#[bladed rose] taiana seiryu
A few days had passed. Rumors continued to spread about the vigilante, now dubbed 'Masked Flare', and their activities. Taiana was still a bit miffed about her own attempts at helping people getting her labeled as a dork, but decided to channel that frustration into her sword practice.
After all, if anything she should be happy about all this.
Xayvion had finally been discharged from the hospital. Lilliannah had already been dropped off at school, and he had been given paid time off at work, so he guess there was only one thing left for him to do.
...He had to find that girl again. He... wanted to give his thanks for her help.
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They call you weird for it? God forbid women do anything. 😔
"Yeah, yeah, it's always 'the weird sword kid' or something. And yet no one ever calls Jacian that! I'd argue he's WAY weirder than me! He's just got way too much charisma for his own good, hehe." She grinned jokingly
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The nest day at school, Taiana would hear rumors of some new vigilante who had been stopping crimes at nights and on the weekends all around town. A lot of girls in her class were whispering about how 'handsome and mysterious' they were, and speculating that 'hey, maybe they go here 'cause they only seem to be active after school!'
She rolled her eyes. Maaan, how come when SHE tried to go around helping people like that she was called 'the masked dweeb' and labeled a weirdo? Ah, but still.
...It was definitely... Interesting. Very interesting.
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Weird that they didn’t stop the stabbing!
"Well, I mean. I DID find the guy while walking home from school, and he seemed like he was laying there for a while, soooo I don't think that's be possible since this guy seems to only operate at nights during the week. Assuming what I've heard is true."
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That’s the guy you rescued. He seems to know you, but you can ignore that if you weren’t supposed to know.
"Huh. That's... weird.
I'm PRETTY sure I've never seen that guy before today..."
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So there’s some history here…
Taiana, do you or your family know a Xayvion?
Nope, don't think so! Why?"
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A good 4 hours later, Taiana finally left the hospital and began her walk home. It seemed that everything was going to be fine, which she was happy about. She felt a bit proud, honestly; She had actually managed to help someone! Ah, but still...
What had happened to that guy in the first place, she wondered?
- - -
Xayvion lay awake in his hospital bed. Lilliannah was already curled up fast asleep on his lap, but his mind was too crowded with thoughts for him to sleep, as ususal.
...That girl...
...He knew her from somewhere, he was certain of it. But where...?
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Taiana glanced at the building in front of her. This was the place, right? This definitely looked like an elementary school. so yeah, it was probably the right place. Probably.
Lilliannah was sitting on a bench right outside the building, kicking her feet as she hummed to herself. Mr. Xayvi was late today... He was late sometimes, but not usually this late. She frowned. She hoped everything was ok...
"Hey, are you Lilliannah?"
She looked up as Taiana approached, tilting her head a bit. Hm, Mr. Xayvi had said not to talk to strangers, EVER.
....So she didn't respond. Taiana kinda just stood there for a moment before saying "Uh, your... Caretaker? Xayvion, he asked me to come get you. Cause he's in the hospital."
"WHAT?!" She sprung up, standing on the bench to meet her height (sorta) "What happened to Mr. Xayvi? Did you hurt him!?"
"Eh? No, no, I just brought him to the hospital 'cause I found him hurt. He's doing much better now, but the doctor said he kept trying to bust out so he could come get you. So she sent me to come get you instead."
Lilliannah narrowed her eyes.
...Yeah, she could probably take this girl if she had to.
"....Ok, I'll come with you." She said, hopping down from the bench, the many charms on her backpack jingling as she did. "But! You better not be lying, or else!!"
Taiana put a hand over her heart. "Of course not! You have my word; Everything I say is the truth. Knight's honor."
Lilliannah's eyes widened a bit. Knight's honor...? Oh man this girl was a knight!? Then there was no WAY she would be lying!
"Ok, I believe you!" She said giggling a bit. "Lead the way, Miss Knight!"
Taiana smiled, and the two headed back towards the hospital.
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Taiana sat in the hospital waiting room, twiddling her thumbs.
...She knew she didn't have to stick around. She had no clue who this guy was, or what had even happened (something one of the nurses had lectured her about, much to her annoyance). But even so, she wouldn't feel right if she didn't at least stick around to see if he would be ok.
....She should probably call her dad and let him know she was gonna be home late. Something told her this wasn't gonna be a quick.
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Taiana kicked a small rock across the sidewalk as she made her way home from school. Ugh, her grades were finally up to an 'acceptable' level by her mom's standards.... She would finally have time for sword practice!
She thought about how long it had been and cringed. Aughhhh, she was going to be so out of practice at this point.... Jacian was gonna have to wait a bit longer for another duel, it seemed. But still, it was going to be so nice to get back to her usual routine...
...For all of a week before her mom found something else she was apparently not doing good enough at. Sigh.
