#[Lore of BLCK- TEAM BLCK Lore]
strykingback · 3 years
The Tensions between both Brumel and Atlas
Because @caeloservare brought it up today and it made me kind of think about it a lot for a moment so it is sure as hell time to talk about their tensions and how it was once good then turned bad, then worse.
Placed underneath read more due to length.
The Beginning:
Brumel and Mantle were once fire forged allies, with that being with both kingdoms having to work their hardest to survive in the snow covered lands of the Solitas region and how truly brutal it is for anyone to live and survive. As both kingdoms grew, so did their technological advancements, despite that their beliefs were different.
However, their goal remained the same, to survive in the Solitas region for both of their kingdoms and their future.  This would all change when The Great War came to light. The two at first fought together however, slowly many Brumelian soldiers alike felt as if this war was wrong. It was not like them to suddenly just pick up their weapons and start attacking other kingdoms for conquest.
The Betrayal of Mantle:
During one of the battles in Vale the Brumelians were locked in hard combat with the Valean forces who were converging onto their position which later be known as Castle Invicta. However, after calling for support multiple times which to no avail.. all the Brumelians got was this.
“You are on your own.”
Enraged by this the Brumelian king demanded answers, to which they realized that the Mantleans were using them for one thing their technology and their weaponry. To which the Brumelians surrendered to the Valean forces which they all noticed how tired and angered they were at their Mantlean brothers and sisters. Many a year they have both honored their existence only to be backstabbed by them.
Which the Brumelians joined forces with the Valeans and the Vacuan forces standing together and fighting  against the Mantleans during the final battle where the King of Vacuo used the Relic of Destruction against the army decimating the Mantlean forces.
While the war had come to an end... the friendship between the Brumelians and Mantleans had since been broken.
One Kingdom Evolves, One Kingdom Suffers, Another Kingdom Is Born:
After the war, the Brumelians continued to expand and to evolve with their technology evolving every minute and second.  Creating new weaponry, advancing their medicines, and even expanding upon their military prowess. However, that did not mean it did not come without its consequences feeling the eyes of Mantle upon them all.
Still many diplomats from Mantle had come to speak with the Brumelians but were shunned by them all due to their betrayal, even to the point where some Mantleans were assaulted by the Brumelian people made even worse with the discovery of Mantle using faunus’ for slave labor.
For Mantle it slowly began to devolve into a shell of it’s former self, what was once meant to be the greatest kingdom in all of Atlas became the most poverty stricken kingdom in all of Remnant without nay technology which many people turned to Atlas as their best scientists created a propulsion system that took Atlas from the ground and into the air.
The Mantleans were happy to see such a sight, but when discovering it was meant for the top one percent of Atlas did they realize that they all were going to be suffering this coming winter and it when it came...
It was the Coldest Winter that anyone living in Mantle would never forget.
The Dictators of Brumel and Atlas:
These two kingdoms had their problems and they were able to stand and being brave but that did not mean that they leaders who had darker means.
Beginning with Brumel of course that being none other than Rodrigues’ father which murdered his father after a battle against an insurgency force that would usurp Brumels leaders. However ascending to the throne thus did he begin his plans for the Brumelian empire to begin and what better way than to begin than with the very same kingdom that had once led backstabbed Brumel during the Color War.
Yet though Rodrigues’ mother found out what the mad king was planning on doing and taught her son the art of war, compassion, and diplomacy making sure that peace can be obtained through a show of kindness and gentleness. When Rodrigues’ mother passed away and realizing that his throne was being threatened... did Rodrigues’ father attempt to kill Rodrigues but only to discover that he was not there.
Instead he was attacked and slain by the hands of his own son.... but in the right way. For justice and freedom a mad king is never allowed to sit on the throne only a king that is born of compassion and understanding should sit on it.
For Atlas, they had Nero Caligula. He was one of the many survivors who had witnessed the relic of destruction being utilized against the Mantleans and seeing it  left him scarred even worse afraid of the Brumelians and how quickly their technology was evolving.
However, instead of the world of being a soldier. Politics called out to him becoming a brutal taskmaster running for one of the council seats and winning with his slogan: Atlas Rises Above.
Despite the fact that Nero was born in Mantle as many of the criticisms he received that he was an Atlesian rat now and no longer a Mantlean. Yet, after this his sights were set on something even bigger..... the seat of Grand Councilman.
Upon the former grand councilmans terms coming to an end, did Nero begin his shot for it with the people of Atlas cheering him on as he vowed to do one thing: “ Claim Vengeance for the people of Mantle  “ However, the Brumelians who were watching the elections believed that it was a bluff whilst some people of Mantle found it honorable believing that he meant to repair Mantle to restore it to it’s former glory. Instead he wanted to start a war with Brumel.....for those he had lost....an insane feat for anyone....
and it would be the last mistake anyone would want to make when attacking Brumel.
