#[av. the halfling rogue]
c0mplex-heroes · 7 months
[mv. drifting the verse] - Main-verse, Lucy's life as a merc.
[mv. the orphanage] - Main-verse, Lucy in the orphanage as an experiment.
[mv. tanner] - Main-verse, Lucy's youth as a criminal with her brother, Marcus.
[mv. boone farm] - Main-verse, Lucy's childhood on the family farm
[av. outbreak] - AU Verse, Zombie/Last of Us verse.
[av. the halfling rogue] - AU Verse, Lucy's D&D verse.
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halflingdeath · 4 years
First Impressions
(from x)
“Now that’s what I like to ‘ear!” Tomi flashed the stranger a brilliant winning grin, the one that earned him his famous nickname among the dames. The very same that also too often prefaced a whirlwind of adventure with just enough playful chaos to keep things interesting. Luckily, the halfling rogue would have it no other way.
The man stuck out of place like a glittering diamond among pebbles. Tomi approved - this bloke’s got style. While casing his newfound comrade, he couldn’t help but notice the leather that clashed with his shou-style clothing. At his belt hanging among various blades was a telltale mask that often accompanied followers of the aptly-named deity sharing the name of the garment. Right away he felt a familiar sensation of impending antics of the best kind.
The wily halfling did his utmost to peer around the bars caging him at the business this posh-looking fellow was doing to the lock. “Well would ya look at that,” he marveled. Before his eyes it was spontaneously rusting over... now what kind of magic was that?
As he stepped back to give the man some room to work at the lock, he quipped, “I get the feelin’ that this’ll be the start of a beautiful friendship. ‘Least that’s what the quiverin’ in me pinkie toes tells me, mind you.” He gave a small care-free chuckle. “An’ who do I ‘ave the pleasure of meeting in this cozy li’l slammer, eh?”
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