She kept thinking on what she was going to do with her time now that she was free again as she walked. She and Saino could resume their usual shenanigans, she could hang out with Jacian and Gabrielli again, her and Jacian could maybe finally go on a date....
As she passed the next alleyway however, she froze.
...There was blood streaked across the sidewalk, almost as if someone had dragged themselves - or been dragged - into the alley. Heart pounding, she looked into the depths of the shaded area and saw...
A very skinny man had collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily.
He had an open wound on his side.
Taiana instantly moved to help.
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anyways take something that i'm never gonna finish since it's relevant now
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"BARK BARK!" That little purple idiot is here to be comforting - prancing around the 3 in the ruins of the fight. (Bd-wireroses)
By this point, they're quite a few streets away from the fight scene, though some small pieces of rubble still litter the area.
"Hm- What Is That-"
Jacian turns to see what Taiana was referring too, though the concern on his face fades as he sees the furby. "Oh, that is... Garner's, I believe."
....Why did he even expect people to listen to him when he requested they stay out of things at this point.
[@bd-wireroses] (just a thread between the end and epilogue i suppose lol)
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Myojo is quickly heading towards Jacian and Taiana, something clutched in his hands. "Is it over?" (moriohs-little-demon)
Jacian, who at this point has run out of adrenaline and as such realized that he probably has at least 1 broken rib, was leaning on Gabbrielli for support as the three walked, though they halted as Myojo approached.
Jacian nodded, a tired smile on his face. "Yes. It is finally over."
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(bd-wireroses - Kai) "Hey is this where you do swords stuff? You guys need a sword caddy?"
Taiana, who had been quietly eating her lunch alone, looked around before pointing to herself. "...Are you talking to me? Because, like.... Yeah, I used to duel a friend of mine pretty often, but since he's not around I don't anymore." She frowned a bit. "And even if I still did that sorta stuff here, I don't need someone to carry around my sword for me."
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Hijri awkwardly approached the the strange girl he'd seen sword fight a handful of times. He cleared his throat to get Taiana's attention, "May I ask you a few questions?" [poorly-drawn-akira]
Taiana, who had been kinda just... Standing around, and noticed him as soon as he approached, looked over with a grin. "Me? Yeah, sure! What do you wanna know?"
[ @poorly-drawn-akira ]
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Bio: Taiana Seiryu
The Bladed Rose of Serenity
DOB: 6/12
Height: 178 cm; Appx. 5 ft. 10 in.
Stand User?: Yes
- Family: Saino, Theo, Erikson, Fio, Shoza
- Friends: Jacian, Gabbrielli, Toru, Orlando
- Acquaintances: Merridith, Kaitso, Kyō, Anton, Yoku, Shin, her classmates/teacher in 3-B
- Boyfriend 'Eternal Rival': Jacian
Likes: Being helpful, rose tea, knights, white chocolate, orange, comfortable clothing, capes, roses (especially red ones), swords, smithing, orchestral music, metal
Dislikes: Oranges, feeling useless, failing people, pressure, pre-set expectations, cheaters, people being dishonorable, being alone, making mistakes (preventable or not)
Other info: Coming in hot, it's Taiana! Self proclaimed 'Knight of the people', the 'Bladed Rose', a... Dragon princess and possibly demigod from a pocket dimension between Europe and Africa.
Is this even JoJos at this point????
....Anyways. Taiana's well known for going around town (after school, of course) and lending aid to those who need it, doing things as mundane as helping to fix a fence or things as impressive as stopping a criminal. She always has her trusty sidekick at her side too, in the form of her twin brother Saino. Though most of her peers at school just know her as 'that one weird sword kid', due in part to the regular duels she has on school grounds, with her Eternal Rival, Sir Jacian Von Rittedel. She cares deeply about others, especially those close to her, and will go to any lengths necessary to protect them, even if it means taking on damage herself. However, she can be a complete brick wall in social situations, completely unable to read the room and often making jokes when she probably shouldn't be (something she profusely apologizes for). She isn't proud of this part of herself, and has begun to try and improve on it, but..... Yeah it's not going to well as of now. She also is prone to tease her friends-in a good natured way of course-but struggles with telling when this is and isn't appropriate too. Still, despite this she's incredibly quick witted and tactical, with near perfect grades and a knack for coming up with strategies that may seem unorthodox at first, but are actually quite brilliant.
Alternate Outfits:
[Duty ~ Ablaze] (name to be removed when picture is added)
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“Just try and hit me! I'll know your moves before you can even make them!”
Ability Description: Grants the user enhanced perceptive abilities; user is aware of every movement or action within a 10 meter radius of them, though walls or other obstacles will 'muffle' their perception; the further away from the center of the radius, the more 'muffled' the actions will be as well.
Special Traits: Stand has no physical form, and therefore no combative abilities; Ability is always active; Due to the nature of the ability, it is incredibly difficult for the user to be distracted; Similarly, the user can easily multitask; The user will perceive their own actions normally, not through their stand.
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