The Brumelian-Atlesian War: 
For Brumel it was one of the days that one wish they could forget. Nero had summoned an Atlesian special operations unit to enter in Brumel for the inane act of murdering King Rodrigues, who was in a meeting and away from his throne at the moment to meet with the scientists for the Science District in Actus ( The Capital of Brumel )
The team entered in Brumel easily due to travel there being accessible at the time, and to which they traveled to the Royal District to begin planting the bombs there, only for one of them to get caught and accidentally blowing up one of the bombs far too early causing a chain reaction which destroyed a major part of the Royal District...
Only one of the Atlesian special forces group survived and was captured later on. But the bombing took the lives of one thousand people and with four hundred being left injured, the event was an act of aggression against Brumel coming from Atlas itself and many Brumelians realized that Nero’s bluff was no bluff at all.
Yet, for Rodrigues... to kill and maim innocent people who had done nothing at all... to do that. For the young king it haunted him the sounds of people wailing for their loved ones, children  crying for their mothers and fathers, and the rubble of  half a district gone.... all remained within his thoughts.
After three weeks of talking with the Brumelian council and the Knights of The Round Table, did he declare war upon Atlas something that Nero wanted.... but when the Atlesians attempted to invade Brumel... and an Atlesian battle cruiser was returned. When Nero walked inside and saw nothing more but corpses of soldiers around the ship.
One message was written on the Windows....
The reality of the situation began to slowly sink into Nero’s head, that he started a war that would lead to the end of Atlas, and for three months did the war between Brumel and Atlas raged on until by the third month when Operation Garsons Walk began. Did Nero do one of the most cruelest acts that everyone around Remnant were horrified at.
The act, was horrifying itself, but when the Brumelians converged onto Mantle and discovered what Nero did they did one of the kindest acts ever. Showing mercy and putting aside a long standing hatred between both Brumel and Mantle. Including witnessing how much the city had changed since the days of old.
Thus this act of mercy was expanded when the Brumelians helped restore Mantle as best as they could repairing entire cities, offering them food, and helping them whenever they can. Yet after a long talk between Nero and Rodrigues did the dictator of Atlas surrender and signed the Atelier-Atlesian Peace Accords.
The war was so bad that even the Atlesian council secretly voted that after it ended that Nero would be removed as Grand Councilman of Atlas.
So what happened afterwards....
A Future Left Unknown:
The aftermath of the Brumelain Atlesian war led to Rodrigues being placed on the council as one of the demands to be met to this time watch over the council and to end any  signs of violence towards the Brumelians, Atlesians and Mantleans.
However, thankfully the healing process was increased even more with the Atlesians allowing Actus Academy to join the Vytal Festival games, however that year sadly ended with disaster. .
as of Volume four after many attempts to at least  get the Atlesian council to realize that Mantle would not survive one more winter not without Atelier technology or an Atelier presence did Rodrigues resign from the council stating for Atlas to solve their own problems.
Thus did tensions between Atlas and Brumel begin again and the future is left unknown...
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strykingback · 3 years
Location: Solitas Region, Mantle Time: 12:00 PM OST: Heavy is The Head That Wears The Crown Volume Four.
The top of the hour had arrived in Mantle, the streets were overpopulated with people from different varieties human or faunus. Everyone who was born here remained here as part of their status to serve the higher class, that higher class being Atlas of course. 
Yet, the city itself was a shell of what it once was. What was once a city that started The Great War against the other kingdoms became a city without a military no less a Huntsman Academy of course. Speaking of Alsius Academy the once prestigious academy also fell to ruin when the Rise of Atlas had come. 
It was much for someone to take in, clothed in drapes to hide his identity. Kazura Rojas Verde was here in Mantle.. after all a Knights duty was never over even despite his wounds. However, he was here for more than that.... he was here to see an old friend. This old friend of his helped him and his teammates escape from Atlas during their assault on Icarus PMC. 
Kazura could only sigh at the state of disarray Mantle was in. The racism against the faunus was beginning to spiral out of control ever since the White Fang attacked Beacon Academy alongside the unknown assailant whose message sowed the seeds of distrust in every kingdom.  “ Damn Faunus! All of you ruined everything including an entire festival! “ Someone shouted catching the draped prince’s attention. Witnessing a human and his group of cronies kicking a male faunus, who was already battered and bruised from the consistent beating. 
“  Stop... Stop...” Kazura whispered to with his hand trembling with pure rage and just wanting to help. Yet though he felt like if he were to reveal himself the Atlesian military would be wary of his presence and would send their forces to apprehend him...
