#[This is for characters who would otherwise only interact with her older or Edo Tensei self]
uzumakinomegami · 4 years
Rebirth AU
Mito was reborn into Kakashi's generation with her knowledge and some- but not all- memories from her past life.
She was reborn to protect the future reincarnations of Ashura and Indra- Naruto and Sasuke- in much the same way that she was supposed to help protect the past reincarnations- Hashirama and Madara- of the two. 
Assigned to a team with Tsumemasa Hyūga and Minako Inuzuka, Mito was under the questionable guidance of a mostly inebriated sensei. She still learnt a lot and somehow managed to fly under the radar of Minato and Kushina, which she can only be thankful for. 
After the Kyuubi attack, Mito was put in charge of raising Naruto as she was the only one in the village capable of controlling the fox, not to mention she was the only other Uzumaki in the village. She is known only to be Narutos "elder sister".
She does her best to raise Naruto how the village wants but she eventually slips up and tells Naruto about the fox and his parents, not disclosing their names or who his father was. She was trying to raise Naruto as well as work in the hospital. 
By the start of the series, she is akin to a stressed-out single mother who is trying to raise a rambunctious teenager while also working every single day with little to no breaks. Mito does hold a sisterly affection for Naruto though and she does her best to be there for him when he needs/wants her.
Mito teaches Naruto everything she can regarding sealing among other things. She also teaches him how to cook more than just ramen, though she does treat him to ramen every weekend. Her wallet couldn't take them having it any more than that. 
Mito was the medic on call when Team 7 returned from their mission to the Land of Waves. She reprimanded Kakashi for not sending back a message to let the Hokage know that the mission had changed rank and for putting the children in danger like that. This wasn't a war and he needed to stop assuming that those children were trained soldiers like they were, they were untrained for that sort of mission and they had nearly died as a result. Not to mention the fact that Naruto's seal broke which could have put him in danger. 
She was also promoted to head doctor after the Chūnin Exams and the Konoha Crush, taking over from the last head doctor when it's revealed they died in the attack. This doubled her workload and she is often kept away from Naruto for even longer periods, though she does take one break to deal with Gaara's shoddy seal as well as fixing Naruto's again. She inevitably collapses from exhaustion before Tsunade comes to Konoha and therefore is unable to meet with her. 
Mito wakes up just after the Sasuke Recovery Team leaves Konoha, immediately going back to work. It is because she is awake at all that she can assist Tsuande- who by this point she knows fairly well- in the healing of the team. It is mostly due to Mito's intensive research that she and Tsunade were able to heal Choji. Mito is also the one to personally heal Neji and repair Shikamaru's dislocated finger. Mito also heals Naruto alone, reprimanding him gently all the while. He had worried her sick when he came back injured and exhausted.
The three-year time skip sees Mito becoming closer with Tsunade, even going on to become a close confidant. It also sees her becoming head of the hospital, relieving Tsunade of that duty altogether. She becomes privy to just how corrupt Konoha is and she feels disgusted that this is what became of the village Hashirama had created. 
She doesn't have any defining events happen to her between Naruto's return and the Pain Arc so all I can say is she continues refining her medical skills to create even better medical practices than they had.
When Pain attacks Konoha, Mito is among the few that escape the initial attack. Instead, she has her entire body broken in multiple places and she is most definitely not going to make it. Naruto gets concerned when he sees her and Pain uses that to his advantage. Instead of it being Hinata getting injured that triggers Naruto's nine-tails transformation, it is Pain killing Mito in front of him that does it.
Mito is revived after the attack but due to the damage her body sustained, she was rendered comatose again while her body was gradually healed. Her body wasn't fully healed until just before the war started and she was absent from said war for a day while she woke up and readjusted to living again.
She arrived in time to help the best she could during the war, which mostly resulted in her being placed on medic duty. She has no idea if Madara or Hashirama would recognise her and she works out a way to nullify the effects of the black receivers. She tests her theory on Hashirama and is able to remove the receivers stuck in his body before mending the damage done. She reinstates the Edo Tensei's regenerative abilities and then goes on to test if her theory would work on Minato, though the results are unknown as she doesn't quite make it to him. Instead, she is sidetracked by Karin manifesting the incomplete Adamantine Attacking Chains.
Deciding that the time for hiding was over, Mito chose to head onto the battlefield proper and fix any injuries while fighting alongside the shinobi. Because she was on the battlefield at all, she was able to save Neji's life using clones and a lot of chakra. She had him rushed to the medic tent and he was properly healed there. 
After some time, Mito had to bust out the SoaHS and she used that to heal others quickly while also dealing some devastating attacks to the enemy. 
When Naruto got killed, Mito sensed his chakra just disappear. It caused her to go through what could only be described as a mental breakdown as she tried comprehending that the boy she had raised was gone. They may not be blood-related but that doesn't mean that she loved him any less. This breakdown caused her to go on the hunt for Madara. 
She saw what he did to Sasuke and chose to stay back, simply to see what he would do next. Mito rushes to Sasuke's side after the incident and is the reason Kabuto can come to his aid in time and rescue him. When Kabuto arrives and takes over the healing, Mito goes to release Tobirama from the black receivers and grant him his regeneration again. 
She gets caught in the Infinite Tsukuyomi and her dream is not like the others. Instead, she is forced to relive her past lives. She has been reborn more than once in the past after all. It is a weird dream that she never quite gets to the end of. She is saved like everyone else and she is able to reunite with Naruto after they both recover.
Within the Boruto era, or a similar era, she is still the head of the hospital. She has taken more of an active role within the hospital- more so than before anyway- and deals with any difficult cases herself. Sakura becomes her assistant head and also is there for difficult operations. Mito does her absolute best to keep a high rate of survivals and she has more than made up for any time lost from her previous absences.
She has not started a family and has no intention of doing so. Her career has always been her priority and finding love has taken a bit of a back seat. Although, the right person could make her change her mind. When Naruto gets married and has kids, Mito is a great help as an aunt and she does her best to pamper them. 
Mito has also discovered that within a meditative state, she has access to all her past lives memories. Meaning, she can discover who she was and then use any information that she can find to possibly assist the future development of seals and medicine. 
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