kylos-starlight · 6 months
{All I See Is You.}
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Ship: Paterson x Kaden
Words: 1,956 (I'M SORRY ;-;)
cw: disgustingly cute?? lkdfjsldf (no cw!)
Summary: Maybe routine wasn't so boring?
Notes: LYRIC FIC!? LYRIC FIC! \O/ kinda? It's going to be Paterson and Kaden's song~! (obv blue text = Paterson and Purple =Kaden)
Hey if you don't self-ship please DNI. Nothing against ya, I got anxiety lol // ok2rb
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.: I wish we had more time and less space between. Reality would be much better than a dream :.
Mundane and normal, going to and from every day, doing the exact same things day in and day out, who you meet and who you speak to is often different, even sometimes the regular cast of characters are the same but their conversations are different.
There seemed to be one more thing that interrupted that everyday flow. It happened about a month ago. It was concerning at first, were they okay? Was it safe for them to be up that high? Wait, were they even allowed over there? What the heck was the fence for if people could get over there? After a while though, he realized that the person who sat with their legs thrown over the edge of the cliff was just enjoying their surroundings.
This person wore a headset, it was black with orange decals plastered all over it. their hair was a mix of blue and black that changed depending on where they were, he was a little taken back at first by it. He could have sworn this individual had black hair until they stepped into the sunlight revealing their hair was actually a form of dark blue. Even despite the distance it stood out.
He thought it was going to be a one-time thing. Something new in his life for a brief moment then vanished but he was wrong…
.: I woke up in a different place than I left when I closed my eyes and this feeling, I can't explain, that this day would make me alive~ :.
Today marks the first day of two months since he sees them. It's the same time every single day, rain or shine. He was usually there before they were. When he started to realize that they were showing up more frequently he started checking his watch and sure enough, 12:00pm right on the nose they would come into view, walking over to the cliff side to take a seat.
To say he was curious about the person who sat so close yet so far, he wondered what their life was like? Was it like his own or was it something completely different? He stole many glances at this mystery person so you can imagine the sinking feeling he felt today when he glanced up at them to see they were already looking over in his direction. Perhaps they were looking somewhere else?
He felt like they made eye contact, his suspicions were confirmed when they tilted their head a little and Paterson couldn't help but mimic the action from where he was sitting then he felt a new wave of electricity shoot through his body when he noticed the person on the cliff smile widely which only made him smile.
.: All I see is you ~ :.
The person lifted their arm a little, it came up into a small wave and Paterson waved back. The person grinned, swinging their legs a little faster, one after the other as they leaned forward a little to which Paterson looked concerned but sighed in relief when they straightened. They watched as the person looked around and then back to him. A quizzical look on his face when the person looked like they waved over their face their hand making a relaxed five, rounding it around their face and he shrugged his shoulders.
The person repeated the action and then gestured around them. Oh!? Was that sign language? Something about the landscape? The person shook their head and shrugged. They could yell across to him but their voice probably wouldn't be able to carry over the waterfall too well.
Paterson grabbed his notebook and scribbled something down into it. "Sign Language - Hand over face" he spoke to himself then looked at his watch he had to go and for the first time in his life, he sort of didn't want to.
Paterson looked up at the person pointing to his watch and thumbed towards the busy street. The person smiled and nodded their head, bringing their dominant hand up to eye level, palm facing their body as their fingers made a 'v' with their index and middle finger, the rest of their fingers were folded towards themselves. They moved it away from their head, holding the position before they placed their left thumb to their right palm, their left hand making an L shape as they tilted it down and Paterson figured yes, it was definitely sign language.
The person cliff side wasn't fully deaf but one ear was so they used signs if they were too far away from people or couldn't hear people over music. They wanted it as a backup in case they did go fully deaf in the future.
For the rest of the day, Paterson wore a soft smile on his face, he went to the library grabbing some ASL books and tried to find what the person signed and that's when he came across it and smiled, shaking his head.
"Pretty" He sighed "They were saying the area was pretty." He flipped through the book and couldn't find the last thing they signed so he took to the internet to try and figure it out and sure enough there it was.
"See… you …later-" For some reason, Paterson felt excitement source throughout him and his stomach took flight with a million butterflies. He was very excited and hopeful for tomorrow…
.: There are so many things that I have left unsaid. I'd rather be with you, be with you instead:.
Paterson over the week did a little studying of his own and learned a few signs himself, he was happy that every day this week, that person was there and they subtly interacted with each other. It brought a spark to his day.
He looked at his watch and got up, Paterson trailed to his favourite bar, same time every evening for his one glass of beer before he headed home. He opened the door and took a step inside, his eyes glanced around the room, all the familiar faces. 'Oh! I know that sweater…'
The person from the cliffs, there they were, looking through the jukebox for a song for some reason Paterson felt nervous. They were right there! No water, no fence, no barrier between them. All he had to do was walk over and say hi.