Yet though what is the difference between being someone who witnesses something and trying to help, against someone who does nothing and moves on?  Is that justice?  Is that being a chivalrous person? Or is it cowardice? Kazura could feel his teeth clenching with pure rage coming with his teeth being gritted, finally his boiling point was reached when seeing one of the human cronies approach with a hammer.... intending to kill the battered faunus .  “  STOP!!!!  ” He shouted unsheathing both his sword Caliburn and his shield Honorbrought. Which he proceeded to throw his shield at the man who was holding the hammer knocking down to the ground with his shield returning to the knight stopping the violence causing everyone to stop what they were doing looked at Kazura. 
“  Is this Just?! Tell me! IS THIS JUST?! To blame the faunus for something that they never did?! “ The knight of honor shouted with all of his might. 
“  Yeah its goddamn just! Also, who the hell do you think you are!?  “ The man who beat the faunus questioned Kazura only for the knight to menacingly approach him taking off the hood of his drape sheathing his weapons. 
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“ I am Kazura Rojas Verde, The Eighth Prince of Brumel, The one who saved your city from being owned by a tyrannical PMC CEO, and I ask of you to drop your weapons.... and leave the faunus man be....or face my wrath. “ He demanded glaring at the leader of the beating who simply looked in his eyes and felt fearful....backing up and starting to turn tail and run with the others following suit, with Kazura putting on his hoodie to his drape once more. 
Walking over to battered faunus he placed two fingers on his neck listening to his labored breathing and getting a pulse. “  He’s alive... He needs medical attention now!!! “ He said with a serious tone with one of the civilians of Mantle rushing over, “  I used to be a combat medic for the Atlesian military I can take care of him...” She spoke with Kazura rising and going about his way.... 
For the next few minutes he wandered around the city until his scroll started to ring taking it out and checking who was calling him here, his eyes being drawn to the virtual screen. 
The scroll flashed taking a few minutes to believe that it was his “friend” taking one finger and swiping on the left to answer it bringing the phone-like device to his ear. 
“ Hello? “ Kazura said  “ Hello Kazura, I was not expecting you to return here ever since the Founding Day Crisis... instead you are quite lucky I disabled the camera in the sector that you were in... “ A distorted voice spoke through the speaker of the others Scroll. 
“ Heh Guess I am really....Mr.X, but for now I may need to speak with you.. in private....  “ The Knight replied. 
“  Well then if you’d like to speak with me head down to the second alleway and turn into it ... I’ll get the door for you...” Mr. X said befoe ending the call with Kazura putting his scroll away and following Mr. X’s instructions going down to the second alleyway and entering it where one of the brick walla changed  to a metal doo sliding upwards to open with the Knight walking in and looking around.
“ Mr. X? I’m here! Mr. X? “ Kazura said walking in deeper with the door shutting and the cool blue light of a computer in the darkness illuminating the room with he lights being turned on. 
“  Shit...  ” Kazura said putting his hand on his on the hilt of his sword thinking that he was lead into a trap. 
“  Stay your weapons, Ser Kazura... “ A voice rang out with that of a young man in his twenties coming down from the stairs looking at the prince. 
“  Who are you? Wheres... Mr. X?!  “ Kazura demanded still unsure of who this man is. 
“  Well you are looking at him. I’m Mr. X. But in reality.. my name is Guangxian Nuemann of the Atelier Agents... and the man who gave you and your team the information on Icarus and helped you all escape that day.   “ The hacker spoke looking at the Knight who moved his hand off the hilt of his sword. . 
In disbelief Kazura shook his head. “  Wait you are an Atelier Agent?! Then that means... there has to be others out there that are sti-”  
OST: Agents Forgotten
“  Was.... until that damned incident put us all out of commission..... and yes there are agents out there... but we can’t even if we did we would be arrested by the Atlesian government. So far one of our met that fate. “ Guangxian explained going back to  his computer and opening up the security cam footage on Mantle and Atlas checking each sector with the other screens lighting up. 
What did those other screen show they shown naught but horror, Mistralian villages were under siege by the White Fang, In Vale multiple faunus murders has been taking place, while in Atlas more Anti-Faunus sentiments has been happening making the Knight growl in fury. 
“ Infuriating isnt it... thats how helpless we agents feel like....” Guangxian said somberly looking at a photo of the agents just two days before their last mission. Said picture consisting of many familiar faces close to Guangxian ...
“  Then we need to bring back the Agents then! The world needs them now more than ever! “ Kazura replied with Guangxian sighing heavily. 
“ Try and think this through, if the agents were brought back into action what do you think will happen? Will we either be accepted for what we do or Will there be another Retrison incident lurking underneath our very noses?  “ Guangxian asked. 
For a moment Kazura stayed quiet thinking to himself for that moment...
Be accepted in the world that has forgotten about the Atelier Agents.  Or  Rejection in the eyes of billions for a tough decision....
Heavy is the head that wears the crown indeed. However Kazura wanted to defy such a thing...and face it with open eyes and an open mind without any fear at all. 
