#[He's the one 4 star I've been wanting for ages but hasn't come home yet </3]
wishluc · 1 year
hello! i love your writings so <3 the way you beautifully set up each prose is something worth applauding for!! since requests are open, i’ll bite ^^:
how about yan!heizou and blackmail?everyone knows he’s one of the best detectives inazuma has to offer, a bringer of justice. but what no one knows aside from you and heizou is that you’ve witnessed him murder a man you’ve taken a liking to. you try to expose him, but he threatens. one thing for sure is, how far he’s willing to go for you. if you were to ever expose him, he promises to pin the blame on you and frame you as the murderer. he’s willing to do anything to keep you hush hush and to keep you by his side.
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waaahhh thank you :((
✧ CW: yandere character, manipulation, murder, blackmail
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It was painfully easy to trust Shikanoin Heizou.
But if only you had heard more about him beforehand, you'd have known that he always acted in his own interest before anything else. There was no obstacle, no riveting case, or fear of consequence that would stop him from pursuing his own goals.
This was exactly why you shouldn't have believed a word that he said when he assured you that your correspondence with him was only for professional reasons. Information, he told you then, that will help in solving cases. In retrospect, the way his lips wavered while trying to keep his expression stern, at the very least, should have it gave it all way. That, and the fact that the detective had never pretended to look serious. (Even if you had pointed it out then, you supposed the only reaction you'd have gotten would be him crowing in delight, "So you noticed all these things about me? I'm flattered, partner—really!'")
You had ignored the glaringly obvious truth in favor of blindly trusting the fascinating figure, much too captivated by his self-assured air and his ardent desire to observe everything about you and your humble abode. You were charmed by him, by the idea that such an important individual would have made the long journey down here to see your modest town when no other government official bothered to even glance this way. And when he spins an elaborate, irresistible web of lies to you and everyone else in a courteous manner, his voice far too composed for the way his eyes brightened with newfound interest, that the Commission was trying to help smaller towns and villages now, that he was here to stay and solve all the cases that had gone unnoticed before his arrival, the smug smirk that appeared at the end was a subtle warning that you all had fallen head first into his trap.
It didn't strike you as odd when he approached you either, asking if you could help him out while he was staying.
"If you'd do me the honor of working as my temporary assistant during my stay," he had said, voice earnest and tinged with anticipation, "I'd really appreciate it."
There were more lies that followed, of course, that silvery voice promising you that you only needed to provide him with information and that you'd hardly be needed for more than a few hours, at most, but you paid them no attention. It was unnecessary since your reply had practically jumped out of your mouth, much to his amusement. Shikanoin Heizou had already won you over with that ever-affable smile and outgoing nature.
Once he actually started working, only high praises were sung about the young detective from the city. Files and files containing cold cases about missing children and stolen goods diminish at an extraordinary rate as Heizou scours through them all with a charming smile. You had no complaints either. Heizou treated you well; he was never curt with you, even if his words lingered on the edge of being condescending at times when he explained how obvious a criminal was being, he didn't throw all his workload onto your inexperienced hands, though he did insist you stay with him all throughout the night when he was working—not to do work, but to keep him company. You were a little confused about why he was staying when he had already solved his cases for the day, simply scribbling down into a book in between indecipherable looks thrown at you.
There were times you felt uneasy, like when the ghost of his touches felt more solid, and the usual brush against your back turned into a firm arm around your shoulder or a hand pressing into the small of your back, and his usual polite words turned more playful, more familiar than you'd have liked. Or when he insisted there was enough time for you to take a break and ushered you to a bustling restaurant, taking bites from your meal and offering you some of his, all while ignoring your questions about the cases he was supposed to be working on that day. Over time, you chalked it up to his personality, much like the times when he'd see you dressed up in a new outfit and point it out with a teasing grin ("Oh my, getting all dolled up for me?") or when he'd randomly make inferences about your relationships with others, by observing how long your conversation continued and listening to the tone of your voice, later confirming all his suspicions with you. It was a little off-putting, but perhaps all geniuses were eccentric in that way.
But there was no excusing the sight in front of you now.
Realization dawns upon you as any words you had turned to sludge at the back of your throat. You tried to find a reason, but as your eyes scanned the brutal scene it was clear to you that your fears had been confirmed. There was no other explanation for why Heizou was crouched over a still, unmoving body, or for the bruises littering his victim's skin. The ebbing glow of the vision at his side, the beads of sweat on his skin, and the final breeze that fluttered past...you didn't want to believe that he was capable of such sheer malice, but how could you deny the obvious?