"Hey, Paterson." Doc, the bartender hummed softly, he always had Paterson's glass set out for him, knowing the exact time he would walk in.
"Uh…y-yeah..hi" He stuttered and Doc raised a brow. Paterson was usually a quiet guy but he never really stuttered that much.
"Are you okay?" Doc asked and Paterson stared down at his glass before his eyes flicked up and over to the mystery person who was now sitting on the barstool mere inches away from him, swaying to the soft music that came out from the jukebox.
Doc noticed Paterson's glances and a small smile etched onto his face. "Oh, I see…Hey" Doc turned his attention toward the mystery person and Paterson felt a rush of nervousness go through him. "you're new here right?" Doc asked the person and they nodded their head.
"Mmhm~" They hummed.
"Where are you from?" Doc asked.
"Canada." They spoke and Paterson swallowed hard, his eyes flicking up to them and his heart sank.
Their voice wasn't overly feminine their pitch carried a gentle, melodic quality without the exaggerated femininity, it was rich and warm, and it sounded so soothing and pleasant to Paterson. He could feel heat rising in his neck and he had to look back at his glass.
"That's a long way away." Doc chuckled and they laughed softly too.
Once again Paterson felt those fluttering feelings inside of himself. He couldn't explain it. his eyes glanced back up and over to them and he noticed their eyes and his mind took off without him realizing; thinking how vibrant they were like emeralds catching sunlight, the subtle striking detail of their outer rim, a darker green, as if nature itself painted shadows around the edges of a lush forest. He could get lost in their beauty.
The person looked over towards Paterson and noticed that the was staring at them and they mimicked their earlier action, they tilted their head and smiled to which Paterson blinked and finally glanced away a shy chuckle leaving him. Doc's work there was done, he smirked and walked away to talk to another patron of the bar.
"You're the one who sits at the park bench right?" They smiled sweetly.
"Yeah. I..I do." Paterson cleared his throat, gods why was he so nervous?
"Hi!" They smiled, they too were getting a better look at him, messy dark hair, and equally dark eyes, his face was scattered with beauty marks and freckles, he was an absolute cutie!
"I'm Paterson." He smiled softly, he had also just caught them staring at his features, he followed their eyes and when their eyes met they both chuckled softly.
"Kaden" They smiled back. "Pleasure to finally meet you~"
"Pretty and see you later" Paterson said randomly.
"Hey, you figured it out!" Kaden grinned. "I sometimes forget people don't know sign…but I also didn't want to rip out my throat hollering over the water"
Paterson chuckled softly at their words. "No, no it's okay, It was a learning experience for me. I went on a hunt to figure out what you said learned a few too. So, you're not completely at a loss with hearing? Sorry if that's too personal."
"Not at all. I have Meniere's disease, basically, a fancy word for tinnitus mixed with an awful dose of vertigo attacks that hit suddenly and give me massive head pain. It affects my left ear so badly that I'm completely deaf in my left ear. Doctors said it's extremely rare that it will travel to my right ear but juuuuust in case, I'm learning signs so if that day comes I'm prepared~"
"That sounds awful, sorry you experienced it" Paterson frowned to which Kaden smiled.
"Nah, it's okay~ So Paterson, what do you do?"
Paterson enjoyed his time spent talking with Kaden, he finished his beer and looked at his watch. He wanted to stay but he didn't want to risk messing up his schedule for tomorrow. He stood up and smiled.
"Well. I have to head out now." Paterson gave them a smile and Kaden could have sworn his eyes looked a little sad and Kaden grinned.
"See you cliffside ~" Kaden giggles softly.
"Absolutely" Paterson smiled. "Oh yeah, want to see what I've been working on? Don't laugh at me if I don't get it a hundred percent right okay? I'm still learning"
Kaden raised a brow, their expression holding amusement and curiosity as they nodded their head, they had no idea what he was going to do. Kaden took note of the rising blush on his cheeks but they figured it was just his nerves from signing something.
Paterson pointed to Kaden and took his index and middle finger and brushed them downward against his chin and Kaden was left in complete shock, their eyes wide as heat hit their cheeks and they blushed darkly. The blush on their face was mirrored by Paterson's as he smiled.
"See you tomorrow" Paterson hummed before turning on his heel and walking out.
"What was that about?" Doc laughed, "You look like you were hit with Cupid's arrow!"
"He…He signed that I was cute.." Kaden mumbled.
.: this feeling, I can't explain. That this day would make me alive. I just know, I just know, all I see is you :.
Tag list: @ama-ships || @heatobrienswife || @lysandreslittlechatot || @kylars-princess || @retrojem || @dragonsmooch
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