“  I think the agents are needed for one thing. They brought hope when it all seemed lost, cases that had went cold were closed with the perpetrator being brought to justice, brave acts of counterterrorism stopped before any attack could happen. The agents were meant to stop wars before they even happened! So far a war is coming and Beacon was just the start!! “ Kazura spoke with pride in his voice with Guangxian turning around in his chair... a soft smile emerging on his face. 
“  Well then.. it took me six months to get the recall program up... but now the choice is yours.”  The hacker said putting up a screen for the Recall. 
With the virtual touch screen saying: RECALL  ALL ATELIER AGENTS?          Y/N
OST: In Agents We Trust
Kazura walked up to it looking at it carefully sighing softly taking a moment to hear his fathers words in his head before he left to go to Beacon Academy. 
“ Whatever you decide to do.... I shall accept your decision... and stand with you all the way “ Rodrigues’ voice rang throughout Kazuras head with the young prince reached out to press the Y button on the screen and finally a proud voice simply stated.  “ RECALLING ALL ATELIER AGENTS ! “ 
Which a map of Remnant shown up showing the active agents and their Callsigns coming up sifting through each and every agent and their callsign name calling each one up until one answered with a female voice on the other side. 
“ So I take it that the Agents are now needed again. “ She said in an eloquent voice causing Kazura to chuckle. 
“ Yes, Yes we need the Atelier Agents now more than ever...” The Knight spoke. 
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strykingback · 5 years
The Beginning of The War for Atlas.
OST: Artorias Rising
Location: Grand Artorian Center, Artorias
Time: 12:00 PM (Just one hour after Imperius’ defeat)
The entire center was lined with Artorian troops and war aircraft as many of them looked at the podium waiting for their proud leader to make his way onto the podium with many of the Artorian civilians in their homes watching the speech on their T.V’s after fifteen years.. the once proud nation that was in poverty escaped it. 
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“Yes, Watts I’m fully aware of what Lady Salem want. I can assure you we are having our army doing a full scale assault on different Atlesian Bases all over Remnant so they wont have any defenses in case if Atlas calls for reinforcement’s Han’s will take care of the assault on Atlas’ main city.” Glestchner said looking at the seer listening to it’s clicking. 
“I’am glad to hear that you are moving quite quickly, while Imperius did fail to get the Silver Eyes and Relic of Knowledge. However, he did leave  Argus’ forces crippled so you wont have to worry about the foolhardiness of Cordovin.I’m sure fifteen years has led to this...” Watts spoke through the communicator. 
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“Of course, those fifteen years you and Salem gave us for our nation to get back on it’s feet was worth it. While Atlas’ Founding Crisis did end up destroying our first plan. However we became lucky as it only separated the Atlesian military in two fronts. We will not fail you.” He said once more.  “You best not, everything is being broadcasted across all of Remnant” Watts said in a serious tone as Glestchner turned around and left the room he was in being escorted out by two Artorian soldiers guiding him to the podium upon a massive cheer and awe. Waving and welcoming  the many soldiers who have arrived for such a grand moment as only silence came . 
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“Brave Soldiers of Artorias!!! I thank you for your service! I thank you for being here! I thank you  for being proud and strong as you stand here today! Fifteen years ago my father had tried his best to influence the many nations of Remnant for funding for our broken nation. Now matter how hard he has tried, the nations had other issues others had tried their hardest to lend their support that I can understand. However, Atlas. MOCKED US!! LAUGHED AT US!!! Called us A WORTHLESS NATION OF RATS! Yet through sheer willpower we had struggled out of the pocket of famine, poverty, and a dead economy for those fifteen years after my father instilled me as leader.” and How did this cruel world thank us! With a rag-tag team murdering my father six months ago... and yet Atlas hails them as heroes?! Such is the lack of their compassion as the only thing that is high are their heads!”
“Fifteen years we have grown our economies and worked our hardest at creating a military and stable housing for our people to live in and yet. We have grown restless because of one thing.. Atlas! Ever since the fall of Beacon, the death quota in Vale has grown by twenty-five pecent and that increase was due to Atlas’ own negligence! AND WHAT DO THEY DO! Their Coward of a General cuts off Dust deliveries by an embargo!! Not only innocent casualties have increased by 16% due to Grimm attacks and Bandit attacks as well. Atlas we have  grown tired of your people.. in your luxurious high towers and your hopeless military. This is no longer a means of words...” Glestchner spoke as he noticed some camera people had some pistols pointed to the back of their heads by Artorian soldiers who forced them to continue recording. 
OST: Time for Action
“This is a TIME For action! This is a DECLARATION OF WAR!!! Atlas! You have crossed many lines unignored! Now this time we shall make sure you will be put in your place!! As you are watching this speech now already we have began our assault on your bases making sure that not one base recieves support!!” the Grand Leader spoke showing images of an Atlesian base in Vale being overrun by Artorian forces, One in Mistral, and one that seemingly looked like it was in the air.