"What brings you here?" a cold wave of fear envelopes you at his casual tone, accompanied by the impish smile that follows when he says your name, "Oh, was I missing for too long? Were you worried about me?"
"Detective, this is..."
"Now, how long have we known each other already? You can just call me Heizou," his eyes flit over to where yours are glued to, "Hm, this? Oh, it's such a pity, I know! But he was starting to get on my nerves a little, with all the cozying up he was trying to do with you."
It clicks after his words, why there was something familiar about the lifeless figure collapsed on the ground. Someone who had, just a few days ago, been trying to start a conversation with you while you were following Heizou around; but you remembered Heizou tugging you away while you were trying to think of a reply, with a callous reply in your stead, and you remember the startling fierceness gleaming in his eyes. You'd have never imagined that his anger went this far.
"So you killed him?"
Heizou blinks at you slowly, before chuckling as he stands up from his crouched position, "Well, what else was I to do? Hmm, something's telling me that you're about to go running...I wouldn't recommend that, partner."
Before you can even take a step, a strong gust of wind knocks you over onto your back. Heizou looms over you, a dark storm stirring in his previously bright eyes.
"You'll tell everyone that I killed someone, and drag them over to see the body. But nobody will believe that, will they? The Tenryou Commission's most prized detective coming to this little place to murder a random passerby? Come on, partner, I was hoping you learned a thing or two about a convincing case from me by now."
You gasp out, the shock from the impact yet to wear out, and Heizou laughs sharply at your helpless state.
"It's alright. There'll be plenty of time for you to learn after. I'll even tell you how I'll go about refuting your claims," Heizou leaned even closer to you, "Let's see, it would be terribly suspicious if there were someone messing with my files, you know? Only someone that works closely with me would be able to do that, and they'd know how much progress I was making here. It must have upset them, I'd say, they must have wanted to scare me off. Oh, and if I happened to find evidence of a murder weapon lying around...well, it would be a closed case, don't you think?"
You exhale sharply, feeling as though the world was closing in—or maybe, it was just Heizou's presence that was starting to feel heavy, "you wouldn't—"
Heizou smiles, but it's devoid of any previous warmth, "I could—isn't that all that matters? I've never asked for an assistant, I've never needed one—the Commission can tell you this—but you came and begged and pleaded with me, so I agreed to take you under my wing. You paid back my kindness by betraying me—really, how cruel. And when you've been named a murderer, there'll be no place to run either. You'll just have to sit nice and still in my house, hmm?"
It was just like him to have it all figured out. He had been stringing you along all this while, with his honey-coated lies and well-mannered facade, and you had followed him without a single doubt.
"I'm looking forward to many more days of being together, partner."
When it's your word against the prodigy detective of the Tenryou Commission, whoever will believe you?
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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elricwest · 5 years
For all those Nalu fans out there, here is my newest fanfic. Chapters are posted on fanfiction.net if you want to read there.
"Things are looking up, oh finally…" For the first time in Lucy's life, things were actually really great. She had a great job as an editor for a publishing firm in the city she always dreamed of living in, Crocus. Her apartment wasn't what she'd always imagined she'd live in but it was a lot better than some of the places around town. But, her proudest achievement, she was in a solid relationship!
So many guys had come along but none had made the cut. From wish washy to self absorbed to complete asshole, Lucy had pretty much dated them all and had sworn off men… until she met him. They met through a friend and seemed to click immediately.
He was kind and sweet, considerate and doted on her every minute they were together… which most times wasn't long because of his job, according to him. He claimed he was some manager of the stars or at least of some important people.
They had been dating now for nearly eight months and Lucy deemed it time for the next step… meeting the parents. Or at least parent. Her mother had died a long time ago in a car accident when she young but her father, Jude, was still around. The small town she grew up in, Magnolia, was having their annual town festival and with many of Lucy's childhood friends coming home, it was the perfect time to introduce him. Her prince charming… Dan Straight.
She switched between humming and singing along to the Paramore song as she packed her bags for the week long trip. She hadn't been home in quite some time but she felt ready, well, namely all the expected check marks were checked off the list and no one could berate her anymore!
The sound of chimes tore her attention away from her suitcase momentarily. The familiar tone coming from her phone sitting on the dresser behind her alerted her who was calling. Ecstatic, Lucy picked up the phone, "Levy-chan!"
"Lu-chan! It's so good to hear from you! We haven't talked in a few weeks!" Lucy chuckled at her best friend. If you bottled pure joy into a bottle and mixed in some sunshine, that was Levy to a T. "Are you excited about the festival?"
