sumi did, wanted to be near her grandkids
Lilliannah: Moved to the U.S. with Xayvion when she was going into highschool, moved around for a while.
Vara: "Japan is boring, I'm going to Vegas" and then she traveled a lot
Saino: Florida climate is great for gardening, plus the more rural areas like Loxahatchee are prime nursery territory (as in plant nurseries, like where you go to buy plants)
Keina: Moved with Saino + good colleges
Merridith: Work related reasons, also beachside condo moment
Mae: Florida has a surprisingly good economy for businesses, not just tourisim
Hayate and Tomoyasu: The motherfuckin' scoops (also freelance news grind baybeee)
Chiyoko: Found work there post-Harvard
Brigitte/Dao'shin: Their bodyguard for hire business has them travel a lot
S: She appears wherever she finds things interesting
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