Upon seeing this caused an elicit roar of cheering from all Artorian soldiers wanting nothing more but the war to begin. 
“Defenders of the Artorian dream go forth!! Claim what is rightfully ours!! The true target is ATLAS!!! RISE MY PEOPLE!! ARISE AND TAKE BACK WHAT IS OURS!!! ARTORIAS IS STRENGTHENED BY THE SWORD WE WIELD!!! HAIL ARTORIAS!!!!”  Glestchner shouted once more as every Artorian soldier shouted the same thing over and over again. Atlesians who watched the speech.. were left horrified at the size of the armies and inside Ironwoods office the paranoid general watched in horror with his hands trembling at the sight of the Atlesian bases being overrun by a powerful foe. 
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strykingback · 5 years
Ok... This has to be the theme for Team BLCK during V1 and makes a re-appearance during the fight against Ace-Ops in Volume seven. 
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strykingback · 5 years
Move or Be Moved
Location: Atlas, Atlas Academy Courtyard.
Time: 9:00 PM
Returning to Atlas was like a death sentence for Team BLCKOUT, Hermes, Eros, and Jack. All eight of them slowly walking past the students with some of the students and soldiers muttering that they were sentenced to death by Ironwood. Yet, this was their decision to return, with the soldiers that were not so ragged  placed their weapons up ready to fire. 
“TEAM BLCKOUT! As an order received by General Ironwood you and your allies have been senten-” An Atlesian soldier said before he was met with a bullet to the face by none other than a very pissed off Blade Stryker. 
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“Shut the fuck up Atlesian...” He said in a dark tone to which the other soldiers started opening fire, in return Louvel  and Eros immediately rushed forward in front of the team of “Fugitives” with the wolf faunus unsheathing his sword  and slicing their throats whilst the Special Atelier Agent  shot at the other two Atlesian soldiers dispatching them. With Jack opening the door seeing no other soldiers inside. 
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“Looks like Atlas must be really busy at the moment... come on... we need to get Ironwood so we can have a good ol’... chat with him. “ The Old Stryker said moving into the building with everyone else following behind him. 
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“Either way... we must push forward to claim our target...” Hermes said with a growl in his voice. 
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“Oh I’m going to bloody enjoy this....” Eros said getting ready to move through the Academy blasting Atlesian soldiers left and right. 
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“On this day.. we will make eight people feel like one million soldiers” Kazura said unsheathing Caliburn in its sword form and his shield Pendragon at the ready. 
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“Their fate has been decided...” Louvel said in a dark tone with a bit of malice escaping his voice. 
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“No More hiding... we have one shot at this. “ Corona said loading up Talon in it’s machine gun state. 
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“Krraaaah!!!” Outsider barked ready to attack and waiting for his orders. 
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strykingback · 5 years
TEAM BLCK’s Reactions To RWBY’s Outfits for V7
Blade seeing Weiss’  Braided Hair and Outfit: 
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Louvel Seeing Yang in a Romper and seeing her beautiful smile again: 
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Corona Seeing Blake recieve the Bisexual haircut: 
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Kazura seeing Ruby being happy and always being a proud warrior: 
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strykingback · 4 years
The Atelier War Chant...
While to others it sounds like a song, but to the Grimm and enemies to the Brumel.. it is a call for their heads.
Once sung by a group of Old Atelier Soldiers after the bombing of the Royal District as a song for the fallen calling out to the survivors for vengeance. Which many joined in on the song as it felt POWERFUL and RAISED THEIR MORALE. 
Even one day before the Final Push into Mantle, this song was sung in the Atelier side which many Atlesians heard, and felt one thing....
This would later be a War Chant whenever the Atelier Paladins would go to war, and what better way for Salem to know of their existence than with this song......
But also.. she noticed something Millions of Spirits joining in as they all pointed to the Grimm Whale she was on.... ALL OF THEM CALLING FOR VENGEANCE AGAINST HER.
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strykingback · 4 years
Location: Brumel, Actus. The Royal Palace.
OST: Wise Royalty 
Time: 5:00 PM, 
One Day after Team BLCKOUT’s, JNR, and RWBY’s Escape from Atlas. 
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The Royal Palace of Brumel. Never had Eros hoped to see those doors. Ever since he returned from Atlas after Ironwoods betrayal and the death of his close friend Clover, the leader of raptor squadron had been silent. The last time he was silent and angered was when the Atelier Agent Program was disavowed after the Retrison Incident. 
Yet, here he was being led by two of King Rodrigues royal guardsman as they approached the mighty doors as it opened up automatically with the room adorned in marble whites and hints of gold. Rodrigues was never a man who liked Gold. He was humble and understanding, but how understanding would he be towards Eros?