Lucy held the phone between her cheek and her shoulder so she could continue packing. "Yes I am! I mean I am finally bringing a man along with me so everyone can stop asking me when I am going to find someone."
"Oh I know, I'm bringing Gajeel with me so he can join in the amazing pastimes of our quaint little town."
"You mean sitting around drinking alcohol and talking about one another?"
Levy paused before responding, " Umm… yeah pretty much." Lucy giggled in response. "so who is this mystery man you're bringing home?"
"I'm not telling…" Lucy replied coyly.
"Whaaaaa… not fair. I told you who I was bringing."
"You and Gajeel have been dating for months know that's no surprise."
"True, True. Hey! You excited for a good ol' Fairy Tail reunion?!"
Fairy Tail High… the place where teens of Magnolia discovered who they were and where that would lead them in life. Mostly for Lucy it was a time to break away from the dramatic life she lived. Her dad was constantly working and became a bit of a hermit after her mother died. What made it worse were the murmurs around town about her and her family, her only solace was her friends at school. But unfortunately they all went their separate ways after they graduated. This trip would be the first time in 5 years they would all be together!
Her feet mindlessly moved her away from the suitcase and towards the bookshelf in the other room. She pulled the familiar yearbook from its place on the shelf and sat down onto the nearest chair.
"Did you hear that Erza and Jellal confirmed?" Levy stated.
"Really? I thought they couldn't with their kids?"
"Erza's mom was able to babysit for them so they are coming out!" Lucy flipped through her senior year book, her eyes falling on a picture of Jellal and Erza. They always were the power couple. Her eyes landed on a picture of Juvia laughing right after she slammed a whip cream pie into Gray's face. "And Juiva and Gray are coming… has he asked her out yet?"
"I think their relationship is a mutual pining." Levy explained. "I heard Natsu confirmed."
Lucy's heart stopped… Natsu, her best friend growing up. The two of them were inseparable since they first met at the age of 5. They used to live right next door to one another, that is until her father's business went belly up and they had to move. Well, that and her father's health hasn't been the best lately so he moved into a two-bedroom house with their caretaker Mrs. Spetzo.
He defended her against the vicious bullies in the second grade, he taught her how to ride a bike when she was 7, he helped her make her volcano for her science project in the 5th grade, he stole her first kiss when she was 13, he had helped her through her mother's passing when she was 16… they vowed to stay in contact with one another after graduation… but what happened?
"Oh…" was all her mouth could seem to udder. She turned the page to see a picture of the two of them flexing their arms at the Field Day event.
A honk from outside drew her attention away from the book. Lucy stood up in such a hurry, she didn't notice the book fall to the floor. Lucy peered out the front window to see Dan sitting in his brand new convertible. She waved and signaled she'd be down in a second but Dan just waved her off.
"I gotta go, Levy-chan, my ride is here."
"Ooooh, enjoy, I will see you soon!" Lucy hung up, quickly grabbed her jacket and purse and took off out the door. Lucy practically skipped all the way to the car, a huge grin adorning her face.
"Hey babe!" she yelled as she opened the door and took a seat on the passenger side. Dan didn't seem to react to her presence at all so she decided to take her frustration out on the door. "Watch it!" Dan yelled. Lucy stared at him in shock. "Be gentle with her, she's new," Dan cooed as he leaned over her lap to pet the car door.
Lucy, obviously annoyed, said, "So where are we going tonight?" an straightened back up and began to drive away, "The fanciest restaurant in town."
"That sounds romantic!"
The ride to the restaurant was mostly silence mixed in with a splash of awkward conversation, mostly about Dan's new car. Lucy was happy to step foot out of it, hoping without the car Dan would actually take the time and talk to her.
"How many sir?" the hostess asked.
Dan wrapped an arm around Lucy's waist as he spoke, "Two and I believe I have a reservation under Straight." Lucy (pretended) not to notice his wink after talking to her and the blush of the hostess. As the two waited to be sat, Lucy took the time to look around the restaurant. The décor was beautiful and serene, an excellent place to go on a date.
"Dan?! Is that you?" The blonde turned to see an unknown man and woman walking up to Dan. "W-what are you guys doing here?"
"We are celebrating our anniversary tonight. Oh are you here with Angel?"
Lucy stepped forward and peered around Dan's shoulder. "Hello, I'm Lucy." The couple seemed very surprised to see her but was even more surprised when the male began to reach out to take her extended hand but the woman swatted it away. "Who are you?" she questioned.
"Lu…cy, I'm Dan's girlfriend."
The woman froze before slowly growing angry, "Interesting, considering Dan is married."
