#[LESSON ACCUIRED] Dont buy a computer ever; adopt dont shop
tetranymous · 4 months
Anyways speaking about speed and thermal issues, it's the middle of summer here, so pretty much everyone who runs a computer here has to keep an eye on their temps rn (the multiple 40°c+ days have not been helping). But surprisingly my ancient little XP computer that probably has never had its thermal paste replaced, is small form factor, and probably has 2 fans (3 if you count the disc drive, which probably moves the most air) has not gotten over 30°c. From the same era where pentiums were getting to "melting themselves temperatures" and laptop CPUs could burn your leg (may help that its using an AMD cpu). My own XP pc back then I distinctly remember using as a heater sometimes. Like I know it has everything to do with the fact that I can't get its GPU running (my old XP pc had TWO (2) gpus in addition to integrated) but I find it fascinating that this nearly 20 year old pc, not only refuses to die, but seems to be kinda thriving actually.
Like yeah it's slow (one time I thought I killed it by messing with windows a bit too much, but it turns out that's just how long it takes to boot into safe mode and I went "Oh wait that's right it's just slow lol") but if my surface dies (it will eventually) and it's too hot to run my Thinkpad, this thing will be happily puttering along as I churn out a word doc.
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