He stopped just mere feet before the king taking off his helmet and kneeling with his head bowed down looking at the ground silently. With the Royal guardsmen returning to their Lords side.  “My Lord.” Eros spoke looking down.  “Eros, you may rise.” Rodrigues replied with the Lieutenant looking up and rising back up to his feet. 
“You know why I have brought you here yes? Atlas has been taken after Ironwood melted down and you did not stay to protect it. ” The King spoke again with the Lieutenant holding his helmet tightly. 
“It was upon Ironwoods command that we were deemed as “traitors to Atlas.” I’m not proud of what I had to do sire, I am not. But I had to make it a priority to force our Atlesian brothers to see reason. Instead they only followed orders like all good soldiers do.” Eros answered.  “And Good Soldiers Can Disobey Orders.. but I take it you lead the assault on Atlas Academy?” the king spoke once more.  “Yes sir. I take full responsibility to what happened and if you shall sire, execute me.” He said causing Rodrigues’ eyes to widen with shock but he could see in Eros’ eyes that...he was suffering betrayed by good friends and the loss of a friend can weigh even heavily on a soldier. 
“Eros...I cant allow that. Not even after the loss of your friend.” 
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“I miss him sir. I do....and I allowed the enemy to take Atlas all because of Ironwood going berserk. I’ll be damned if I allow the enemy to take Atlas and I will fight with my might to avenge my fallen brother in arms if I have to!” Eros spoke.
“The Artorians do not know of our existence yet, but it is only a matter of time until they do find out about out home and our people....I can see that my sons own actions are rubbing off on you.” Rodrigues smirked causing a soft chuckle to leave Eros’ lips.
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“I... um. Well. Damn I didnt think you would see that in me sire. I mean if your son did come here and say he wanted to atleast find a way to save Atlas from Salem and the Artorians then I’m all for it!”  “Well that my son did of course.” The King of Brumel said with Eros’ eyes lighting up with passion and a fire in his hear. “ And he wanted me to promote you from Lieutenant to Commander.” 
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“T-To Commander... sire. thats an honor but-.” 
“My son saw you plan every stage of the intial defense of Mantle and Atlas....and saw a commander within you even helped him out of Atlas with his team and his allies. Now then Commander. Your orders are this, to observe and study what the Artorians plan on doing and find a weakness, Find our where The Relic of Creation is, and lastly...avenge your fallen brother from Atlas.” 
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“At Once my lord!” Eros said getting ready to leave.  “Oh Also! We have made the choice that some new armor was well overdue for your promotion.” Rodrigues said standing up from his throne  as one of the Royal Guardsman gave him a helmet with red markings on it as the King approached him giving it to the former Lieutenant now Commander. “Brumel Prevails....” He said giving the helmet to his new Commander as Eros heistantly took it.  “The Rest of your armor is being delivered but I believe that you will find it to your liking..” Rodrigues spoke smiling. 
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Putting on his new helmet Eros smiled underneath it. “Yes Sir.” Brumel...will always prevail even under the most stressful of situations. Now armed with a commander who leads by example and shows it the Artorians will have something to fear.
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strykingback · 4 years
The Beginning of Artorian Rule..
Location: Atlas, General Ironwoods Office.
Time: 6:00 AM.
OST: A New Dawn.
This was it.. the moment  this one singular moment that all the Amadeus brothers hungered for. An Artorian Rule in Atlas, setback after setback. Ironwood snapped, The Ace-Ops leader Clover Ebi is dead, and the Atlesian Military is far too ragged to continue to fight. 
Hans and Glestchner both looked at the empty chair where sat Ironwood and next to him his most trusted specialist. Not anymore. Now would sit a leader... a leader with the strength to rule. 
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“We have come very far... haven’t we brother.” Glestchner spoke looking at his brother and then back at the empty chair slowly walking up to it. 
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“I’m aware of it Glestchner... while I did lead this force to claim Atlas I’am glad that you did tell me of Lady Salem’s plan to bluff in front of Ironwood to break him or our military might could’ve feigned defeat  right then and there.” Hans replied watching his older brother approach the chair. 
“Despite all this. I think you should be leader of this new Artorias. The Beginning of the Artorian Empire.” 
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“An Interesting suggestion, and I’am ready to uphold this responsibility. We must begin by purging the bloated pigs of Atlas and sending them back to Mantle... let them be fed to the horde below and make them struggle to come back up, and those who have fought to survive to be up here shall remain as long as they show loyalty to Artorias and Artorias only.” Glestchner nodded taking a seat. 
“And the People of Mantle... since they do have a heat shield thanks to the sacrifice of that Eikon (Titan) against Imperius which not only saved his son and Perseus, but bought Mantle a long respite....Let them live out their daily lives.. but those that have the strength to work shall work in the dust mines. Both Human and Faunus including the bloated pigs of Atlas.” 