It didn't take two seconds before Lucy stormed out of the restaurant and began walking down the street back to her apartment. "Lucy! Lucy wait!" she heard in the distance. Lucy wrapped her jacket around her tighter and began walking faster. "Lucy, stop!"
"Why?!" she yelled as she whipped around to face the man she thought was 'the one.'
"We need to talk about this."
"About what?! How you deceived me for 8 months. Ugh, and to think I wanted to marry you!"
"Well, if I told you I was married, you never would have slept with me!" She snapped… Lucy balled up her fist as tight as she could, until her knuckles turned white, and she swung as hard as she could towards his stupid, cheating face. The impact sent Dan flying back onto the ground and left him knocked out cold.
Lucy threw open her apartment door, ran to her bedroom and collapsed on her bed. She couldn't hold it in any longer as the tears flowed from her eyes. It looks like her track record for men still held true; well, now she could add cheater to the list. Why was her dating life so bad?! Was she doomed to be single the rest of her life?!
Her phone next to her began to chime. She glanced up long enough to see it was her father calling. Lucy reached up, grabbed the phone from the nightstand and declined the call. She let her face fall back into the pillow, not caring of the mascara that was definitely running down her cheeks and onto the pillow.
Within a few seconds, her phone sounded again. Lucy looked at the phone and saw her father's image on the screen. With a loud groan and as much enthusiasm as she could muster, she accepted the call. "Hey, Dad." She loved her dad, really, just sometimes he was a bit pushy with his expectations of her. Also… now really wasn't the time.
"Hi, honey, all packed for the trip?"
Lucy looked down at her thrown together suitcase, "Almost."
"I'm so glad you are coming home. It feels like it's been forever since you've been here."
"Yeah it's been some time…" Lucy said throwing a sigh in there.
"You know… I've been thinking…" Ugh! Not this again, she thought as she sat up.
When her dad though it was usually about her future, specifically with relationships. "You're almost 27 now and you're getting to that point where you've reached your peak physical attraction level…"
"Oh my Mavis, Dad!"
"What?! I just want my daughter to not be single for the rest of her life." Lucy face palmed, great way to bring this up.
"Why are you so invested in my dating life anyway?!" she yelled back. This was the last straw; she was tired of all the pressure to get married. When she was younger, it was about arranged marriages to better the company but since it went under its been about letting her pick who she married but it had to be sooner rather than later.
She had had enough of the constant nagging, I was time to take a stand.
"Because I would like to at least meet my future son-in-law before I die!" Lucy paused.
"What do you mean?"
Her father's sigh was audible on her end of the phone. "I met with the specialist today… He said it's the Big C and terminal."
"B-but you were doing great last week…" Lucy almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. She reverted to what she knew… logic.
"I have good days and bad days, but they seem to be few and far between nowadays." Lucy couldn't do much but stare down at the ground. Her mind was blank, her chest tight, and she couldn't seem to breathe.
"All I want, as a man in my last few days, is to meet the man you are going to spend the rest of your life with… to make sure you're taken care of after I'm gone."
"But at least there's hope, right? This man you're bringing to the festival…" Crap! She forgot about that for a second. What was she gonna tell him?! "Dad… about that…" I was dating a married man so at least he would know the tips and tricks to a great marriage, right?! Ugh…
She took a deep breath to respond to her father, hopefully the truth wouldn't break his heart. As she breathed in, her foot hit something hard. Confused, Lucy looked down to see her yearbook she was looking at earlier face down on the ground. With a sigh, she bent down to pick it up.
"This 'mystery man…' Is he the one for you?" he asked. Lucy grabbed the book and stood up to place it back on the shelf, which only released some loose papers inside of it. Lucy sighed even harder before stooping down to pick them up.
Lucy turned over the first picture to see it was a collage of pictures of herself and Natsu throughout their lives. Her father continued going on about something in her hear but she was captivated by the images in front of her. She glanced over a photo of the two of them in a kiddie pool when they were younger, of Natsu in his football uniform and her in her cheerleader uniform… Her eyes lanced over all the photos until she flipped the paper over. The backside was covered with a handwritten letter from Natsu, his 'goodbye' letter which is customarily written in the yearbooks themselves.
Her eyes looked at every word before the signature on the bottom… the name she knew all too well. Beside the signature was a selfie he had taken of the two of the their senior year. Her head was slightly down and she was laughing because Natsu was kissing her temple. She smiled at the memory… she was so happy around him.
Her eyes began to widen, and her head turned and raised. Before she could think about what she was doing, she spoke, "Dad… what if I told you, you've already met him?"
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