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“Agreed my brother. It shall be done.” Hans spoke turning around leaving the room looking at the Elite Artorian soldiers bringing a wounded Ironwood, from being beaten down by his own men and women who tired of the Atlesian general. “Wait.” He told his elite troops looking at the battered General as he knelt smiling at him. 
“What...is. it that you want... you-” Ironwood spoke until the fist of the Artorian General met his the mans face with a drizzle of blood leaving his mouth, leaning in to his ear Hans only reveled in this pain.
“Enjoyed your final moments as General, James... because I shall enjoy my new position as General of the new Artorian-Atlesian military and will enjoy the flames of Atlas and the screams of the people YOU failed to protect. You should’ve focused more of your forces on the rest of Remnant rather than in Atlas.” Hans spoke standing up with another soldier approaching Hans. 
“Sir! We have captured the rest of Ace Ops do you think it is best that we execute them or-” The soldier spoke until a hand from Hans came up stopping the man. 
“Take them away to the Gauntlet. Let them be imprisoned alongside the others who dared to oppose our rule.”  Hans spoke placing on his mask. 
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“All Artorian forces, it is time for the beginning of a New Dawn. Force the Atlesian pigs out of their houses and homes with the exception of those who fought to be here.., let them know a new rule has begun, execute the members of the council..and let this be a message to all of Remnant, that Artorias still lives!” Hans spoke through his communicator. 
That entire morning was filled with screams of terror, as Artorians soldiers left and right swarmed the streets of Atlas cutting or burning the flags of the Greatest Kingdom and replacing them with Artorian flags. The screams of the innocent or well  overprivileged were not heard as they were sent back down to Mantle which ledft most Mantleans confused, shocked, and in awe. Those who were spared were questioned and some were forced to questioned. Luckily Willow Schnee and her son Whitley were one of the few who were questioned and kept their right to be in Atlas. 
That morning was known to be as the End of Atlas.. and the New Dawn of Artorias.
Location: Mantle, Unknown Apartment. 
Time: 20 Days After the End of Atlas. 6:00 AM 
OST: Awaken My People. 
Morning had come... and with Morning, came the announcements for the rise of the Artorian people through a speech from Glestchner. 
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“Awaken! Awaken people of Mantle and former bloated pigs of Atlas!!  The time for rest has come to an end! The night has ended and the morning has arrived, there will be time to rest once dusk arrives. Back then during the times where Atlas has trampled over you, now both Mantleans and Atlesians must work to enter the beloved Artorian Atlas! No matter your gender, No matter your race be it Faunus or Human, both shall know what it is like to suffer and know pain! Feel your fingers own flesh peel from your skin from working in the dust mines, feel the back breaking labor that had toiled us the Artorians for so long, and know of the wrath that will fall upon you if any forms of resistance is found!!!” The voice of Glestchner rang out  on the speakers of Mantle awakening the people. 
“Today’s curfew has been moved from twenty hundred hours, to eighteen hundred hours. Early to bed, Early to rise in the New Artorias! We hail to you people of Mantle..and former bloated pigs of Atlas as you leave your homes to work in the mines. Please understand that all aggression towards Artorian soldiers will result in public punishment such as Ten Lashes to the back, Public Execution, or one year in the Gauntlet. Thank you!” A Female voice spoke. 
“God, I seriously hate that guy.. “a shriveled old voice spoke out. Even after all the shit James Pulled it really hit him hard didnt it Robin.” Qrow spoke looking at the leader of the Happy Huntresses. 
“Right and not to mention how he abandoned the resistance as well. Now were fighting a war to claim it back. Only if we had a way..” Robin thought to herself with Qrow looking away sadly being reminded of his failure for letting Clover his first TRUE FRIEND die from the hands of the duo that was Tyrian and Hans... even with their combination it still was not enough. 
“We’ll need to get word out to Ruby and the others... they’ll know what to do but how do we do that in the span of seven hours?” Qrow said opening his eyes glaring at the floating city of Atlas. 
Suddenly a knock was heard at the door with both Hunters grabbing their weapons as the door opened to reveal, Fionna seemingly looking surprised and in awe. “Oh. did I come at a bad time..” she spoke meekly.
“No you didn’t whats up?” Robin asked. 
“Some people wanted to speak to you and they have a plan...” Fionna answered with two figures entering in the first being Oscar and the other the rogue Atlesian Sentient Android:  EXCELSUS. 
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“The Hunt has spoken to me...and given me visions of a plan.. This Hunt she has set us out for is FAR FROM OVER.” They spoke looking at the two Hunters. 
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strykingback · 4 years
OST: The Birthplace of Shinba...
A Kingdom just east from Mistral ....
Known for its trading routes...
It’s preservation of Culture...
Called: The Stairway to Heaven... by the locals in their tongue. 
And even... the Birthplace of the Shinbaori..
Yet, it is in an age of Civil War. 
Atlesians, Artorians, Salems Grimm, and the Kingdom itself is in gridlock to  claim this kingdom to see who will unify it under it’s banner. 
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strykingback · 5 years
The Journal of the Atelier Soldier- Jevan Baderon.
Voice Link here for more of an added drama to it: https://voca.ro/f8J4vyAincP
April 18th, 20XX (Because CRWBY Still cant do a damn timeline) 
Jevan Baderon, 155th Atelier Rifle Division.
Brumel, Actus.
Day 1: Graduation...
Usually when an Atelier soldier finishes their training they are met with uproarious applause from friends, family, or even random civilians on the street. For me it was a day I’ll never forget. The clad white armor every private wore as we marched down the streets of Actus.  The loud shouting coming from my commanding officer to present arms. Every step I took was a step closer into to  my future. 
Finally we were lined up at the Royal District Memorial. Where the King himself  would speak to us graduates. Unlike the kings speeches before this new one. His speech was filled with pride, passion, and hope. He has seen what we were going to be seeing soon.  Each and every word was filled with no lies but with honesty. Something that a King needed to display. No matter how blunt the speech was, we all knew what we were getting ourselves into. 
Once the speech came to an end, I looked up to see four of those massive airships land in their shipyard. Each one represented a kingdom a division was being sent to. However, if you were selected by a Sir of that Kingdom.. you were part of the elite troopers and inducted into their unit. 
the 153rd was sent to Mistral, the 152nd to Vacuo, The 154th Was staying here until recieving confirmation from Atlas for more Atelier troops to be on site, and as for my division... the 155th.. we were sent to Vale.  I knew Vale was famous for many things. The two cities that were built and fell, its dockside towns, the Island of Patch, and finally Beacon Academy. 
My division would be under the command of Sir Lancelot... known for his gallant bravery. However I would be there where there was no excitement. Until I met one team that changed my view of excitement...
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strykingback · 5 years
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At one point during his time of being a Shinbaori Assassin/Spy. Louvel did have a boyfriend but their relationship was pure. However, it was only when he found out that he was being used to get closer to his father and grandfather because he was a White Fang spy as well. Louvel had to kill him which led to him finding peaceful methods rather than violent ones. This also confirms that Louvel is bisexual since he has an attraction towards Corona and maybe a Little Dragon. 
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strykingback · 5 years
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One could say that their battles were legendary, The Clash of The Titans or The Great Titan War as I call it. One of the cave drawings depicts the end of the first wave of humanity as after what is believed to be the  pieces shattered moon falling from the sky freeing Imperius  from his imprisonment in the mountains of Vale. Whilst another drawing shown Exaltia defends the remnants of humanity from such a destructive moment. 
Another cave painting depicted the Other Grimm Titans both Benevolent and Malevolent being taking sides and preparing for a long war, while some Benevolent Titans took it upon themselves to protect the remnants of humanity. 
The Battle location seemingly took place where there was atleast one LARGE chunk of what is believed to be the moon. 
From further research that the team and I found out that the submursible drones found at the bottom of Argus’ seas are that it has skeletons of the Benevolent Titans that once were there along with the headskulls of the Malevolent Grimm Titans. I concluded to the rest of the team that it was a Titan Graveyard..and the Battlefield.
However, I do have many fears that if an event were to happen like this again... Argus would be caught in the middle of it and knowing Cordovin’s grandstanding pride of course her war machine might not be able to win against Imperius.. or whatever remaining Titans still exist. 
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strykingback · 5 years
Updates In Progress~!
Hey Ya’ll mun here! Theres going to be some updates without the bullshit. Yes I know thats from sirwag (FITE ME):
1. Introducing Exaltia and Imperius! 
The Grimm Gods of Benevolence and Malevolence will be introduced into TEAM BLCK. 
2. Outsider the Grimm Raptor Bio will be introduced. 
Outsider bio will be immediately be brought in as well! I’ve been procrastinating putting in his bio for a while now. 
3. Lore Updates
The following Lore will receive an update and will be added (Anything in italics is a Lore update anything bolded is something new)
The Atelier Paladins- 
Such as the different Districts of Actus 
What They Do
How They Fight
Different Ranks
The Shinbaori-
Who’s In Charge
What They Do
The Shinbaori Warriors
The Nightwalkers-
Corona’s gang that she was a part of until going to Beacon Academy.
The Temple of Light-
Exaltia’s Home  and where the Old Human Race is thriving (Before The God Of Darkness Thanos’d them all.) 
The Temple of Darkness- 
Imperius’ Home and the spot where Tyrian (In my headcanon)  lost his mind and would  serve Salem. 
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strykingback · 5 years
Should I create a lore page for Team BLCK just in case what do you guys think? 
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strykingback · 4 years
Aight not gonna lie.  Who here wants me to make a discord server for the Team BLCK so that way people can join up and learn about its lore and stuffs. 
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